• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2003

Eigenheime Auf Kleinen Grundstücken by Weeber, Hannes, Weeber, Rotraut, Wölfle, Gunther
Städtebau: Ein Grundkurs by Meyer, Johannes
Bildregie: Architektur Zwischen Retrodesign Und Eventkultur by Sewing, Werner
Art and Aesthetics at Work by
Más Allá de la Ciudad Letrada: Crónicas Y Espacios Urbanos by
True Principles by Pugin, A. W., Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore
Distant Corner: Seattle Architects and the Legacy of H. H. Richardson by Andersen, Dennis Alan, Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl
Home Field: An Illustrated History of 120 College Football Stadiums by Pennington, Richard
The Look of Architecture by Rybczynski, Witold
History of Religious Architecture by Short, Ernest H.
American Barns and Covered Bridges by Sloane, Eric
Unequal City by Hamnett, Chris
Christian Art and Archeology by Lowrie, Walter
After-Images of the City by
Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture by
Creating Paradise: The Building of the English Country House, 1660-1880 by Wilson, Richard, Mackley, Alan
British Breweries: An Architectural History by Pearson, Lynn
Public Private Partnerships by
It's Hardly Sportin': Stadiums, Neighborhoods, and the New Chicago by Spirou, Costas, Bennett, Larry
Sustainable Cities by Hunter, Colin, Haughton, Graham
Deutsche Unternehmen in China: Märkte, Partner, Strategien by
Jubilee Line Extension: From Concept to Completion by Mitchell, Robert
Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England by Anonymous
Historic Shrines of Spain by Allardyce, Isabel
The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages by Brandon, Raphael, Brandon, J. Arthur
Public and Private Spaces of the City by Madanipour, Ali
Public and Private Spaces of the City by Madanipour, Ali
Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design by Watson, Donald
Bali Houses: New Wave Asian Architecture and Design by Francione, Gianni
References On City and Regional Planning by Shillaber, Caroline
The Public Library and the City by
Regional Policy: Readings in Theory and Applications by
Traditional Islamic Principles of Built Environment by Mortada, Hisham
Non-Linear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete by Pimanmas, A., Maekawa, K., Okamura, H.
Postcolonial Urbanism: Southeast Asian Cities and Global Processes by
Riverfront Stadium: Home of the Big Red Machine by Shannon, Mike
Worship in Wood by Boyd, Thomas M.
Six Lectures on Architecture by Hastings, Thomas et al, Bragdon, Claude Fayette
Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts by Duke, E.
Digital Design: Research and Practice by
Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body by Borden, Iain
Architectural Forms and Philosophical Structures by Hendrix, John Shannon
The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art by Tyack, Geo S.
Le chiese della Sabina: cenni storici e descrizione: Vol. III by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Art and Aesthetics at Work by
Le chiese della Sabina: cenni storici e descrizione: Vol. IV by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Le chiese della Sabina: cenni storici e descrizione: Vol. II by Del Vescovo, Andrea
Architecture Development Made Simple by Babers, Charles
The Southern Movie Palace: Rise, Fall, and Resurrection by Jones, Janna
Ökologische Stadtsanierung by Schowalter, Marcus
The Frick Collection, an Illustrated Catalogue, Volume IX: Drawings, Prints, and Later Acquisitions by
Plans and Sections of the Obelisk on Bunker's Hill by Willard, S.
Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture by Evans, E. P.
Temple Church by Addison, C. G.
To Object by Ruiz De Azua, Mart'n
Survey and Repair of Traditional Buildings: A Sustainable Approach by Oxley, Richard
Seasons of the Soul by Byrd, Bobbi
The National Register of Historic Places in Minnesota: A Guide by
Artificial Love: A Story of Machines and Architecture by Shepheard, Paul
The Portfolio: An Acrchitecture Student's Handbook by Marjanovic, Igor, Rüedi Ray, Katerina, Lokko, Lesley Naa Norle
Working with Concrete by Arnold, Rick
A Guide to the Historic Architecture of Piedmont North Carolina by Bishir, Catherine W., Southern, Michael T.
Vermessungskunde 1: Lage-, Höhen- Und Winkelmessungen by Matthews, Volker
Villas and Cottages by Vaux, Calvert
Zur anthropometrischen Bewertung von Arbeitsplätzen an Bildschirmen und Konsolen by Schoeffel, Roland
Conservation of Historic Buildings by Feilden, Bernard
French Cathedrals: Monasteries and Abbeys and Sacred Sites of France by Pennell, Elizabeth Robins
A Home for All The Gravel Wall and Octagon Mode of Building by Fowler, Orson S.
Tony Hunt's Second Sketchbook by Hunt, Tony, Foster, Norman
Historical Studies of Church Building in the Middle Ages: Venice, Siena, Florence by Norton, Charles Eliot
Stadtumbau: Neue Strategien für L.E. (Leipzig) by Leonhardt, Ulrike
Women's Places: Architecture and Design 1860-1960 by
American Art Deco: Modernistic Architecture and Regionalism by Breeze, Carla
GSA PBS-140 Child Care Center Design Guide: July 1 2003 by General Services Administration
6,000 Years of Housing by Schoenauer, Norbert
Women's Places: Architecture and Design 1860-1960 by
The Dynamics of Delight: Architecture and Aesthetics by Smith, Peter F.
The Dynamics of Delight: Architecture and Aesthetics by Smith, Peter F.
Imperial Cities: Landscape, Display and Identity by
Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down by Gordon, J. E.
Village and Farm Cottages by Backus, Samuel D., Backus, William, Cleaveland, Henry W.
Ten Arquitectos: Enrique Norten and Bernardo Gomez-Pimienta by Gomez-Pimienta, Bernardo, Norten, Enrique
Untersuchung des Nachhaltigkeitsindikatorensatzes "Indikatoren für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in NRW" und dessen Anwendung in der kommunalen Planung by Sank, Christoph
Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space by Strachan, Gordon
Building in Existing Fabric: Refurbishment, Extensions, New Design by
Heating and Cooling Distribution Systems: Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 3-430-01FA by Department of Defense
Vanished Halls and Cathedrals of France by Edwards, George Wharton
Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales: Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial by
Introduction to Natural and Man-made Disasters and Their Effects on Buildings by McDonald, Roxanna
Architect's Essentials of Professional Development by Valence, Jean R.
Planning the Modern Public Library Building by
A Richer Heritage: Historic Preservation in the Twenty-First Century by
Stacking the Deck: Secrets of the World's Master Card Architect by Berg, Bryan
German Architecture in America: Folk House, Your House, Bauhaus, and More by Richman, Irwin
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth by Lethaby, W. R.
Cathedral Builders: The Story of a Great Masonic Guild by Scott, Leader
Stately Homes in America: From Colonial Times to the Present Day by Desmond, Harry W., Croly, Herbert
Modernism and the Spirit of the City by
Form Und Zeichen - Globale Kommunikation by Internationales Forum Fur Gestaltung Ulm
Interkommunale Kooperation in der Stadtplanung: Am Beispiel des Planungsverbandes unteres Remstal by Jacobi, Juri Michael
Roof Construction Manual: Pitched Roofs by Oster, Hans Jochen, Barthel, Rainer, Schunck, Eberhard
Modernism and the Spirit of the City by
Places That Count: Traditional Cultural Properties in Cultural Resource Management by King, Thomas F.
Ellis Island by Moreno, Barry
Serve City: Interactive Urbanism by
The Grand Museum of Egypt (2 Volume Set): International Architecture Competition by Mansour, Camille
Places That Count: Traditional Cultural Properties in Cultural Resource Management by King, Thomas F.
Building Change of Use by Henehan, Dorothy
Emblematics in Hungary: A Study of the History of Symbolic Representation in Renaissance and Baroque Literature by Knapp, Éva, Tüskés, Gábor
Churches of Minnesota: An Illustrated Guide by Lathrop, Alan K.
Expressive Form: A Conceptual Approach to Computational Design by Terzidis, Kostas
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Bio-Bibliography by Langmead, Donald
Civic Revolutionaries: Igniting the Passion for Change in America's Communities by Walesh, Kimberly, Henton, Douglas, Melville, John G.
Re Envisioning Landscape Architecture by Spellman, Catherine
Churches of Nova Scotia by Tuck, Robert
The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World by Bosser, Jacques
Healthy Cities and Urban Policy Research by
Architects and the 'Building World' from Chambers to Ruskin by Hanson, Brian
Auswirkungen der demographischen Entwicklung auf den Immobilienmarkt: Unter besonderer Betrachtung der Vermarktbarkeit von Wohnimmobilien in schrumpfe by Zabel, Ingo
Power, Identity, and the Rise of Modern Architecture: from Siam to Thailand by Noobanjong, Koompong
Decoding Homes and Houses by Hanson, Julienne
Geodesic Math and How to Use It by Kenner, Hugh
Urban Planning and Cultural Identity by Neill, William
Urban Planning and Cultural Identity by Neill, William
Porches and Fonts by Wall, J. Charles
Conservation and Planning: Changing Values in Policy and Practice by Hobson, Edward
Capital Campaigns from the Ground Up: How Nonprofits Can Have the Buildings of Their Dreams by Weinstein, Stanley
Solar Heating Systems for Houses: A Design Handbook for Solar Combisystems by
Solar Thermal Technologies for Buildings: The State of the Art by
Concert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics, and Architecture by Beranek, Leo
The Enterprising City Centre: Manchester's Development Challenge by Williams, Gwyndaf
Housing Development: Theory, Process and Practice by
Housing Development: Theory, Process and Practice by
The Enterprising City Centre: Manchester's Development Challenge by Williams, Gwyndaf
Landscapes of Privilege: The Politics of the Aesthetic in an American Suburb by Duncan, Nancy
The Architecture of the Museum: Symbolic Structures, Urban Contexts by
Landscapes of Privilege: The Politics of the Aesthetic in an American Suburb by Duncan, Nancy
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa: Museums, Architecture, and City Renewal by Zulaika, Joseba
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa: Museums, Architecture, and City Renewal by Zulaika, Joseba
Designs on Modernity: Exhibiting the City in 1920s Paris by Gronberg, Tag
Chicago's Famous Buildings by Schulze, Franz, Harrington, Kevin
The Saga of Sydney Opera House: The Dramatic Story of the Design and Construction of the Icon of Modern Australia by Murray, Peter
Prospects for Pastoralism in Kazakstan and Turkmenistan: From State Farms to Private Flocks by
The Saga of Sydney Opera House: The Dramatic Story of the Design and Construction of the Icon of Modern Australia by Murray, Peter
Solar Architecture: Strategies, Visions, Concepts by
The Plaza Mayor and the Shaping of Baroque Madrid by Escobar, Jes S., Escobar, Jesus, Escobar, Jes?'s
Farm Structures by Ekblaw, K. J. T.
Into the Lantern by Lim, William
refabricating ARCHITECTURE: How Manufacturing Methodologies are Poised to Transform Building Construction by Kieran, Stephen, Timberlake, James
Das Werden Wiens und seines Stephansdoms: Neues Licht zur historischen Wissenschaft by Klaudy, Kurt
Regions, Spatial Strategies and Sustainable Development by Haughton, Graham, Counsell, David
Making European Space: Mobility, Power and Territorial Identity by Richardson, Tim, Jensen, Ole B.
Medieval Allegory and the Building of the New Jerusalem by Meyer, Ann R.
Regions, Spatial Strategies and Sustainable Development by Haughton, Graham, Counsell, David
Energiesparendes Bauen: Von Der Europäischen Normung Zur Energieeinsparverordnung by Marquardt, Helmut
Cathedrals of Spain by
London: Bread and Circuses by Glancey, Jonathan
Architectural Design in Steel by Trebilcock, Peter, Lawson, Mark
Moving People, Goods and Information in the 21st Century: The Cutting-Edge Infrastructures of Networked Cities by
Geology and Settlement: Greco-Roman Patterns by Crouch, Dora P.
Moving People, Goods and Information in the 21st Century: The Cutting-Edge Infrastructures of Networked Cities by
Planning and Design of Outdoor Sports Facilities by
Making European Space: Mobility, Power and Territorial Identity by Jensen Ole, B., Jensen, Ole B.
Elevated Residential Structures by Management Agency, Federal Emergency