• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Furniture in 2011

Wood Carving for Beginners by Hayward, Charles H.
Furniture of the Arts & Crafts Period: Stickley, Limbert, Mission Oak, Roycroft, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Others with Prices by Publishing
Wallace Nutting's Biography by Nutting, Wallace
Furniture Masterpieces Of Duncan Phyfe by Cornelius, Charles Over
Things Chinese: Antiques, Crafts, Collectibles by Knapp, Ronald G.
Primitive Pine Furniture by Lazeare, James
Handbook of Furniture Styles - Being an Abridged Guide to the More Important Historic Styles of Furniture, Especially Intended for Ready Reference, in by Dyer, Walter A.
French Furniture Under Louis XV - Little Illustrated Books on Old French Furniture III. by Felice, Roger De, F. Lice, Roger De
The Standard Book of American Antique Furniture (Large Print Edition) by Miller, Edgar G., Jr.
Ancient Church Chests and Chairs in the Home Counties Round Greater London - Being the Tour of an Antiquary with Pencil and Camera Through the Churche by Roe, Fred
Measured Drawings of Early American Furniture by Osburn, Burl N.
Sheraton Furniture Designs - From the Cabinet-Maker's and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book 1791-94 by Anon
Catalogue of English Furniture and Woodwork - Vol. II. Late Tudor and Early Stuart by Smith, H. Clifford
Chippendale Furniture Designs - From the Gentleman and Cabinet-Makers' Director 1762 by Symonds, R. W.
Furniture Making and Cabinet Work - A Handbook by Pelton, B. W.
Hepplewhite Furniture Designs - From the Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Guide 1794 by Edwards, Ralph
The Furniture Designs of Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton by Bell, J. Munro
English Furniture, Decoration, Woodwork and Allied Arts During the Last Half of the Seventeenth Century, and the Whole of the Eighteenth Century, and by Strange, Thomas Arthur
The Furniture Designs of Thomas Sheraton by Bell, J. Munro
100 Beautiful Pieces of Furniture You Can Build by Anon
Georgian Furniture - Victoria and Albert Museum by Edwards, Ralph
American Furniture 1650-1850 - A Brief Background and an Illustrated History by Nagel, Charles
English and American Furniture - A Pictorial Handbook of Fine Furniture Made in Great Britain and in the American Colonies, Some in the Sixteenth Cent by Cescinsky, Herbert
Old English Furniture for the Small Collector - Its Types, History and Surroundings from Mediæval to Victorian Times by Blake, J. P.
French Furniture Under Louis XVI and the Empire - Little Illustrated Books on Old French Furniture IV. by F. Lice, Roger De, Felice, Roger De
Furniture Repair and Renovation - Dealing with Practical Methods of Repairing and Renovating Furniture, Making Loose Covers, Modernising Old Furniture by Anon
English Cottage Furniture by Roe, F. Gordon
Modern Furniture Making and Design by Hooper, Rodney
French Furniture by Saglio, Andre
Old Furniture for Modern Rooms - From the Restoration to the Regency by Wenham, Edward
English Furniture Designers of the Eighteenth Century by Simon, Constance
A Picture Book of English Chests, Cupboards and Cabinets - Victoria and Albert Museum by Anon
A Picture Book of English Cupboards, Cabinets and Bookcases - Victoria and Albert Museum by Anon
High Wycombe Furniture by Weaver, Lawrence