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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

GLBTQIA Studies in 2021

Angel on a Freight Train: A Story of Faith and Queer Desire in Nineteenth-Century America by Baldwin, Peter C.
The Small Book of Hip Checks: On Queer Gender, Race, and Writing by Rand, Erica
The Small Book of Hip Checks: On Queer Gender, Race, and Writing by Rand, Erica
Genderbewusstsein in der Schulsozialarbeit am Beispiel der Trans*Identität by Franke, Annika
Sweeter Voices Still: An LGBTQ Anthology from Middle America by
What's Your Pronoun?: Beyond He and She by Baron, Dennis
Sexual and Gender Minority Health by
Coming Out Stories: Personal Experiences of Coming Out from Across the LGBTQ+ Spectrum by
Knowing Women by Dankwa, Serena Owusua
When Gender is in Question: A Guide to Understanding by Seidl, Helma, Hagen, Skyler, Sherkin, Suzanne
When Gender is in Question: A Guide to Understanding by Seidl, Helma, Hagen, Skyler, Sherkin, Suzanne
Queer in Translation: Sexual Politics Under Neoliberal Islam by Savci, Evren
Queer in Translation: Sexual Politics Under Neoliberal Islam by Savci, Evren
Everything Under The Rainbow: (Or At Least As Much As I Could Fit Into This Book) by Leonard, Oskar
Moonlite: The Tragic Love Story of Captain Moonlite and the Bloody End of the Bushrangers by Linnell, Garry
How AIDS Activists Challenged America and Saved the FDA from Itself by Driscoll, James
Screen Love: Queer Intimacies in the Grindr Era by Roach, Tom
Affirming: A Memoir of Faith, Sexuality, and Staying in the Church by Gary, Sally
How AIDS Activists Challenged America and Saved the FDA from Itself by Driscoll, James
The Queens' English: The Lgbtqia+ Dictionary of Lingo and Colloquial Phrases by Davis, Chloe O.
Beyond Binaries: Trans Identities in Contemporary Culture by
Sexuality: A Graphic Guide by Barker, Meg-John
Yahweh God's Harmony in Creation by Turner, Isaac C.
Gay Pornography: Representations of Sexuality and Masculinity by Mercer, John
Everything Under The Rainbow: (Or At Least As Much As I Could Fit Into This Book) by Leonard, Oskar
My Next Husband Will Be a Lesbian: A Collection of Stories From Womxn Finding Their Truth by Marlowe, Pasha
Male Homosexuality in 21st-Century Thailand: A Longitudinal Study of Young, Rural, Same-Sex-Attracted Men Coming of Age by Wijngaarden, Jan W. de Lind Van
Trans in a Time of HIV/AIDS by
Growing Older as a Trans And/Or Non-Binary Person: A Support Guide by Kermode, Jennie
Er du så manden eller damen? by Larsen, Mikkel Zeki
The Darlinghurst Boys: A mostly true history of the 80s and 90s by Dunne, Gary
Mouths of Rain: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Thought by
Covid-19 Assemblages: Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia by
Half Him Half Her: When do I get to be ME by Vaughan, Stephanie Rachael
The Velvet Mafia: The Gay Men Who Ran the Swinging Sixties by Bullock, Darryl W.
Not Afraid to Tell You Who I Am by Rostello, James
Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir by Ziyad, Hari
Hidden Agender: Transgenderism's Struggle Against Reality by Casey, Gerard
Love Comes First: Creating LGBTQ Families by Kolb, Bradford, Maerker, Melinda
Who's Your Daddy by White, Arisa
Kubrick's Men by Rambuss, Richard
Kubrick's Men by Rambuss, Richard
On My Honor: Lesbians Reflect on Their Scouting Experience by Manahan, Nancy
The Other Side of Nowhere by Dunne, Gary
Winter in Bangkok by Dunne, Gary
Lives That Resist Telling: Migrant and Refugee Lesbians by
The Autistic Trans Guide to Life by Purkis, Yenn, Lawson, Wenn
Coming Out, Again: Transition Stories by Symington, Sabrina
Trans Parent Diary: The Story of My Transition When My Daughter Became My Son by Lander, Karen
There Is Nothing So Whole as a Broken Heart: Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists by
Translating Trans Identity: (Re)Writing Undecidable Texts and Bodies by Rose, Emily
Androphile Pride by Graham, G. Scott
Eleanor in the Village: Eleanor Roosevelt's Search for Freedom and Identity in New York's Greenwich Village by Russell, Jan Jarboe
The Pornification of America: How Raunch Culture Is Ruining Our Society by Barton, Bernadette
From Bud to Blossom: Our Lesbian Journeys by Allen, Nancy
Love Letters: Vita and Virginia by Sackville-West, Vita, Woolf, Virginia
Investigating Transgender and Gender Expansive Education Research, Policy and Practice by
Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship by
Lesbians and White Privilege by
The Gayborhood: From Sexual Liberation to Cosmopolitan Spectacle by
Queer Histories and the Politics of Policing by Russell, Emma K.
Queer Kinship: South African Perspectives on the Sexual Politics of Family-Making and Belonging by
Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies in African Homosexualities by
Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies in African Homosexualities by
Be An Inclusion Ally: ABCs of LGBTQ+ by Koenecke, Lisa
An Open Secret: The Family Story of Robert and John Gregg Allerton by Syrett, Nicholas L.
Inceptions: Literary Beginnings and Contingencies of Form by Ohi, Kevin
Inceptions: Literary Beginnings and Contingencies of Form by Ohi, Kevin
Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific by Chiang, Howard
Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific by Chiang, Howard
Our Work Is Everywhere: An Illustrated Oral History of Queer and Trans Resistance by Rose, Syan
Queer Theory, Gender Theory - An Instant Primer by Wilchins, Riki
The Sage Encyclopedia of Trans Studies by
Queer London by Kheraj, Alim
Form and Foreskin: Medieval Narratives of Circumcision by Strouse, A. W.
Form and Foreskin: Medieval Narratives of Circumcision by Strouse, A. W.
Jewish Bodylore: Feminist and Queer Ethnographies of Folk Practices by Milligan, Amy K.
Lgbti Politics and Value Change in Ukraine and Turkey: Exporting Europe? by Shevtsova, Maryna
Family of Origin, Family of Choice: Stories of Queer Christians by Chiasson, Susan A., Hays, Katie
Take Down Portraits: Drawings and Portraits by Larry Stanton by Smith, Winthrop
Case Studies in Clinical Practice with Trans and Gender Non-Binary Clients: A Handbook for Working with Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Dickey, Lore M.
Top to Bottom: A Memoir and Personal Guide Through Phalloplasty by Games, Finlay
Spectacle: Discovering a Vibrant Life through the Lens of Curiosity by Esparza, Natalie M.
Chicago After Stonewall: A History of LGBTQ Chicago From Gay Lib to Gay Life by De La Croix, St Sukie
Homosexualität in der Politik am Beispiel Ole von Beust. Inwieweit werden Outings von den Medien beeinflusst? by Stuckart, Leonie
Good White Queers?: Racism and Whiteness in Queer U.S. Comics by Linke, Kai
Buying Gay: How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement by Johnson, David K.
No Modernism Without Lesbians by Souhami, Diana
Families on the Margins: Making Space by
Queer (Words of Change Series): Powerful Voices, Inspiring Ideas by Romack, Coco
Queer Love in Color by Jordan, Jamal
Nonlinear Solid Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis: Dynamics by Bonet, Javier, Gil, Antonio J., Wood, Richard D.
Female Husbands: A Trans History by Manion, Jen
Raising LGBTQ Allies: A Parent's Guide to Changing the Messages from the Playground by Tompkins, Chris
Sorting Sexualities: Expertise and the Politics of Legal Classification by Vogler, Stefan
Same-Sex Marriage in Renaissance Rome by Ferguson, Gary
Be an Inclusion Ally: ABCs of LGBTQ+ by Koenecke, Lisa
Sorting Sexualities: Expertise and the Politics of Legal Classification by Vogler, Stefan
Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India by Saria, Vaibhav
Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty in Rural India by Saria, Vaibhav
Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993 by Schulman, Sarah
The Anxiety Book for Trans People: How to Conquer Your Dysphoria, Worry Less and Find Joy by Benson, Freiya
Trans Pride: A Coloring Book by Fisher, Fox
Autobiography of an Androgyne by Lind, Earl
The Female-Impersonators by Lind, Earl
Fat and Queer: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives by
Vice Patrol: Cops, Courts, and the Struggle Over Urban Gay Life Before Stonewall by Lvovsky, Anna
My October Forever by Thompson, Annette
Regulating Homosexuality in Soviet Russia, 1956-91: A Different History by Alexander, Rustam
Wild and Precious Life by Lyon, Joshua
LGBTQ Lobbying in the United States by Pepin-Neff, Christopher L.
LGBTQ Lobbying in the United States by Pepin-Neff, Christopher L.
One of the Children: Gay Black Men in Harlem Volume 2 by Hawkeswood, William G.
One of the Children: Gay Black Men in Harlem Volume 2 by Hawkeswood, William G.
Vice Patrol: Cops, Courts, and the Struggle Over Urban Gay Life Before Stonewall by Lvovsky, Anna
Bent Street 5.1: Soft Borders, Hard Edges by
Transmovimientos: Latinx Queer Migrations, Bodies, and Spaces by
The Case for Gay Reparations by Encarnación, Omar G.
Transmovimientos: Latinx Queer Migrations, Bodies, and Spaces by
Homo Psyche: On Queer Theory and Erotophobia by Ashtor, Gila
Homo Psyche: On Queer Theory and Erotophobia by Ashtor, Gila
The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America by Cervini, Eric
The 2000s Made Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture by Perry, Grace
A Year Without a Name: A Memoir by Dunham, Cyrus
The Lesbian Avenger Handbook: A Handy Guide to Homemade Revolution by Schulman, Sarah M.
Queering and Querying the Paradise of Paradox: LGBT Language, New Media, and Visual Cultures in Modern-Day Brazil by Butterman, Steven F.
The Europa Issue by
The Sacred Band: Three Hundred Theban Lovers Fighting to Save Greek Freedom by Romm, James
The Pink Line: Journeys Across the World's Queer Frontiers by Gevisser, Mark
The Real Lives of Transgender and Nonbinary Humans: A Publish Your Purpose Anthology by Publish Your Purpose Press
Callin' Out the Gays: And the Straights and Everyone In-Between by Larkin Ellzey
Gay Tourism: New Perspectives by
Gay Tourism: New Perspectives by
Callin' Out the Gays: And the Straights and Everyone In-Between by Larkin Ellzey
Pride in the Voices by Spillman, Heather
Love's Next Meeting: The Forgotten History of Homosexuality and the Left in American Culture by Lecklider, Aaron
Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender by Shuster, Stef M.
Disrupting Dignity: Rethinking Power and Progress in LGBTQ Lives by Lyle, Timothy S., Engel, Stephen M.
Belonging: Portraits from LGBTQ Thailand by McCurry, Steve
The Natural Mother of the Child: A Memoir of Nonbinary Parenthood by Belc, Krys Malcolm
Disrupting Dignity: Rethinking Power and Progress in LGBTQ Lives by Lyle, Timothy S., Engel, Stephen M.
Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender by Shuster, Stef M.
Lesbische Paarbeziehungs- und Lebensthemen. Notwendiges Professionswissen in der Beratung mit gleichgeschlechtlich l(i)ebenden Frauen by Schmilinsky, Sophia
The Intersexes: A History of Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life by Prime-Stevenson, Edward Irenaeus
A Proximate Remove: Queering Intimacy and Loss in the Tale of Genji Volume 2 by Jackson, Reginald
The Borders of AIDS: Race, Quarantine, and Resistance by Chávez, Karma R.
The Everyday Makings of Heteronormativity: Cross-Cultural Explorations of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality by
Becoming Disabled: Forging a Disability View of the World by Wilson, Jan Doolittle
Die Stonewall-Proteste: Wie hat sich die zeitgenössische Berichterstattung über die Stonewall-Proteste und Homosexualität verändert? by Morgenstern, Lena
The Queer Nuyorican: Racialized Sexualities and Aesthetics in Loisaida by Jaime, Karen
Damaged Like Me: Essays on Love, Harm, and Transformation by Dark, Kimberly
The Queer Nuyorican: Racialized Sexualities and Aesthetics in Loisaida by Jaime, Karen
The Island by Geary, Erin
Rainbow Jukebox: A Concise Companion for LGBTQ+ Music Studies by Bratcher, Nicholas
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Shrier, Abigail
Incorporating Nonbinary Gender into Inuit Archaeology: Oral Testimony and Material Inroads by Walley, Meghan
Body Politics by
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Diagnostic of Selected Sectors in Nepal by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Human Sexuality: Biological, Psychological, and Cultural Perspectives by Bolin, Anne, Whelehan, Patricia, Vernon, Muriel
Human Sexuality: Biological, Psychological, and Cultural Perspectives by Vernon, Muriel, Bolin, Anne, Whelehan, Patricia
Screen Love: Queer Intimacies in the Grindr Era by Roach, Tom
Libro Dorado: Golden Book by Verdugo Terminel, Rubén
The Real Lives of Transgender and Nonbinary Humans: A Publish Your Purpose Anthology by Publish Your Purpose Press
Dear Abby, I'm Gay: Newspaper Advice Columnists and Homosexuality in America by Stoner, Andrew E.
Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution: An Oral History by
Racial Erotics: Gay Men of Color, Sexual Racism, and the Politics of Desire by Han, C. Winter
Q&A: Voices from Queer Asian North America by
Transgendertrend. Geschlechtsidentitätsentwicklung im Jugendalter by Kutscher, Jessica
Ambivalent Childhoods: Speculative Futures and the Psychic Life of the Child by Breslow, Jacob
Transitioning Later in Life: A Personal Guide by Celentano, Jillian
Dark Muse: Kevin Spacey, Fan Faction, and the Weinstein Effect by Tamblyn, Robin
Fat Activism (Second Edition): A Radical Social Movement by Cooper, Charlotte
The Life and Times of the Legendary Larry Townsend by Fritscher, Jack
Sexuality, Abjection and Queer Existence in Contemporary India by
Black, Gay, British, Christian, Queer: The Church and the Famine of Grace by Robinson-Brown, Jarel
Love's Rite: Same-Sex Marriages in Modern India by Ruth, Vanita
Routledge Handbook of Queer African Studies by
Critical Sexual Literacy: Forecasting Trends in Sexual Politics, Diversity and Pedagogy by
Critical Sexual Literacy: Forecasting Trends in Sexual Politics, Diversity and Pedagogy by
Can the Monster Speak?: Report to an Academy of Psychoanalysts by Preciado, Paul B.
One Headlight: A Memoir by Frye-Castillo, Matthew
Dads by Heynen, Bart
Autobiography of an Androgyne by Lind, Earl
The Female-Impersonators by Lind, Earl
Freak to Chic: Gay Men in and Out of Fashion After Oscar Wilde by Janes, Dominic
Fat Oppression around the World: Intersectional, Interdisciplinary, and Methodological Innovations by
The Future Is Fat: Theorizing Time in Relation to Body Weight and Stigma by
The Lesbian Couples Guide by McDaniel, Judith
My Own Dear Darling Boy: The Letters of Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas by Wilde, Oscar
Dragging: Or, in the Drag of a Queer Life by McGlotten, Shaka
Not 'Him' or 'Her': Accepting and Loving My Non-Binary Child: Here's What You Should Know by Mann, Michelle
Sacred Queer Stories: Ugandan LGBTQ+ Refugee Lives & the Bible by Van Klinken, Adriaan, Stiebert, Johanna, Sebyala, Brian
Long Term: Essays on Queer Commitment by
Long Term: Essays on Queer Commitment by
Out to Lead: Shaping Queer Leadership by Dromgoole, Jonathan
Psychopathia Sexualis: With Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct; A Medico-Forensic Study by Von Krafft-Ebing, Richard
Summer Fruits by Russell, Stuart
Acting Queer: Gender Dissidence and the Subversion of Realism by Alexandrowicz, Conrad
Sexual Desire and Romantic Love in Shakespeare: 'Rich in Will' by Lord Hall, Joan
The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society by Soh, Debra
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