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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 2001

Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henri IV. By Si by Froissart, Jean
France in Indochina: Colonial Encounters by Cooper, Nicola
Anglo-French Relations Before the Second World War: Appeasement and Crisis by Davis, R.
Mexico and the Foreign Policy of Napoleon III by Cunningham, M.
Zarathustra in Paris: The Nietzsche Vogue in France, 1891-1918 by Forth, Christopher
France in Indochina: Colonial Encounters by Cooper, Nicola
The French Defeat of 1940: Reassessments by
The Historic Restaurants of Paris: A Guide to Century-Old Cafes, Bistros and Gourmet Food Shops by Williams, Ellen
A History of Rape: Sexual Violence in France from the 16th to the 20th Century by Vigarello, Georges
France and the Nazi Menace: Intelligence and Policy Making 1933-1939 by Jackson, Peter
Literature, Art and the Pursuit of Decay in Twentieth-Century France by Mathews, Timothy
The Rise of Professional Women in France by Clark, Linda L.
The Pacific Basin since 1945: An International History by Thompson, Roger C.
Victor Considerant and the Rise and Fall of French Romantic Socialism by Beecher, Jonathan
Armies of the Poor: Determinants of Working-class Participation in in the Parisian Insurrection of June 1848 by Traugott, Mark
The Ancien Regime by Doyle, William
The French Revolution: The Essential Readings by
The French Revolution: The Essential Readings by
Die Entstehung Der Potestas Regia Im Westfrankenreich Während Der Ersten Regierungsjahre Kaiser Karls II. (840-877) by Krah, Adelheid
Karl Der Große Und Das Erbe Der Kulturen: Akten Des 8. Symposiums Des Mediävistenverbandes by
Anthropology and History in Franche-Comte: A Critique of Social Theory by Layton, Robert
French Society: 1589-1715 by Kettering, Sharon
Mexico and the Foreign Policy of Napoleon III by Cunningham, M.
Algeria, 1830-2000: A Short History by Stora, Benjamin
Antiquities by Nagy, Gregory
The Normans in Their Histories: Propaganda, Myth and Subversion by Albu, Emily
When Poetry Ruled the Streets: The French May Events of 1968 by Feenberg, Andrew, Freedman, Jim
The French Revolution: From Its Origins to 1793 by Lefebvre, Georges
Visualizing the Nation by Landes, Joan B.
Glory and Terror: Seven Deaths Under the French Revolution by de Baecque, Antoine
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte by De Bourrienne, Louis Antonine Fauve
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte by De Bourrienne, Louis Antonine Fauve
Human Nature and the French Revolution: From the Enlightenment to the Napoleonic Code by Martin, Xavier
To Speak for the People: Public Opinion and the Problem of Legitimacy in the French Revolution by Cowans, Jon
To Speak for the People: Public Opinion and the Problem of Legitimacy in the French Revolution by Cowans, Jon
France, the Dark Years 1940-1944 by Jackson, Julian, Jackson, J.
The Life of an Unknown: The Rediscovered World of a Clog Maker in Nineteenth-Century France by Corbin, Alain
A Lust for Virtue: Louis XIV's Attack on Sin in Seventeenth-Century France by Riley, Philip F.
French Rugby Football: A Cultural History by Dine, Philip
French Rugby Football: A Cultural History by Dine, Philip
France: An Illustrated History by Neal, Lisa
Old Regime France: 1648-1788 by
Gregory of Tours: History and Society in the Sixth Century by Heinzelmann, Martin
The Jews of France: A History from Antiquity to the Present by Benbassa, Esther
A History of French Public Law by Brissaud, Jean
France and the World Since 1870 by Keiger, John
Anglo-French Relations Before the Second World War: Appeasement and Crisis by Davis, R.
Bertrand Blier by Harris, Sue
Women Writing Opera: Creativity and Controversy in the Age of the French Revolution by Letzter, Jacqueline, Adelson, Robert
Blood in the City: Violence and Revelation in Paris, 1789-1945 by Burton, Richard D. E.
Crown and Nobility in Early Modern France by Bohanan, Donna
Napoleon and Europe by Dwyer, Philip G.
Richelieu's Army: War, Government and Society in France, 1624 1642 by Parrott, David
Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours by Cheyette, Fredric L.
The Hundred Years War, Volume 2: Trial by Fire by Sumption, Jonathan
Themes in French Culture: A Preface to a Study of French Community by Mead, Margaret
The Tribe by Mension, Jean-Michel
Themes in French Culture: A Preface to a Study of French Community by Mead, Margaret
The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte by Asprey, Robert
The Politics of Virtue in Enlightenment France by Linton, M.
The Politics of Virtue in Enlightenment France by Linton, M.
To Be a Citizen: The Political Culture of the Early French Third Republic by Lehning, James R.
The Wicked Queen: The Origins of the Myth of Marie-Antoinette by Thomas, Chantal
The Papin Sisters by Edwards, Rachel, Reader, Keith
A Spirituality of the Road by Bosch, David J.
The French Overseas Empire by Quinn, Frederick
The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation 1930-1960 by Hughes, H. Stuart
The Construction of Memory in Interwar France by Sherman, Daniel J.
The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach by Kaplan, Alice
The Hundred Years War by Neillands, Robin
Intellectuals and Politics in Post-War France by Drake, D.
Promoting the Colonial Idea: Propaganda and Visions of Empire in France by
Crisis and Commitment: the Life History of a French Social Movement by Alland, Sonia, Alland, Alexander, Jr.
Crisis and Commitment: the Life History of a French Social Movement by Alland, Alexander, Jr., Alland, Sonia
The Wandering Jews by Roth, Joseph
Recollections of France: The Past, Heritage and Memories by
Recollections of France: The Past, Heritage and Memories by
Napoleon by Bainville, Jacques
The French at War, 1934-1944 by Atkin, Nicholas
Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675-1791 by Crowston, Clare Haru
Bygone Pilgrimage. Amiens Before and During the War by Press, Naval &. Military
Bygone Pilgrimage. Soissons Before and During the War by Press, Naval &. Military
Surviving Poverty in Medieval Paris: Gender, Ideology, and the Daily Lives of the Poor by Farmer, Sharon
Daughters of Eve: A Cultural History of French Theater Women from the Old Regime to the Fin de Siècle by Berlanstein, Lenard R.
Jean Moulin, 1899 - 1943: The French Resistance and the Republic by Clinton, A.
Anglo-French Relations 1898 - 1998: From Fashoda to Jospin by
The French Second Empire by Price, Roger
Bygone Pilgrimage. Lille Before and During the War by Press, Naval &. Military
The Battle of Dienbienphu by Roy, Jules
Vichy and the Eternal Feminine: A Contribution to a Political Sociology of Gender by Muel-Dreyfus, Francine
One King, One Law, Three Faiths: Religion and the Rise of Absolutism in Seventeenth-Century Metz by Miskimin, Patricia Behre