• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 1991

Hands-On, Hands-Off: Experiencing History Through Architecture by Stone, Harris
Zwischen Bauhaus Und Stalinallee by Schatzke, Andreas
Mensch Und Raum: Das Darmstadter Gesprach 1951 Mit Den Wegweisenden Vortragen Von Schwarz, Schweizer, Heidegger, Ortega y Gasset by
Nachdenken Uber Stadtebau by
Zeichenlehre by Spies, Joachim
The Art of Contemporary English Culture by Gilpin, George H.
Underneath New York by Granick, Harry
Hands-On, Hands-Off: Experiencing History Through Architecture by Stone, Harris
The Idea of Spatial Form by Frank, Joseph
Reinforced Concrete Structures by Park, Robert, Paulay, Thomas
Understanding Infrastructure: Guide for Architects and Planners by Rainer, George
The Economics of Building: A Practical Guide for the Design Professional by Johnson, Robert E.
Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design by Trancik, Roger
Simplified Design of Building Foundations by Ambrose, James
The Sound Pattern of English by Halle, Morris, Chomsky, Noam
Preventing A Biological Arms Race by
World Architecture Index: A Guide to Illustrations by Teague, Edward H.
Small Houses of the Twenties: The Sears, Roebuck 1926 House Catalog by Sears Roebuck and Co
The Oriental Obsession: Islamic Inspiration in British and American Art and Architecture 1500 1920 by Sweetman, John
Foundations of Faith: Historic Religious Buildings of Ontario by Holroyd, Violet M.
Downtown, Inc.: How America Rebuilds Cities by Sagalyn, Lynne B., Frieden, Bernard J.
Quartierbildung in der Urbanisierung by Bleek, Stephan
Our Changing Cities by
Housing the Poor in the Developing World by Tipple, Kenneth G., Tipple, Graham
Computer Methods in Structural Analysis by Meek, J. L.
Guide to Highway Law for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Contractors by O'Hara, R. a.
Planting Design by Walker, Theodore D.
Engineering Analysis Using Pafec Finite Element Software by Woodford, C. H.
Tall Building Structures: Analysis and Design by Smith, Bryan Stafford, Coull, Alex
War and the City by Ashworth, Gregory J.
The Politics of Design in French Colonial Urbanism by Wright, Gwendolyn
Voices in Architectural Education: Cultural Politics and Pedagogy by Dutton, Thomas
The Campus as a Work of Art by Gaines, Thomas
City Images: Perspectives from Literature, Philosophy and Film by Caws, Mary Ann
Healthy Housing: A practical guide by Ranson, Ray
Plr 1991 by Denyer-Green, Barry, Lamming, David
Inside Texas: Culture, Identity and Houses, 1878-1920 by Brandimarte, Cynthia A.
Methane from Community Wastes by Isaacson, R.
Christianity and the Arts in Russia by
The Political Economy of Discontinuous Development: Regional Disparities and Inter-Regional Conflict by Bookman, Milica Zarkovic
High-Tech Fantasies: Science Parks in Society, Science and Space by Massey, Doreen, Wield, David
Building Conservation Contracts and Grant Aid: A practical guide by Davey, Ken, Davey, K.
Books and Blueprints: Building America's Public Libraries by Oehlerts, Donald E.