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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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French History in 2011

Intellectuals and Decolonization in France by Sorum, Paul Clay
Sex, Honor and Citizenship in Early Third Republic France by Mansker, A.
From Valmy to Waterloo: France at War, 1792-1815 by Thoral, M.
Fascists and Honourable Men: Contingency and Choice in French Politics, 1918-45 by Amzalak, N.
Memory of War in France, 1914-45: Cesar Fauxbras, the Voice of the Lowly by Perry, M.
5/1/1968: Rethinking France's Last Revolution by
Interpreting Social Violence in French Culture: Buzançais, 1847-2008 by Bouton, Cynthia A.
Contemporary French Theatre and Performance by
Britain and Wellington's Army by Linch, K.
Loire: A Cultural History by Garrett, Martin
Policing the Poor in Eighteenth-Century France by Schwartz, Robert M.
Victors and Vanquished: The German Influence on Army and Church in France After 1870 by Mitchell, Allan
An Errant Eye: Poetry and Topography in Early Modern France by Conley, Tom
Ten Days in a French Parsonage in the Summer of 1863. by Musgrave, George Musgrave
Statistical View of France, Compiled from Authentic Documents. by Tinseau D'Amondans, Charles Marie the
France ... Third Edition, with Additional Notes. by Morgan, Lady
France Since the War: A Lecture ... Revised and Enlarged by the Author. by Burnett, Alexander George
France on the Eve of the Great Revolution. France, Holland, and the Netherlands, a Century Ago. Edited by ... Mrs. Charles Tennant. [With a Portrait.] by Tennant, Charles, Collier, George
Benjamin Constant and the Birth of French Liberalism by Vincent, K. Steven
Benjamin Constant and the Birth of French Liberalism by Vincent, K. Steven
The Failure of Louis XIV's Dutch War by Ekberg, Carl J.
The Parlement of Paris, 1774-1789 by Stone, Bailey S.
Victims, Authority, and Terror: The Parallel Deaths of d'Orleans, Custine, Bailly, and Malesherbes by Kelly, George Armstrong
Minotaur by Cerullo, John
Creating Catholics: Catechism and Primary Education in Early Modern France by Carter, Karen E.
Memoirs of the Bastille: The Annotated Edition by Chevallier, Jim, Linguet, Simon-Nicolas-Henri
Memory of War in France, 1914-45: Cesar Fauxbras, the Voice of the Lowly by Perry, M.
Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Bonaparte by Whately, Richard
Joint-Stock Enterprise in France, 1807-1867: From Privileged Company to Modern Corporation by Freedeman, Charles E.
The French Parlements and the Crisis of the Old Regime by Stone, Bailey S.
General Maurice Sarrail, 1856-1929: The French Army and Left-Wing Politics by Tanenbaum, Jan Karl
Stardom in Postwar France by
Memoirs of the Marchioness de La Rochejaquelein by Marquise de la Rochejaquelein, Marie-Lou, Marquise de la Rochejaquelein
An Historical Sketch of the French Revolution from Its Commencement to the Year 1792 by Mackintosh, James
For the Soul of France: Culture Wars in the Age of Dreyfus by Brown, Frederick
Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie and Her Secret Duke of Sesto: Imperial Wedding of Old Paris: Personal History of Second Empire France Entwined with Roya by Becker, Nancy
Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie and her Secret Duke of Sesto: Imperial Wedding of Old Paris: Personal History of Second Empire France Entwined with Roya by Becker, Nancy
Americans in Paris: Americans in Paris: Life and Death Under Nazi Occupation by Glass, Charles
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. [vol. 4-8 edited until 1808 by Walker King, Bishop of Rochester, and French Laurence, and afterwards b by King, Walker, Burke, Edmund
An English Lady in Paris: the diary of Frances Anne Crewe 1786 by Allen, Michael
Paris in the Middle Ages by Roux, Simone
The Assassination of Jacques Lemaigre Dubreuil: A Frenchman between France and North Africa by Hoisington, William A., Jr.
Taking Root in Provence by Simons, Anne-Marie
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
Social Life in England and France from the French Revolution in 1789, to That of July 1830. a Sequel to "A Comparative View of the Social Life of Engl by Berry, Mary
History of the French Revolution, Etc. Vol. VII by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, Etc, Vol. VI by MacGregor, John
Lettres Sur Les Etats Generaux de 1789. Precedees D'Une Notice Historique Sur Biron, Et Publiees Par Maistre de Roger de La Lande. by Gontaut, Armand Louis De
Die Revolution Zu Mainz, 1792 Und 1793. by Blos, Wilhelm
Lectures on History. Second and Concluding Series. on the French Revolution. by Smyth, William
The French Revolution of 1789 as Viewed in the Light of Republican Institutions. by Abbott, John
Lectures on History. Second and Concluding Series. on the French Revolution. by Smyth, William
Lectures on History. Second and Concluding Series. on the French Revolution. by Smyth, William
History and Literature of France. Second Edition, Revised by Spiers, Victor Julian Taylor
The French Revolutionary Epoch: Being a History of France from the Beginning of the First French Revolution to the End of the Second Empire by Van Laun, Henri
Historia Delle Guerre Ciuili Di Francia, Etc. by Davila, Enrico
French Revolution Readings. Edited by A. J. Smith. with Exercises for Composition by C. M. Dix. by Dix, Cornelius Malpas, Smith, Arthur Jamson
La Rivoluzione Francese, Il Primo Impero E La Restaurazione. Esame Di Nuove Pubblicazioni. by Grabinski, Giuseppe
M Moires Sur Les R Gnes de Louis XV Et Louis XVI. Et Sur La R Volution. Publi S Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par R. de Cr Vec Ur. Ouvrage Orn de by Dufort, Jean Nicolas, Saint John, Robert
Memoires Sur Les Regnes de Louis XV. Et Louis XVI. Et Sur La Revolution. Publies Avec Une Introduction Et Des Notes Par R. de Crevec Ur. Ouvrage Orne by Saint John, Robert, Dufort, Jean Nicolas
Vito Faenza. La Vita Di Un Comune Dalla Fondazione del Vicereame Spagnuolo Alla Rivoluzione Francese del 1789. Cronaca Dei Fatti Avvenuti in Modugno N by Saliani, Giovan Battista, Faenza, Vito
The French Revolution. Vol. III. by MacCarthy, Justin
A History of the Revolutions in France... Vol. 1. the Affairs of Franc E from 1787 to 1802. by Bell, John
In Palace and Faubourg. a Story of the French Revolution. by C. J. G., Author of "Good Fight of Faith" [I.E. C. J. Freeland], Etc. by Freeland, Caroline J., G, C. J.
A Comparative View of the Social Life of England and France, from the Restoration of Charles the Second, to the French Revolution. by the Editor of Ma by Berry, Mary
de Fransche Revolutie in Vlaanderen En in 't Bijzonder Te Thielt, 1792-1802 ... Tweed Uitgave. by Samyn, Joseph
The French Revolution. by MacCarthy, Justin
History of the French Revolution. Translated by J. Dixon by Dixon, J., Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814. by Mignet, Francois Auguste Marie Alexis
The French Revolution: A History. by Carlyle, Thomas
The French Revolution: A History. by Carlyle, Thomas
The French Revolution. by MacCarthy, Justin
A Year of Revolution. from a Journal Kept in Paris in 1848 by Phipps, Constantine Henry
History of the French Revolution, Etc. Vol. III by MacGregor, John
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The French Revolution. by MacCarthy, Justin
Thinking the Impossible: French Philosophy Since 1960 by Gutting, Gary
The New Book of Martyrs by Duhamel, Georges
Custom, Kinship, and Gifts to Saints: The Laudatio Parentum in Western France, 1050-1150 by White, Stephen D.
History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814 by Mignet, Francois Auguste Marie Alexis
France and the Construction of Europe, 1944-2007: The Geopolitical Imperative by Sutton, Michael
The Moral Disarmament of France: Education, Pacifism, and Patriotism, 1914-1940 by Siegel, Mona L.
Commemorating the Dead in Revolutionary France: Revolution and Remembrance, 1789-1799 by Clarke, Joseph
Captives and Corsairs: France and Slavery in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Weiss, Gillian
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. [vol. 4-8 edited until 1808 by Walker King, Bishop of Rochester, and French Laurence, and afterwards b by Burke, Edmund, Laurence, King, Walker
The Politics of Everyday Life in Vichy France: Foreigners, Undesirables, and Strangers by Fogg, Shannon L.
Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making of a Beast by Smith, Jay M.
The Cambridge Companion to British Literature of the French Revolution in the 1790s by
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of the Girondists; or personal memoirs of the patriots of the French Revolution. Translated by H. T. Ryde. by Lamartine, Marie Louis Alphonse
History of the Girondists; or personal memoirs of the patriots of the French Revolution. ... Translated by H. T. Ryde. by Lamartine De Prat, Marie Louis Alphonse
Sketches of the French Revolution of 1848. Flight of Louis Philippe, with an Account of His Journey, Etc. Together with the Funeral of the Victims of by Anonymous
The Torrent of the French Revolutions; Or, a Guide to the Reading of the History of France from 1789 to 1873. with Chronological and Genealogical Maps by Nerevy, J. F.
History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution. by Alison, Bart
History of the Girondists; or personal memoirs of the patriots of the French Revolution. ... Translated by H. T. Ryde. by Lamartine De Prat, Marie Louis Alphonse
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of the French Revolution, with Special Reference to the Fulfilment of Prophecy. with a Treatise on the Approaching Fall of the Mohammedan and by Fysh, Frederic
La France sous Louis XVI. by Jobez, Alphonse
History of the Wars of the French Revolution Embellished with portraits of the most distinguished characters of the age and illustrated by maps, etc. by Grimshaw, William, Baines, Edward M. P.
An historical account of the Black Empire of Hayti; comprehending a view of the principal transactions in the revolution of Saint Domingo. by Rainsford, Marcus
La France sous Louis XVI. by Jobez, Alphonse
The French Revolutionary Epoch: being a History of France from the beginning of the First French Revolution to the end of the Second Empire. Vol. I by Van Laun, Henri
Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century ... Third edition, with an index, etc. Vol. III. by Pardoe
Full Annals of the Revolution in France, 1830 ... Illustrated with Engravings. by Hone, William
The History of Italy, from the fall of the Western Empire, to the commencement of the wars of the French Revolution. Vol. I by Perceval, George Pseud I. E. George Proc
The French Revolution of 1830, the Events Which Produced It, and the Scenes by Which It Was Accompanied by Turnbull, David M. a.
Narratives of Some Passages in the Great War with France, from 1799 to 1810. [With Maps.] by Bunbury, Henry
History of the Wars of the French Revolution Embellished with portraits of the most distinguished characters of the age and illustrated by maps, etc. by Baines, Edward M. P.
History of the Wars of the French Revolution Embellished with portraits of the most distinguished characters of the age and illustrated by maps, etc. by Baines, Edward M. P.
Colmar Und Die Schreckenszeit. Ein Tagebuch Und Aktenstucke Aus Den Revolutionsjahren 1789-1796. Aus Ungedruckten Quellen Gesammelt Und Herausgegeben by Rathgeber, Julius, Billing, Sigismund
On the State of Society in France before the Revolution of 1789; and on the courses which led to that event. Translated by Henry Reeve. by Clerel, Charles Alexis Henri Maurice, Reeve, Henry C. B.
La Rivoluzione Francese E L'Ultimo de' Pretesi Luigi XVII i.e. A. J. M. Alday. Studio Storico Critico by Alday, Augustin Jacques Marc, Amante, Bruto
Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century ... Third edition, with an index, etc. by Pardoe
History of the Wars of the French Revolution Embellished with portraits of the most distinguished characters of the age and illustrated by maps, etc. by Baines, Edward, Grimshaw, William
Die Französische Revolution. Volksthümliche Darstellung der Ereignisse und Zustände in Frankreich von 1789 bis 1804. Mit Porträts, etc. by Blos, Wilhelm
Lettres de Coray Au Protopsalte de Smyrne, Dimitrio Lotos, Sur Les Evenements de La Revolution Francaise, 1782-1793. Traduites Du Grec; Et Publiees Pa by Quex, Auguste Henri E., Koraes, Adamantios I.
The French Revolution of 1848; Its Causes, Actors, Events and Influences. with Illustrations by English, Thomas Dunn, Foster, George G.
Remarks on the Late French Revolution. Delivered at a Public Meeting in the City of Washington. by Cass, Lewis
Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century. Third edition, with an index, etc. by Pardoe
History of the Wars of the French Revolution ... Embellished with portraits of the most distinguished characters of the age and illustrated by maps, e by Baines, Edward
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons. Abridged from the last London edition by by Gould, Edward Sherman, Alison, Bart
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons ... Abridged from the Last London Edition by Alison, Archibald, Gould, Edward Sherman
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. VOL.V by Shoberl, Frederick, Thiers, Louis Adolphe President of the F.
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
Episodes of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1795-With an Appendix Embodying the Principal Events in France from 1789 to the Present Time-Examined f by Benvenuti, Fortune
History of the French Revolution, etc. VOL. X. by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, etc. VOL. IV. by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, etc. Vol. V. by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, etc. Book II by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, etc. by MacGregor, John
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of the French Revolution, etc, vol. XI by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, etc. Vol. VIII by MacGregor, John
History of the French Revolution, etc. by MacGregor, John
The History of the French Revolution, 1789 to 1795; or a country without a God by Northrop, Henry H.
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
A Year of Revolution. From a Journal kept in Paris in 1848 by Phipps, Constantine Henry
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl Vol. III. by Shoberl, Frederick, Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
Den Franska revolutionen, dess orsaker och inre historia, 1789-1799 by Boëthius, Simon Johannes
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. Vol. II by Thiers, Louis Adolphe, Shoberl, Frederick
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl Vol. IV by Thiers, Louis Adolphe, Shoberl, Frederick
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. Vol. I by Shoberl, Frederick, Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The History of the French Revolution. Translated from the last Paris edition, with notes by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
History of the French Revolution. Translated by J. Dixon by Thiers, Louis Adolphe, Dixon, J.
The History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. by Thiers, Louis Adolphe
The French Revolution: A History. Vol. III by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The History of France, from the earliest times to the outbreak of the Revolution. Abridged from ... R. Black's translation of ... Guizot's larger hist by Black, Robert, Guizot, François
History of the Constituent Assembly. Translated from the French. by Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis De Prat
Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta: With Some Remarks on Constantinople and Turkey, and on the System of Quarantine as at Present by Davy, John M. D. F. R. S.
Die Rheinpfalz in der Revolutionszeit von 1792 bis 1798, etc. Dweiter Band. by Remling, Franz Xaver
Die Rheinpfalz in der Revolutionszeit von 1792 bis 1798, etc. VOL.I by Remling, Franz Xaver
History of the Reign of George III. (History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from 1792 to 1815; comprehending the civil history of Great Britain by Baines, Edward
History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution, Etc. by Alison, Archibald
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. [vol. 4-8 edited until 1808 by Walker King, Bishop of Rochester, and French Laurence, and afterwards b by King, Walker, Laurence, French, Burke, Edmund
The French Queen's Letters: Mary Tudor Brandon and the Politics of Marriage in Sixteenth-Century Europe by Sadlack, E.
The French Queen's Letters: Mary Tudor Brandon and the Politics of Marriage in Sixteenth-Century Europe by Sadlack, E.
The Basques of Lapurdi, Zuberoa, and Lower Navarre: Their History and Their Traditions by Veyrin, Philippe
The Basques of Lapurdi, Zuberoa, and Nafarroa Beherea: Their History and Their Traditions by Veyrin, Philippe
Paris Under Water: How the City of Light Survived the Great Flood of 1910 by Jackson, Jeffrey H.
The French in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1266-1305 by Dunbabin, Jean
Holidays in Eastern France. by Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham
The Life of Madame Necker: Sin, Redemption and the Parisian Salon by Boon, Sonja
The Capture of Louisbourg, 1758 by Boscawen, Hugh
Confluence: The Nature of Technology and the Remaking of the Rhône by Pritchard, Sara B.
History of the Reign of George III. (History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from ... 1792 to ... 1815; comprehending the civil history of Great by George King of Great Britain, Baines, Edward
Saint Louis (Louis IX. Of France) The Most Christian King by Perry, Frederick
Paris Dreams, Paris Memories: The City and Its Mystique by Rearick, Charles
Paris Dreams, Paris Memories: The City and Its Mystique by Rearick, Charles
Defending National Treasures: French Art and Heritage Under Vichy by Karlsgodt, Elizabeth
Heroes and Legends of Fin-de-Siècle France by Datta, Venita
Heroes and Legends of Fin-de-Siècle France by Datta, Venita
Parisians: An Adventure History of Paris by Robb, Graham
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