• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 1999

Berlin Bis (Op) by Bernado, Jordi
Fachrechnen Für Raumausstatter by Kahlert, Horst, Wild, Michael
Cornelis Van Eesteren. Urbanismus Zwischen "De Stijl" Und C.I.A.M. by
Le Corbusier Und Die Musik by Bienz, Peter
Stadt Im Quadrat: Geschichte Und Gegenwart Einer Einpragsamen Stadtgestalt by Lindemann, Hans-Eckhard
Bridge Management: Inspection, Maintenance, Assessment and Repair by Ryall, M. J., Parke
Holzsysteme Für Den Hochbau: Grundlagen, Systeme, Beispiele by Landsberg, Heike, Pinkau, Stephan
Der Folkwang Verlag - Auf Dem Weg Zu Einem Imaginären Museum by Stamm, Rainer
Berlin Free University: Candilis, Josic, Woods, Schiedhelm by Feld, Gabriel
The Irish Chateaux: In Search of the Descendants of the Wild Geese by Holohan, Renagh
Heritage Resources Law: Protecting the Archeological and Cultural Environment by National Trust for Historic Preservation
Jean Prouve - Oeuvre Complete / Complete Works by Sulzer, Peter, Sulzer Peter
Construct Tech for Tall Bldg by Chew, Yit Lin Michael
The Works: The Industrial Architecture of the United States by Bradley, Betsy Hunter
The Place Vendôme by Ziskin, Rochelle
Building an American Identity: Pattern Book Homes and Communities, 1870-1900 by Smeins, Linda E.
Design for Earthquakes by Vergun, Dimitry, Ambrose, James
The Architectural Treatise in the Italian Renaissance: Architectural Invention, Ornament and Literary Culture by Payne, Alina Alexandra
Architecture and Revolution: Contemporary Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe by
Architecture and Revolution: Contemporary Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe by
Design by Competition by Nasar, Jack L.
The Louisiana Houses of A. Hays Town by Vetter, Cyril E.
Architectural Management in Practice: A Competitive Approach by Emmitt, Stephen
A Critic Writes: Selected Essays by Reyner Banham by Banham, Reyner
A Republic for the Ages: The United States Capitol and the Political Culture of the Early Republic by
Crucibles of Hazard: Mega-Cities and Disasters in Transition by
Cultural Politics in the Third World by Kamrava, Mehran
Gate of Remembrance by Bond, Frederick Bligh
Frank Lloyd Wright's Living Space by Satler, Gail
Ecological Landscape Design and Planning by Makhzoumi, Jala, Pungetti, Gloria
Community Economic Development by
Glasgow: The Forming of the City by Reed, Peter
Guide to the Historic Architecture of Western North Carolina by Southern, Michael T., Martin, Jennifer F., Bishir, Catherine W.
House Life: Space, Place and Family in Europe by
Intelligent Library Buildings: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IFLA Section on Library Buildings and Equipment, the Hague, Netherlands, 24-29 by
Remaking Chicago by Rast, Joel
Reconstructing Times Square: Politics and Culture in Urban Development by Reichl, Alexander J.
Projektentwicklung im Objektbereich Bürobauten by Keßler, Markus
The Tourist City by
Clone City: Crisis and Renewal in Contemporary Scottish Architecture by Page, David, Glendinning, Miles
Constructing Suburbs: Competing Voices in a Debate over Urban Growth by Forsyth, Ann
Constructing Suburbs: Competing Voices in a Debate over Urban Growth by Forsyth, Ann
Understanding Behavioral Synthesis: A Practical Guide to High-Level Design by Elliott, John P.
Regaining Paradise: Englishness and the Early Garden City Movement by Meacham, Standish
The British Market Hall: A Social and Architectural History by Schmiechen, James, Carls, Kenneth
Hundertwasser. Architecture by
Origins of Architectural Pleasure by Hildebrand, Grant
Die Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Bilder aus sechs Jahrhunderten und Gaspare Fossatis Restaurierung der Jahre 1847-1849: Katalog der Ausstellung im Bernis by
Earthquake-Resistant Design Of... (V1) by Tomazevic, Miha
Building Product Models: Computer Environments, Supporting Design and Construction by Eastman, Charles M.
Building in Cob, Pise and Stabilized Earth by Williams-Ellis, Clough
As I Was Saying, Volume 1: Texas, Pre-Texas, Cambridge by Rowe, Colin
As I Was Saying, Volume 2: Cornelliana by Rowe, Colin
Origins of the Pacific War and the Importance of 'Magic' by Komatsu, Keiichiro
Magnetic Los Angeles: Planning the Twentieth-Century Metropolis by Hise, Greg
Creation in Space: A Course in the Fundamentals of Architecture Volume 1: Architectronics by Friedman
The Decoration of Houses by Stoddard, Alexandra
Elementary Behaviour of Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members by Bradford, Mark A., Oehlers, Deric J.
Prairie Designs II 2nd Edition by Spatz, Alex
Proportion: Science, Philosophy, Architecture by Padovan, Richard
Cooperative Buildings. Integrating Information, Organizations, and Architecture: Second International Workshop, Cobuild'99, Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa, Octob by
Building the Getty by Meier, Richard
Erneuerungskonzepte für europäische Stadien by Cante, Stefan
Facilities Management and the Business of Space by McGregor, Wes
Sustainable Communities: The Potential for Eco-Neighbourhoods by Barton, Hugh
Sustainable Communities: The Potential for Eco-Neighbourhoods by Barton, Hugh
The Creation of Modern Athens: Planning the Myth by Bastea, Eleni, Bast a., Eleni
The American City: Civic Culture in Sociohistorical Perspective by Monti, Daniel
Mobilitätsverhalten von Jugendlichen: Empirische Untersuchung zur Verkehrsmittelwahl und ihrer Determinanten als Beitrag zur Bindung Jugendlicher an d by Groß, Sven
Rebuilding Mostar: Urban Reconstruction in a War Zone by Yarwood, John
Sustainable Urban Growth in Peripheral Areas by Portnov, Boris G.
Mexico Megacity by Pick, James B., Butler, Edgar W.
The Australian Metropolis: A Planning History by
Australian Metropolis: A Planning History by
Community Participation Methods in Design and Planning by Sanoff, Henry
Neuschwanstein (Opus 33) by Knapp, Gottfried, Bunz, Achim
Computational Mechanics in Structural Engineering: Recent Developments by Gu, Yuanxian, Cheng, F. Y.
Transport Investment and Economic Development by Banister, David, Berechman, Joseph
The Urban Planning of Chinese Ancient Cities by Yeu-Ming, Chou
Non-Plan: Essays on Freedom, Participation and Change in Modern Architecture and Urbanism by
Theoretical Perspectives in Environment-Behavior Research: Underlying Assumptions, Research Problems, and Methodologies by
Les premiers temples de Mésopotamie: (4e et 3e millénaires) by Forest, Jean-Daniel
L'espace domestique maya: Une approche ethnoarchéologique au Yucatan (Mexique) by de Pierrebourg, Fabienne
Stoffstrame Und Kosten in Den Bereichen Bauen Und Wohnen by