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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 2022

Negotiating the Nazi Occupation of France: Gender, Power, and Memory by
Apostles of Empire: The Jesuits and New France by McShea, Bronwen
Terror: The French Revolution and Its Demons by Biard, Michel, Linton, Marisa
The History of a Crime by Hugo, Victor
Death and the Crown: Ritual and Politics in France Before the Revolution by Byrne, Anne
The History of a Crime by Hugo, Victor
The Vanished Collection by Baer de Perignon, Pauline
The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: Strategies for a World War by Black, Jeremy
Campagnes du général Marulaz (1806-1809): Golymin, Eylau, Heilsberg, Landshut, Essling, Wagram by Lapray, Olivier
Thietmar von Merseburg: Historiographie der Grenzwelten by
Storytelling in Sixteenth-Century France: Negotiating Shifting Forms by
Staatsangehörigkeitswechsel Und Option Im Friedensvertrage Von Versailles by Bruns, Carl Georg
France, Germany, and Nuclear Deterrence: Quarrels and Convergences During the Cold War and Beyond by
The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: Strategies for a World War by Black, Jeremy
The Boys' Life of Lafayette by Nicolay, Helen
Jeanne d'Arc la Pucelle by De La Franquerie, Marquis
The Illusion of the Burgundian State by Lecuppre-Desjardin, Élodie
The Economic Modernisation of France by Price, Roger
Making the Bible French: The Bible Historiale and the Medieval Lay Reader by Patterson, Jeanette
La ligue d'Action française (1905-1936): Organisations, lieux et pratiques militantes by Schmidt-Trimborn, Anne-Catherine
Charles Dadant - That Bee Man from Champagne by Pellett, Kent Louis
Chanson: A Tribute to France's Most Romantic and Poetic Musical Tradition by Salie, Olaf
A Jewish Marshall Plan: The American Jewish Presence in Post-Holocaust France by Hobson Faure, Laura
A Jewish Marshall Plan: The American Jewish Presence in Post-Holocaust France by Hobson Faure, Laura
The Town of Vichy and the Politics of Identity: Stigma, Victimhood and Decline by Freeman, Kirrily
The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: Emperor of the French by Scott, Sir Walter
The Black Populations of France: Histories from Metropole to Colony by
The Black Populations of France: Histories from Metropole to Colony by
Charles Martel et la bataille de Poitiers: Construction et deconstruction d'un mythe identitaire by Ibn Najiallah, Mohammed
Psychoanalysis and the Family in Twentieth-Century France: Françoise Dolto and Her Legacy by Bates, Richard
Syria and Lebanon 1941: The Allied Fight Against the Vichy French by Sutton, David
Sport and Physical Culture in Occupied France: Authoritarianism, Agency, and Everyday Life by Rathbone, Keith
Secularism, Islam and Public Intellectuals in Contemporary France by Kiwan, Nadia
Intimate Bonds: Family and Slavery in the French Atlantic by Palmer, Jennifer L.
The French Revolution in Europe: Volume 1 of 9: Values and Traditions of Authority by Sorel, Albert
Jean Grave and the Networks of French Anarchism, 1854-1939 by Bantman, Constance
Une Famille d'Artistes Et de Financiers Aux Xviie Et XVIII Siècles, Les Boullongne by Sans Auteur
Vingt Lieues Autour de Paris, Ou Panorama Vivant Des Barrières, de la Banlieue Et Des Environs: de la Capitale... by Sans Auteur
Histoire de la conquête de l'Algérie, de 1830 à 1847. Tome 2 by Sans Auteur
Histoire de la guerre (juillet 1870-janvier 1871), avec carte by Sans Auteur
Histoire de l'armée et de tous les régiments. Tome 1 by Sans Auteur
Histoire de l'armée et de tous les régiments. Tome 3 by Sans Auteur
Histoire de l'esprit révolutionnaire des nobles en France sous les soixante-huit rois. Tome 1 by Sans Auteur
La famille et les seigneurs de Thiéblemont: 1140-1909 by Sans Auteur
Vie et amours de Marion Delorme, contenant l'histoire de ses liaisons. Tome 4 by de Mere-E
Description Des Arènes Ou de l'Amphithéâtre d'Arles by Guis, Joseph
Explication Des Tableaux de la Galerie de Versailles, Et de Ses Deux Sallons by Rainssant-P
Histoire générale de Languedoc: T. 10 (Éd.1840-1846) by Devic C
Mémoires sur la vie de Marie-Antoinette, reine de France et de Navarre: suivis de souvenirs by Campan-M
Jeanne d'Arc, Ou l'Héroïne Française. Tome 1 by Gottis-A
Discours sur le serment de haine à la royauté et imprécation contre les parjures pour la fête by Mulot-F-V
L'Histoire interdite by Wolton-T
Le pharaon by Bothorel-J
Les Années d'après-guerre by Montassier-V a.
La France imaginée by Birnbaum-P
Nouveaux paysages de campagne by Alexandre-P
Paris Province by George-J
Questions de France by Allegre-C+jeambar-D
Naissance du Panthéon by Bonnet-J C.
La tentation de Venise by Juppe-A
La Ligue by Constant-J M.
Mitterrand, Jospin et nous by Glavany-J
Les Guerres de religion by Miquel-P
Histoires de la nuit parisienne by Chevalier-L
Le Gaullisme d'opposition by Charlot-J
La république de France by de Beauce-T
Le Blasphème du professeur Piton by Gaxotte-P
Le feu et l'eau by Bedei-J P+liegeois-J P.
La double méprise by Nay-C
L'oeil du pouvoir by Menage-G
François Mitterrand by Evin-K
La Fin d'une époque by Giesbert-F O.
L'amour de la politique by Konopnicki-G
Vive la nation by Lacoste-Y
La politique de la Terreur by Gueniffey-P
Démocratie française by Giscard d'Estaing-V
Dictionnaire de la réforme by Balladur-E
Eux c'est eux, nous c'est nous by Faizant-J+wajsman-P
Etats de service by Fauroux-R
Les vingt et un jours qui ébranlèrent la droite by Thenard-J M+bresson-G
Le village retrouvé by Dibie-P
Le procès de Louis XVI by Lombard-P
La république xénophobe by Deschodt-P J+huguenin-F
Les Comtes de Toulouse (1050-1250) by Dejean-J L.
Les Filles de Marianne by Bard-C
Le Tour de France Medieval by Pernoud-G+r
Le Château de Versailles by Verlet-P
La Provence devient française by Duchene-R
Gouverner selon de Gaulle by Lefranc-P+moll-G
L'esprit des seventies by Buot-F+bernier-A
Bibliographie Historique Et Critique de la Presse Périodique Française (Éd.1866) by Hatin E
Cartulaire de l'Évêché Du Mans: 936-1790 (Éd.1900) by Sans Auteur
Dict. de la Noblesse, Généalogies, Chronologie Des Familles Nobles de France Ed3, T1 (Éd.1863-1876) by de la Chesnaye Des Bois F
Mémoires Sur Napoléon Et Marie-Louise 1810-1814 (Éd.1886) by Cohonset S
Description de l'Église Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens, 1815-1900 (Éd.1900) by Baron J
Histoire de la marine française. Tome 3 (Éd.1845) by Sue E
Histoire de Charles VII. Tome 5, Année 1449-1453 (Éd.1881-1891) by Du Fresne de Beaucourt G
Cahiers des États de Normandie sous le règne de Henri IV. Tome 2 (Éd.1880-1882) by Sans Auteur
Sigillographie Du Diocèse de Gap (Éd.1870) by Roman J
Cartulaire de Notre-Dame-Des-Ardents À Arras (Éd.1876) by Sans Auteur
Metz, Documents Généalogiques: Armée, Noblesse, Magistrature, Haute Bourgeoisie, 1561-1792 (Éd.1899) by Poirier F J
Histoire de l'hôpital de Bicêtre (1250-1791): maisons de l'hôpital général de Paris (Éd.1889) by Richard E
Reflections on the Revolution in France, Proceedings in Certain Societies in London (Éd.1790) by Burke E
Armorial Général Des Personnes, Domaines, Compagnies, Circonscription Actuelle de l'Aude (Éd.1876) by D Hozier C
The French Royal Wardrobe: The Hôtel de la Marine Restored by Bauret, Gabriel, Hanover, Jérôme
A Scented Palace: The Secret History of Marie Antoinette's Perfumer by Feydeau, Elisabeth de
Medieval Women and War: Female Roles in the Old French Tradition by Harwood, Sophie
The French Revolution and Napoleon: Crucible of the Modern World by Hunt, Lynn, Censer, Jack R.
The Personality of Paris: Landscape and Society in the Long-Nineteenth Century by Baker, Alan R. H.
Transnational France: The Modern History of a Universal Nation by Stovall, Tyler
Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France by
Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France by
Transnational France: The Modern History of a Universal Nation by Stovall, Tyler
French Liberalism and Imperialism in the Age of Napoleon III: Empire at Home, Colonies Abroad by de la Rosa, Miquel
Contested Legacies of 1989: Geopolitics, Memories and Societies in Central and Eastern Europe by
Yiddish Paris: Staging Nation and Community in Interwar France by Underwood, Nick
The Wretched of France: The 1983 March for Equality and Against Racism by Hajjat, Abdellali
The Wretched of France: The 1983 March for Equality and Against Racism by Hajjat, Abdellali
Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, Illuminati, and Reading by Robison, John
Yiddish Paris: Staging Nation and Community in Interwar France by Underwood, Nick
France in Flux: Space, Territory and Contemporary Culture by
Landscape in the Longue Duree: A Historical Perspective by
Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, Illuminati, and Reading by Robison, John
Neighbours of Passage: A Microhistory of Migrants in a Paris Tenement, 1882-1932 by Langrognet, Fabrice
Believe - The Shipwreck of La Bourgogne: Adrien Lacasse, The Hero of my family by Pinner, Patricia
Revisiting HIV/AIDS in French Culture: Raw Matters by
Le choix des X by Baruch-M O+guigueno-V
L'Historien, le chiffre et le texte by Le Roy Ladurie-E
Waterloo After the Glory: Hospital Sketches and Reports on the Wounded After the Battle by Crumplin, Michael
Counterpractice: Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Art of French Feminism by Balaram, Rakhee
Robespierre: The Man Who Divides Us the Most by Gauchet, Marcel
The House of Fragile Things: Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of France by McAuley, James
Value in Art: Manet and the Slave Trade by Sayre, Henry M.
Interactions Between Rivals: The Christian Mission and Buddhist Sects in Japan (c.1549-c.1647) by Curvelo, Alexandra, Cattaneo, Angelo
Rethinking Revolutionary Change in Europe: A Neostructuralist Approach by Stone, Bailey
The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: The Sins of Silence by Lotem, Itay
Marx in Paris, 1871: Jenny's "Blue Notebook" by Löwy, Michael, Besancenot, Olivier
Deco Dandy: Designing Masculinity in 1920s Paris by Potvin, John
The Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché by
Marx in Paris, 1871: Jenny's "Blue Notebook" by Löwy, Michael, Besancenot, Olivier
The Paris Commune: A Brief History by Eichner, Carolyn J.
With The Mad: Translated from the French "Chez Les Fous" by Londres, Albert
Gawkers: Art and Audience in Late Nineteenth-Century France by Alsdorf, Bridget
The Merovingian Kingdoms and the Mediterranean World: Revisiting the Sources by
The Army of Napoléon III: Volume 1: The Imperial Guard by Grenan, Shaun C.
Algeria: The Politics of a Socialist Revolution by Ottaway, David, Ottaway, Marina
Algeria: The Politics of a Socialist Revolution by Ottaway, David, Ottaway, Marina
Im Fahrwasser regionaler Hansestaedte: Dithmarschen in den Konfliktfeldern des westlichen Ostseeraums (1500-1559) by Brenner, Stefan
Music in French History by
La presse et ses images - Die Presse und ihre Bilder: Sources - réseaux - imaginaires - méthodes. Quellen - Netzwerke - Imaginaere - Methoden by
Today Sardines Are Not for Sale: A Street Protest in Occupied Paris by Schwartz, Paula
Seventh Member State: Algeria, France, and the European Community by Brown, Megan
The French Debate: Constitution and Revolution, 1795-1800 by Ackroyd, Marcus
The Last Baron: The Paris Kidnapping That Brought Down an Empire by Sancton, Tom
Luxury After the Terror by Moon, Iris
The French Revolution in Europe: Volume 2 of 9: The Fall of Royalty by Sorel, Albert
The Man from Section Five: A Brinley Knight Spy Thriller by Petken, Jana
Gay Liberation After May '68 by Hocquenghem, Guy
La mission divine de la France by De La Franquerie, Marquis
Gay Liberation After May '68 by Hocquenghem, Guy
The Louvre: The Many Lives of the World's Most Famous Museum by Gardner, James
Sacred Paris: A Guide to the Churches, Synagogues, and the Grand Mosque in the City of Light by Cahill, Susan
The Voices of Nîmes: Women, Sex, and Marriage in Reformation Languedoc by Lipscomb, Suzannah
The French Revolution and Napoleon: Crucible of the Modern World by Censer, Jack R., Hunt, Lynn
Historicizing the French Revolution: The Two Hundred Years' War by Francesco, Antonino de
Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas, Pere
Uncle Bernac by Doyle, Arthur Canan
The Elusive Pimpernel by Orczy, Baroness
A Little Tour in France by James, Henry
Court Homosexuality during the Reign of Louis XIV by Hone, Michael
Tage des Grauens: Frankreichs "Humanität" gegenüber seinen deutschen Gefangenen im Ersten Weltkrieg by Wilke, Karl
The Grand Strategies of Great Powers by Onea, Tudor A.
French Rule in the States of Parma, 1796-1814: Working with Napoleon by Harsanyi, Doina Pasca
The Cult of the Revolutionary Tradition: The Blanquists in French Politics, 1864 - 1893 by Hutton, Patrick H.
The Cult of the Revolutionary Tradition: The Blanquists in French Politics, 1864 - 1893 by Hutton, Patrick H.
A Civil Society: The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744-1944 by Allen, James Smith
Twenty-First-Century Symbolism: Verlaine, Baudelaire, Mallarmé by Lübecker, Nikolaj
Aquitânia - o fim de uma guerra by Nikolaus, Annemarie
Report on the Mission to Brazil by Guillemin, Antoine
Terms of Exchange: Brazilian Intellectuals and the French Social Sciences by Merkel, Ian
Viking Warrior Vs Frankish Warrior: Francia 799-911 by Tetzner, Noah
The Politics of Imperial Memory in France, 1850-1900 by Carroll, Christina B.
The Riviera, Exposed: An Ecohistory of Postwar Tourism and North African Labor by Harp, Stephen L.
Mother's Milk and Male Fantasy in Nineteenth-Century French Narrative by Algazi Marcus, Lisa
The Merovingians: Kingship, Institutions, Law, and History by Murray, Alexander
Rights of Man by Paine, Thomas
Rights of Man by Paine, Thomas
Monarchy: A Study of Louis XIV by Belloc, Hilaire
U.S. Go Home: The U.S. Military in France, 1945-1968 by Egan, David, Egan, Jean
The Last Revolutionaries: The Conspiracy Trial of Gracchus Babeuf and the Equals by Mason, Laura
Vogue Paris: 100 Years by Vogue
Una civilización juvenil en la Edad Moderna: Desigualdades de edad y contrastes generacionales by
Ordinary Citizens and the French Third Republic: Negotiations Between People and Parliament, C.1900-1930 by Lauwers, Karen
Monarchy: A Study of Louis XIV by Belloc, Hilaire
All about Austerlitz: The campaign, the battles, the places and the troops by Acerbi, Enrico
Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Greece: Memory, Testimony and Subjectivity by Hantzaroula, Pothiti
War in Spain: Appeasement, Collective Insecurity, and the Failure of European Democracies Against Fascism by Jorge, David
France at Bay 1870-1871: The Struggle for Paris by Fermer, Douglas
Deux siècles d'enseignement bilingue à New York: Le rôle des écoles dans la diplomatie culturelle by Jane, Flatau Ross
The Topographic Imaginary: Attending to Place in Contemporary French Photography by Blatt, Ari J.
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