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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2006

Environmental Design: An Introduction for Architects and Engineers by
Design and Construction of Concrete Floors by Garber, George
Historic Homes of Minnesota by Kennedy, Roger G.
Architecture and Design in Europe and America: 1750 - 2000 by
Expanding the Center: Walker Art Center and Herzog & de Meuron by
Historic Courthouses of the State of New York by Rosenblatt, Albert M., Rosenblatt, Julia Carlson
The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral by Scott, Robert
Experiencing the Garden in the Eighteenth Century by
Transiträume / Transit Spaces by
Communication in Construction: Theory and Practice by Dainty, Andrew, Moore, David, Murray, Michael
Re-Viewing Space: Figurative Language in Architects´ Assessment of Built Space by Caballero, Rosario
Performing Nature: Explorations in Ecology and the Arts by
California Colonial Homes: Case Studies with Prominent Architects by Cook III, S. F. Jerry
Innovation in Planning: Italian Experiences by Palermo, Pier Carlo
Architecture Now! Vol. 4 by Jodidio, Philip
Moulding, Assembling, Designing: Ceramics in Architecture by
Bastard Choose My Identity [With CD] by Ernst, Christian
Houses and Cottages of Britain by Brunskill, R. W.
On Site: New Architecture in Spain: New Architecture in Spain by
The Fordyce Bathhouse, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas by Petravage, Carola
Abruzzen, Kampanien, Kalabrien und Sizilien by
Chicago's Classical Architecture: The Legacy of the White City by Stone, David
Council Tax Handbook by Parsons, Geoff, Smith, Tim
Architecture and Psychoanalysis: Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan by Hendrix, John Shannon
The Parthenon Frieze by Neils, Jenifer
Die Architekturbücher des Walter Hermann Ryff. Vitruvrezeption im Kontext mathematischer Wissenschaften by Jachmann, Julian
Minimalist Houses by
One Week End Book Series Graphic Tourism by Lorenz, Martin
Berlin, Genova: City, Street, House: An International Experiment in Design by
Lady on the Hill: How Biltmore Estate Became an American Icon by The Biltmore Company, Covington, Howard E.
Town Spaces: Contemporary Interpretations in Traditional Urbanism by Krier, Rob, Krier Rob
The Origins And History Of The Mayas V1 by Jakeman, M. Wells
Egypt And Its Monuments: Pharaohs, Fellahs And Explorers by Edwards, Amelia B.
Cleopatra's Needle With Brief Notes On Egypt And Egyptian Obelisks by Wilson, Erasmus
A Guide To The Antiquities Of Upper Egypt: From Abydos To The Sudan Frontier by Weigall, Arthur E. P.
The Great Pyramid Jeezeh by McCarty, Louis P.
Frameworks for Policy Analysis: Merging Text and Context by Lejano, Raul P.
Lexicon of Garden and Landscape Architecture by Vroom, Meto
Professional Practice: A Guide to Turning Designs Into Buildings by Segal, Paul
Atmospheres: Architectural Environments - Surrounding Objects by Zumthor, Peter
Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300 1500: Volume 3, Southern England by Emery, Anthony
The Architect's Guide to the U.S. National CAD Standard by Hall, Dennis J., Green, Charles
Power and Energy: Power Plant Rummelsburg-Berlin by
Inclusive Urban Design: Streets For Life by Burton, Elizabeth, Mitchell, Lynne
Construction Codes and Inspection Handbook by Taylor, Gil
Victor Rahola by Rahola I. Aguade, Victor
21st Century House by Bell, Jonathan
The Genius in the Design: Bernini, Borromini, and the Rivalry That Transformed Rome by Morrissey, Jake
Nexus Network Journal Vol. 6,2 by
Rural Urbanism: London Landscapes in the Early Nineteenth Century by Arnold, Dana
Maisons Individuelles by
En Detail: Casas Unifamiliares by
The Architectural Legacy of Alfred Giles: Selected Restorations by Hollers George, Mary Carolyn
Planning Public Library Buildings: Concepts and Issues for the Librarian by Dewe, Michael
Played in Birmingham: Charting the Heritage of a City at Play by Inglis, Simon, Beauchampe, Steve
Dumile Feni Retrospective: Dumile Feni Retrospective by
New Trade Fair Milan by Fuksas, Massimiliano
Merseypride: Essays in Liverpool Exceptionalism by Belchem, John
Urville by Trehin, Gilles
Managing Residential Construction Projects: Strategies and Solutions by Graham, Derek
Buy Me a Mercedes Benz by Un Studio
Partnering in the Construction Industry by Bennett, John
The Cathedral Cities of England - English Cathedrals by Marshall, Emma
A Glossary of Terms Used in English Architecture by Atkinson, T. D.
Kultur Des Eigentums by
Wood and Tree Fungi: Biology, Damage, Protection, and Use by Schmidt, Olaf
Structural Inequality: Black Architects in the United States by Kaplan, Victoria
Structural Inequality: Black Architects in the United States by Kaplan, Victoria
Biddle's Young Carpenter's Assistant by Biddle, Owen
The Aesthetic And Miscellaneous Works Of Friedrich Von Schlegel by Schlegel, Friedrich Von
The Man Who Tapped The Secrets Of The Universe by Clark, Glenn
Domestic Architecture Of The Colonies And Of The Early Republic by Kimball, Fiske
The Story Of The Pharaohs by Baikie, James
Christian Monuments In England And Wales: An Historical And Descriptive Sketch Of The Various Classes Of Sepulchral Monuments Which Have Been In Use I by Boutell, Charles
Gothic Arches, Latin Crosses: Anti-Catholicism and American Church Designs in the Nineteenth Century by Smith, Ryan K.
Earthworks and Beyond: Contemporary Art in the Landscape by Beardsley, John
The Building Environment: Active and Passive Control Systems by Bradshaw, Vaughn
Algorithmic Architecture by Terzidis, Kostas
Self Sufficient Housing by Guallart, Vicente
Land Development by Kone, Daisy Linda
Palladian Days: Finding a New Life in a Venetian Country House by Gable, Carl I., Gable, Sally
Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations by
Historic Ornament: Treatise on Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament by Ward, James
The House Beautiful by Gannett, William C.
Secret Chambers And Hiding Places: Historic, Romantic, And Legendary Stories And Traditions About Hiding Holes, Secret Chambers, Etc. by Fea, Allan
Anecdotes Of The Arts In England Or, Comparative Remarks On Architecture, Sculpture And Painting, Chiefly Illustrated By Specimens At Oxford by Dallaway, James
Liquid Stone: New Architecture in Concrete by
The Missing Museum by Thorburn, Andrew
Die Anderen Städte / The Other Cities: Iba Stadtumbau 2010: Resonanzen / Responses by
Modern Practical Masonry by Warland, Edmund
English Cathedrals: A History by Lehmberg, Stanford
Semi-Detached and Terraced Houses by
Bridport and West Bay: The Buildings of the Flax and Hemp Industry by Williams, Mike
Palaces and Power in the Americas: From Peru to the Northwest Coast by
Bauhaus Culture: From Weimar to the Cold War by James-Chakraborty, Kathleen
Managing the Building Design Process by Tunstall, Gavin
Interior Space of Europe Vol II by Images Publishing, Images
50+ Vacation Homes by
Saechsische Landkirchen zwischen Barock und Historismus: Die Kirchenbauten von Christian Friedrich Uhlig (1774-1848) = Sachsische Landkirchen Zwischen by Thiele, Stefan
Urban Structure Matters: Residential Location, Car Dependence and Travel Behaviour by Naess, Petter
Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr: Herausforderungen Und Chancen by
Lost Civilizations by Finger, Charles J.
Christian Art And Archaeology: Being A Handbook To The Monuments Of The Early Church by Lowrie, Walter
The Life And Works Of Winslow Homer by Downes, William Howe
In The Himalayas And On The Indian Plains by Cumming, C. F. Gordon
Great Pyramid Passages And Chambers V2: The Measurements Of The Great Pyramid by Edgar, John, Edgar, Morton
The Homes of Giorgio Vasari by Cheney, Liana De Girolami
Historic Fredericksburg: The Story Of An Old Town by Goolrick, John T.
The Crescent and the Bull: A Survey of Archaeology in the Near East by Zehren, Erich
The Cathedral Church Of Saint Paul: An Account Of The Old And New Buildings With A Short Historical Sketch by Dimock, Arthur
The Oxford Museum by Ruskin, John, Acland, Henry
Early Renaissance Architecture In England: A Historical Descriptive Account Of The Tudor, Elizabethan And Jacobean Periods 1500-1625 by Gotch, J. Alfred
Castles And Chateaux Of Old Navarre And The Basque Provinces: Including Also Foix, Roussillon And Bearn by Miltoun, Francis
Personal Mobilities by Kellerman, Aharon
Architecture Tours L.A. Guidebook: Pasadena by Massino Smith, Laura
Intimus: Interior Design Theory Reader by
Regional Development in the Knowledge Economy by
Leading Residential Landscape Professionals by
The Country Builder's Assistant: Containing a Collection of New Designs of Carpentry and Architecture; which will be particularly useful to Country Wo by Benjamin, Asher
New Generation Whole-Life Costing: Property and Construction Decision-Making Under Uncertainty by Ellingham, Ian, Fawcett, William
Tropical Sustainable Architecture by
The Earthscan Reader in Rural-Urban Linkages by
Construction Business Management by Ganaway, Nick
The Gargoyle Book: 572 Examples from Gothic Architecture by Bridaham, Lester Burbank
Victorian Woodturnings and Woodwork by Blumer & Kuhn Stair Co
Architecture Development Made Simple, Second Edition by Babers, Charles
Formalisierung des architektonischen Entwurfprozesses zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Gewinnoptimierung des Architektenhonorars by Klein, Arnd
Design Guide for Reducing Transportation Noise in and Around Buildings by National Bureau of Standards
In Detail: Barcelona Contemporary Architecture by
Primitive: Original Matters in Architecture by
Bannerman Castle by Johnson, Thom, Gottlock, Barbara H.
Open Design, a Stakeholder-oriented Approach in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Project Management by Van Loon, Peter-Paul, Binnekamp, Ruud, Van Gunsteren, Lex a.
Primitive: Original Matters in Architecture by
From the Studio to the Streets: Service-Learning in Planning and Architecture by
Utopia Deferred: Writings from Utopie (1967-1978) by Baudrillard, Jean
Interaktive E-Participation bei Stadtplanungsprozessen by Lauffer, Jan Hendrik
Wohnstandort Innenstadt: Das Beispiel Mülheim an der Ruhr by Linken, Tanja
Aptm Six Minimal Apartment Projects by Bohigas, Josep
Reinhard Gieselmann: On the Search of Style/Auf Der Suche Nach Stil by
Timber Building by Brunskill, R. W.
Poetry, Property, and Place, 01:: Stefan Behnisch / Gerald Hines by
Reflexion und Wandel - drei Areale - eine nachhaltige Gebietsentwicklung: Entwurfskonzepte zur Neuordnung und Revitalisierung innerstädtischer Brachfl by Stoll, Gunther
Ornaments of the Metropolis: Siegfried Kracauer and Modern Urban Culture by Reeh, Henrik
Behind Bars: Inside Ontario's Heritage Gaols by Brown, Ron
The Modern American House by Isenstadt, Sandy
The Correlation and Conservation of Forces; A Series of Expositions, by Prof. Grove, Prof. Helmholtz, Dr. Mayer, Dr. Faraday, Prof. Liebig and Dr. Car by Youmans, Edward Livingston
School Architecture, or Contributions to the Improvement of School-Houses in the United States. by Barnard, Henry
German And Spanish Gothic Architecture by Short, Ernest H.
Concrete: Design, Construction, Examples by Peck, Martin, Peck Martin
Architectural Symbolism by Redgrove, H. Stanley
Cultures of Glass Architecture by Elkadi, Hisham
An Ornament to the City: Old Mobile Ironwork by Sledge, John S.
The Universitas Project: Solutions for a Post-Technological Society by
Squares: A Public Place Design Guide for Urbanists by Childs, Mark C.
Revitalisierung denkmalgeschützter Immobilien: Methodik zur Herleitung und Prüfung potentieller neuer Nutzungen für denkmalgeschützte Immobilien aus d by Hirt, Andreas
Roman Theatres: An Architectural Study by Sear, Frank
Earned Value Basics: An Introduction to Earned Value for Beginners by Media, Praizion
Die Region Hannover: Regionale Kooperation vor dem Hintergrund einer institutionalisierten Gebietskörperschaft by Wassermann, Jens
Construction Codes & Inspection Handbook by Taylor
The Bungalow Book: Floor Plans and Photos of 112 Houses, 1910 by Wilson, Henry L.
Preserving Paradise:: The Architectural Heritage and History of the Florida Keys by Born, George Walter
Preserving Paradise: The Architectural Heritage and History of the Florida Keys by Born, George Walter
B-Zone: Becoming Europe and Beyond by
Best Designed Ecological Hotel by Kunz, Martin Nicholas
Key Houses of the Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations [With CDROM] by Davies, Colin
Yona Friedman / Pro Domo by Friedman, Yona
Imagining the City, Volume 2: The Politics of Urban Space by
Planning for Retail Development: A Critical View of the British Experience by Guy, Clifford
Early Domestic Architecture of Pennsylvania by Raymond, Eleanor
Spatial Planning Systems in Western Europe: An Overview by Larsson, Gerhard
Sobre Diseo by Carreras, Fabian
Construire Dans L'Existant: Reconversion, Addition, Creation by
Rehabiltacion: Reconversion, Ampliacion, Reconcepcion by
Aeolian Winds and the Spirit in Renaissance Architecture: Academia Eolia Revisited by
Aeolian Winds and the Spirit in Renaissance Architecture: Academia Eolia Revisited by
Massimo Mariani: Progetti 1980-2005 by
Loose Space: Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life by
The Town and Gown Architecture of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1795-1975 by Little, M. Ruth
Global Engineering and Construction by Yates, J. K.
Architectural Security Codes and Guidelines: Best Practices for Today's Construction Challenges by Wible, Robert C.
Design by Competition: Making Design Competition Work by Nasar, Jack L.
Loose Space: Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life by
Along Amsterdam's Waterfront: Exploring the Architecture of Amsterdam's Southern Ij Bank by Lebesque, Sabine
Weak and Diffuse Modernity: The World of Projects at the Beginning of the 21st Century by
Beyond the Metropolis: Urban Geography as if Small Cities Mattered by
Disclosing Horizons: Architecture, Perspective and Redemptive Space by Temple, Nicholas
The Emergence of the Interior: Architecture, Modernity, Domesticity by Rice, Charles
Korea Style by Iwatate, Marcia, Unsoo, Kim
Super Potato Design: The Complete Works of Takashi Sugimoto: Japan's Leading Interior Designer by Locher, Mira
Disclosing Horizons: Architecture, Perspective and Redemptive Space by Temple, Nicholas
Smart Materials: In Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design by Ritter, Axel
Fibre Cement: Technology and Design by Krause, Jan R.
Power and Virtue: Architecture and Intellectual Change in England 1660�1730 by Li, Shiqiao
European Security in Transition by Kernic, Franz
The Edifice Complex: How the Rich and Powerful--and Their Architects--Shape the World by Sudjic, Deyan
Decent Homes for All: Planning's Evolving Role in Housing Provision by Gallent, Nick, Tewdwr-Jones, Mark
Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050-1250 by Phillips, Neil
Urban Design Reader by Tiesdell, Steve, Carmona, Matthew
Bricks and Stones from the Past: Jamaica's Geological Heritage by Porter, Anthony R. D.
Nexus Network Journal 8,2: Architecture and Mathematics by
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