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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2008

Architecture: Reason + Emotion by Menis, Fernando
Aadrl Documents 2: Drl Ten: A Design Research Compendium by
Medicine by Design: The Architect and the Modern Hospital, 1893-1943 by Adams, Annmarie
The Chapel at Ronchamp by Pauly, Daniele
Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on Twentieth-Century Human Habitat by
Recapturing Democracy: Neoliberalization and the Struggle for Alternative Urban Futures by Purcell, Mark
China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism by
Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre by
Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on Twentieth-Century Human Habitat by
Architecture of Italy by Castex, Jean
The Pitched Roof: Architecture Manual by Burren, Barbara
Framing Places: Mediating Power in Built Form by Dovey, Kim
Project Zagreb: Transition as Condition, Strategy, Practice by Rupnik, Ivan, Blau, Eve
Recapturing Democracy: Neoliberalization and the Struggle for Alternative Urban Futures by Purcell, Mark
Greek Monastic Architecture: an organic proposal by Connena, Claudio
SUPUESTOS MORFOGENÉTICOS DE LA ARQUITECTURA, una aproximación teórica: El Caso de la Catedral Gótica by Hernandez Alvarez, Maria Elena
The Ecology of the Architectural Model by Dunn, Nick
Lofts in Berlin seit 1951. Vom Fabrikraum zur Luxuswohnung by Von Der Heide, Sabrina
Demographische Veränderungen, Einflussfaktoren und Auswirkungen - Thüringen und die Welt im Wandel der Zeit by Grolle, Susanne
Official Illustrations From The Art Gallery Of The World's Columbian Exposition (1893) by
Report Of The President To The Board Of Directors Of The World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1892-1893 (1898) by Higinbotham, Harlow N.
The Architecture of Light: Architectural Lighting Design Concepts and Techniques by Russell, Sage
Sustainable Development and Environmental Management: Experiences and Case Studies by
Bewertung von Eignungsflächen für Windkraftanlagen: Dargestellt am Beispiel von ausgewählten Gemeinden des Regierungsbezirks Münster by Zampich, Tobias
Fundamental Trends in City Development by Maciocco, Giovanni
Architecture Et Efficacite Energetique: Principes de Conception Et de Construction by Gonzalo, Roberto, Habermann, Karl J.
Mission Furniture: How to Make It by Windsor, H. H.
Savannah Architectural Tours by Stalcup, Jonathan, Osterberger, Elizabeth
Ordinary Places/Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, Democracy and Public Space in Latin America by Irazábal, Clara
Space-Time Continuum: A Design Approach for the Built Environment by Shanbhag, Raghavendra S.
The Architecture of Roman Temples by Stamper, John W.
Fortress-Churches of Languedoc: Architecture, Religion and Conflict in the High Middle Ages by Bonde, Sheila
Cityscape: The Book by
3D Manufacturing Innovation: Revolutionary Change in Japanese Manufacturing with Digital Data by Toriya, Hiroshi
Das Olympische Dorf als Begegnungsstätte: unter Berücksichtigung ökonomischer Notwendigkeiten und olympischer Werte by Globig, Laura
Medicine by Design: The Architect and the Modern Hospital, 1893-1943 by Adams, Annmarie
Developing Countries, Developing Communities by Morales, Bryan
Photo Graphics: Poster Collection 17 by
Comix!: Poster Collection 16 by
Kommunale Tourismusförderung anhand ausgewählter Gemeinden by Klöckner, Martin
Public, Private, Ephemeral: Ceramics in Architecture by
Contractor's Guide to the Building Code: Based on the 2006 IBC & IRC [With CDROM] by Hageman, Jack M.
Nano Materials: In Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design by Leydecker, Sylvia
Architecture and Suburbia: From English Villa to American Dream House, 1690-2000 by Archer, John
ClimateSkin: Building-Skin Concepts That Can Do More with Less Energy by Hausladen, Gerhard, Saldanha, Michael De, Liedl, Petra
Designflux 08 by
Branding New York: How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World by Greenberg, Miriam
Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown: Learning from Las Vegas: Supercrit #2 by
Prodigy Houses of Virginia: Architecture and the Native Elite by Mooney, Barbara Burlison
Border Fictions: Globalization, Empire, and Writing at the Boundaries of the United States by Sadowski-Smith, Claudia
Gated Communities: International Perspectives by
Perspective Drawing: A Designer's Method by Gordon, Robert Philip
French Architectural Ornament: From Versailles, Fontainebleau and Other Palaces by
Die postmoderne Stadt II - Die Privatisierung des öffentlichen Raumes - Gated communities by Duda, Carolin
Modern Architecture: Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930 by Wright, Frank Lloyd
Integrated Costing of Sustainable Design by McAuley, Tavis
A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal by Malkin, Helen, Dunton, Nancy
Grand Avenues: The Story of Pierre Charles l'Enfant, the French Visionary Who Designed Washington, D.C. by Berg, Scott W.
Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre by
Branding New York: How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World by Greenberg, Miriam
The Golden Age of Battlefield Preservation: The Decade of the 1890s and the Establishment of America's First Five Military Parks by Smith, Timothy B.
Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes by
Das Ende der klassischen Formensprache: Neue Kapitellformen (Entwicklungen im 5./6. Jahrhundert) by Kraft, Simone
Creating Concrete Art Furniture by Sthreshley, Charles
Urban Landscape Perspectives by
Die Charta von Athen by Schmahl, Christoph
Self And Neighbor: An Ethical Study (1919) by Hirst, Edward Wales
The National Capitol: Its Architecture, Art And History (1907) by Hazelton, George Cochrane
The Genesis Of Art Form: An Essay In Comparative Aesthetics (1893) by Raymond, George Lansing
Decorative Elements In Architecture: Random Observations On The Eternal Fitness Of Things From A Decorative Point Of View (1917) by Paris, William Francklyn
Church And Chapel Architecture: From The Earliest Period To The Present Time, With An Account Of The Hebrew Church (1849) by Trimen, Andrew
The Architecture Of The Renaissance In Italy (1898) by Anderson, William James
The Cathedrals Of The United Kingdom: Their History, Architecture, Monuments, And Traditions (1860) by Walcott, MacKenzie
An Outline History Of Architecture For Beginners And Students: With Complete Indexes And Numerous Illustrations (1893) by Waters, Clara Erskine Clement
Unrivaled Chicago: Containing An Historical Narrative Of The Great City's Development (1896) by Rand McNally
Archaeologic And Historic Fragments: Containing, Inter Alia, A Facsimile Of A Rare Ms. Page Dated 1638 (1887) by Wright, George Robert Nicol
Our Northern Domain, Alaska: Picturesque, Historic And Commercial (1910) by Dole, Nathan Haskell
Practical Bungalows And Cottages For Town And Country (1906) by
A Treatise On Architecture And Building Construction V1: Arithmetic, Formulas, Geometry And Mensuration, Architectural Engineering, With Practical Que by Elliston, J. Edward
The Beauties Of England And Wales: Comprising Observations On The History And Antiquities Together With Remarks On The Progress Of Architecture In Suc by Brewer, James Norris
Architecture: As A Branch Of Aesthetic, Psychologically Treated (1905) by Snider, Denton Jaques
A Treatise On Architecture And Building Construction V3: Prepared For Students Of The International Correspondence Schools (1899) by International Correspondence Schools
The Media City: Media, Architecture and Urban Space by McQuire, Scott
Farm Drainage: The Principles, Processes, And Effects Of Draining Land With Stones, Wood, Plows, And Open Ditches, And Especially Wit by French, Henry F.
The Spaces of the Modern City: Imaginaries, Politics, and Everyday Life by
Dwelling in Motion by Ante, Kristi Nicole
Architectural Form Part 1 An introduction into understanding buildings by Maas, Huub
Wirkungsanalyse der Sanierungsmaßnahmen in Hamburg-St. Georg: Vor- und Nachteile der Gentrification by Bültmann, Ricarda
Valuation and Sale of Residential Property by Mackmin, David
Masonry; A Short Text-Book On Masonry Construction by Howe, Malverd A.
Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Law, Policy and Practice by Dowden, Malcolm
Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America: EU and US Policy Responses by Fukumi, Sayaka
A Fireproof Construction; An Authoritative Presentation of the Fire Prevention Problem, Giving the Historical Development of the Art of Safe Buildin by Various
Romano-British Buildings and Earthwork by Ward, John
European Architecture, a Historical Study by Sturgis, Russell
The Art & Science of Store Design by Doshi, Dinesh
Reinforced Concrete; A Manual Of Practice by McCullough, Ernest
Rudimentary Treatise On Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, Etc. by Burnell, G. R.
Treatise On Mathematical And Graphical Roof Framing (Illustrated) For Builders, Carpenters And Iron Workers by Inskip, G. D.
Architekturpsychologie by Bar, Paul Klaus-Dieter
Verb Crisis: Verb #06 by Ballesteros, Mario
Metropolis No.1: Reflection: Designs for the Future of the Metropolis: Iba Hamburg by
Architect's Essentials of Starting, Assessing and Transitioning a Design Firm by Piven, Peter, Perkins, Bradford
Etapes: International 11 by
Havana: The Sleeping Beauty by
Urban Politics Now: Re-Imagining Democracy in the Neoliberal City. Reflect Series No. 6 by
Re-Public: Towards New Spatial Politics by
Hans Ulrich Obrist & Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster: The Conversation Series: Vol. 12 by
Siteless: 1001 Building Forms by Blanciak, Francois
Looking for Mies by Daza, Ricardo
Cedric Price: Potteries Thinkbelt: Supercrit #1 by
The Art and Science of Lightning Protection by Uman, Martin A.
Spatial Planning for a Sustainable Singapore by
The Chapel at Ronchamp by Pauly, Daniele
Ökologische Stadtsanierung by Schowalter, Marcus
Music And Arts Facilities: A Teacher's Guide To Funding, Design, And Construction by Wakeling, Tom
Where The Great City Stands by Ashbee, Charles Robert
Akron Churches: Early Architecture by Mavromatis, Kally
Fundamentals of Land Development: A Real-World Guide to Profitable Large-Scale Development by Johnson, David E.
How to Read Buildings: A Crash Course in Architectural Styles by Davidson Cragoe, Carol
Robert Maillart: Builder, Designer, and Artist by Billington, David P., Jr., David P., Billington
Style Flamboyant - Zenit des Mittelalters by Barthold, Ronny
User Interfaces for Wearable Computers: Development and Evaluation by Witt, Hendrik
Adaptability and Structural Design of Stadia by Bader, Thomas Karl
Personal Space; Updated, the Behavioral Basis of Design by Sommer, Robert
Magnificent Buildings, Splendid Gardens by Coffin, David R.
Asian Living by
Optimistic Architecture Yearbook/Annuel Optimiste D'Architecture by
A House Is Many Houses by
At Home by the Sea: Houses Designed for Living at the Water's Edge by Snider, Bruce
Emerald Architecture: Case Studies in Green Building (Greensource): Case Studies in Green Building by Greensource Magazine
Ant Farm: Living Archive 7 by Scott, Felicity
Green Bim: Successful Sustainable Design with Building Information Modeling by Nies, Brad, Krygiel, Eddy
Cultural Landscapes: Balancing Nature and Heritage in Preservation Practice by
Sacred Sites of Center City: A Guide to Philadelphia's Historic Churches, Synagogues, and Meetinghouses by Gallery, John Andrew
Building Type Basics for Healthcare Facilities by Kobus, Richard L., Skaggs, Ronald L., Bobrow, Michael
Built upon Love: Architectural Longing after Ethics and Aesthetics by Perez-Gomez, Alberto
Managing Project Risk: Best Practices for Architects and Related Professionals by Simpson, Grant A., Atkins, James B.
Green from the Ground Up: Sustainable, Healthy, and Energy-Efficient Home Construction by Johnston, David, Gibson, Scott
Green Construction Guide by Glavinich, Thomas E., Associated General Contractors
Built by Blacks: African American Architecture and Neighborhoods in Richmond by Richardson, Selden
Rural Retirement Migration by Glasgow, Nina, Brown, David L.
Kengo Kuma: Breathing Architecture: The Teahouse of the Museum of Applied Arts Frankfurt/Das Teehaus Des Museums Fur Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt by
The Best of Today's Log Homes by Skinner, Tina
The Architecture of Happiness by de Botton, Alain
A Controlling Model for the Enterprise Architecture and SOA by Freitag, Andreas
Preservation of Modern Architecture by Prudon, Theodore H. M.
User Interactions with Building Systems and the Energy Implications in Offices by Mohammadi, Abdolazim
Die "Casa del Fascio" in Como von Giuseppe Terragni: Ein Bau im Zeichen des Faschismus by Schöne, Janine
Europäische Stadt und Hochhaus: Geschichte, Standorte, Pläne und Kontroversen - dargestellt am Beispiel der Städte Frankfurt am Main und München by Eitz, Christian
Die Steuerung der kommunalen Baulandausweisung durch die Regionalplanung am Beispiel Südhessen by Cyriax, Timo
Entwicklungschancen und Optionen ostdeutscher Klein- und Mittelstädte anhand von drei Fallbeispielen by Walter, Alexander
Die orientalische Stadt - Soziale Differenzierung und Problematik by Cyriax, Timo
Minderheitenpolitik gegenüber den Roma (in der Slowakischen und Tschechischen Republik) by Cyriax, Timo
Outdoor Kitchens & Fireplaces by Skinner, Tina
Erfassung und Bewertung von Fluss-Uferstrukturen und -vegetation: Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zum Einsatz bei Effizienzkontrollen und Monitoring am B by Filzek, Dirk
Probabilistic Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Concrete Frames by Celik, Ozan Cem
Der Kristall als expressionistisches Symbol: Studien zur Symbolik des Kristallinen in Lyrik, Kunst und Architektur des Expressionismus (1910-1925) by Leschonski, Henrik
Sensthetics by Nanda, Upali
Systems in Timber Engineering: Loadbearing Structures and Component Layers by Kolb, Josef
Architecture of Change: Sustainability and Humanity in the Built Environment by
Matematica E Cultura 2008 by
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Life by Huxtable, Ada Louise
Class Conflicts and Planning by Holgersen, Stale
Layered Urbanisms by
Die Konstruktion totalitärer Räume: Am Beispiel des Generalbebauungsplans für Berlin im Dritten Reich by Rolf, Sven
Islam: From Medina to the Maghreb and from the Indies to Istanbul by Tadgell, Christopher
New Directions in Contemporary Architecture: Evolutions and Revolutions in Building Design Since 1988 by Puglisi, Luigi Prestinenza
Parkett No. 82 Pawel Althamer, Louise Bourgeois, Rachel Harrison by
Earth Architecture: From Ancient to Modern by Morgan, William N.
Early Celtic Art: From Its Origins to Its Aftermath by Piggott, Stuart
Christoph Mackler: Die Rematerialisierung Der Moderne/The Rematerialisation of Modern Architecture by Mackler, Christoph
Mobilitätsmanagement in der Schweiz - Ein Modell mit Zukunftscharakter?: Eine Veranschaulichung an den Beispielen des Bus- und Bahnverkehrs by Alias, Cyril
Patterns 2: Design, Art and Architecture by
Mensch und Umwelt: Die Wirkungen der Umwelt auf den Menschen by Eisenhardt, Thilo
Demise of the Decapolis by Lucke, Bernhard
Andrea Palladio und der venezianische Palast by Reisinger, Paul
Bewertungsmethoden in der räumlichen Planung by Pape, Benjamin
Cognitive Studies of Architecture Students by Yukhina, Ellina
Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects with 4D CAD and Simulations (McGraw-Hill Construction Series): Planning and by Kymmell, Willem
Systemes Vivants Et Paysage: Technologies Et Materiaux Evolutifs Pour L'Architecture Du Paysage by Robinson, Alexander, Margolis, Liat
A Practical Treatise On Suspension Bridges, Their Design, Construction And Erection by Steinman, D. B.
How Frame A House, Or House And Roof Framing by Maginnis, Owen B.
Beyond Density: Measuring Neighborhood Form by Owens, Peter Marshall
Iron Construction and Cultural Discourse by Romba, Katherine
Portable Architecture: Design and Technology by Kronenburg, Robert
An Innovative Approach to Landfill Engineering by Renaud, Reg
The Principles of Design in Architechture as Deducible from Nature and Exemplified in the Works of the Greeks Gothic Architects by Garbett, Edward Lacy
St George's Chapel, Windsor: A Portrait by Curtis, Eleanor
Globale Tragfähigkeit - Die Entwicklung der Weltbevölkerung by Schickedanz, Patrick
Das Carsch-Haus in Düsseldorf und die frühe Warenhausarchitektur in Deutschland by Bohnet-Waldraff, Anne
Informal Architecture: Space and Contemporary Culture by
The Forest and the City: The Cultural Landscape of Urban Woodland by Konijnendijk, Cecil C.
Moderner Wohnungsbau in Kassel im 20. Jahrhundert: Zwei Stadtteile, zwei Geschichten, zwei Tagesabläufe by Möhlheinrich, Detlef
Engaged with Reality by Pérez-Arroyo, Salvador
Positions: Portrait of New Generation by Edelmann, Frédéric
In the Chinese City by Edelmann, Frédéric
Standard Letters in Architectu [With CDROM] by Chappell, David
The Planning of Center City Philadelphia: From William Penn to the Present by Gallery, John Andrew
Campsite: Architectures of Duration and Place by Hailey, Charlie
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