• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Furniture Design in 2016

Nomadic Furniture 3.0: New Liberated Living? by Fineder, Martina
Goods 2: Interior Products from Sketch to Use by
Modern Pastoral: Bring the Tranquility of Nature Into Your Home by Brantmark, Niki
Personalities by
Eames by Koenig, Gloria
How to Build Your Own Engine Coffee Table by Bajzáth, Gergely
Brazil Modern: The Rediscovery of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Furniture by Chen, Aric
Gloria Cortina: Mexico by
Rotational Symmetry: Geometry is King by Blackman, Don
Flowers and Floral Coloring Book: Fashion inspired Adult Coloring Book Sketchbook for Artists, Designers, and Doodlers by Ellen K. Marcil
The Veneering Book by Shath Square, David
Rethinking the Modular by Von Oppeln, Tido, Meltzer, Burkhard
Moving Sam Maloof: Saving an American Woodworking Legend's Home and Workshops by Kovara, Ann
Design Industriel A-Z by
Industrial Design A-Z by
Surrealismo by Klingsöhr-Leroy, Cathrin
Furniture Making - Designs, Working Drawings, and Complete Details of 170 Pieces of Furniture, with Practical Information on Their Construction by Bowers, R. S.
Eco Design: Lamps by Liu, Ivy, Wong, Jian
The Mixed Grill: Objects & Interiors by Jadot, Lionel, Demeulemeester, Thijs
Eco Design: Furniture by Liu, Ivy, Wong, Jian
The Long Life of Design in Italy: B&b Italia, 50 Years and Beyond by