• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2019

Hollywood Goes Latin: Spanish-Language Cinema in Los Angeles by
Takashi Shimura: Chameleon of Japanese Cinema by Nollen, Scott Allen
Captivating Westerns: The Middle East in the American West by Kollin, Susan
Cinefilia fácil by Vega Moralejo, Tomás
Marxist Film Theory and Fight Club by Kornbluh, Anna
Marxist Film Theory and Fight Club by Kornbluh, Anna
Polish Migrants in European Film 1918-2017 by Van Heuckelom, Kris
The Gothic and Death by
Frame by Frame: A Materialist Aesthetics of Animated Cartoons by Frank, Hannah
Disney/Pixar the Art of Toy Story 4: (Toy Story Art Book, Pixar Animation Process Book) by Cooley, Josh
Neoliberal Gothic: International Gothic in the Neoliberal Age by
George Stevens: The Films of a Hollywood Giant by Sinyard, Neil
La Parisienne in Cinema: Between Art and Life by Chaplin, Felicity
Drawing: Cartooning 1: Learn the Basics of Cartooning by Keely, Jack, Van Osten, Carson
Hollywood Black: The Stars, the Films, the Filmmakers by Bogle, Donald
Reality TV and Queer Identities: Sexuality, Authenticity, Celebrity by Lovelock, Michael
Transformation and Tradition in 1960s British Cinema by Farmer, Richard, Mayne, Laura, Petrie, Duncan
A Graphic Novel Experience of The Monsterjunkies: Volumes 1 & 2 by Shein, Erik Daniel
The Cinema of Iceland: Between Tradition and Liquid Modernity by Konefal, Sebastian Jakub
Postmodern Vampires: Film, Fiction, and Popular Culture by Ní Fhlainn, Sorcha
Cine Político En México (1968-2017) by
The Vietnam War on Film by Luhrssen, David
Digital Storytelling: Form and Content by
1955: The Year of the Extraordinary Expansion of CinemaScope. by Watson, John V.
Gothic Heroines on Screen: Representation, Interpretation, and Feminist Inquiry by
Douglas Sirk, Aesthetic Modernism and the Culture of Modernity by Evans, Victoria L.
Rethinking the Hollywood Teen Movie: Gender, Genre and Identity by Smith, Frances
Claude Chabrol's Aesthetics of Opacity by Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine
How To Make Blockbuster Movies- And Do It On Your Own by Getty, Tom
The Audience Effect: On the Collective Cinema Experience by Hanich, Julian
The Godfather: The Corleone Family Cookbook by Battle, Liliana
Gothic Heroines on Screen: Representation, Interpretation, and Feminist Inquiry by
The American Horror Film: A Comparison between Original and Remake in the Example of "Black Christmas", 1974 and 2006 by Memedoski, Denis
I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture by Jameson, A. D.
About "Macbeth". A Postmodern Film by Mandal, Samir
Killers, Clients and Kindred Spirits: The Taboo Cinema of Shohei Imamura by
Filming the Line of Control: The Indo-Pak Relationship Through the Cinematic Lens by
The Art of Harry Potter (Mini Book): Mini Book of Creatures by Insight Editions
Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas by
Moseby Confidential: Arthur Penn's Night Moves and the Rise of Neo-Noir by Gear, Matthew Asprey
Why We Love Star Wars: The Great Moments That Built a Galaxy Far, Far Away by Napzok, Ken
French Literature on Screen by
Virtuoso: Film Performance and the Actor's Magic by Pomerance, Murray
Virtuoso: Film Performance and the Actor's Magic by Pomerance, Murray
Alejandro Amenábar by Jordan, Barry
Partners in Suspense: Critical Essays on Bernard Herrmann and Alfred Hitchcock by
Decentring France: Multilingualism and Power in Contemporary French Cinema by King, Gemma
Wende, Kinder Und Fernsehen: Massenmedien Und Ihre Rolle Am Beispiel Des Kinderfernsehprogramms Des Deutschen Fernsehfunks by Kim, Misun
Film Analysis of the Silent Movie Within Our Gates. Oscar Micheaux's Portrayal of African Americans to counter Stereotypes of the Black Race by Kurz, Carmen
'The Modern Miracle You See Without Glasses': 'Twentieth Century-Fox presents A CinemaScope Production': 1953 by Watson, John V.
The Golden Age of Disaster Cinema: A Guide to the Films, 1950-1979 by Havert, Nik
Seeing the Beat Generation: Entering the Literature through Film by Chandarlapaty, Raj
Pictorial Affects, Senses of Rupture: On the Poetics and Culture of Popular German Cinema, 1910-1930 by Wedel, Michael
Dubious Pundits: Presidential Politics, Late-Night Comedy, and the Public Sphere by Wild, Nickie Michaud
Spoiler Alert!: (It's a Book about the Philosophy of Spoilers) by Greene, Richard
Rocketman: The Official Movie Companion by Weldon Owen
Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes by
Berwick Street Film Collective: Nightcleaners & ´36 to ´77 by
Zum Status der Montage innerhalb der feministischen Zuschauertheorie Laura Mulveys by Grote, Luca Maria
Figures of Time: Affect and the Television of Preemption by Pape, Toni
Screening Youth: Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema by
The Contemporary Western: An American Genre Post-9/11 by White, John
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Film That Terrified a Rattled Nation by Lanza, Joseph
Once Upon a Time in the West: Shooting a Masterpiece by
Stranger Things. Mundos Al Revés / Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down by McIntyre, Gina
The Star Wars Archives. 1977-1983 by Duncan, Paul
Reading Westworld by
Der DEFA-Märchenfilm "Das singende, klingende Bäumchen" als Beispiel einer filmischen Komposition auf Grundlage verschiedener Erzähltypen und Literatu by Zabel, Kristin
Anne of the Thousand Days: The Making of an Epic by Lafferty, Jennifer K.
Die Sendung mit der Maus. Vergleichende Analyse zweier Sachgeschichten zum Thema Konservendosen by Schäfer, Jacqueline
The Films of Douglas Sirk: Exquisite Ironies and Magnificent Obsessions by Ryan, Tom
England's Secret Weapon: The Wartime Films of Sherlock Holmes by Field, Amanda J.
Die ZDF Serie "Die Wahrheit über den Holocaust". Authentizität und Popularisierung von Geschichte in Fernsehdokumentationen by Kurz, Carmen
Die Beziehung zwischen Elizabeth Bennet und Mr. Darcy in "Stolz und Vorurteil": Gegenüberstellung der literarischen und filmischen Darstellung by Mahler, Alisa
Transcendence and Film: Cinematic Encounters with the Real by
The Coen Brothers' America by Booker, M. Keith
Ghostbusters III: A Failed Ghostbusters Treatment by Rehany, Oren, Denius, Aaron
Story Structure in Film. The Multi-Level Model by Matthias, Lee
Formen des Fetischismus im Film noir by Kauruff, Cornelia
Das Motiv von Metamorphose und Mythos im japanischen Anime: Ranma 1/2 by Hagen, Lisa
Lasting Screen Stars: Images That Fade and Personas That Endure by
Filming back. Transkulturalitätsmuster im deutsch-türkischen Kino und im Cinéma beur: Am Beispiel von "Yasemin", "La Haine", "Gegen die Wand" und "La by Teitge, Marlena
Ein komplexer Charakter zwischen Erfolg und Sehnsucht. Figurenanalyse des "Großen Gatsby" by Torke, Fiona
"Tote schlafen fest" als typischer Film Noir? Eine Analyse der Merkmale des Film Noir und ihr Auftauchen in "Tote schlafen fest" by Keunecke, Stephanie
Eine Filmanalyse von Fritz Langs "M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder" by Hohmann, Sophie
Die Verfilmung "Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull" von 1957: Über das Konzept der Heldenreise nach Christopher Vogler by Kutzner, Steffen
Anatomy of the Slasher Film: A Theoretical Analysis by Petridis, Sotiris
Keep Music Evil: The Brian Jonestown Massacre Story by Valencia, Jesse
Scorpio Rising: A Queer Film Classic by Cagle, R. L.
Cities and Cinema by Mennel, Barbara
Giant by Graham, Don
The World of GoldenEye: A Comprehensive Study on the Seventeenth James Bond film and its Legacy by Suszczyk, Nicolas
Verfolgungsjagden. Die Konkurrenz zwischen Literatur und Film anhand von Andreas Steinhöfels "Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten" by Reitze, Janin
Escapism and Nostalgia in the Film Musical: The Case of "Mamma Mia!" by Herrmann, Cindy
Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch's CENSORED Guide to the Movies by Lynch, Trevor
The Cinema of Things: Globalization and the Posthuman Object by Ezra, Elizabeth
Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain: Recontextualizing Cultural Anxiety by Jones, Matthew
Science Fiction Films of The 20th Century: 1955-1956 by Moore, Theresa M.
Underground Homosexualities: Resituating the Early Sixties Cinema of Kenneth Anger Jack Smith and Andy Warhol by Brennan, Patrick
Underground Homosexualities: Resituating the Early Sixties Cinema of Kenneth Anger Jack Smith and Andy Warhol by Brennan, Patrick
Lycanthropes & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Lycanthropes & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Inhabiting the In-Between: Childhood and Cinema in Spain's Long Transition by Thomas, Sarah
Olivia de Havilland: Lady Triumphant by Amador, Victoria
Sound Design Theory and Practice: Working with Sound by Murray, Leo
So Deadly, So Perverse: Giallo-Style Films From Around the World, Vol. 3 by Howarth, Troy
Astor Pictures: A Filmography and History of the Reissue King, 1933-1965 by Pitts, Michael R.
An Archive of the Catastrophe: The Unused Footage of Claude Lanzmann's Shoah by Cazenave, Jennifer
From Polyvision to CinemaScope: 1927 to 1953.: The Definitive History of Widescreen in the Cinema: Part 1. by Watson, John V.
80 Movie And Movie Stars Puzzles: 50 Movie Themed Word Search And 30 Word Scramble Puzzles For Movie Enthusiasts by Puzzles, On Target
Anamorphic Authorship in Canonical Film Adaptation: A Case Study of Shakespearean Films by Geal, Robert
Surrogacy and the Reproduction of Normative Family on TV by Le Vay, Lulu
Digital Media and Documentary: Antipodean Approaches by
Sound Design Theory and Practice: Working with Sound by Murray, Leo
Doctor Who: A British Alien? by Nicol, Danny
American-Australian Cinema: Transnational Connections by
Post-Unification Turkish German Cinema: Work, Globalisation and Politics Beyond Representation by Naiboglu, Gozde
Japanese Horror and the Transnational Cinema of Sensations by Brown, Steven T.
Women in European Holocaust Films: Perpetrators, Victims and Resisters by Lewis, Ingrid
Gender in Spanish Urban Spaces: Literary and Visual Narratives of the New Millennium by
Musical Modernism and German Cinema from 1913 to 1933 by Finocchiaro, Francesco
Multiplatform Media in Mexico: Growth and Change Since 2010 by Smith, Paul Julian
Ruth Beckermann by
Bruce Lee: A Life by Polly, Matthew
Southern Glory: About South Indian films among top 100 Indian films listed by CNN-IBN during Indian Film Centenary Year 2013 by Vedantam Sripatisarma
The Films of Douglas Sirk: Exquisite Ironies and Magnificent Obsessions by Ryan, Tom
Domestic Violence in Hollywood Film: Gaslighting by Shoos, Diane L.
Australian Screen in the 2000s by
Comedies of Nihilism: The Representation of Tragedy Onscreen by Khan, Amir
Moving Eye: Film, Television, Architecture, Visual Art and the Modern by
Domestic Imaginaries: Navigating the Home in Global Literary and Visual Cultures by
Animal Worlds: Film, Philosophy and Time by McMahon, Laura
Contemporary Cinema and the Philosophy of Iris Murdoch by Bolton, Lucy
World Cinema and the Essay Film: Transnational Perspectives on a Global Practice by
Screening Divinity by Maurice, Lisa
How Empires Make Territory by
Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture by
Filmurbia: Screening the Suburbs by
The Scary Screen: Media Anxiety in The Ring by
Mad Mädchen: Feminism and Generational Conflict in Recent German Literature and Film by McCarthy, Margaret
Politiken Des Populären: Medien - Kultur - Wissenschaft by
Studying Horror Cinema by Turnock, Bryan
Spike Lee's Bamboozled and Blackface in American Culture by Sanderson, Elizabeth L.
The Palgrave Handbook of Children's Film and Television by
Studying Horror Cinema by Turnock, Bryan
Evangelion Illustrations 2007-2017 by
Lament of an Audience on the Death of an Artist by Strug, Cordell
Lament of an Audience on the Death of an Artist by Strug, Cordell
Geographies, Genders and Geopolitics of James Bond by Funnell, Lisa, Dodds, Klaus
1927: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of the Jazz Age's Greatest Year by Hischak, Thomas S.
Horror: A Companion by
Der Alltag in M. Night Shyamalans "The Village" by Gmelch, Adrian
The Films of Robin Williams: Critical Essays by
Narratives of Hurricane Katrina in Context: Literature, Film and Television by Keeble, Arin
The History of American Literature on Film by Leitch, Thomas
Hitchcock and the Censors by Billheimer, John
The Cinema of Marguerite Duras: Multisensoriality and Female Subjectivity by Royer, Michelle
Television and the Genetic Imaginary by Bull, Sofia
Screening the Author: The Literary Biopic by Shachar, Hila
Intermedial Dialogues: The French New Wave and the Other Arts by Schmid, Marion
When the Movies Mattered: The New Hollywood Revisited by
When the Movies Mattered: The New Hollywood Revisited by
Anti-Rassismus im deutschen Spielfilm by Partenhauser, Veronika
Authentizität im Horrorfilmgenre Imitation Found Footage. Von "The Blair Witch Project" bis in die Gegenwart by Janke, Andreas
The Fandom Fifty: Fifty fascinating people of the Maryland science fiction conventions. by
New Wave Queer Cinema: Queer Characters in the Movie "Weekend" (2011) and in the Television Series "Looking" (2014-2015) by Memedoski, Denis
Legacies of Indigenous Resistance: Pemulwuy, Jandamarra and Yagan in Australian Indigenous Film, Theatre and Literature by Dutto, Matteo
Professionals in Western Film and Fiction: The Portrayal of Doctors, Lawyers, Journalists, Clergymen and Others by Hall, Kenneth E.
Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch's CENSORED Guide to the Movies by Lynch, Trevor
All Around Monstrous: Monster Media in Their Historical Contexts by
Woody Allen and Charlie Chaplin: Little Men, Big Auteurs by Franks, Jill
Revisiting the Toolbox of Discourse Studies: New Trajectories in Methodology, Open Data, and Visualization by Rheindorf, Markus
"Aren't You Gonna Die Someday?" Elaine May's Mikey and Nicky: An Examination, Reflection, and Making Of (hardback) by Cooper, Patrick
The Simpsons: A Cultural History by Fink, Moritz
Spider-Man: Far from Home the Official Movie Special Book by Titan
I'll See You Again: The Bittersweet Love Story and Wartime Letters of Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: Volume 1: The War-and Before by McCormick, Maggie
I'll See You Again: The Bittersweet Love Story and Wartime Letters of Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: Volume 1: The War-and Before (hardback) by McCormick, Maggie
Tattoos in Crime and Detective Narratives: Marking and Remarking by
I'll See You Again: The Bittersweet Love Story and Wartime Letters of Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: Volume 2: The Letters by McCormick, Maggie
I'll See You Again: The Bittersweet Love Story and Wartime Letters of Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: Volume 2: The Letters (hardback by McCormick, Maggie
I'll See You Again: The Bittersweet Love Story and Wartime Letters of Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: Volume 3: After the War by McCormick, Maggie
I'll See You Again: The Bittersweet Love Story and Wartime Letters of Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond: Volume 3: After the War (hardback) by McCormick, Maggie
The Devils by Arnold, Darren
Das Gewand der Macht in Saw oder warum Jigsaw noch mit Puppen spielt by Münster, Jennifer
Wahnsinn im Film. Die Darstellung von Wahnsinn in Milos Forman's Drama "Einer flog übers Kuckucksnest" by Rütters, Maximilian
The City in American Cinema: Film and Postindustrial Culture by
Robert Taylor: Male Beauty, Masculinity, and Stardom in Hollywood by Kelly, Gillian
Making Sense of Mind-Game Films: Narrative Complexity, Embodiment, and the Senses by Littschwager, Simin Nina
Secular Magic and the Moving Image: Mediated Forms and Modes of Reception by Sexton, Max
Hollywood and the Baby Boom: A Social History by Russell, James, Whalley, Jim
Crossover Stardom: Popular Male Music Stars in American Cinema by Lobalzo Wright, Julie
Witness to Phenomenon: Group Zero and the Development of New Media in Postwar European Art by II, Joseph D. Ketner
Popular Modernism and Its Legacies: From Pop Literature to Video Games by
Robert Taylor: Male Beauty, Masculinity, and Stardom in Hollywood by Kelly, Gillian
Theatre Through the Camera Eye: The Poetics of an Intermedial Encounter by Sava, Laura
Puncture: the first 6 issues by Spielmann, Katherine
The Supernatural Sublime: The Wondrous Ineffability of the Everyday in Films from Mexico and Spain by Schaefer, Claudia, Rodríguez-Hernández, Raúl
Filmische Fiktion und biografische Realität. Das private und berufliche Verhältnis von Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou by Anonym
Studying the Hurt Locker by McSweeney, Terence
Halloween Horror Watchlist by Hutchison, Steve
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