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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Foreign Language General in 2011

Oxford Read and Discover: Level 3: Sound and Music by Northcott, Richard
Exploring Language Anxiety among Students by Luele, Solomon Admasu
The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy Land. by Thomson, William McClure
Anabasis by Xenophon
Ueber die Verschiedenheiten des menschlichen Sprachbaues by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Squamish-English Dictionary by
Deutschland im Stillen Ozean by Wegener, Georg
The Queen of Spades and Other Russian Stories: Dual Language Reader (English/Russian) by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Pushkin, Alexander S., Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Typological Changes in the Lexicon: Analytic Tendencies in English Noun Formation by Haselow, Alexander
Rising Japan: Is She a Menace or a Comrade to Be Welcomed in the Fraternity of Nations? by Sunderland, Jabez Thomas
Little Manual of the Russian Language by Reiff, Carl Philipp
Domestic Scenes in Russia: In a Series of Letters Describing a Year's Residence in That Country by Venables, Richard Lister
The Metres of the Greeks and Romans: A Manual for Schools and Private Study by Munk, Eduard
Essays on the Languages, Literature, and Religion of Nep L and Tibet by Hodgson, Brian Houghton
Account of the Structure of Chinese Characters by Chalmers, John
Chinese Immigration: Speech of Hon. Horace Davis of California in the House of Representatives by Davis, Horace
Poems of Rural Life, in the Dorset Dialect: With a Dissertation and Glossary. by Barnes, William
The Zincali - Or, an Account of the Gypsies of Spain by Borrow, George
Intermediate Yoruba: Language, Culture, Literature, and Religious Beliefs, Part II by Adeleke Ph. D., Abraham Ajibade
¡A Trabajar! Student Workbook by Williams, Tara Bradley
A Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect: Or, Dialogues on Ordinary and Familiar Subj by Stedman, Thomas Lathrop
Poems of Rural Life, in the Dorset Dialect: With a Dissertation and Glossary. Second Edition by Barnes, William
Adventures Among the Dyaks of Borneo, Etc. by Boyle, Frederick
A Dictionary: English and Burmese by Judson, Adoniram
Sut I Loywi Mewn Rhifyddeg Pen by Webber, Beryl, Haigh, Jean
Oceana, or England and Her Colonies. by Froude, James Anthony
Five Years' Residence in New Zealand; Or, Observations on Colonization. by Fuller, Francis
Cobb's New Sequel to the Juvenile Readers, Or, Fourth Reading Book, Etc. by Cobb, Lyman
South Africa: A Sketch Book of Men, Manners, and Facts. with an Appendix Upon the Present Situation in South Africa. by Little, James Stanley
South Africa: A Sketch Book of Men, Manners, and Facts. with an Appendix Upon the Present Situation in South Africa, Etc. by Little, James Stanley
Russian-English/English-Russian Practical Dictionary by Yermolovich, Dmitry
Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage by Considine, John
English And French, French And English Idioms. A Key To All The Modern Idioms And Idiomatic Phrases Of The French And English Languages by Belin, Prosper
Le souvenir French Phrasebook and Journal by Franklin, Daniel, Chapin, Alex
Making Out in Burmese: (Burmese Phrasebook) by Rhoden, T. F.
Vestigios del Corazón by Castillo, Gloria Martínez
Vestigios del Corazón by Castillo, Gloria Martínez
English Synonymes Classified and Explained - With Practical Exercises . Designed for Schools and Private Tuition by Graham, George Frederick
A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue Translated from the Swedish of Erasmus Rask by Dasent, George Webbe
Oxford French Mini Dictionary by Oxford Languages
2,001 Palabras Inglesas Mas Utiles Para Hispanoparlantes = 2,001 Most Useful English Words for Spanish Speekers by Garcia Loaeza, Pablo
Decode: Japanese Communication Made Easy by Tsujimura-Olsen, Keiko
Tagalog Verb Dictionary by Gallo-Crail, Rhodalyne, Hawkins, Michael C.
A Concise Dictionary of Middle English by Mayhew, A. L., Mayhew, Anthony Lawson, Skeat, Walter William
Storia Documentata Di Rovigno Di B. Dr. Benussi. Saggi Di Dialetto Rovignese Di A. Dr. Ive. by Benussi, Bernardo
Journal of a cruise among the islands of the Western Pacific. With maps and plates by Erskine, John Elphinstone
A personal narrative of a visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, and of a residence at the Court of Dost Mohamed. With notices of Runjit Sing, Khiva by Vigne, Godfrey Thomas
South Africa: a sketch book of men, manners, and facts. With an appendix upon the present situation in South Africa, etc. by Little, James Stanley
Russian Hosts and English Guests in Central Asia ... with Sixty Illustrations and a Map. by Perowne, John Thomas Woolrych
The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy Land. by Thomson, William McClure
Travels in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hanover, Germany, Netherlands, etc. by Wilson, William Rae
A Winter Journey Through Russia. the Caucasian Alps and Georgia ... Into Koordistaun. Vol. I by Mignan, Robert
A Winter Journey through Russia. The Caucasian Alps and Georgia ... into Koordistaun. by Mignan, Robert
The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy Land. by Thomson, William McClure
New Testament Greek To Hebrew Dictionary - 500 Greek Words and Names Retranslated Back into Hebrew for English Readers by Benner, Jeff A.
The Pronunciation of Norwegian by Popperwell, Ronald G.
Compound Stress in English: The Phonetics and Phonology of Prosodic Prominence by Kunter, Gero
color, Fluffy the Vulture by Zicker, William A.
A Manual Hebrew Grammar for the Use of Beginners by Seixas, James
Sueños de la Hispaniola: Short Stories for Intermediate and Advanced Readers by Clement, Kepner
Sue OS de La Hispaniola: Short Stories for Intermediate and Advanced Readers by Clement, Kepner
The Routledge Portuguese Bilingual Dictionary (Revised 2014 Edition): Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese by Allen, Maria
The Book of Versions; Or Guide to French Translation; With Notes, to Assist in the Construction, and to Display a Comparison of the French and English by Cherpilloud, J.
The Routledge Portuguese Bilingual Dictionary (Revised 2014 edition): Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese by Allen, Maria
Bengali (Bangla)-English/English-Bengali (Bangla) Practical Dictionary by Thompson, Hanne-Ruth
Catalan Dictionary & Phrasebook by Britton, A.
Journal of a Cruise Among the Islands of the Western Pacific by Erskine, John Elphinstone
How to Impress the Cognoscenti and Perplex the Hoi Polloi: A guide to the meaning and pronunciation of foreign phrases used in English by Bliss, Ed
Chinese Immigration: Speech of Hon. Horace Davis of California in the House of Representatives by Davis, Horace
A new dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based upon that of Baretti, and containing, among other additions and improvements, numerous ne by Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio, Davenport, John, Comelati, Guglielmo
History of Roman literature, from its earliest period to the Augustan age by Dunlop, John Colin
Everyday Japanese Dictionary: English-Japanese/Japanese-English by Collins
Caawak ma: Quuquuaca by School District 70
A literary history of Ireland from the earliest times to the present day by Hyde, Douglas
La question du Latin. -- by Frary, Raoul
La Catalá: Es Idioma Ó Dialecte? by Aladern, Josep
Robert Biquet's Lai Du Cor Mit Einer Einleitung Über Sprache Und Abfassungszeit: Inaugural-Dissertation by Dorner, Heinrich
Die Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker, Griechisch Und Deutsch by Diels, Hermann
Exotic Territory: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Paraguayan Poetry by
Lateinische Sprüche und Phrasen: Veni, Vidi, Vici by Dick, René
Impact of Language on Critical Thinking by Dağkıran, Didem
Exotic Territory: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Paraguayan Poetry by
ENL, ESL, EFL, EIL or ELF? by Noorman, Ilona
El Swahili - Método rápido de aprendizaje by Saiz de Omeñaca, J.
Dirty Sign Language: Everyday Slang from What's Up? to F*%# Off! by T, Van James, O, Allison
Outlines of the History of the English Language by Toller, T. N.
Spanish Folk Tales From New Mexico by Espinosa, J. Manuel
L'i Le de Sardaigne. Description, Histoire, Statistique, M Urs, E Tat Social. by Boullier, Auguste
Teaching a Foreign Language: A Study of Tprs by Niklaus, Colleen Sylvia Kreidl
Narrative of the Voyage of HMS Samarang, During the Years 1843 46: Employed Surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago by Belcher, Edward
Narrative of the Voyage of HMS Samarang, During the Years 1843 46: Employed Surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago by Belcher, Edward
Passages for Practice in Translation at Sight, Volume 1 by Reid, James Smith
Zur Chronologie der indogermanischen Sprachforschung by Curtius, Georg
Practical Study Of French Pronunciation by Tesson, Louis
Allgemeine Meereskunde by Walther, Johannes
New Latin Grammar by Bennett, Charles E.
Against All Oddsagainst All Odds: (A Tale of 7 Amazons) by Michaels, Funk
The Present Perfect in Non-Native Englishes: A Corpus-Based Study of Variation by Davydova, Julia
Grammatik Der Samoanischen Sprache Nebst Lesestucken Und Worterbuch by Neffgen, H.
Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava by Kiehl, Ernst Julius, Cobet, Carel Gabriel, Leeuwen, Jan
The Enormous Turnip by Arengo, Sue
Briefe Von Alexander Von Humboldt an Christian Carl Josias Von Bunsen by Humboldt, Alexander Von
Grammatical Commentaries: An Apparatus to a New National Grammar: By Way of Animadversion Upon the Falsities [&C.] of Lilly's System by Lily, William
A Compendious Dictionary of the French Language (French, English: - English-French).: Followed by a List of the Principal Diverging Derivations, and P by Masson, Gustave
Glossae Sacrae Hesychïi Graece... by
Histoire Du Peuple d'Israël by Renan, Ernest
Ortografia De La Lengua Castellana Compuesta Por La Real Academia Española by Anonymous
The Book Of Common Prayer And Administration Of The Sacraments And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church Of England by Anonymous
Remarques Sur La Langue Française by Olivet, Pierre-Joseph Thoulier
Novo Diccionario Portatil Das Linguas Portugueza E Ingleza ... by Vieyra, Antonio, Aillaud, J. -P
Lamberti Bos ... Ellipses Graecae Sive De Vocibus, Quae In Sermone Graeco Supprimuntur by Bos, Lambert
Vocabolario Italiano, E Spagnolo Novamente Dato In Luce ...: Con Le Frasi, Ed Alcuni Proverbj ...: Opera Utilissima E Necessaria A Predicatori, Segret by Franciosini, Lorenzo
Funafuti; Or Three Months on a Coral Island by David, Caroline Martha
Histõria De Las Misiones Franciscanas Y Narraciones De Los Progresos De La Geografia En El Oriente Del Peru, Volume 6 by Izaguirre, Bernardino
Gemeenschap Tusschen de Gottische Spraeke En de Nederduytsche... by Kate, Lambert Ten
New Pocket Dictionary, English And German: English - German by Feller, Friedrich Ernst
Analogies Linguistiques: Du Flamand Dans Ces Rapports Avec Les Autres Idiomes D'origine Teutonique by Lebrocquy, Pierre
The True Doctrine of the Latin Subjunctive Mood by Greenlaw, Richard Bathurst
Commedia by Tommaseo, Niccolo, Alighieri, Dante
Abriss Der Althochdeutschen Grammatik, Nebst Mittelhochdeutschen, Altsachsichen Und Gotischen Paradigmen by Braune, Wilhelm
Hal the Hound: The Happiest Day Yet by Johnson, Lincoln
Vocabolario Delle Parole del Dialetto Napoletano, Che Più Si Scostano Dal Dialetto Toscano: Con Alcune Ricerche Etimologiche Sulle Medesime Degli Acca by Galiani, Ferdinando
English Spoken and Written: Lessons in Language, Literature, and Composition by Emerson, Henry Pendexter
English Grammar for the Use of Schools by Morrison, Thomas
Novus Thesaurus Philologicus by Biel, Johann Christian
Lexicon Xenophonteum, Volume 3 by Xenophon, Sturz, Friedrich Wilhelm
Diccionario Portuguez, E Brasiliano: Obra Necessaria Aos Ministros Do Altar, Que Emprehenderem a Conversaõ de Tantos Milhares de Almas Que Ainda Se Ac by Velloso, Jose Mariano Da Conceicao
Die Berliner Zeitungen Bis Zur Regierung Friedrichs Des Groszen by Consentius, Ernst
Volcanic Reflections: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Ecuadorian Poetry by
Volcanic Reflections: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Ecuadorian Poetry by
Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien, Zweiter Theil. by Pott, August Friedrich
Zwischen den Schlachten by Elster, Otto
Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium, et alios lexicographos graecos. Scripsit Jo. Toup by Toup, Jonathan
Estudios de Fonétika Kastelana by Araujo, Fernando
Lecciones Elementales De Ortologia Y Prosodia: Obra Nueva Y Original En Que Por La Primera Vez Se Determinan Y Demuestran Analiticamente Los Principio by Sicilia, Mariano José
Friedrichs Des Groszen Jugendjahre, Bildung Und Geist, Aus Unbekannten Actenstücken, Hier Zuerst Mitgetheilten Briefen Und Den Schriften Des Königs, N by Forster, Friedrich
A Grammar of the French Tongue: With a Prefatory Discourse Containing an Essay on the Proper Method for Teaching and Learning That Language by Chambaud, Louis
A, E, I, O, U, Manuel-dictionnaire Des Rimes Françaises Classées D'après Leur Ordre Naturel De Sons Ou Voyelles Précédées D'un Traité Nouveau De Versi by Tampucci, Hippolyte
Getranke Und Trinken in Altfranzosischer Zeit: Nach Poetischen Quellen Dargestellt by Klauenberg, Otto, 1879-, Klauenberg Otto
Grammatik Der Romanischen Sprachen by Diez, Friedrich
Grammatik Der Plattdeutschen Sprache. Zweite Auflage. by Wiggers, Julius
Anglo-saxon And Early English Psalter: Now First Printed From Manuscripts In The British Museum, Volumes 1-2 by Stevenson, Joseph
Allgemeine Encyclopadie Der Wissenschaften Und Kunste in Alphabeischer Folge, Volume 99 by Ersch, Johann Samuel
Le Grand Dictionnaire François Et Flamand, Volume 1 by Richelet, Pierre
Apologia Degli Accademici Di Banchi Di Roma...Annibal Caro by Caro, Annibal
A Japanese Grammar by Hoffmann, Johann Joseph, (Kingdom, Netherlands
Dictionnaire Philosophique, Volume 5 by
American Journal Of Philology, Volume 5 by Muse, Project, Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau
Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz by Graff, Eberhard Gottlieb
Hebraische Rhythmik, Die Gesetze Des Alttestamentlichen Vers- Und Strophenbaues, Kritisch Dargestellt by 1846-1936, Konig Eduard, Konig, Eduard
Schlesische Denkmaler Des Deutschen Schriftthums Im Mittelalter: Trebnitzer Psalmen by Pietsch, Paul
Journal of the American Oriental Society, Volume 28, Issue 2 by Society, American Oriental
A Grammar of the Teloogoo Language by Campbell, Alexander Duncan
Diccionario General De Bibliografía Española: El Sistema-los Amantes. 1868 by Hidalgo, Dionisio
Oxford German Mini Dictionary by Oxford Languages
A Sketch of the Modern Languages of Africa by Cust, Robert Needham
Nella Colonia Eritrea: Studi E Viaggi by Martini, Ferdinando, Paoli, Renato
Annals of Tacitus: Translated Into English, with Notes and Maps by Tacitus, Cornelius Annales B.
An Essay On The Different Nature Of Accent And Quantity: With Their Use ... In The Pronunciation Of The English, Latin, And Greek Languages by Mousouros, Markos, Gally, Henry, Foster, John
Beschreibung In- Und Ausländischer Holzarten Zur Technologischen Kenntniß Und Waarenkunde, Charakteristik Und Synonimik Aller Kunst- Farbe- Und Apothe by Hildt, Johann Adolph
A New School Dictionary of the English Language ... by Worcester, Joseph Emerson
Nuova Grammatica Razionale Della Lingua Italiana Per Le Scuole Secondare by Finzi, Giuseppe
Altsachsische Und Angelsachsische Sprachproben: Mit Einem Erklarenden Verzeichni Der Angelsachsichen Worter by Leo, Heinrich
Lehrbuch der italienischen Sprache by Vockeradt, Heinrich
Encyclopédie Ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné Des Connoissances Humaines, Volume 9 by Diderot, Denis
Morfologia Italiana by Gorra, Egidio
Les français en ménage, illustrations of French life and letter-writing by Wolff, Jetta Sophia
M. Tulli Ciceronis Laelius de Amicitia; Ed. for Schools and Colleges by James S. Reid by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Reid, James Smith
Essai Sur Les Hiéroglyphes Des Egyptiens.... by Warburton, William
Ortografia Moderna Italiana by Facciolati, Jacobo
Lexilogus Oder Beiträge Zur Griechischen Wort-Erklärung, Hauptsächlich Für Homer Und Hesiod, Volume 1 by Buttmann, Philipp
The Language of the Rushworth Gloss to the Gospel of Matthew and the Mercian Dialect. the Vowels of Other Syllables Than Stem-Syllables; Consonants; I by Brown, Edward Miles
La précellence du langue françois; by Estienne, Henri
The Modern Language Quarterly, Volume 3 by Heath, H. F.
The Satires and Epistles of Horace: With Notes and Excursus by Keightley, Thomas
Priscae Latinitatis Originum Libri Tres, Volume 1 by Buchholtz, Hermann
A Foundation Course in Spanish ... by Sinagnan, Leon
Abissinia: Giornale Di Un Viaggio by Vigoni, Giuseppe
Bibliothecae Sanskritae by Gildemeister, Johann
Aristarchus: Or, the Principles of Composition by Withers, Philip
Nouvelle Orthologie Française by Legoarant, Benjamin
Pensees de J. Joubert, Precedees de Sa Correspondance, D'Une Notice Sur Sa Vie, Son Caractere Et Ses Travaux by Raynal, Paul Chaudru De, Joubert, Joseph
Studi Sul Congiuntivo Nella Divina Commedia by Lundborg, Nils
Praktisches Handbuch Der Neu-Arabischen Sprache, Vierter Theil by Wahrmund, Adolf
Materials for Translating English Into German, Part 1 by Otto, Emil
Testi Antichi Modenesi, Dal Secolo XIV Alla Meta del Secolo XVIII by Pulle, Francesco Lorenzo
Traité comparé de prononciation italienne by Zanardelli, Tito
Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, Volume 2 by Barnes, William
Nuovo Dizionario Portatile Italiano-Inglese E Inglese-Italiano, Part 2 by Feller, Friedrich Ernst
Bibliotheca Classica Latina by Anonymous
Bibliotheca Classica Latina Sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum Latinorum, Volume 55 by Anonymous
Bibliotheca Classica Latina by Anonymous
Die Seemannssprache by Thomas, N. W.
Bibliographie Der Deutschen Zeitschriften-Literatur, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Bibliotheca Classica Latina Sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum Latinorum, Volume 138 by Anonymous
Murray's English Reader ...: Vocabulary ... by Murray, Lindley
Bibliotheca Classica Latina Sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum Latinorum, Volume 67 by Anonymous
Bibliotheca Classica Latina by Anonymous
Beitrage Zur Lateinischen Grammatik: Hft. Aus by Bergk, Theodor
M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationes Selectae: In Usum Scholarum Belgicae, Volume 3 by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
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