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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 2000

The Modernist Enterprise: French Elites and the Threat of Modernity, 1900-1940 by Beale, Marjorie A.
France at War: Vichy and the Historians by
The British Periodical Press and the French Revolution 1789-99 by Andrews, S.
The French Experience from Republic to Monarchy, 1792-1824: New Dawns in Politics, Knowledge and Culture by
The Charm of Catastrophe: A Study of Rabelais's Quart Livre (Rls 267) by Berry, Alice Fiola
Between Resistance and Collabration: Popular Protest in Northern France 1940-45 by Taylor, L.
The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson by Adams, William Howard
Beyond Contractual Morality: Ethics, Law, and Literature in Eighteenth-Century France by Simon, Julia
The Expectation of Justice: France, 1944-1946 by Koreman, Megan
Soldier and Warrior: French Attitudes Toward the Army and War on the Eve of the First World War by Wesseling, H. L.
A Mission to Civilize: The Republican Idea of Empire in France and West Africa, 1895-1930 by Conklin, Alice L.
The Wars of Edward III: Sources and Interpretations by
War, Diplomacy and the Rise of Savoy, 1690 1720 by Storrs, Christopher
A Taste for Comfort and Status: A Bourgeois Family in Eighteenth-Century France by Adams, Christine
The Frail Social Body: Pornography, Homosexuality, and Other Fantasies in Interwar France Volume 36 by Dean, Carolyn J.
On Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Considered as One of the First Authors of the Revolution by Swenson, James
On Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Considered as One of the First Authors of the Revolution by Swenson, James
The Pompidou Years, 1969-1974 by Rioux, Jean-Pierre, Berstein, Serge
The Power of Large Numbers by Cole, Joshua
France in the Making 843-1180 by Dunbabin, Jean
Occupation: The Ordeal of France 1940-1944 by Ousby, Ian
Pulp Surrealism: Insolent Popular Culture in Early Twentieth-Century Paris by Walz, Robin
Handbuch politisch-sozialer Grundbegriffe in Frankreich 1680-1820, Heft 19-20, Humanité. Laboureur, Paysan. Luxe. Réforme. Subsistances by Duranton, Henri, Heuvel, Gerd Van Den, Pallach, Ulrich Christian
France in the Enlightenment by Roche, Daniel
Paris--A Musical Gazetteer by Simeone, Nigel
Louis XVI: The Silent King by Hardman, John
The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution: 1793-1795 by Kennedy, Michael
Ordines Coronationis Franciae, Volume 2: Texts and Ordines for the Coronation of Frankish and French Kings and Queens in the Middle Ages by
If the King Only Knew: Seditious Speech in the Reign of Louis XV by Graham, Lisa Jane
The French Overseas Empire by Quinn, Frederick
Under Siege: Portraits of Civilian Life in France During World War I by
Under Siege: Portraits of Civilian Life in France During World War I by
The Duel for France, 1944: The Men and Battles That Changed the Fate of Europe by Blumenson, Martin
Martyred Village: Commemorating the 1944 Massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane by Farmer, Sarah
Lectures on the French Revolution by Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-
Lectures on the French Revolution by Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-
Growth in a Traditional Society: The French Countryside, 1450-1815 by Hoffman, Philip T.
The Politics of Slave Trade Suppression in Britain and France, 1814-48: Diplomacy, Morality and Economics by Kielstra, P.
Continuity During the Storm: Boissy D'Anglas and the Era of the French Revolution by Ballard, John R.
Becoming Roman: The Origins of Provincial Civilization in Gaul by Woolf, Greg, Greg, Woolf
French Women and the First World War: War Stories of the Home Front by Darrow, Margaret
Presidential Power in Fifth Republic France by Bell, David
The Possession of Loudun by De Certeau, Michel
French Women and the First World War: War Stories of the Home Front by Darrow, Margaret
Presidential Power in Fifth Republic France by Bell, David
The French Civil Wars, 1562-1598 by Knecht, R. J.
The Papon Affair: Memory and Justice on Trial by
The Papon Affair: Memory and Justice on Trial by
Robespierre by Hardman, John
Richelieu by Knecht, R. J.
Contemporary French Cultural Studies by Kidd, William, Reynolds, Sian
The Great Train Race: Railways and the Franco-German Rivalry, 1815-1914 by Mitchell, Allan
The New Biography: Performing Femininity in Nineteenth-Century France Volume 38 by
Politics and Theater: The Crisis of Legitimacy in Restoration France, 1815-1830 Volume 40 by Kroen, Sheryl
The French North African Crisis: Colonial Breakdown and Anglo-French Relations, 1945-62 by Thomas, M.
The French North African Crisis: Colonial Breakdown and Anglo-French Relations, 1945-62 by Thomas, M.
Nationality and Citizenship in Revolutionary France: The Treatment of Foreigners 1789-1799 by Rapport, Michael
The British Periodical Press and the French Revolution 1789-99 by Andrews, S.
France and the Cult of the Sacred Heart: An Epic Tale for Modern Times Volume 39 by Jonas, Raymond
The French Experience from Republic to Monarchy, 1792-1824: New Dawns in Politics, Knowledge and Culture by
France and the Second World War: Resistance, Occupation and Liberation by Davies, Peter
Robert the Burgundian and the Counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098 by Jessee, W. Scott
The Human Tradition in Modern France by
The Gift in Sixteenth-Century France by Davis, Natalie Zemon
Fascination and Misgivings: The United States in French Opinion, 1870 1914 by Portes, Jacques
Problems in French History by Cornick, M., Crossley, C.
The Battle of Agincourt: Sources and Interpretations by Curry, Anne
Resistance, Flight, Creation by Olkowski, Dorothea
Resistance, Flight, Creation by Olkowski, Dorothea
Forests and Peasant Politics in Modern France by Whited, Tamara L.
Caricature and French Political Culture 1830-1848: Charles Philipon and the Illustrated Press by Kerr, David S.
Brittany and the Angevins: Province and Empire 1158 1203 by Everard, Judith A., Everard, J. a.
Vichy's Afterlife: History and Counterhistory in Postwar France by Golsan, Richard J.
France at War in the Twentieth Century: Propaganda, Myth, and Metaphor by
Napoleon III and His Regime: An Extravaganza by Baguley, David
Women and Politics in France 1958-2000 by Allwood, Gill, Wadia, Khursheed
Women and Politics in France 1958-2000 by Allwood, Gill, Wadia, Khursheed
Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreams: The Politics of Growth in the Newly Industrializing Countries by Ford, Mark
France in Focus: Film and National Identity by
France in Focus: Film and National Identity by
The Paris Metro: A Ticket to French History by Plotkin, Susan L.
The Paris Metro: A Ticket to French History by Plotkin, Susan L.
Nationalism, Antisemitism, and Fascism in France by Winock, Michel
Postmodernism and the Enlightenment: New Perspectives in Eighteenth-Century French Intellectual History by
Postmodernism and the Enlightenment: New Perspectives in Eighteenth-Century French Intellectual History by
War Cruel and Sharp: English Strategy Under Edward III, 1327-1360 by Rogers, Clifford J.
Funerals, Politics, and Memory in Modern France, 1789-1996 by Ben-Amos, Avner
Utopia's Garden: French Natural History from Old Regime to Revolution by Spary, E. C.
Literature and Nation in the Sixteenth Century by Hampton, Timothy