• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 1992

The Use of Abuse by Griffiths, Richard
Französische Revolution und deutsche Öffentlichkeit by
Twentieth-Century France: Politics and Society in France 1898-1991 by McMillan, James F.
France's Overseas Frontier by Aldrich, Robert
Province and Empire by Smith, Julia M. H., Julia M. H., Smith
The Humane Comedy: Constant, Tocqueville, and French Liberalism by Kelly, George Armstrong
My France: Politics, Culture, Myth by Weber, Eugen
Jacques-Louis David, Revolutionary Artist: Art, Politics, and the French Revolution by Roberts, Warren
Intellectuals and the French Communist Party: Disillusion and Decline by Hazareesingh, Sudhir
Republic of Images: A History of French Filmmaking by Williams, Alan
Historical Dictionary of the French Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-1991 by Northcutt, M. Wayne
Der Französische Revolutionskalender (1792-1805): Planung, Durchführung Und Scheitern Einer Politischen Zeitrechnung by Meinzer, Michael
Eigentum in der Französischen Revolution by Botsch, Elisabeth
Napoleon's Egyptian Campaigns 1798-1801 by Barthorp, Michael
Representing the French Revolution: Literature, Historiogaphy, and Art by
Further Reflections on the Revolution in France by Burke, Edmund
John Curtin: A Biography by Ross, Lloyd
Begging Pardon and Favor: Catholic Revival, Society and Politics in 19th-Century Europe by Koziol, Geoffrey
Rebel Daughters: Women and the French Revolution by
Waterloo 1815: The Birth of Modern Europe by Wootten, Geoff
A Life of Her Own: The Transformation of a Countrywoman in 20th-Century France by Destanque, Robert, Carles, Emilie
Toujours Provence by Mayle, Peter
The Family Romance of the French Revolution by Hunt, Lynn
True France: The Wars Over Cultural Identity, 1900-1945 by Lebovics, Herman
Cartesian Women by Harth, Erica
Cartesian Women by Harth, Erica
The Politics of Rural Life: Political Mobilization in the French Countryside 1846-1852 by McPhee, Peter
Family Romance of the French Revolution by Hunt, Lynn
Urban Rivalries in the French Revolution by Margadant, Ted W.
Medieval Flanders by Nicholas, David
Heinemann History Study Units: Student Book. the French Revolution by Mantin, Peter
Essays on the French Revolution: Paris and the Provinces by Reinhardt, Steven G.
Peasants and King in Burgundy: Agrarian Foundations of French Absolutism by Root, Hilton L.
Richelieu and His Age by
The Good Regiment by Verney, J.
The Peace of God: The Politics of Nostalgia in the Age of Walpole by