• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French History in 2025

La pensée française au XVIIIe siècle by Mornet, David
Moi allemand marié à une Juive by Matter, Romane
How did historical leaders lead people: 1830 to 1847 by Endless, Elio
Paris, City of Pearls: A Historical Heyday for Jewelry by Pouy, Leonard
Black France, White Europe: Youth, Race, and Belonging in the Postwar Era by Marker, Emily
The Story of the 2024 Tour de France: The Happy Warrior Triumphs by McGann, Carol, McGann, Bill
Habsburgs on the Rio Grande: The Rise and Fall of the Second Mexican Empire by Jonas, Raymond
Nobility Lost: French and Canadian Martial Cultures, Indians, and the End of New France by Crouch, Christian Ayne
Repeating Revolutions: The French Revolution and the Algerian War by Johnson, Timothy Scott
Demos Rising: Democracy and the Popular Construction of Public Power in France, 1800-1850 by Sawyer, Stephen W.
Demos Rising: Democracy and the Popular Construction of Public Power in France, 1800-1850 by Sawyer, Stephen W.
Time Machines: Telegraphic Images in Nineteenth-Century France by Taws, Richard
In Defense of Barbarism: Non-Whites Against the Empire by Yousfi, Louisa
Paris Concealed: Masks in the City of Light by Johnson, James H.
Dark Allure of the Côte d'Azur: Beauty, Leisure and Violence on the French Riviera Since the Eighteenth Century by Bryant, Raymond Leslie
Lies of the Land: Painted Maps in Late Medieval and Early Modern France by Serchuk, Camille
Killing Napoleon: The Plot to Blow Up Bonaparte by North, Jonathan
Space, Images, and Art Perception in Napoleonic Paris: Setting the Gaze by Murgia, Camilla
The Man Who Murdered Admiral Darlan: Vichy, the Allies and the Resistance in French North Africa by Vergez-Chaignon, Bénédicte
Frameworks of Time in Rousseau by
Forty-Four Months in the Alps: The Resistance of the Piedmontese Army Against Revolutionary France, 1792-1796 by Ricchiardi, Enrico
The Hundred Thousand Sons of St Louis: The French Campaign in Spain April to October 1823 by Weaver, Ralph
Building Europe in New York: From the Munich Conference to the European Coal and Steel Community (1938-1952) by Ciappi, Enrico
France and the American Civil War: A Diplomatic History by Sainlaude, Stève
The French-German Dynamic in an Age of Conflict, 1925-1963: Enemies, Collaborators, Friends by Passman, Elana
Paris Undercover: A Wartime Story of Courage, Friendship, and Betrayal by Goodman, Matthew
Forgotten Saint-Simonian Travelers in Egypt: Suzanne Voilquin, Ismayl Urbain, and Jehan d'Ivray by Ragan, John David
Seignelay Colbert de Castlehill (1735-1811): A Bishop Between Scottish Enlightenment and Counter-Revolution by
A Modern History of Andorra: Autonomy in the Pyrenean Borderlands by Lyons, Martyn
1709: The Twilight of the Sun King by Dee, Darryl
1709: The Twilight of the Sun King by Dee, Darryl
Paris, City of Dreams: Napoleon III, Baron Haussmann, and the Creation of Paris by McAuliffe, Mary
Alfred Dreyfus: The Man at the Center of the Affair by Samuels, Maurice
La Maldición del Marqués de Sade: Un Manuscrito Mítico, Un Canalla Infame Y El Mayor Escándalo de la Historia de la Literatura / The Curse of the Marq by Warner, Joel
The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought: French Sociology and the Overseas Empire by Steinmetz, George
Dreams and How to Guide Them: The Legendary Dream Control Manual by D'Hervey de Saint-Denys, Marquis
French Émigré Armies of the Revolutionary Wars Volume 1: The Armée Des Princes (1791-1792) by de Bazouges, Hughes, Nichols, Alistair
Necrofiction and The Politics of Literary Memory by Panaïté, Oana
Bismarck's Wars: Wargaming Rules for the Franco-Prussian War, 1859-71 by Emsen, Nigel, Hellard, Tony
The Making of Paris: The Story of How Paris Evolved from a Fishing Village into the World's Most Beautiful City by Kelley, Russell
French Early Socialists 1790s-1870s by Pilbeam, Pamela
French Early Socialists 1790s-1870s by Pilbeam, Pamela
Building Dictatorships Under Axis Rule: War, Military Occupation and Political Regimes by
Monaco at UNESCO: 75 Years by Lamotte, Stéphane, Vinci, Jean-Philippe
Theater, War, and Memory in Crisis: Vichy, Algeria, the Aftermath by Ireland, John
Only in Marseille: A Guide to Unique Locations, Hidden Corners and Unusual Objects by Smith, Duncan J. D.
Eating in Eighteenth-Century Provence: The Evolution of a Tradition by Santich, Barbara
Modern France by Leruth, Michael F.
1923: The Mystery of Lot 212 and a Tour de France Obsession by Boulting, Ned
The Letters of Hugh Metel by
The Shortest History of France: From Roman Gaul to Revolution and Cultural Radiance - A Global Story for Our Times by Jones, Colin
The Dreyfus Affair's Literary Politics by Cooke, Roderick
The Le Corbusier Galaxy: Frantisek Sammer and a Global Network of Avant-Garde Architects by Hrabová, Martina
Dangerous Vagabonds: French Senegal and Resistance to Slave Emancipation by Hardy, Robin A.
Passing Misery: The Journal of a Forced Laborer in the Third Reich by
Who Will Rescue Us?: The Story of the Jewish Children Who Fled to France and America During the Holocaust by Hobson Faure, Laura
Jews, Suicide, and the Holocaust by Mengerink, Mark A.
Napoleon and the Shroud: The Kingdom and the Power by Castro, Tony
The Gastronomic History of Paris: From the Middle Ages to Our Times by Rambourg, Patrick
France 1940: The First Great Clash of World War II Airpower by Corum, James S.
The Belle Époque Life in Paris: Olga Paley and Paul of Russia by Zeisler, Wilfried
Paris on Foot: John Baxter's Insider Guide by Baxter, John
Normandy: The Sailors' Story: A Naval History of D-Day and the Battle for France by Hewitt, Nick
Wild Thing: A Life of Paul Gauguin by Prideaux, Sue
The Routledge Handbook of the History of Paris Since 1789 by
Republican Passions: Family, Friendship and Politics in Nineteenth-Century France by Foley, Susan K.
Counterpractice: Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Art of French Feminism by Balaram, Rakhee
Mummified: The Stories Behind Egyptian Mummies in Museums by Stienne, Angela
Jewish Ideas of France: Migration, Diaspora, and Empire by
Ascending Republic: The Ballooning Revival in Nineteenth-Century France by Sullivan de Oliveira, Patrick Luiz
Morbid Undercurrents: Medical Subcultures in Postrevolutionary France by Quinlan, Sean M.
Jules Verne and the Invention of the Future by Bergreen, Laurence
Jules Verne and the Invention of the Future by Bergreen, Laurence
La Provence Antique: Histoire Et Monuments by Bouet, Damien, Genot, Alain, Moliner, Manuel
Les Maisons Fortes Des Ardennes: Sentinelles Inutiles by Mary, Jean-Yves
Voyage En Cotentin: Avec Gilles de Goubervilles by Collectif
Forces Terrestres Françaises by Ouvrage Collectif
Fragility: A History of Plaster by Corbin, Alain
Fragility: A History of Plaster by Corbin, Alain
Les Bombardements Alliés Sur La France by Robinard, François
Utopia: From the Novel to Revolution by Roza, Stéphanie
The Last Empress of France: The Rebellious Life of Eugénie de Montijo by Resnick, Evelyne, Kladstrup, Petie
Inglorious Artists: Art World Satire and the Emergence of a Capitalist Art Market in Paris, 1750-1850 by Desplanque, Kathryn
Inglorious Artists: Art World Satire and the Emergence of a Capitalist Art Market in Paris, 1750-1850 by Desplanque, Kathryn
Letters from Rousseau: Selected Correspondence by
Between the Sheets: Sexuality, Classified Advertising, and the Moral Threat to Press Freedom in France by Frydman, Hannah
Jules Verne and the Invention of the Future (Large Print Edition) by Bergreen, Laurence
Conquest and Resistance in West Africa: The Jeandet Affair and the Illusion of Colonial Justice by Ginio, Ruth
Jules Verne and the Invention of the Future by Bergreen, Laurence
Murder in Marseille: Right-Wing Terrorism in 1930s Europe by Millington, Christopher
Amuse Bouche: How to Eat Your Way Around France by Boyd, Carolyn
Why Fascism Is on the Rise in France: From Macron to Le Pen by Palheta, Ugo
France's War in Indochina: Volume 2: Viet Minh Goes on the Offensive, 1949-1953 by Rookes, Stephen
The Holocaust in Paris: A Spatial and Oral History of Drancy by Hesz-Wood, Stephanie