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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2015

Saylor Current Construction Costs 2015 by Saylor, Leland
Reading London's Suburbs: From Charles Dickens to Zadie Smith by Pope, G.
Town and Country Planning in the UK by Vigar, Geoff, Davoudi, Simin, Webb, David
Design Tools for Evidence-Based Healthcare Design by Phiri, Michael
MacLean 705 by
Colquhounery: Alan Colquhoun from Bricolage to Myth by
AA Files 70 by
AA Files 71 by
The Beauty of Holiness: Anglicanism and Architecture in Colonial South Carolina by Nelson, Louis P.
Meaning and Aesthetics in Architecture by Brandle, Kurt
The Spiritual Meaning of Rosslyn's Carvings (Large Print Edition) by Queally, Jackie
Commercial Drafting and Detailing by Jefferis, Alan, Smith, Kenneth
Design Tools for Evidence-Based Healthcare Design by Phiri, Michael
Dürers Kunsttheorie: Vornehmlich in Ihrem Verhältnis Zur Kunsttheorie Der Italiener by Panofsky, Erwin
Auto-Destructive Art: Metzger at AA by Metzger, Gustav
Materials Science in Construction: An Introduction by Ahmed, Arshad, Sturges, John
The History of the Mansion House by Perks, Sydney
Architectural Guide Brazil: Architectural Guide by Santa Celilia, Bruno, Kimmel, Laurence, Tiggemann, Anke
Interpreting Engineering Drawings by Branoff, Ted
Neue Stadtbaukultur: Jahrbuch 2014 - Stadtbild Deutschland by
Modernity Without a Project: Essay on the Void Called Contemporary by Johnson, C. B.
Creating My Green Roof: A guide to planning, installing, and maintaining a beautiful, energy-saving green roof by Hilary, Dave
Fantasy Islands: Chinese Dreams and Ecological Fears in an Age of Climate Crisis by Sze, Julie
Form and Pedagogy: The Design of the University City in Latin America by Alfaro, Carlos Garciavelez
Yah's Last Word to America: The Blasphemy of False Identity by Mattocks, Desmond a.
Yah's Last Word to America: The Blasphemy of False Identity by Mattocks, Desmond a.
Building Berlin, Vol. 4: The Latest Architecture in and Out of the Capital by Architektenkammer Berlin
Concrete: Pure. Strong. Surprising by Van Uffelen, Chris
Green Hidden and Above: The Most Exceptional Treehouses by Kramer, Sibylle
Yoga and Spiritual Retreats: Relaxing Spaces to Find Oneself by Kramer, Sibylle
101 Hotel Rooms, Vol. 2 by Kretschmar-Joehnk, Corinna, Joehnk, Peter
Black + Architecture by Kramer, Sibylle
Do Not Disturb!: Heavenly Honeymoon Retreats by Roth, Manuela
The Beauty of Space: Living in Minimal Style by Van Uffelen, Chris
Re-Searching Utopia: When Imagination Challenges Reality by Vienna Technical University
User-Initiated Transformations of Public Housing: A Case Study of King Fahd Housing Project in Makkah; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Asim Quaffas, Yasser
Tropical Living: Dream Houses at Exotic Places by Roth, Manuela
Die Westfassade der Kathedrale Notre-Dame de Laon: Komposition, Skulpturenprogramm und Skulpturenstil by Halle, Sebastian
Motive der Wohnraumentscheidungen von Migranten: Am Fallbeispiel Berlin-Neukölln by Berkholz, Johannes
Lefebvre for Architects by Coleman, Nathaniel
Lefebvre for Architects by Coleman, Nathaniel
Archi Talks: Architectural Opinions by Sharma, Sangeet
Democratic Play by Choi Joshua
Planning the Great Metropolis: The 1929 regional plan of New York and its environs by Johnson, David A.
Intersections of Space and Ethos by
Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial Planning Cultures by Silva, Carlos Nunes
Impossible Heights: Skyscrapers, Flight, and the Master Builder by Morshed, Adnan
Gsd Platform 7 by
Egypt's Desert Dreams: Development or Disaster? by Sims, David
Trans Structures: Fluid Architecture and Liquid Engineering by Gutai, Matyas
Big. Hot to Cold. an Odyssey of Architectural Adaptation by
Guidance Note 1: Selection & Erection by The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Into the Void Pacific: Building the 1939 San Francisco World's Fair by Shanken, Andrew
Construction Guide For New Investors in Real Estate - With 5 Ready to Build Contractor Spec House Plans by Nyakundi, Colvin Tonya, Davidson, John
Victor Hugo: The Spirit and the Letter, a chirographic and semiotic study by Wolkowski, Z. W.
Heteroglossic Asia: The Transformation of Urban Taiwan by Lin, Francis Chia-Hui
Planning Landscape by Zimmermann, Astrid
Planning Landscape by Zimmermann, Astrid
Emergent Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of the City: Habitus and Urban Rhythms by Neuhaus, Fabian
Ambitious Intelligent Membrane Architecture: A High-Quality, Interactive and Adaptable Space Solution by Schmid, Fabian Christopher
Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration. The Conflict Between Identity and Development Strategies in the City of Valparaiso, Chile. by Morales Cortes, Margarita
Environmental Land Use Planning and Management by
Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature by Handa, Rumiko
Architecture's Pretexts: Spaces of Translation by Kanekar, Aarati
Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature by Handa, Rumiko
An Introduction to Sustainability and Aesthetics: The Arts and Design for the Environment by
Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China by Wu, Fulong
Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China by Wu, Fulong
Architecture's Pretexts: Spaces of Translation by Kanekar, Aarati
Do Security Systems Really Protect Your Home?: A Discussion on the Efficiency of Automated Security Systems for Your Home by Adams, Jennifer
Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial and Post-Colonial Planning Cultures by Silva, Carlos Nunes
Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge: An International Inquiry by
The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, 1960-1980 by Foster-Rice, Greg, Bussard, Katherine A., Fisher, Alison
Vivienda social en el clima cálido húmedo de Costa Rica by Smith Masis Michael
Cleavage, Connection and Conflict in Rural, Urban and Contemporary Asia by
Anspruchsvolle intelligente Membranarchitektur als Lösung für einen geometrisch und funktionalen adaptiven Raum by Schmid, Fabian Christopher
Vienna's Ringstrasse by
SOM Journal 9 by
Venice in detail: The small and the beautiful by Seddon, R. Martin
The Great Reimagining: Public Art, Urban Space, and the Symbolic Landscapes of a 'New' Northern Ireland by Hocking, Bree T.
Uncharted: The New Landscape of Tourism by
Construction standards and access to decent shelter: Relaxation of existing construction standards: A way to improve living conditions by Kaonga, Chance
Towards the Great Peace by Cram, Ralph Adams
Hacking the Earthship: In Search of an Earth-Shelter that WORKS for EveryBody by Preston Prinz, Rachel
Ars Et Ingenium: The Embodiment of Imagination in Francesco Di Giorgio Martini's Drawings by Riahi, Pari
Tiny House Living: Living Large in Less than 400 Square Feet by Buckler, Zachary
British Domestic Synchronous Clocks 1930-1980: The Rise and Fall of a Technology by Pook, Leslie Philip
Entwicklungen im nachhaltigen Alpentourismus am Beispiel des Ökotourismus by Koc, Ugur
Univer-Cities: Strategic View of the Future - From Berkeley and Cambridge to Singapore and Rising Asia - Volume II by
Transnationale Projekte zwischen Schweden und Dänemark. Die Öresund Region by Körner, Thomas
An Introduction to Tropical Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Miscellaneous by Guyer, J. Paul
Healthy Cities and Urban Policy Research by
Sqm: The Quantified Home by
How To Make Money With 3D Printing: Start Your Own 3D Printing Business In Less Than 30 Days by Gilbert, Michele
Big Little House: Small Houses Designed by Architects by Kacmar, Donna
Le forme del vino by Moretti Giusy
Learning Through Practice by Rogers, Rob
Climate Change as a Threat to Peace: Impacts on Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity by
Designing the Brand Identity in Retail Spaces by Pegler, Martin M.
Normandy, Its Gothic Architecture and History: As Illustrated by Twenty-Five Photographs from Buildings in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux, and Falaise. a by Stephens, Frederic George
A History of the Castles of Herefordshire and Their Lords. [with Illustrations.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Robinson, Charles John
From Flux to Frame: Designing Infrastructure and Shaping Urbanization in Belgium by Van Acker, Maarten
Public Space Acupuncture by
The Tennessee Theatre: A Grand Entertainment Palace by Neely, Jack
Hellenistische Agorai: Gestaltung, Rezeption Und Semantik Eines Urbanen Raumes by Sielhorst, Barbara
Leadership and Sustainability in the Built Environment by
Transcending Architecture: Contemporary Views on Sacred Space by
Architektursoziologie: Grundlagen - Epochen - Themen by Schäfers, Bernhard
Architecture's Appeal: How Theory Informs Architectural Praxis by
Urbanism and Transport: Building Blocks for Architects and City and Transport Planners by Holzapfel, Helmut
Urbanism and Transport: Building Blocks for Architects and City and Transport Planners by Holzapfel, Helmut
Palm Springs Modern: Houses in the California Desert by Cygelman, Adele
Art and Life and the Building and Decoration of Cities - Scholar's Choice Edition by And Crafts Exhibition Society, Arts
Stadtentwicklung in Dubai: Tourismus, Wirtschaft, Verkehr by Ziegler, Stefan
Architecture's Appeal: How Theory Informs Architectural PRAXIS by
Six Lectures on Architecture - Scholar's Choice Edition by Cram, Ralph Adams
Astana. Die synthetische Hauptstadt Kasachstans by Yasin, Ahmed
GLORIOUS Swanky Hotels Castles and Fortresses!: Beautiful Planned City States for Wise Intelligent Well-Educated People! by Twain Junior, Mark Revolutionary
Dictionnaire Raisonné de l'Architecture Française du XIe au XVIe siècle Tome VI: Tome 6 by Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène
Urban Literacy: Reading and Writing Architecture by Havik, Klaske
Archiprix 2014: The Best Dutch Graduation Projects by
Are We the World?: Randstad Holland vs. Sao Paolo, Detroit, Istanbul, Design & Politics No. 6 by
The Glass Farm: Biography of a Building by
Dichte Atmosphare: Uber Die Bauliche Dichte Und Ihre Bedingungen in Der Mitteleuropaischen Stadt by Troger, Eberhard
Gartenstadte Von Morgen (1902): Ein Buch Und Seine Geschichte by Ebenezer, Howard
Platzatlas: Stadtraume in Europa by
Dash 10: Housing the Student by
Tiny House Aquaponics: Raising Fish and Growing Vegetables in Your Small Space by Buckler, Zachary
eco-Logic: A Pictograph by Michael, Jude, Holmes, Joshua
Landmark Architecture of Palm Beach by Hoffstot, Barbara D.
The Hotel on Place Vendome: Life, Death, and Betrayal at the Hotel Ritz in Paris by Mazzeo, Tilar J.
Critical Path Method (Cpm) Tutor for Construction Planning and Scheduling by East, William
Manual de Autocad: 2 Dimensiones by D'Addario, Miguel
Ordinary Places/Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, Democracy and Public Space in Latin America by Irazábal, Clara
Design, When Everybody Designs: An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation by Manzini, Ezio
Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning by
Tokyo Void: Possibilities in Absence by
Steel: A Design, Cultural and Ecological History by Willis, Anne-Marie, Fry, Tony
City Limits: Why Australia's Cities Are Broken and How We Can Fix Them by Kelly, Jane-Frances, Donegan, Paul
The Paradox of Body, Building and Motion in Seventeenth-Century England by Skelton, Kimberley
SCOD Thesis Text: Organic Architectural Theory by Stowell II, Walton D.
Imagining New York City: Literature, Urbanism, and the Visual Arts, 1890-1940 by Lindner, Christoph
Modelle einer orientalischen Stadt. Die Stadtentwicklung von Marrakesch by Yasin, Ahmed
Großwohnsiedlungen der 60er und 70er Jahre: Aktuelle Konzepte der Sanierung by Yasin, Ahmad
Modern Construction Economics: Theory and Application by
Design your Community! Wie sich mit Design Thinking Partizipation neu gestalten lässt by Wegener, Lisa
English Villages by Ditchfield, P. H.
Entr'acte: Performing Publics, Pervasive Media, and Architecture by
Memoirs of the Life and Works of Sir Christopher Wren by Elmes, James
An Historical Inquiry into the True Principles of Beauty in Art by Fergusson, James
Discourse by Tan Chet qua of Quang chew fu Gent by Chambers, William
Hermogenes and the Renaissance: Seven Ideas of Style by Patterson, Annabel M.
Blueprints and Blood: The Stalinization of Soviet Architecture, 1917-1937 by Hudson Jr, Hugh D.
Starting from I Don't Know: Interviews on Architecture and Craft by Smith, Samuel
Shreveport's Historic Oakland Cemetery: Spirits of Pioneers and Heroes by White, Cheryl, Joiner, Gary D.
After the Manifesto by
Research - Observe - Make: An Alternative Manual for Architectural Education by
Pattern Theory: Introduction and Perspectives on the Tracks of Christopher Alexander by Leitner, Helmut
The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings by Kushner, Marc
American Homes: The Landmark Illustrated Encyclopedia of Domestic Architecture by Walker, Lester
The World of Ornament by Batterham, David
The Manhattan Project: A Theory of a City by Kishik, David
Hollywood Action Films and Spatial Theory by Jones, Nick
Managing the Design Process in the Construction Industry by Buertey Joseph Teye Ignatius, Atsrim Felix Kwadzo
Gedser Kirke 100 år: 1915 - 2015 by Winther Nielsen, Søren, Grützmeier, Kim
The Craft of Collaborative Planning: People working together to shape creative and sustainable places by Bishop, Jeff
The Craft of Collaborative Planning: People Working Together to Shape Creative and Sustainable Places by Bishop, Jeff
Architecture by Bell, Mrs Arthur
Oxymoron and Pleonasm Conversation on American Critical: Conversations on American Critical and Projective Theory of Architecture by
Ganges Water Machine: Designing New India's Ancient River by Acciavatti, Anthony
Wie wurde die Architektur von Mies van der Rohe in den Medien dargestellt?: anhand der Zeitschrift G für Gestaltung und dem Entwurfes für das Bürohaus by Anonymous
Die Elendsviertel in Indien und Brasilien. Ein Vergleich by Völzke, Sandra
The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering by Denhardt, Robert B., Denhardt, Janet V.
London: Architecture, Building and Social Change by Knox, Paul L.
Kowloon Cultural District: An Investigation Into Spatial Capabilities in Hong Kong by
Architectural Photography: Vol. 1.2 by Poppe, Vincent
Tactical Urbanism: Short-Term Action for Long-Term Change by Lydon, Mike, Garcia, Anthony
Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems by Roehr, Daniel, Fassman-Beck, Elizabeth
Structural Design for the Stage by Powers, Bradley, Holden, Alys, Sammler, Bronislaw
Japanese Architecture: An Exploration of Elements & Forms by Locher, Mira
Integrated Water Recources Management in Rural Areas of Gunung Kidul (Indonesia) by Lövenich, Jonas
Reading London's Suburbs: From Charles Dickens to Zadie Smith by Pope, G.
Young-Old: Urban Utopias of an Aging Society by Simpson, Deane
Theorie der Architektur by Reinisch, Rainer
Hans Van Heeswijk Architects: The Mauritshuis by
Prix de Rome 2014: Architecture by
Built Environment 2013-2014: Eindhoven University of Technology by
Arquitectura regional mexicana by Díaz Méndez, Miguel Ángel
The New Nomads: Temporary Spaces and a Life on the Move by
OASE 93: Public Landscape by
New China Architecture by Ruan, Xing
Diller, Scofidio + Renfro: The Look by
Juan O'Gorman: Casa O'Gorman 1929 by
Vacancy Studies: Experiments and Strategic Interventions in Architecture by
The Wonders of Florence by Cestaro, Dario
Style and Creativity in Design by Chan, Chiu-Shui
Cultural Heritage as Civilizing Mission: From Decay to Recovery by
The Inevitable Specificity of Cities by Diener, Christian
A History of Art in Ancient Egypt - Volume II by Chipiez, Charles
A History of Art in Chaldæa and Assyria - Volume I by Chipiez, Charles
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