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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2012

Tectonics: A Building for Earth Sciences at Oxford by Pearman, Hugh
Venice Takeaway: Ideas to Change British Architecture by
Roma: Living in Contemporary Architecture by
Academy Architecture and Architectural Review, Volume 4... by Koch, Alexander
Miscellaneen Aus Drei Jahrhunderten Spanischen Kunstlebens, Volume 2... by Justi, Carl
La Villa Albani Descritta... by F. a., Carlo, Fea, Carlo, Morcelli, Stefano
L'Antico Marmo Scritto Appartenente Alla Colonia Di Pozzuoli Nuovamente... by Zannoni, Gio Batista
Memorie Degli Architetti Antichi E Moderni, Volume 2... by Milizia, Francesco
L'Architettura Antica: Sezione I. Architetture Egiziana. 1843-44... by Canina, Luigi
Durer: Geschichte Seines Lebens Und Seiner Kunst, Volume 1... by Thausing, Moritz
Leitfaden Zum Studium Der Mittelalterlichen Baukunst: Formenlehre Der Deutschen Und Franzosischen Baukunst Des Romanischen Und Gothischen Stiles Auf G by Redtenbacher, Rudolf
Memorie Degli Architetti Antichi E Moderni, Volume 2... by Milizia, Francesco
Memorie Degli Architetti Antichi E Moderni, Volume 2... by Milizia, Francesco
Sharp Words: Selected Essays of Dennis Sharp by Sharp, Dennis
Forms of English History in Literature, Landscape, and Architecture by Twyning, J.
O-14: Projection and Reception by +. Umemoto, Reiser
Poa. Public Occasion Agency 1-22 by
God & Co: Francois Dallegret Beyond the Bubble by
In Search of a Forgotten Architect by Dubowitz, Lilly
Adaptive Ecologies: Correlated Systems of Living by
Convergence: Work for a New Time by
Was ist der "Trilaterale Wattenmeerplan" und wie wurde der Zuständigkeitsbereich abgegrenzt?: Vergleich mit dem Niedersächsischen Wattenmeer-Nationalp by Schöll, Thomas
Architecture and the African American Community by Ballard, Andre
Ventilating Cities: Air-Flow Criteria for Healthy and Comfortable Urban Living by Hiyama, Kyosuke, Kato, Shinsuke
Resort Design by Galindo, Michelle
Coffee Time: Contemporary Cafés by Galindo, Michelle
Building Berlin, Vol. 1: The Latest Architecture in and Out of the Capital by
Hospital Architecture by Nickl, Hans, Nickl-Weller, Christine
Fashion Worlds: Contemporary Retail Spaces by Galindo, Michelle
Eat! Best of Restaurant Design by
Home! Best of Living Design by
Bookshops: Long-Established and the Most Fashionable by
The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan, 1811-2011 by
Metodo Para Disenar Recursos de Tele Educacion En El Aprendizaje del Diseno Arquitectonico by C. Rdenas P. Rez, Jos Luis, Cardenas Perez, Jose Luis
Alterspyramide und soziales Systeme by Hiepe, Theresa
The Theatres and Performance Buildings of South Wales by Firman, Rob
Bibliotheksbauten im 21. Jahrhundert und ihre Bedeutung und Symbolik by Bäumler, Patrick
The Georgia Guidestones: America's Most Mysterious Movement by Wiley, Raymond, Prime, Kt
Against Architecture by La Cecla, Franco
Site 31-32: Remake Remodel by
Temples of South India by Sahai, Surendar
Memories of Travel by Jackson, Thomas Graham
[Texte] by
Building Museums: A Handbook for Small and Midsize Organizations by Glines, Timothy, Grabitske, David, Herskovitz, Robert
Writing Design: Words and Objects by
Le Opere Di Giorgio Vasari: Il Resto Delle Vite Degli Artefici, L'Appendice Alle Note Delle Medesime, L'Indice Generale E Le Opere Minori Dello St by Masselli, Giovanni, Vasari, Giorgio
The Thousand and One Churches by Ramsay, William Mitchell, Bell, Gertude L.
Principles of Creativity: Architecture's Insight to Invention by Farris, Rich
British Fortifications Through the Reign of Richard III: An Illustrated History by Lepage, Jean-Denis G. G.
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory by
Robert Ross Billiter Architect by Billiter, Robert Ross
Las Calles De Barcelona... by Balaguer, Víctor
Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement by Groves, Donna Sue, Parron, Suzi
Twenty Houses by Twenty Architects by Daguerre, Mercedes
UrbanRESET: How to Activate Immanent Potentials of Urban Spaces by
Le Vite de' Piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori Et Architetti: In Questa Nuova Edizione Diligentemente Riviste, Ricorrette, Accresciute D'Alcuni Ritratt by Vasari, Giorgio
It by Bit: Evoking Simplicity from Complexity by Muir, Prescott
Annales Du Musee Et de L'Ecole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, D'Apres Les Principaux Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Ou Projet by Landon, Charles Paul
Annales Du Musee Et de L'Ecole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, Contenant La Collection Complete Des Peintures Et Sculptures Du M by Landon, Charles Paul
The World Trade Center (Classics of American Architecture) by Robins, Anthony W.
Public-Private Partnerships and Heritage: A Practitioner's Guide by Cheong, Caroline, Rypkema, Donovan
Annales Du Musée Et De L'école Moderne Des Beaux-arts ...... by Landon, Charles Paul
Mythologie Und Symbolik Der Christlichen Kunst: Von Der Ältesten Zeit Bis In's Sechzehnte Jahrhundert. Mythologie ...... by Piper, Ferdinand
Computational Design Methods and Technologies: Applications in CAD, CAM and CAE Education by
Online Research Methods in Urban and Planning Studies: Design and Outcomes by
Planning Problems of Town, City, and Region / National Conference on City Planning... by Anonymous
Living & Working by Ibler, Marianne
Planning the City: Urbanization and Reform in Calcutta, C. 1800 - C. 1940 by Datta, Partho
Popular Dictionary of Architecture and the Allied Arts: A Work of Reference for the Architect, Builder, Sculptor, Decorative Artist, and General Stude by Audsley, William
Handbuch Der Architektur: Untermitwirkung Von Fachgenossen Herausgegeben, Volume 4, Issue 4... by Schmitt, Eduard, Wagner, Heinrich, Ende, Hermann
Die Romische Topographie in ROM... by Becker, Wilhelm Adolf
Marci Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri Decem, Recens. I.G. Schneider... by Pollio, Marcus Vitruvius
Interior Designer's Portable Handbook: First-Step Rules of Thumb for the Design of Interiors by Guthrie John Patten (Pat)
Reading Architecture: A Visual Lexicon by Hopkins, Owen
Geschichte Der Deutschen Baukunst: Von Der Römerzeit Bis Zur Gegenwart... by Otte, Heinrich
Studio Companion Series Design Basics by Fullmer, Donna
Architektur als Programm: Jesuitenkirchen in der niederrheinischen Provinz by Otten, Rudolf
Descrizione Delle Pitture, Sculture E Architetture Esposte Al Pubblico In Roma, Opera Cominciata Dall'abate Filipo Titi, ... Con L'aggiunta Di Quanto by Titi, Filippo
Die Grabkapelle des Kardinals von Portugal in San Miniato al Monte by Fritz, Alexander
Rights Based Approach and Housing for the urban poor: An analysis of the Slum Rehabilitation Schemes in Mumbai by Singh, Binti
Megacities: Viele Menschen, viele Risiken: Industriestaaten und Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer im Vergleich by Priester, Dennis
Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age: An Overview with Implications to Urban Planning and Design by
American Architect And Building News, Volume 92... by Anonymous
Della Casa Aurea Di Nerone E Della Torre Cartolaria: Discorso Letto Il Dí 24 Maggio 1832... by Fea, Carlo
100 Contemporary Houses by Jodidio, Philip
Annales Monastici, Volume 3... by Luard, Henry Richards
Proceedings of the National Electric Light Association ...... by
A Rights based approach to Slum Rehabilitation and Housing: A Study in Mumbai by Singh, Binti
The Elements of Style: The Original Edition by Strunk Jr, William
Guide to Concrete Repair by Smoak, W. Glenn
Les Origines Bénédictines: Subiaco, Mont-Cassin, Monte-Oliveto... by Clausse, Gustave
Monuments de Tous Les Peuples Decrits Et Dessinés d'Apres Les Documénts Les Plus Modernes, 1... by Breton, Ernest
Le Spectacle de La Nature: Ou Entretiens Sur Les Particularit?'s de L'Histoire Naturelle...... by Pluche, Noel Antoine
Mémoires Critiques d'Architecture... by Fremin, Michel De
Le Opere Di Giorgio Vasari: Porzione Delle Vite Dei Più Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori E Architetti... by Vasari, Giorgio, Masselli, Giovanni
Lodging Facilities UFC 4-720-01: Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 4-720-01 by Department of Defense
Architecture for Rapid Change and Scarce Resources by Singha, Sumita
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts ...... by Landon, Charles Paul
Annales Du Musée Et de l'École Moderne Des Beaux-Arts. Coll. 1. 16 Tom. [and] Tome Complémentaire. Salons de 1808,1810,1812,1814,1817,1822, 1824... by Landon, Charles Paul
The Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts by Duke, E.
Designing a Place Called Home: Reordering the Suburbs by Wentling, James
Canon of the Five Orders of Architecture by Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio
Raccolta Di Lettere Sulla Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura: Scritte Da'più Celebri Personaggi Che in Dette Arti Fiorirono Dal Secolo 15. Al 17 ...... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano
La Filiation Généalogique de Toutes Les Écoles Gothiques: École-Mère Gothique... by Colfs, Jean Francois
Building Systems: Design Technology and Society by
Technologies and Innovations for Development: Scientific Cooperation for a Sustainable Future by
Building Systems: Design Technology and Society by
Architecture for Rapid Change and Scarce Resources by Singha, Sumita
Raccolta Di Lettere Sulla Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura: Scritte Da'più Celebri Personaggi Che in Dette Arti Fiorirono Dal Secolo 15. Al 17 ...... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano
Recueil De Lettres Sur La Peinture, La Sculpture Et L'architecture Depuis Le Xve Jusqu'au Xviiie Siècle... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano, Jay
SmartCode: Version 9.2 by Wright, William, Duany, Andres, Sorlien, Sandy
Cottages and Cottage Life: Containing Plans for Country Houses, Adapted to the Means and Wants of the People of the United States, with Direction by Elliott, Charles Wyllys
Die Wieskirche - Chor und Hochaltar by Ott, Angela
How to Read New York: A Crash Course in Big Apple Architecture by Jones, Will
Operating Your Own Architectural or Engineering Practice: Concise Professional Advice by Smith, Walter J.
Triumphs of Ancient Architecture - Greece and Rome by Anon
Annales Du Musée Et De L'école Moderne Des Beaux-arts: Recueil De Gravures Au Trait, Contenant La Collection Complète Des Peintures Et Sculptures Du M by Landon, Charles Paul
African Architecture by Mensah Oliver
Geschichte der Deutschen Baukunst by Dohme, Robert
Nachkriegsmoderne Kontrovers: Positionen Der Gegenwart by
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Norwich a Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See by Quennell, C. H. B.
Lasting Value: Open Space Planning and Preservation Successes by Pruetz, Rick
Die Baukunst Der Etrusker: Die Baukunst Der Romer, Part 2, Volume 2... by Durm, Josef
Highways: An Architectural Approach by Abbey, Lester
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 5... by Anonymous
Raccolta Di Lettere Sulla Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura: Scritte Da'più Celebri Personaggi Che in Dette Arti Fiorirono Dal Secolo 15. Al 17 ...... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano
Report of the Board of Metropolitan Park Commissioners, Volume 26... by
Raccolta Di Lettere Sulla Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura: Scritte Da'più Celebri Personaggi Che in Dette Arti Fiorirono Dal Secolo 15. Al 17 ...... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano
Imperfect Health: The Medicalization of Architecture by
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture, Third Edition by Burden, Ernest
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 87, Part 1... by Anonymous
The Civil Engineer And Architect's Journal, Volume 19... by Laxton, William
A City's Architecture: Aberdeen as 'Designed City' by Brogden, William Alvis
Problem Seeking: An Architectural Programming Primer by Pena, William M., Parshall, Steven A.
Precedents in Architecture: Analytic Diagrams, Formative Ideas, and Partis by Clark, Roger H., Pause, Michael
Kindergarten Chats and Other Writings by Sullivan, Louis
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 31... by Anonymous
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 78... by Anonymous
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 84... by Anonymous
Open 22: Transparency: Publicity and Secrecy in the Age of Wiki Leaks by
The Civil Engineer And Architect's Journal, Volume 30... by Laxton, William
The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, Volume 4... by Laxton, William
The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, Volume 27... by Laxton, William
The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, Volume 8... by Laxton, William
Annales Du Musée Et de l'Ècole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, d'Après Les Principaux Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Ou Projet by Landon, Charles Paul
Democracy Deferred: Civic Leadership After 9/11 by Woods, D.
OASE 85: Productive Uncertainty: Indeterminacy in Spatial Design, Planning and Management by
Democracy Deferred: Civic Leadership After 9/11 by Woods, D.
Rethinking the Informal City: Critical Perspectives from Latin America by
Studio Companion Series Drafting Basics by Fullmer, Donna
The Garden District of New Orleans by
Synchronistische Tabellen Zur Christlichen Kunstgeschichte: Ein Hulfsbuch Fur Studierende... by Kraus, Franz Xaver
The Civil Engineer And Architect's Journal, Volume 14... by Anonymous
The Edinburgh Review, Volumes 134-135... by Smith, Sydney
Sulla Architettura E Sulla Scultura In Venezia... by Selvatico, Pietro
Annales Du Musée Et de l'Ècole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, d'Après Les Principaux Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Ou Projet by Landon, Charles Paul
The Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet... by Anonymous
The Dead Cities of Sicily... by Pernull, H. V., Rivela, Antonio
Style and Composition in Architecture - An Exposition of the Canon of Number Punctuation and Inflection by Edwards, A. Trystan
The Beauties Of England And Wales: Or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, And Descriptive, Of Each County, Volume 21... by Britton, John
The Stones of Venice: The Sea Stories.-V. 3. the Fall... by Ruskin, John
Storia Della Badia Di Monte-Cassino, 1: Divisa in Libri Nove... by Tosti, Luigi
Rethinking the Informal City: Critical Perspectives from Latin America by
Robert Maguire & Keith Murray by Adler, Gerald
A Visual Inventory by
Annales Du Musée Et De L'école Moderne Des Beaux-arts: Recueil De Gravures Au Trait, D'après Les Principaux Ouvrages De Peinture, Sculpture, Ou Projet by Landon, Charles Paul
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 39... by Anonymous
American Architect and Building News, Volume 84... by Anonymous
The Public School Buildings of the City of Philadelphia from 1845 to 1852... by Edmunds, Franklin Davenport
The Gentleman's House by Kerr, Robert
The E-Myth Architect by Lemermeyer, Norbert C., Gerber, Michael E.
The American Architect And Building News, Volume 7... by Anonymous
Louisiana Saturday Night: Looking for a Good Time in South Louisiana's Juke Joints, Honky-Tonks, and Dance Halls by Cook, Alex V.
The Civil Engineer & [and] Architect's Journal, Volume 26... by Anonymous
The Politics of Social Housing in Britain by Manoochehri, Jamileh
Rural Architecture: Being a Complete Description of Farm Houses, Cottages, and Out Buildings ...: Together with Lawns, Pleasure Grounds an by Allen, Lewis Falley
Raccolta Di Lettere Sulla Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura: Scritte Da'più Celebri Personaggi Che in Dette Arti Fiorirono Dal Secolo 15. Al 17 ...... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 83... by Anonymous
Raccolta Di Lettere Sulla Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura: Scritte Da'più Celebri Personaggi Che in Dette Arti Fiorirono Dal Secolo 15. Al 17 ...... by Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 63... by Anonymous
Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja, Volume 1... by Muinaismuisto-Yhtio, Suomen, Muinaismuistoyhdistys, Suomen
American Architect and Building News, Volume 2, Part 1... by Anonymous
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 41... by Anonymous
Welding Deformation and Residual Stress Prevention by Ma, Ninshu, Ueda, Yukio, Murakawa, Hidekazu
Albuquerque Deco and Pueblo by Secord, Paul R.
The Stones of Venice: The Foundations-V. 2. the Sea-Stories.-V.3. the Fall... by Ruskin, John
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 70... by Anonymous
The American Architect and Building News, Volume 86... by Anonymous
Buyosphere - The relationship between commercial and public spaces and the impact of the shopping mall on contemporary society by Herbort, Anne-Dorothée
Sulla Architettura E Sulla Scultura In Venezia Dal Medio Evo Sino Ai Nostri Giorni... by Selvatico, Pietro
Urban Planning for Dummies by Yin, Jordan
Freihandelszonen in Nicaragua: Humane Arbeitsbedingungen oder Profit? Ist ein Ausgleich zwischen den Interessen der Arbeitgeber und Arbeiterinnen in by Schmidt, Tina
Bejing Solarscape: A Visual Anthropology: Beijing's architecture through its relationship to the sky by Nesteruk, Peter
Creative Regions: Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship by
Enhancing the City.: New Perspectives for Tourism and Leisure by
Sustainable Development and Environmental Management: Experiences and Case Studies by
Wind Resistant Design of Bridges in Japan: Developments and Practices by Tanaka, Hiroshi, Fujino, Yozo, Kimura, Kichiro
Survivors: A Catalog of Missouri's Remaining 19th Century County Courthouses by Pace, J. Bradley
Reading Architecture and Culture: Researching Buildings, Spaces and Documents by
Planning for Tall Buildings by Short, Michael J.
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