• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2000

Arts in the Religions of the Pacific: Symbols of Life by Moore, Albert
1929 Russland: Architektur Fur Eine Weltrevolution by El Lissitzky
Gottfried Semper - Praktische Asthetik Und Politischer Kampf by Quitzsch, Heinz
Moderne Und Macht: "Razionalismo": Italienische Architekten 1927-1942 by Pfammatter, Ulrich
Dekonstruktion? Dekonstruktivismus?: Aufbruch Ins Chaos Oder Neues Bild Der Welt by
Hundert Jahre Deutsche Wohnmisere Und Kein Ende? by Hackelsberger, Christoph
Russische Und Franzosische Revolutions-Architektur 1917/1789 by Vogt, Adolf M.
Schrage Architektur Und Aufrechter Gang: Dekonstruktion: Bauen in Einer Welt Ohne Sinn? by
Die Bauhaus-Debatte 1953: Dokumente Einer Verdrangten Kontroverse by
Kleinstadt, Steildach, Volksgemeinschaft: Zum "Reaktionaren Modernismus" in Bau- Und Stadtbaukunst by Fehl, Gerhard
Einfach Schwierig. Eine Deutsche Architekturdebatte: Ausgewahlte Beitrage 1993-1995 by
Die Rettung Der Architektur VOR Sich Selbst: Zehn Polemiken by Hoffmann-Axthelm, Dieter
Die Diktatur Der Philanthropen: Entwicklung Der Stadtplanung Aus Dem Utopischen Denken by De Bruyn, Gerd, Bruyn, Gerd De
Italienische Gedanken: Beobachtungen Und Reflexionen Zur Architektur by Smithson, Alison, Smithson, Peter
Bild Und Bau: Zur Nutzung Technischer Medien Beim Entwerfen Von Architektur by Sachsse, Rolf
The Essential William H. Whyte by LaFarge, Albert
Searching for Sacred Space by
Hochhäuser in Deutschland: Zukunft Oder Ruin Der Städte? by
The Essential William H. Whyte by LaFarge, Albert
Marketing Construction Services by Pryor, Paul
Architectural Floor Plans by Prati, Francisco
Architectural Floor Plans by Prati, Francisco
Cities Back from the Edge: New Life for Downtown by Gratz, Roberta Brandes, Mintz, Norman
Planning for a New Generation of Public Library Buildings by McCabe, Gerard B.
The Metropolis and Its Image: Romanticism to Postmodernism: An Anthology by
"ErFahrungen" - Über die Bedeutung des Freizeitradverkehrs im Rahmen von Konzepten zur Beeinflussung alltäglicher Verkehrsmittelwahl by Kasper, Olaf
Revitalisierung brachgefallener Uferzonen des Seehafens von Victoria, British Columbia/Kanada by Schmidt, Heike
Saltbox and Cape Cod Houses by Schuler, Stanley
Le Modulor/Modulor 2 by Le Corbusier, Le
The Modulor and Modulor 2 by Le, Princeton Architectural Press, Le Corbusier
Building Architectural Models by DeMarco
Structural Analysis of Historic Buildings: Restoration, Preservation, and Adaptive Reuse Applications for Architects and Engineers by Rabun, J. Stanley
Architecture and Modernity: A Critique by Heynen, Hilde
Excel for Surveyors by Bowcock, Philip, Bayfield, Natalie
Architecture in Black by Fields, Darell Wayne
Ethics and the Practice of Architecture by Palermo, Gregory, Wasserman, Barry, Sullivan, Patrick J.
Sound Reinforcement Engineering: Fundamentals and Practice by Steffen, Frank, Ahnert, Wolfgang
The Manual of Museum Planning by
Design Paradigms: A Sourcebook for Creative Visualization by Wake, Warren K.
The Architectural Setting of the Cult of Saints in the Early Christian West C.300-1200 by Crook, John
Management Systems for Construction by Watson, Paul, Griffith, Alan, Stephenson, Paul
Das Kaiser-Friedrich Museum by
Fortresses of Faith: A Pictorial History of the Fortified Saxon Churches of Romania by Ogden, Alan
Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America by
Green Building Handbook: Volume 2: A Guide to Building Products and Their Impact on the Environment by Woolley, Tom, Kimmins, Sam
EXPO 2000 - eine Einzelfallstudie: Kann die Weltausstellung ein Impulsgeber zur Erreichung der stadtentwicklungspolitischen Leitziele im Rahmen einer by Rudat, Jacqueline
Die Siedlung Römerstadt in Frankfurt a. M. von Ernst May by Schleuning, Johannes
Architects to the Nation: The Rise and Decline of the Supervising Architect's Office by Lee, Antoinette J.
Aging in Place: Designing, Adapting, and Enhancing the Home Environment by Taira, Ellen D., Carlson, Jodi
Ökologisch Planen Und Bauen: Das Handbuch Für Architekten, Ingenieure, Bauherren, Studenten, Baufirmen, Behörden, Stadtplaner, Politiker by Tomm, Arwed
What's Wrong with Plastic Trees?: Artifice and Authenticity in Design by Krieger, Martin H.
Frank Lloyd Wright's Living Space by Satler, Gail
Shelter: 40th Anniversary Edition by
Munich and Memory: Architecture, Monuments, and the Legacy of the Third Reich Volume 22 by Rosenfeld, Gavriel D.
Race and Planning: The UK Experience by Thomas, Huw
Black Creek Pioneer Village: Toronto's Living History Village by Mika, Helma, Thompson, Gary, Mika, Nick
'Designing Women': Gender and the Architectural Profession by Tancred, Peta, Adams, Annmarie
Building Energy Management Systems: An Application to Heating, Natural Ventilation, Lighting and Occupant Satisfaction by Levermore, Geoff
The Regeneration of Public Parks by
Tourists in Historic Towns: Urban Conservation and Heritage Management by Orbasli, Aylin
Heikkinen + Komonen by Heikkinen, Mikko, Komonen, Markku
Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300 1500: Volume 2, East Anglia, Central England and Wales by Emery, Anthony
Eden by Design: The 1930 Olmsted-Bartholomew Plan for Los Angeles Region by Hise, Greg, Deverell, William F.
Grenzen und Stadttore von Berlin: Positionen der Toranlagen im Stadtgrundriß und ihr Einfluß auf das Stadtbild by Hirtz, Stefan
The Bishop's Palace by Miller, Maureen C.
Costa Iberica: Upbeat to Leisure City by
The Sandstone Architecture of the Lake Superior Region by Eckert, Kathryn Bishop
The Treehouse Book by Nelson, Peter
Finding Order in Nature: The Naturalist Tradition from Linnaeus to E. O. Wilson by Farber, Paul Lawrence
Climate Responsive Design: A Study of Buildings in Moderate and Hot Humid Climates by Hyde, Richard
Behind the Postcolonial: Architecture, Urban Space and Political Cultures in Indonesia by Kusno, Abidin
Montréal: The Quest for a Metropolis by Germain, Annick, Rose, Damaris
The Artists of de Stijl: A Guide to the Literature by Langmead, Donald
The Preservationist's Guide to Technological Change and the American Home: 1600-1900 by Perry, Lee
Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers by Laseau, Paul
Arguments and Icons: Divergent Modes of Religiosity by Whitehouse, Harvey
Twentieth Century Industrial Archaeology by Stratton, Michael, Trinder, Barrie
Integrierte Planung eines Haustechniksystems: Energetisch optimiertes Haustechnikkonzept für ein Niedrigenergiehaus by Muschik, Georg
Utopian England: Community Experiments 1900-1945 by Hardy, Dennis
Intersections: Architectural Histories and Critical Theories by
The Structure of the Ordinary: Form and Control in the Built Environment by Habraken, N. J.
Masonry and Concrete Complete Construction by Beall, Christine
e-topia: Urban Life, Jim-But Not As We Know It by Mitchell, William J.
Architectural Excursions: Frank Lloyd Wright, Holland and Europe by Langmead, Donald, Johnson, Donald Leslie
New Italian Architecture: Italian Landscapes Between Architecture and Photography by
Property Development by Millington, Alan
In the Midst of Chaos. My 30 Days at Ground Zero by Ausmus, David W.
Gewalt in der Stadt: Lösungsansätze zur kommunalen Kriminalitätspropyhlaxe by Kaldun, Sabine
Traditions in Architecture: Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania by Crouch, Dora P., Johnson, June G.
German Architecture for a Mass Audience by James-Chakraborty, Kathleen
Architecturally Speaking: Practices of Art, Architecture and the Everyday by
Architecturally Speaking: Practices of Art, Architecture and the Everyday by
National Trust Guide / San Francisco: America's Guide for Architecture and History Travelers by Wiley, Peter Booth
Progressive Design in the Midwest: The Purcell-Cutts House and the Prairie School Collection at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts by Olivarez, Jennifer Komar
Historic Preservation: Project Planning and Estimating by Swanke Hayden Connell Architects
Planning and Monitoring Design Work by Coles, E.
Introduction to Design for Civil Engineers by Beeby, A. W., Narayanan, R. S.
Psychology and the Aesthetics of the Built Environment by Stamps, Arthur E.
The Courthouse Square in Texas by Veselka, Robert E.
The Nature of Ornament: Rhythm and Metamorphosis in Architecture by Bloomer, Kent
European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility by Dreborg, Karl, Akerman, Jonas, Banister, David
Planning in Postmodern Times by Allmendinger, Philip
Plr 2000 by Denyer-Green, Barry, Ubhi, Navjit
Recycling Madrid: Abalos and Herreros by Abalos, I-Aki
Construction Statistics Annual, 2000 by Department of the Environment, Transport
Planning in Postmodern Times by Allmendinger, Philip
Ethics and the Built Environment by
Ethics and the Built Environment by
Privately Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience by Kayden, Jerold S., The New York City Department of City Planning, The Municipal Art Society of New York
Healthy Urban Planning by Barton, Hugh, Tsourou, Catherine
Management of Historic Centres by
Healthy Urban Planning by Tsourou, Catherine, Barton, Hugh
Walls Have Feelings: Architecture, Film and the City by Shonfield, Katherine
Walls Have Feelings: Architecture, Film and the City by Shonfield, Katherine
Winery Utilities: Planning, Design and Operation by Storm, David R.
Sources on Irish Art: A Reader by Cullen, Fintan
European Architecture 1750-1890 by Bergdoll, Barry
Consuming Tradition, Manufacturing Heritage: Global Norms and Urban Forms in the Age of Tourism by
Compact Cities: Sustainable Urban Forms for Developing Countries by
Architecture for the Poor: An Experiment in Rural Egypt by Fathy, Hassan
Reading Space: Social Interaction and Identity in the Houses of Roman Pompeii by Grahame, Mark