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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2013

The Stones of Venice - Volume I: The Foundations by Ruskin, John
The Stones of Venice - Volume I: The Foundations by Ruskin, John
The Stones of Venice - Volume II: The Sea Stories by Ruskin, John
The Stones of Venice, Volume III: The Fall by Ruskin, John
Culture and Art: Museum Design by
The Stones of Venice - Volume II: The Sea Stories by Ruskin, John
The Stones of Venice - Volume III: The Fall by Ruskin, John
Crime Prevention Through Housing Design: Policy and Practice by Armitage, R.
Locating Urban Conflicts: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Everyday by
The Viennese Café and Fin-De-Siècle Culture by
The Study of Rhythms and Technology: The Evertible Cube. Polysomatic Form-Finding by Schatz Stiftung, Paul
Through the Crystal Ball of the Chancellor's Residence: North Carolina State University 1928-2012 by Little, Margaret Ruth
Bruno Taut: Meister Des Farbigen Bauens In Berlin/Master Of Colourful Architecture In Berlin by Brenne, Winfried
Building Berlin, Vol. 2: The Latest Architecture in and Out of the Capital by Meyer, Friederike
Healing Architecture by Nickl-Weller, Christine, Nickl, Hans
Malls & Department Stores, Volume 2 by Van Uffelen, Chris
Any Part, Any Form by Pesko, Radim
101 Hotel Lobbies, Bars & Restaurants by Joehnk, Peter, Kretschmar-Joehnk, Corinna
Ahali: An Anthology for Setting a Setting by
Vaastu Shaastra: An Ancient Technological Treatise by Patra, Reena
AA Agendas 12: Drawings That Count by
Urban Landscapes: Environmental Networks and the Quality of Life by Sargolini, Massimo
Transitions: Pathways Towards Sustainable Urban Development in Australia by
Nexus Network Journal 14,1: Architecture and Mathematics by
Design Through Digital Interaction: Computing, Communication and Collaboration in Design by Peng, Chengzhi
Dynamic Urban Design: A Handbook for Creating Sustainable Communities Worldwide by Von Hausen, Michael A.
Dynamic Urban Design: A Handbook for Creating Sustainable Communities Worldwide by Von Hausen, Michael A.
Embodiment of Emotions Through Wearable Technology: A Practice Based Design Research by Ugur, Secil
English Villages by Ditchfield, P. H.
Leben // Gestalten: In Zeiten Endloser Krisen by
Historic Architecture of Pennsylvania by Butcher, Scott D.
The Art of Folding: Creative Forms in Design and Architecture by Trebbi, Jean-Charles
Presence: The Architecture of Rocco Design by
My 36 Years of Model Making in Hong Kong by Chung, King Y.
Building a Public Judaism: Synagogues and Jewish Identity in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Coenen Snyder, Saskia
Lesser Designs by Siu, King-Chung
Preserving the Mystery: An Administrative History of Fort Raleigh National Historic Site by Binkley, Cameron, Davis, Steven
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Fort Pulaski National Monument Quarantine Attendants' Quarters: Historic Structure Report by Jones, Tommy H.
Furnishing Plan for a Badlands Ranch House: Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park, North Dakota by Interior, U. S. Department of the, Service, National Park
Spätrömische Kunst-Industrie by Riegl, Alois
Fort Pulaski National Monument: Administrative History by
Westminster Abbey by Smith, A. Murray
Condition Report for Fort Hill Rural Historic District: Cape Cod National Seashore by Coffin Brown, Margie
Bildliche Darstellungen in den römischen Katakomben by Grillwitzer, Alexander
Beschreibung der Stadt Straßburg und des Münsters by Euting, Julius
Nurnberg Und Seine Merkwurdigkeiten by Salzwasser Verlag
Die Schönheit der großen Stadt by Endell, August
Urban Design Ecologies: AD Reader by
KNX for LEED: Enhancing LEED certification through implementing KNX technology by Arias, Jesús, Jiménez, Miguel Angel
Kensington Palace: The Official Illustrated History by Issa, Rose
Contesti ceramici dai Fori Imperiali by
Masterclass: Product Design: Guide to the World's Leading Graduate Schools by
Westminster Abbey by Smith, A. Murray
New Urban Metabolism by Acebillo, Josep Antoni
Globalization of Urbanity by
City Sense: Shaping Our Environment with Real-Time Data by
Bracket 2: Goes Soft by
Experiments with Life Itself: Radical Domestic Architectures Between 1937 and 1959 by De Canales, Francisco Gonzalez
Interdisciplinary Design: New Lessons from Architecture and Engineering by
The Sniper's Log: Architectural Chronicles of Generation X by Zaera-Polo, Alejandro
Caspar David Friedrich by
Hannover 1882 by
The Conservation Movement: A History of Architectural Preservation: Antiquity to Modernity by Glendinning, Miles
StädteRegion Aachen: Ausgewählte Probleme der Stadtentwicklung by Reichert, Michael
Flexible Bedienungsformen des ÖPNV im ländlichen Raum: Das Beispiel AnrufSammelTaxi (AST) Jülich by Reichert, Michael
Schutz Von Eisenkonstruktionen Gegen Feuer by Hagn, H.
The Conservation Movement: A History of Architectural Preservation: Antiquity to Modernity by Glendinning, Miles
Renaissance der Innenstadt: Akteure, Instrumente, Ziele by Anonym
Proven Ways to Transform Your Thinking: How Brilliant Executives & Organizations Produce Maximum Sales, Competitive Advantages & Build Winning Teams by Jackson, Deborah M.
50 Schlüsselideen Architektur by Wilkinson, Philip
Fundamental Building Technology by Charlett, Andrew J., Maybery-Thomas, Craig
Evaluation of the Built Environment for Sustainability by
Caspar David Friedrich: Bekenntnisse by
Cape Lookout National Seashore, Portsmouth - Ed Styron House Historic Structure Report by Service, National Park
History Report: The D.R. Miller Farm by Reed, Ph. D. Paula S., Service, National Park
Chicago Blueprint by Balderston, John L.
The Basilica of St. Mary of Minneapolis: A Historical and Descriptive Sketch by Reardon, James Michael
Historic Examples of American Printing and Typography: A Guide to an Exhibition in the William L. Clements Library by William L. Clements Library
Guide to the Personal Papers in the Manuscript Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society by
Guide to the Manuscripts of the Wisconsin Historical Society by
House Rating Schemes: From Energy to Comfort Base by Kordjamshidi, Maria
Quality-Of-Life Community Indicators for Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management by
Denkmaler Persischer Baukunst by Sarre, Friedrich
Spatromische Kunst-Industrie by Riegl, Alois
Motion Design Mit After Effects: Arbeitsstrategien Fur Einsteiger Und Fortgeschrittene (2013) by Hegewald, Falk, R. Mpler, Steffen, Tritschler, Johannes
Urban Innuendoes by Magyar, Peter
Der Stockholmer Sergels Torg als kultureller Ort im 20. Jahrhundert: Eine Studie über Raum und Zeit by Baetcke, Dorit Elisa
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
"That National Game is Decidedly 'On the Fly'" The Rise of Organized Base Ball in the Portland and Vancouver Area in 1867 - A Historic Resource study by Service, National Park, Interior, U. S. Department of the
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Dry Tortugas Light Station - Ancillary Structures Historic Structure Report by Service, National Park
Historic Furnishings Report - The Fort Smith Courtroom by Service, National Park
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
The Contradiction Between Form and Function in Architecture by Hendrix, John Shannon
Megapolitan America by Lang, Robert, Nelson, Arthur
Le Corbusier's Pavilion for Zurich: Model and Prototype of an Ideal Exhibition Space by
Candide No. 6: Journal for Architectural Knowledge by
The Great Houses of Cayetana, Duchess of Alba by Abascal, Naty
The Aztec Ruin: The Archer M. Huntington Survey Of The Southwest by Morris, Earl H.
Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania by
Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Pennsylvania: Historical Commission Series, No. 4 by
Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking by
FreeHand Drawing and Discovery: Urban Sketching and Concept Drawing for Designers by Richards, James
Palladio und das Römische Haus im Ilmtal von Weimar: Außenbau, Interieur, Einbindung in den Landschaftsgarten und der Einfluss des Palladianismus auf by Much, Mathis
Geschichte Der Ritterburgen Und Bergschlosser in Der Umgegend Von Frankfurt Am Main by Usener, Friedrich Philipp
Rock the Shack: The Architecture of Cabins, Cocoons and Hide-Outs by
Geschichte und Entwicklung von Schutzgebieten in Nationalparks by Geisler, Hendrik
Gentrification im urbanen Raum: Reflexion des Fachartikels "The Right to Stay Put, Revisited: Gentrification and Resistance to Displacement in New Yor by Jutz, Katharina
Architecture Depends by Till, Jeremy
Work in Western Thebes, 1931-1933: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Communications, No. 18 by Holscher, Uvo, Nelson, Harold Hayden
Birdsboro: Company with a Past, Built to Last by Brooke, G. Clymer
The Technical Side of Architecture: One Architect's View by Friend, William E.
Zwischennutzung von Brachen - Neue Perspektiven für die schrumpfende Stadt. Handlungsempfehlungen an die Akteure: Zwischennutzungen gezielt Fördern by Rosic, Nenad
City Suburbs: Placing Suburbia in a Post-Suburban World by Mace, Alan
Planning, Risk and Property Development: Urban regeneration in England, France and the Netherlands by Magalhães, Claudio de, Verhage, Roelof, Karadimitriou, Nikos
The Cats of Istanbul: Or a Turkish Farce in 17 Parts by Halperin, Mahalath
Werte.: Begründungen Der Denkmalpflege in Geschichte Und Gegenwart by
Fire Island Lighthouse and Keepers Dwelling by Perrault, Carole L.
The Smithsonian Castle and the Seneca Quarry by Peck, Garrett
Draw 50 Buildings and Other Structures: The Step-By-Step Way to Draw Castles and Cathedrals, Skyscrapers and Bridges, and So Much More... by Ames, Lee J.
Rethinking Aesthetics: The Role of Body in Design by
All Over the Map: Writing on Buildings and Cities by Sorkin, Michael
The Language of Lux: The Work of AB Concept by Ng, Ed
John Nolen and the Metropolitan Landscape by Beck, Jody
John Nolen and the Metropolitan Landscape by Beck, Jody
The Shanghai Alleyway House: A Vanishing Urban Vernacular by Bracken, Gregory
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Self-catering accommodation in Mauritius by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Cultural Affiliation Statement: Buffalo National River, Arkansas by Department, U. S.
Cultural Landscape Report for Booker T. Washington National Monument: Site History, Existing Conditions, Analysis, and Treatment by
Historic Structure Report: Bodie Island Life-Saving Station & Boat House: Cape Hatteras National Seashore by Oppermann, Joseph K., Department of the Interior, U. S.
Historic Structure Report: Bodie Island Coast Guard Station: Cape Hatteras National Seashore by Department of the Interior, U. S., Oppermann, Joseph K.
Historic Structure Report: Lighthouse and Oil House: Cape Hatteras National Seashore by Scheidt, Dan, Department of the Interior, U. S.
Historic Structure Report: Cape Lookout Lighthouse: Cape Lookout National Seashore by Department of the Interior, U. S., Oppermann, Joseph K.
Historic Structure Report: Connemara Main House: Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site by Jones, Tommy H., Department of the Interior, U. S.
Historic Structure Report: Bodie Island Light Station- Double Keepers Quarters: Cape Hatteras National Seashore by Department of the Inteior, U. S., Oppermann, Joseph K.
The Prisoner of Shark Island: A Guide to the Discussion of the Historical Photoplay by Gambill, Gladys G.
Old Homesteads by Ilsley, Elizabeth Hale
The Sheltermaker's Manual - Volume 1 by Cowman, Peter
The Sheltermaker's Manual - Volume 2 by Cowman, Peter
Architecture by Smith, Robert
Beached Shipwreck Archeology: Case Studies from Channel Islands National Park: Submerged Resources Center Professional Reports Number 18 by Russell, Matthew A., Department of the Interior, U. S.
Defining Boundaries for National Register Properties by Little, Barbara J., Savage, Beth L., Sprinkle Jr, John H.
Cultural Landscape Report for Charlestown Navy Yard by
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres by Adams, Henry
City Suburbs: Placing Suburbia in a Post-Suburban World by Mace, Alan
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Chichester (1901) A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The Diocese And See by Corlette, Hubert C. (Hubert Christian)
A History of French Architecture by Blomfield, Reginald
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres by Adams, Henry
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Chichester (1901) A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The Diocese And See by Corlette, Hubert C. (Hubert Christian)
A Brief History and Guide to the Church of St Vincent de Paul, Liverpool by O'Neill, Michael
Charcoal Kilns: Historic Structures Report: Wildrose Canyon Death Valley National Monument by Department of the Interior, U. S.
Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail: Feasibility Study & Final Environmental Impact Statement by Department of the Interior, U. S.
Food Security and Farm Land Protection in China by Zhao, Nong, Yang, Xiaojing, Mao, Yushi
Residential Kitchen and Bath Design by Wilkening, Anastasia
Small Cities USA: Growth, Diversity, and Inequality by Norman, Jon R.
Small Cities USA: Growth, Diversity, and Inequality by Norman, Jon R.
Defending the Land of Four Quarters: Globalization, Environment and Sustainable Development in the Americas by Herzog, Lawrence a.
The Bridges: Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Monument: Historic Structures Report- Part II: Historical Data Section by Bearss, Edwin C.
Natchez National Historical Park Old Fort Rosalie Gift Shop- Historic Structure Report by Jones, Tommy H., Department of the Interior, U. S.
Condensation of Moisture and Its Relation to Building Construction and Operation by Rowley, Frank B., Algren, Axel B., Lund, Clarence E.
The Creation and Establishment of Cape Hatteras National Seashore: The Great Depression Through Mission 66 by Binkley, Cameron
Florenz by Philippi, Adolf
The City Natural: Garden and Forest Magazine and the Rise of American Environmentalism by Hou, Shen
Collaborative Design in Virtual Environments by
The Urban Masterplanning Handbook by Firley, Eric, Groen, Katharina
Plan for New Haven by Gilbert, Cass, Olmsted, Frederick Law
Classical and Modern Interactions: Postmodern Architecture, Multiculturalism, Decline, and Other Issues by Galinsky, Karl
Between Walls and Windows: Architecture and Ideology by
Re-Designing the East: Political Design in Asia and Europe by
Aircraft Carrier: American Ideas and Israeli Architectures After 1973 by
Creative Engineering by Hammann, Ralph E.
Entropic Empire: On the City of Man in the Age of Disaster by de Cauter, Lieven
Ma Yansong: From (Global) Modernity to (Local) Tradition / Entre La Modernidad (Global) Y La Tradicion (Local) by
The Cornell Journal of Architecture 9: Mathematics by
Revolution Detroit: Strategies for Urban Reinvention by Gallagher, John
Atmosphärenkonstruktion - Geräusch- und Klangweltenanalyse by Steininger, Johannes
Emotion@web: Emotionale Websites Durch Bewegtbild Und Sound-Design by Hansch, Pierre, Rentschler, Christian
Garden Cities of To-Morrow by Howard, Ebenezer
Spoken Corpus Linguistics: From Monomodal to Multimodal by Carter, Ronald, Adolphs, Svenja
Northern Delights: Scandinavian Homes, Interiors and Design by
Vastu Shastra and the Patterns of Traditional Houses of Iran by Goodarzi Ali, Fazeli Hengameh
The Pond Book: A Complete Guide to Site Planning, Design and Management of Small Lakes and Ponds by Hicks, John Stephen
The Messages of Tourist Art: An African Semiotic System in Comparative Perspective by Jules-Rosette, Bennetta
Seven Lessons on Architectural Morphogenesis by Magyar, Peter
Seven Lessons on Architectural Morphogenesis by Magyar, Peter
Unsprawl: Remixing Spaces as Places by Buntin, Simmons B., Pirie, Ken
Skyscraper Facades of the Gilded Age: Fifty-One Extravagant Designs, 1875-1910 by Korom, Joseph J.
Twenty Minutes in Manhattan by Sorkin, Michael
Heart and Soul of Florida: Sacred Sites and Historic Architecture by Gordon, Elsbeth K.
Canova by Meyer, Alfred Gotthold
Regional Approaches to Affordable Housing by Meck, Stuart
Altersgerechtes Wohnen - Chance oder Herausforderung für die Stadtentwicklung?: Darstellung am Beispiel der Stadt Potsdam by Anonym
Institutional Change - Eisenhüttenstadt: A City between Assembling and Demolition by Zylla-Woellner, Judith
Art & Architecture: Venice by Kaminski, Marion
The Car in 2035: Mobility Planning for the Near Future by
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