• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 1994

The French Revolution: Its Causes, Its History and Its Legacy After 200 Years by Rude, George
The Genesis of the French Revolution: A Global Historical Interpretation by Stone, Bailey
The Genesis of the French Revolution: A Global Historical Interpretation by Stone, Bailey, Bailey, Stone
The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France Since 1944 by Rousso, Henry
The Fabrication of Louis XIV by Burke, Peter
The Royal French State, 1460 - 1610 by Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel
True France: The Wars Over Cultural Identity, 1900-1945 by Lebovics, Herman
Choices in Vichy France: The French Under Nazi Occupation by Sweets, John
Lawyers and Citizens: The Making of a Political Elite in Old Regime France by Bell, David A.
Law, Magistracy, and Crime in Old Regime Paris, 1735-1789: Volume 1, the System of Criminal Justice by Andrews, Richard Mowery
An Historical Geography of France by Planhol, Xavier de
Longest Day: The Classic Epic of D Day by Ryan, Cornelius
Consorting with Saints by McLaughlin, Megan
The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869-1920 by Miller, Michael B.
Six Armies in Normandy: From D-Day to the Liberation of Paris; June 6 - Aug. 5, 1944; Revised by Keegan, John
The Terror, Volume Four by
French Bourgeois Culture by Lewita, Beatrix
The Republic of Letters by Goodman, Dena
The Politics of Dreaming in the Carolingian Empire by Dutton, Paul Edward
The Wars of French Decolonization by Clayton, Anthony
The War: A Memoir by Duras, Marguerite
Political Traditions in Modern France by Hazareesingh, Sudhir
The Remaking of France by Fitzsimmons, Michael P.
Ending the Terror by Baczko, Bronislaw
The Flour War: Gender, Class, and Community in Late Ancien Régime French Society by Bouton, Cynthia
Nîmes at War: Religion, Politics, and Public Opinion in the Gard, 1938-1944 by Zaretsky, Robert
The Jews of Medieval France: The Community of Champagne by Taitz, Emily
Montaigne Amongst the Moderns: Receptions of the Essays by Marchi, Dudley M.
A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution: The ABBE Sieyes and What Is the Third Estate? by Sewell, William H., Jr.