• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French in 2004

The Imaginary Caribbean and Caribbean Imaginary by Praeger, Michele
Sprachnorm und Sprachqualität im frankophonen Fernsehen von Québec by Reinke, Kristin
From Africa: New Francophone Stories by
Français populaire im siècle classique: Untersuchungen auf der Grundlage der Agréables Conférences de deux paysans de Saint-Ouen et de Montmorency sur by Birk, Jana
Contemporary French Cultures and Societies: An Interdisciplinary Assessment by
Les règles du genre des noms au masculin et au féminin: pourquoi le bras est au masculin tandis que la jambe est au féminin, et autres mystères de la by Rosenthal, Saul H.
French for Cruisers: The Boater's Complete Language Guide for French Waters by Parsons, Kathy
Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide by Isabelle Perez, Lang, Margaret
Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide by Lang, Margaret, Isabelle Perez
Expo 2 Vert Pupil Book by Ramage, Gill, Meier, Jon
Expo 2 Rouge Pupil Book by Ramage, Gill
Merriam-Webster's Pocket French-English Dictionary by
Deutsch, Franzoesisch und Spanisch im Kontrast mit dem Italienischen: Vier Beitraege zum Sprachvergleich- Komposition (Deutsch-Italienisch), textexter by Catalani, Luigi
French Grammar: A Complete Reference Guide by Calvez, Daniel
French for Americans--Volume 1: A clear and easy method for beginners by Besser, Sidonie
French for Americans--Volume 1: A clear and easy method for beginners by Besser, Sidonie
A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Sclavonic Languages by Bopp, F.
Beyond the Aspect Hypothesis: Tense-Aspect Development in Advanced L2 French by Labeau, Emmannuelle