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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 2020

France at War: On the Frontier of Civilization by Kipling, Rudyard
Life in Revolutionary France by
Medieval Women and War: Female Roles in the Old French Tradition by Harwood, Sophie
France in the Second World War: Collaboration, Resistance, Holocaust, Empire by Millington, Chris
Revolutionary Thought after the Paris Commune, 1871-1885 by Nicholls, Julia
France in the Second World War: Collaboration, Resistance, Holocaust, Empire by Millington, Chris
Toute notre jeunesse by Legendre, Mathieu
The French Revolution by Belloc, Hilaire
The French Revolution by Belloc, Hilaire
In the Footsteps of Zarafa, First Giraffe in France: A Chronicle of Giraffomania, 1826-1845 by Lebleu, Olivier
Paris and Its Revolutionary Ideas: A Guide to French Culture and the Capital by LaLonde, Suzanne
The École Royale Militaire: Noble Education, Institutional Innovation, and Royal Charity, 1750-1788 by Guízar, Haroldo A.
La fanteria francese dalla Rivoluzione all'Impero - Tomo 1 by Acerbi, Enrico
La fanteria francese dalla Rivoluzione all'Impero - Tomo 2 by Acerbi, Enrico
French infantry from the Revolution to the Empire - Tome 1 by Acerbi, Enrico
French infantry from the Revolution to the Empire - Tome 2 by Acerbi, Enrico
In the Footsteps of Zarafa, First Giraffe in France: A Chronicle of Giraffomania, 1826-1845 by Lebleu, Olivier
Interkonfessionelle Aushandlungen im protestantischen Drama: Mittelalterliche Traditionslinien des geistlichen Spiels im Bibeldrama der Reformationsze by Gürth, Maximiliane Johanna Antonia
Toussaint L'Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines: The History and Legacy of the Haitian Revolution's Most Famous Leaders by Charles River
Waterloo by Belloc, Hilaire
Waterloo by Belloc, Hilaire
La Guerra Franco-Prusiana 1870-1871 by Lehto, Jukka
Napoléon by Dumas, Alexandre
Ma Vie Militaire, 1800-1810 by Houssaye, Henry, Chevillet, Georges, Chevillet, Jacques
Shanghai on the Metro: Spies, Intrigue, and the French Between the Wars by Miller, Michael B.
Rich and Poor in Grenoble 1600 - 1814 by Norberg, Kathryn
Architextual Authenticity: Constructing Literature and Literary Identity in the French Caribbean by Herbeck, Jason
Deporting Black Britons: Portraits of Deportation to Jamaica by Noronha, Luke de
King of the World: The Life of Louis XIV by Mansel, Philip
Le Dix-huit Brumaire by Bainville, Jacques
A St. Helena Who's Who; or, A directory of the Island during the captivity of Napoleon by Chaplin, Arnold
In the Footsteps of Flora Tristan: A Political Biography by Cross, Máire Fedelma
Guerras Napoleónicas: Una Guía Fascinante sobre las Guerras Napoleónicas y la Guerra de 1812 by History, Captivating
A St. Helena Who's Who; or, A directory of the Island during the captivity of Napoleon by Chaplin, Arnold
The System of the Inquisition in Medieval Europe by
Guerras Napoleónicas: Una Guía Fascinante sobre las Guerras Napoleónicas y la Guerra de 1812 by History, Captivating
The Girl and the Bombardier: A True Story of Resistance and Rescue in Nazi-Occupied France by Ankeny, Susan Tate
Histoire de Vercingétorix: vérités et légendes sur la figure d'un héros national by Girard, Michel-Antoine
Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World by Effros, Bonnie
Popular Legitimism and the Monarchy in France: Mass Politics Without Parties, 1830-1880 by Rulof, Bernard
An Ottoman in Paris: Relationships During His Travels And His Secret Mission. Mouhib Effendi "Extraordinary Ambassador" of Sultan Selim III by Tur, Erkan
The Road to Villa Page: A He Said/She Said Memoir of Buying Our Dream Home in France by Royce, Cynthia, Royce, William James
Polish State Railways as a Mode of Transport for Troops of the Warsaw Pact: Technology in Service of a Doctrine by
A Colonial Affair: Commerce, Conversion, and Scandal in French India by Agmon, Danna
Reproductive Citizens: Gender, Immigration, and the State in Modern France, 1880-1945 by Barton, Nimisha
The Tournaments at Le Hem and Chauvency: Sarrasin: The Romance of Le Hem; Jacques Bretel: The Tournament at Chauvency by Bryant, Nigel
Marie Antoinette's Darkest Days: Prisoner No. 280 in the Conciergerie by Bashor, Will
Paris on the Brink: The 1930s Paris of Jean Renoir, Salvador Dalí, Simone de Beauvoir, André Gide, Sylvia Beach, Léon Blum, and Their Friends by McAuliffe, Mary
Hip-Hop en Français: An Exploration of Hip-Hop Culture in the Francophone World by
The Haitian Revolution: The History and Legacy of the Slave Uprising that Led to Haiti's Independence by Charles River
The Haitian Revolution: The History and Legacy of the Slave Uprising that Led to Haiti's Independence by Charles River
Voices in the Legal Archives in the French Colonial World: "The King is Listening" by
La Grande Révolution by Kropotkine, Pierre
Histoire générale de la civilisation en Europe by Guizot, François
Des conspirations et de la justice politique by Guizot, François
Rise of the Roman Empire: The Will to Endure by Dynneson, Thomas L.
The King of Nazi Paris: Henri LaFont and the French Gestapo by Othen Christopher
The Seine: The River That Made Paris by Sciolino, Elaine
National Indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe by
1652 by Parrott
German-Occupied Europe in the Second World War by
Winston Churchill: At War and Thinking of War Before 1939 by
Algériennes: The Forgotten Women of the Algerian Revolution by Meralli, Swann, Deloupy
Republican Citizens, Precarious Subjects: Representations of Work in Post-Fordist France by Lane, Jeremy F.
Church in the Republic: Gallicanism and Political Ideology in Renaissance France by Parsons, Jotham
Assassination in Vichy: Marx Dormoy and the Struggle for the Soul of France by Finley-Croswhite, Stephanie Annette, Brunelle, Gayle
The French Revolution: Faith, Desire, and Politics by Shusterman, Noah
The French Revolution: Faith, Desire, and Politics by Shusterman, Noah
Balzac's Lives by Brooks, Peter
Assassination in Vichy: Marx Dormoy and the Struggle for the Soul of France by Finley-Croswhite, Stephanie Annette, Brunelle, Gayle
La Révolution française by Mathiez, Albert
Napoleon's Last Campaign in Germany, 1813; with seventeen maps and plans by Loraine Petre, Francis
Deco Dandy: Designing Masculinity in 1920s Paris by Potvin, John
La Résistante by Goodrow, Françoise Martin
The Resistant by Goodrow, Françoise Martin
Être nationaliste en régime de dictature by
The Rise of Louis Napoleon by Simpson, F. a.
Mémoires de Cora Pearl by Pearl, Cora
Six semaines dans un phare by Garnier, Henri
Making Spirit Matter: Neurology, Psychology, and Selfhood in Modern France by McGrath, Larry Sommer
Making Spirit Matter: Neurology, Psychology, and Selfhood in Modern France by McGrath, Larry Sommer
The Culture of War: Literature of the Siege of Paris 1870-1871 by Foss, Colin
The Last Libertines by Craveri, Benedetta
Catherine De' Medici And The French Reformation by Sichel, Edith
Catherine De' Medici And The French Reformation by Sichel, Edith
Textualization of Experience: Studies on Ancient Greek Literature by Majewski, Pawel
Confrontations au national-socialisme dans l'Europe francophone et germanophone (1919-1949) / Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus im deut by
Charlotte Gainsbourg: Transnational and Transmedia Stardom by Chaplin, Felicity
Feudalism, Venality, and Revolution: Provincial Assemblies in Late-Old Regime France by Miller, Stephen
The D-Day Museum The Battle of NORMANDY by Postolachi, Sergiu
The French Revolution: A Study In Democracy by Helen Webster, Nesta
The Love-Affairs Of The Condés (1530-1740) by Noel Williams, H.
The Love-Affairs Of The Condés (1530-1740) by Noel Williams, H.
The French Revolution: A Study In Democracy by Helen Webster, Nesta
Charles de Gaulle by Knapp, Andrew
Charles de Gaulle by Knapp, Andrew
French Connections: Cultural Mobility in North America and the Atlantic World, 1600-1875 by
O Discurso de Lyon: e outros textos de juventude by Bonaparte, Napoleão
Jewish-Muslim Interactions: Performing Cultures Between North Africa and France by
O Louvre e o Hermitage: a história e o conteúdo dos maiores museus de arte da Europa by Charles River
O Louvre e o Hermitage: a história e o conteúdo dos maiores museus de arte da Europa by Charles River
Mediaeval France by Masson, Gustave
France Coloring Book by Dylanna Press
The Daniel Wilsons in France, 1819-1919: Industry, the Arts, the Press, Châteaux, the Elysée Palace, and Scandal by Palmer, Michael B.
Curiosités historiques sur Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Mme de Maintenon, Mme de Pompadour, Mme du Barry, etc. by Le Roi, Joseph-Adrien
Mirabeau And The French Revolution by F. Warwick, Charles
Napoleon In Exile: Elba; From The Entry Of The Allies Into Paris On The 31St March 1814 To The Return Of Napoleon From Elba And His Landi by Young, Norwood
Writing Normandy: Stories of Saints and Rulers by Lifshitz, Felice
Napoleon's Enfant Terrible: General Dominique Vandamme by Gallaher, John G.
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres by Adams, Henry
Revolutionary Brothers by Chaffin, Tom
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres by Adams, Henry
Invoking the Akelarre: Voices of the Accused in the Basque Witch-Craze, 16091614 by Wilby, Emma
Les traits éternels de la France by Barrès, Maurice
Le Génie du Rhin by Barrès, Maurice
War in Spain: Appeasement, Collective Insecurity, and the Failure of European Democracies Against Fascism by Jorge, David
French Emigrants in Revolutionised Europe: Connected Histories and Memories by
Napoleonic Wars: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Greece: Memory, Testimony and Subjectivity by Hantzaroula, Pothiti
Livre Du Souvenir. Guide Du Voyageur Dans La France Envahie En 1914. Meaux, La Bataille de l'Ourcq: Coulommiers, Château-Thierry, de Senlis À Nanteuil by Ginisty, Paul, Alexandre, Arsène
Hybrid Anxieties: Queering the French-Algerian War and Its Postcolonial Legacies by Quinan, C. L.
The Day Guinea Rejected De Gaulle of France and Chose Independence by Kaba, Lansiné
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society by
Women's Medicine: Sex, Family Planning and British Female Doctors in Transnational Perspective, 1920-70 by Rusterholz, Caroline
Hoarding Memory: Covering the Wounds of the Algerian War by Hubbell, Amy L.
Hybrid Anxieties: Queering the French-Algerian War and Its Postcolonial Legacies by Quinan, C. L.
The Shaping of French National Identity by D'Auria, Matthew
Making of a Terrorist: Alexandre Rousselin and the French Revolution by Horn, Jeff
Witness to the Revolution: Jean-Baptiste Louvet, 1760-1797 by Oliver, Bette W.
Charles de Gaulle: A Thorn in the Side of Six American Presidents by Keylor, William R.
Writing Occupation: Jewish Émigré Voices in Wartime France by Elsky, Julia
Medieval Europe's Mercenaries: The History of Hired Soldiers across Europe and the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages by Charles River
Medieval Europe's Mercenaries: The History of Hired Soldiers across Europe and the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages by Charles River
Joan of Arc: The Patron Saint and Heroine of France by
Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1 by Von Clauswitz, Carl
Interior Decorating in Nineteenth-Century France: The Visual Culture of a New Profession by Lasc, Anca I.
Les idées politiques de la France by Thibaudet, Albert
Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1 by Von Clauswitz, Carl
Divining Nature: Aesthetics of Enchantment in Enlightenment France by Cuillé, Tili Boon
Institutionalizing Gender: Madness, the Family, and Psychiatric Power in Nineteenth-Century France by Hewitt, Jessie
Automatic Religion: Nearhuman Agents of Brazil and France by Johnson, Paul Christopher
Automatic Religion: Nearhuman Agents of Brazil and France by Johnson, Paul Christopher
Eugenie: The Empress and her Empire by Seward, Desmond
They Came Bearing Bread: The Hard Lives of the Porteuses de Pain by Chevallier, Jim
France 1715-1804: Power and the People by Lewis, Gwynne
Words of a Demolitions Contractor by Bloy, Léon
Le caractère sacré et divin de la royauté en France by De La Franquerie, Marquis, Lesage, André
Annals Of Parisian Typography: Containing An Account Of The Earliest Typographical Establishments Of Paris; And Notes And Illustrations Of The Most R by Parr Greswell, William
Religion and Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Worlds: Identities, Communities and Authorities by
Religion and Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Worlds: Identities, Communities and Authorities by
A-D Guide to the Earliest Burials in Père-Lachaise Cemetery, 1804-1829 by Soper, Steve
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Marx, Karl
The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust: Life and Death in Theresienstadt Ghetto by Tarabini Fracapane, Silvia
The Long-Haired Kings: And Other Studies in Frankish History by Wallace-Hadrill, J. M.
Nelson's Letters to Lady Hamilton and Related Documents by