• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2012

Temples and Sanctuaries from the Early Iron Age Levant: Recovery After Collapse by Mierse, William E.
Forms of English History in Literature, Landscape, and Architecture by Twyning, J.
Become Successful Designer: Protect and Manage Your Design Rights Internationally by Kobuss, Joachim, Bretz, Alexander, Hassani, Arian
Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: A Guide to Building Shelters in the Wilderness by Beard, D. C.
Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties: A Guide to Building Shelters in the Wilderness by Beard, D. C.
Venice Italy Holiday: Italien, Urlaub, Venedig, Reisen, Tourismus by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Nachhaltige Stadt- Und Verkehrsplanung: Grundlagen Und Lösungsvorschläge by Meyer, Johannes
Building the New Urbanism: Places, Professions, and Profits in the American Metropolitan Landscape by Passell, Aaron
Frank Lloyd Wright: Natural Design, Organic Architecture: Lessons for Building Green from an American Original by
Theoretical Perspectives in Environment-Behavior Research: Underlying Assumptions, Research Problems, and Methodologies by
Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design by Bovill, Carl
Letarouilly on Renaissance Rome by Bayley, John Barrington, Letarouilly, Paul Marie
A Poet, On Park Hill? OutSide The Box: Colour Edition by Colver, Rowan Blair
Public Libraries and Resilient Cities by
The Politics of Urban Cultural Policy: Global Perspectives by
Der sozialistische Städtebau und sein Erbe: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Planstadt Halle-Neustadt by Grummich, Lars
Das Lotharkreuz aus dem Aachener Domschatz um 1000, Köln by Anonym
Understanding Architecture by Pallasma, Juhani
Teacher's Manual for Building Construction and Design by Ambrose, James E.
Introduction to Architecture by Eckler, James F., Ching, Francis D. K.
Bildliche Darstellungen in den römischen Katakomben by Grillwitzer, Alexander
Deutsche Holz-Fertighauser by Christoph Und Unmack Ag (Hg ).
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality by
Le Vite De' Pi� Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori E Architetti, Volume 2 by Vasari, Giorgio
And Now Ensemble! by
In the Life of Cities by
Eduardo Souto de Moura: Sketchbook No. 76 by
Tumult and Order: La Malcontenta 1924 - 1939 by Foscari, Antonio
Instigations: Gsd 075 by
Slums als touristisches Highlight in der Megastadt Mumbai?: Untersuchungen zum Slumtourismus aus geographischer Perspektive by Schröder, Wiebke
Portfolio and Programme Management Demystified: Managing Multiple Projects Successfully by Rayner, Paul, Reiss, Geoff
Conserving Domesticity by Chee, Lilian
Fit: An Architect's Manifesto by Geddes, Robert
After Art by Joselit, David
Digital Workflows in Architecture: Design Assembly Industry by
Le Vite de' più eccellenti Architetti, Pittori, et Scultori Italiani: da Cimabue insino a' tempi nostri by Vasari, Giorgio
Sildenafil by
Phigs by Example by Gaman, William A., Giovinazzo, William A.
Erdbebensicherung Von Bauwerken by Bachmann, Hugo
London Dialogues: Serpentine Gallery 24-Hour Interview Marathon by
The Best Laid Plans: Our Planning and Affordable Housing Challenges in Marin by Silvestri, Bob
Small Houses by Fine Homebuilding
Zvi Hecker: Sketches by
Contractors Exposed: How to Win in the Home Improvement Game by Simmons, Martin S.
Practical Farm Buildings - Plans and Suggestions by Hunter, A. F.
Radford's Brick Houses and how to Build Them - A Standard Collection of New, Original and Artistic Designs for Brick Buildings, Garages Together with by Radford, William a.
Herzog & de Meuron + AI Weiwei: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2012 by
Contractors Exposed: How to Win in the Home Improvement Game by Simmons, Martin S.
Peripheries by
Sustainable Stellenbosch: Opening dialogues by
穷思维富思维 Poor Thinking And Rich Thinking by Tong Dahuan
The Synagogues of New York's Lower East Side: A Retrospective and Contemporary View, 2nd Edition by Wolfe, Gerard R.
Stoffströme Und Kosten in Den Bereichen Bauen Und Wohnen by
Build The New City: How America Can Create Jobs and Meet The Challenges of The 21st Century by Durant, Todd
Kate Chapman: Adobe Builder in 1930s Santa Fe by Colby, Catherine
Selbstregulierungsprozesse in afrikanischen Megastädten: Verdeutlicht am Beispiel Lagos (Nigeria) by Triphaus, Tabitha
Street Lights of the World by Sauter, Vicki L.
Concrete Construction Made Easy - Giving Designs, Tables, Data, and Other Information to Aid Builders to Carry Out Simple Kinds of Concrete Structures by Turner, Leslie
Modern Farm Buildings - Their Construction and Arrangement by Clarke, A. Dudley
Exergy: Theory and Applications in the Built Environment by Shukuya, Masanori
Egypt in England by Elliott, Chris
Lernraum - architektonische Bedingungen für einen zeitgenössischen Unterricht by Hauer, Cornelia
Detail in Contemporary Concrete Architecture by Phillips, David, Yamashita, Megumi
Gadamer for Architects by Kidder, Paul
Gadamer for Architects by Kidder, Paul
Märkte in Wien: Historischer Rückblick - Aktuelle Situation - Mögliche Zukunft by Jutz, Katharina
Der Veitsdom in Prag - Baugeschichte und Baubeschreibung by Anonym
Green: House Green: Engineering: Environmental Design at Gardens by the Bay Singapore by Bellew, Patrick
Synthesis, Interdiction, and Protection of Layered Networks by Kennedy, Kevin T.
Memory & Oblivion: Proceedings of the Xxixth International Congress of the History of Art Held in Amsterdam, 1-7 September 1996 by
Parking Structures: Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Repair by Smith, Mary S., Bhuyan, Sam, Chrest, Anthony P.
Building 2000: Volume 2 Office Buildings, Public Buildings, Hotels and Holiday Complexes by
In the Shadow of the United States Capitol: Congressional Cemetery and the Memory of the Nation by Johnson, Abby A., Johnson, Ronald M.
Eine Einführung in die Daseinsvorsorge by Brose, Daniela
Roman Forum by Watkin, David
Interactive Dramaturgies: New Approaches in Multimedia Content and Design by
München und seine Bauten by Bayerischer Architekten- Und Ingenieur-V
Scape 2 / 11: The International Magazine for Landscape Architecture and Urbanism by
Architecture and Interpretation: Essays for Eric Fernie by
Memorials of St Edmund's Abbey 3 Volume Set by
International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness by
The Historians of the Church of York and Its Archbishops - Volume 3 by
Annales Monastici - Volume 3 by
The Historians of the Church of York and Its Archbishops - Volume 1 by
The Historians of the Church of York and Its Archbishops - Volume 2 by
Memorials of St Edmund's Abbey - Volume 1 by
Memorials of St Edmund's Abbey - Volume 2 by
Memorials of St Edmund's Abbey - Volume 3 by
John Gaw Meem at Acoma: The Restoration of San Esteban del Rey Mission by Wingert-Playdon, Kate
The Historians of the Church of York and Its Archbishops 3 Volume Set by
The City: A Dictionary of Quotable Thoughts on Cities and Urban Life by Clapp, James a.
Breakthroughs: Re-creating the American City by Guskind, Robert
Designed Ecologies: The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu by
Building Services Engineering by Chadderton, David V.
Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference Held at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Ei by
Building Services Engineering by Chadderton, David V.
In the Shadow of the United States Capitol: Congressional Cemetery and the Memory of the Nation by Johnson, Ronald M., Johnson, Abby A.
Das Grüne Band Europas: Im Spannungsfeld von Naturschutz und Tourismus by Vahdat, Viktor
The Trashman Is Rich by Jennings, Javonte'
Stanley Abbey and its Estates 1151-c1640: A Cistercian monastery and its impact on the landscape by Brown, Graham
Denkmäler Persischer Baukunst by Sarre, Friedrich
Rheinische Wasserburgen by Renard, Edmund
Das Schloss Bellevue by Hackmann, Hans
München und seine Bauten by Bayerischer Architekten- Und Ingenieurve
Luoghi E Architetture Della Grande Guerra in Europa: I Sistemi Difensivi Dalle Teorizzazioni Di Karl Von Clausewitz Alla Realtà Della Prima Guerra Mon by
Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle (6/9) by Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel
Spätrömische Kunst-Industrie by Riegl, Alois
Development and Planning Law by Denyer-Green, Barry, Ubhi, Navjit
Cities and Low Carbon Transitions by
Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle (6/9) by Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel
Passivhaus Refurbishment by Bates Daniel
Die Villa Almerico Capra von Andrea Palladio - Ein architektonischer Überblick by Volkmer, Anne
Informationsvisualisierung: Web - Print - Signaletik. Erfolgreiches Informationsdesign: Leitsysteme, Wissensvermittlung Und Informationsarchitektu by Stapelkamp, Torsten
The Domestic Space Reader by
Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning by
Second Century of the Skyscraper: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat by Council on Tall Buildings &. Urban
Torre David: Informal Vertical Communities by
Architecture and Nationalism in Sri Lanka: The Trouser Under the Cloth by Pieris, Anoma
The Bitter Side of Love: True Love Endures Strongest Storms by Wisdom, Vallerian M.
The Bitter Side of Love: True Love Endures Strongest Storms by Wisdom, Vallerian M.
Unbuilt Calgary by White, Stephanie
Monumentality and Modernity in Hitler's Berlin: The North-South Axis of the Greater Berlin Plan by Kuo, Hsiu-Ling
The No-Growth Imperative: Creating Sustainable Communities under Ecological Limits to Growth by Zovanyi, Gabor
The No-Growth Imperative: Creating Sustainable Communities under Ecological Limits to Growth by Zovanyi, Gabor
Saints and Church Spaces in the Late Antique Mediterranean: Architecture, Cult, and Community by Yasin, Ann Marie
Death of American Architecture by Rusk, Dennis Eugene
Mitchell's Introduction to Building by Greeno, Roger
Projektentwicklung für leerstehende Büroimmobilien in Köln: Von der Leerstandsanalyse zum bewerteten Umnutzungs- und Entwurfskonzept einer ausgewählte by Jonas, Sebastian
Gainsborough by Pauli, Gustav
Schwedische Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts by Nordensvan, Georg
Schrumpfungsprozesse als Chance für die Raumplanung in Österreich: Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Steuerung und Raum by Jutz, Katharina
Palcos da Arquitetura by Aeaulp
Temples for a Modern God by Price, Jay M.
Reduce Reuse Recycle: Rethink Architecture: German Pavilion 2012 by
Form Defining Strategies: Experimental Architectural Design by
Framing Strategic Urban Projects: Learning from Current Experiences in European Urban Regions by
Tennessee Log Buildings: A Folk Tradition by Rehder, John B.
Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Analysen zur Auswahl von Maßnahmen gemäß EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Eine empirische Untersuchung in Niedersachsen by Lauterbach, Falk R.
Digital Design: A Critical Introduction by Radford, Antony, Bruton, Dean
Digital Design: A Critical Introduction by Bruton, Dean, Radford, Antony
Becoming Human by Design by Fry, Tony
Times Square Und Die New York Times: Ausgabe mit Farbfotos by Schweitzer, Eva C.
Architecture Inserted by
Born on the 4th of July: The Gauntlet, Glastonbury by Hill, Doug
Architectural Theories of the Environment: Posthuman Territory by
Born on the 4th of July: The Gauntlet, Glastonbury by Hill, Doug
Die Augen Der Haut: Architektur und die Sinne by Pallasmaa, Juhani
Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of T by Throop, Lucy Abbot
Innovationsfeld Tempelhof: Möglichkeitsräume von Planungsinstrumenten by Rechenberg, Christoph
Metropolitanes Symbol und stadtbaupolitische Identität: (Un-)Sichtbarkeit und Repräsentativität des Städtebauprojekts Stuttgart 21 by Diehlmann, Axel
Kann das Konzept der zirkulären Migration als ein Entwicklungsinstrument angesehen werden? by Legant, Martin
Confessions In A Crown Vic: A commentary on the American Dream. by Lagomarsino, Peter J.
Confessions In A Crown Vic: A commentary on the American Dream. by Lagomarsino, Peter J.
Hotel Design, Planning, and Development by Penner, Richard H., Adams, Lawrence, Robson, Stephani K. a.
Cleavage, Connection and Conflict in Rural, Urban and Contemporary Asia by
Comfortable Net Zero Energy Buildings: A Building Optimization Process Based on the Minimization of Thermal Discomfort by Carlucci, Salvatore
Die globale Verbreitung von LEED: Der Erfolg freiwilliger Standards im Green Building Sektor by Räder, Nils
Integrated Sustainable Design by Kristinsson, Jón
Hotel Lobbies and Lounges: The Architecture of Professional Hospitality by
Cosmopolis: Yesterday's Cities of the Future by Mansfield, Howard
Tree Houses. Castillos de Cuento En El Aire by Jodidio, Philip
Wonder Wood: A Favorite Material for Designers, Architects, and Artists by Glasner, Barbara
An Introduction to French Church Architecture by Gardner, Arthur
Historic Architecture in Northwest Philadelphia: 1690 to 1930s: 1690 to 1930s by Minardi, Joseph
Detroit. Revitalisierung und Zukunftsperspektiven by Jutz, Katharina
Lecture (French Ed.) by Olgiati, Valerio
Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of City Regions and Rural Areas by Piro, Rocky
Robarch 2012: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design by
The Significance of Choice in Late Dorset: The technology of domestic architecture in the Eastern North American Arctic c. 1500 B.P.-500 B.P. by Ryan, Karen
England's Schools 1962-88: A Thematic Study by Franklin, Geraint
Suburban Gridlock by
Was versteht man unter der von Karl Friedrich Schinkel geplanten VIA TRIUMPHALIS und wie setzte er diese Planung in Berlin im 19. Jahrhundert um? by Schwarzhaupt, Jenny
History of Architecture by Hamlin, Alfred D.
Entwicklung Des Stadtbildes: Die Stadt ALS Form by Zucker, Paul
Contextuality by Khan Nurur Rahman
Die Judische Katakombe Am Monteverde Zu ROM by Muller, Nikolaus, M. Ller, Nikolaus
International Heritage and Historic Building Conservation: Saving the World's Past by Aygen, Zeynep
Sketching Birds: Pen, Pencil, and Ink Wash Techniques by Lohan, Frank J.
Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny: The Message to the Body of Christ by Jeshurun, Prince E. a.
Corporate Responsibility for Cultural Heritage: Conservation, Sustainable Development, and Corporate Reputation by Starr, Fiona
Art, Faith and Place in East Anglia: From Prehistory to the Present by
Conservation of Furniture by Umney, Nick, Rivers, Shayne
The Digital Turn in Architecture 1992 - 2012 by
The Gothic Screen: Space, Sculpture, and Community in the Cathedrals of France and Germany, Ca.1200-1400 by Jung, Jacqueline E.
Geometry and Its Applications in Arts, Nature and Technology by Glaeser, Georg
Green Architecture Now!, Volume 2 by Jodidio, Philip
Next 3 Stadia: Warsaw Bucharest Kiev: Warsaw Bucharest Kiev by
Secrets of King's College Chapel by Pennick, Nigel
Redesigning Wounded Landscapes: The Iba Workshop in Lausatia by