• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

GLBTQIA Studies in 2006

Strange Lust - The Psychology of Homosexuality by Hesnard, A.
Decolonizing the Sodomite: Queer Tropes of Sexuality in Colonial Andean Culture by Horswell, Michael J.
Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and the Sacred by Alexander, M. Jacqui
Queer/Early/Modern by Freccero, Carla
Be Not Deceived: The Sacred and Sexual Struggles of Gay and Ex-Gay Christian Men by Wolkomir, Michelle
Queer Inquiry In Language Education Jlie V5#1 by
The Joy of Gay Sex: Fully Revised and Expanded Third Edition by Picano, Felice, Silverstein, Charles
Are We Thinking Straight?: The Politics of Straightness in a Lesbian and Gay Social Movement Organization by Cortese, Daniel K.
Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days by Zipes, Jack
Gay Marriage and Democracy: Equality for All by Snyder, Claire R.
1001 Beds: Performances, Essays, and Travels by Miller, Tim
Gay Marriage and Democracy: Equality for All by Snyder, Claire R.
Same-Sex Marriage by Hull, Kathleen E.
Toward Stonewall: Homosexuality and Society in the Modern Western World by Edsall, Nicholas C.
Same-Sex Marriage: The Cultural Politics of Love and Law by Kathleen E., Hull, Hull, Kathleen
American Queer, Now and Then by Shneer, David, Aviv, Caryn
American Queer, Now and Then by Shneer, David, Aviv, Caryn
Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love by Downing, Christine
Feminism, Sexuality, and Politics: Essays by Estelle B. Freedman by Freedman, Estelle B.
Queering Freedom by Winnubst, Shannon
Intimate Friends: Women Who Loved Women, 1778-1928 by Vicinus, Martha
The Classical Origins of Modern Homophobia by Allen, Robert H.
Queering the Popular Pitch by
Commitment and Healing: Gay Men and the Need for Romantic Love by Isay, Richard A.
Queering the Popular Pitch by
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging: Research and Clinical Perspectives by
America's Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage by Pinello, Daniel R.
God Hates Fags: The Rhetorics of Religious Violence by Cobb, Michael
God Hates Fags: The Rhetorics of Religious Violence by Cobb, Michael
Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability by McRuer, Robert
Same Sex in the City: (So Your Prince Charming Is Really a Cinderella) by Levin, Lauren, Blitzer, Lauren
Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability by McRuer, Robert
Rising Up by Perez, Joe
The Transgender Studies Reader by
The Transgender Studies Reader by
After Midnight: True Lesbian Erotic Confessions by
Gay Marriage: For Better or for Worse?: What We've Learned from the Evidence by Spedale, Darren R., Eskridge, William N., Jr.
Shameless: Sexual Dissidence in American Culture by Stein, Arlene
Shameless: Sexual Dissidence in American Culture by Stein, Arlene
The Future of Marriage by Blankenhorn, David
Beautiful Bottom, Beautiful Shame: Where "black" Meets "queer" by Stockton, Kathryn Bond
Same-Sex Marriage by Phy-Olsen, Allene
Gay and Single ... Forever?: 10 Things Every Gay Guy Looking for Love (and Not Finding It) Needs to Know by
Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients by
Intersections Between Feminist and Queer Theory by
Queering the Pitch: The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology by
Queering the Pitch: The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology by
From Boys to Men: Gay Men Write about Growing Up by Gideonse, Ted, Williams, Robert
Hide and Speak by Cherry, Kittredge
Gay and Lesbian San Francisco by Lipsky, William
Gay and Lesbian San Francisco by Lipsky, William
Straight Writ Queer: Non-Normative Expressions of Heterosexuality in Literature by
The New Gay Teenager by Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
Becoming Two-Spirit: Gay Identity and Social Acceptance in Indian Country by Gilley, Brian Joseph
Homosexuality & Civilization by Crompton, Louis
Gay L. A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians by Faderman, Lillian, Timmons, Stuart
European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities: National and Transnational Approaches by Pringle, K., Hearn, J.
Queer London: Perils and Pleasures in the Sexual Metropolis, 1918-1957 by Houlbrook, Matt
Protocol Handbook for the Leather Slave: Theory and Practice by Rubel, Robert J.
Erotic Body Prayer: Pathways to Pray Through the Body and Build Ecstatic Community by Prine, Kirk
Master/slave Relations: Handbook of Theory and Practice by Rubel, Robert J.
Harvard's Secret Court: The Savage 1920 Purge of Campus Homosexuals by Wright, William
We, Too, Must Love by Aldrich, Ann
Homosexuality and Religion: An Encyclopedia by Siker, Jeffrey
We Walk Alone by Aldrich, Ann
We, Too, Must Love by Aldrich, Ann
We Walk Alone by Aldrich, Ann
Unspeakable Love: Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East by Whitaker, Brian
Head Over Heels: Wives Who Stay with Cross-Dressers and Transsexuals by Erhardt, Virginia
Music and Sexuality in Britten: Selected Essays by Brett, Philip
Chelsea Boys: Steppin' Out! by Neuwirth, Allan, Hanson, Glen
Cultural Diversity and Suicide: Ethnic, Religious, Gender, and Sexual Orientation Perspectives by Leach, Mark M.
Cultural Erotics in Cuban America by Ortíz, Ricardo L.
Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity by
Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others by Ahmed, Sara
The Devil's Details by James, Nathan
The Friend by Bray, Alan