• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2019

Boombay by Iyer, Kamu
Sustainable Construction and Building Materials: Select Proceedings of Icscbm 2018 by
Städteplanung der Zukunft by Kupfer, Hartwig
Leçons Élémentaires d'Architecture Ou Aperçu Sur Les Proportions Des Ordres, Des Portes: Des Fenêtres Et Des Arcades, d'Après Les Édifices Antiques Et by Thumeloup, Nicolas-Auguste
Souvenirs Du Vieux Paris, Exemples d'Architecture de Temps Et de Styles Divers by Turpin de Crissé, Lancelot-Théodore, Craon, Princesse de Collaborateur, Beauchesne, de Collaborateur
Cathédrales Et Châteaux Au Moyen Âge by Delattre, Charles
L'architecture métaphysique des anciens Égyptiens by Gadalla, Moustafa
L'architettura metafisica dell'Antico Egitto by Gadalla, Moustafa
Réponse Aux Questions Sur Les Travaux Qui s'Exécutent Dans Les Carrières Sous Paris Et Les Environs by Guillaumot, Charles-Axel
Solfège Pratique Et Théorique À l'Usage Des Collèges, Maisons d'Éducation, Pensionnats Et Séminaires: Augmenté de Chants À Une Et À Deux Voix. 10e Édi by Muller, Louis
Abécédaire Ou Rudiment d'Archéologie. 2e Édition by de Caumont, Arcisse
Notice Sur Le Projet de Reconstruction Des Thermes de Luchon: Salles Du Capitole, Toulouse, En Juin Et Juillet 1840 by Maurette, Raymond-Marie
Notice Sur l'État Ancien Et Nouveau de la Galerie de l'Hôtel de Toulouse by Banque de France
Abécédaire Ou Rudiment d'Archéologie, Architecture Civile Et Militaire by de Caumont, Arcisse
L'Architecture Byzantine En France, Saint-Front de Périgueux: Et Les Églises À Coupoles de l'Aquitaine by Gaucherel, Léon, de Verneilh, Félix
AA Files 76 by
Platform 11: Setting the Table by
Greening the City: Urban Landscapes in the Twentieth Century by
Excepcionalidad del Modernismo Brasileño by Lara, Fernando Luiz
Kritisk by / Critical City by
The Art of Hybrid Timber Framing: Ideas, Techniques and Tips to Create Unique Personalized Beauty by Sarkkinen, Bert
AutoCAD 3D Modelado: Fundamentos, comandos, ejercicios y tips by D'Addario, Miguel
Architectures of Survival: Air War and Urbanism in Britain, 1935-52 by Page, Adam
Equity in Heritage Conservation: The Case of Ahmedabad, India by Desai, Jigna
Architecture, Mentalities and Meaning by Malone, Patrick
The Art of Co-Creation: A Guidebook for Practitioners by Hämäläinen, Matti M., Rill, Bryan R.
The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience: A New Perspective on Governing Risk and Disaster by
The Secret Burial Chambers: Design and Building the Egyptian Pyramids by Gerardo, Daniel
Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering: Introductory Textbook of Exploration And Reservoir Engineering by Al-Khudafi, Abbas Mohamed
Noel Jeffrey: Decades of Design by Jeffrey, Noel
An Unfinished Encyclopedia of Scale Figures Without Architecture by
Buried City, Unearthing Teufelsberg: Berlin and its Geography of Forgetting by Anderson, Benedict
Planning Cultures and Histories: The evolution of Planning Systems and Spatial Development Patterns by
Sustainable Construction Materials: Recycled Aggregates by Dhir Obe, Ravindra K., de Brito, Jorge, Silva, Rui V.
Urban Planning and Development in China and Other East Asian Countries by Wang, Lan, Zhang, Guanzeng
A Practical Guide to Bio-Inspired Design by Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena, Lindemann, Udo
Increasing Electricity Supply for Development in Selected ECOWAS member States by Elemele, Christian
The Diary of a Dude Wrangler by Burt, Struthers
The Diary of a Dude Wrangler by Burt, Struthers
Cold Climate HVAC 2018: Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates by
Outside the Skin: Systems Approaches to Society's Larger Structural Issues by Lindberg, Darla
Spatial Violence by
Hierarchical Perceptual Grouping for Object Recognition: Theoretical Views and Gestalt-Law Applications by Michaelsen, Eckart, Meidow, Jochen
Ethical Decision Making in Architecture: Theories, Methods, Case Studies, Applied Ethics Anecdotes by Akin, Omer
Locus Fratrum - Architecture of Observant Franciscan Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in the Late Middle Ages by Křenková, Zuzana
Eco-Architecture VII: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature by
Via Roma: The History of Rome in Fifty Streets by Van Van Dijk, Willemijn
Advancements in the Philosophy of Design by
Urban Mobility in Modern China: The Growth of the E-Bike by Zuev, Dennis
La Investigación En La Arquitectura Tomo I by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Modernity, Nation and Urban-Architectural Form: The Dynamics and Dialectics of National Identity Vs Regionalism in a Tropical City by
Dayton Eugene Egger: The Paradox of Place in the Line of Sight by
Advancing Equity Planning Now by
Architecture of Nature: Nature of Architecture by Agrest, Diana
The Metaphysical City: Six Ways of Understanding the Urban Milieu by Sullivan, Rob
Die architektonischen Elemente kleinasiatischer Säulensarkophage und ihre Tradierung in der Spätantike by Richter, Martin
Tokyo Roji: The Diversity and Versatility of Alleys in a City in Transition by Imai, Heide
The Cicerone: Art-Guide to Painting in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob, Clough, A. H., Zahn, Albert
Urbanes Gebiet. Der neue Paragraph § 6a BauNVO by Gojani, Tom
John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture by Chatterjee, Anuradha
Lost in the Transit Desert: Race, Transit Access, and Suburban Form by Jones Allen, Diane
Shedding New Light on Art Museum Additions: Front Stage and Back Stage Experiences by Engineer, Altaf, Anthony, Kathryn H.
Thermal Comfort in Hot Dry Climates: Traditional Dwellings in Iran by Foruzanmehr, Ahmadreza
Whose Tradition?: Discourses on the Built Environment by
Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Norway and Russia by
The Break with the Past: Avant-Garde Architecture in Germany, 1910 - 1925 by Barnstone, Deborah Ascher
International Trade in Hazardous Wastes by Asante-Duah, D. K., Nagy, I. V.
The Shrines of the 'Alids in Medieval Syria: Sunnis, Shi'is and the Architecture of Coexistence by Mulder, Stephennie
Green Buildings and Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings of Gbse 2018 by
The Fair-Line and the Good Frontage: Surface and Effect by Walker, Stephen
Power, Glamour and Angst: Inside Australia's Elite Neighbourhoods by Wiesel, Ilan
Hudson Valley Style Magazine - Winter 2019 Edition: Hudson Valley Style around the World with Mario Molinari by Alexander, Dino, Molinari, Mario, Magazine, Hudson Valley Style
Space Shifters by
Designing the Global City: Design Excellence, Competitions and the Remaking of Central Sydney by Freestone, Robert, Davison, Gethin, Hu, Richard
Visual Experiences in Cinquecento Theatrical Spaces by Berzal de Dios, Jimena
Mid-Rise Multi-Storey Construction: 101 Construction Details for the Building Professional by Botchway, Eddy, Kwofie, Titus
Human Factors in Green Building by
Design Drawing by Ching, Francis D. K.
Virtual Taste and Smell Technologies for Multisensory Internet and Virtual Reality by Karunanayaka, Kasun, Cheok, Adrian David
Simulation-Based Analysis of Energy and Carbon Emissions in the Housing Sector: A System Dynamics Approach by Oladokun, Michael Gbolagade, Aigbavboa, Clinton Ohis
Die Cadolzburg. Residenz, Amtssitz, militärischer Stützpunkt und Jagdschloss by Knaus, Philipp
All Men Are Created Equal But Then Some Become Architects: Funny 6x9 Architect Notebook by Watts, L.
Old Saint Peter's, Rome by
The Pantheon by
Modernism and the Making of the Soviet New Man by Vujosevic, Tijana
The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization by
Building Energy Modeling with Openstudio: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals by Parker, Andrew, Macumber, Daniel, Brackney, Larry
Les Pierres de Venise by Ruskin, John
Data as Infrastructure for Smart Cities by Suzuki, Larissa, Finkelstein, Anthony
Revival: The Interpreter Geddes (1928): The Man and His Gospel by Defries, Amelia
Construções em Alvenaria de Xisto by Oliveira, Daniel V., Varum, Humberto, Barros, Ricardo S.
The Production Sites of Architecture by
A Systems Approach to Modeling the Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus, Volume I: Defining and Analyzing the Landscape by Amadei, Bernard
Masonry Structures - Inspection, Modelling and Intervention by Barros, Ricardo
Sustainable Design for the Built Environment by Fleming, Rob, Roberts, Saglinda H.
Zweifel: Performative Stadtplanung in 13 Vorträgen by Matton, Ton
Revival: Town Planning and Town Development (1923) by Adshead, S. D.
Seeking a Better Urban Future by Cheong, Koon Hean
Designing Cooler Cities: Energy, Cooling and Urban Form: The Asian Perspective by
Seeking a Better Urban Future by Cheong, Koon Hean
Brick by Hall, William
Narratives of Architectural Education: From Student to Architect by Thompson, James
The Production Sites of Architecture by
Gestão DOS Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos: Panorama, Conceitos, Aplicações e Perspectivas by Lourenço, Joaquim Carlos
Villages in Cities: Community Land Ownership and Cooperative Housing in Milton Parc and Beyond by Hawley, Joshua
Silent World: Beautiful Ruins of a Vanishing World by
Building Digital Experience Platforms: A Guide to Developing Next-Generation Enterprise Applications by Sethii, Sourabhh, Shivakumar, Shailesh Kumar
Industrial Safety Management: 21st Century Perspectives of Asia by
The Blindspot Initiative: Design Resistance and Alternative Modes of Practice by
Villages in Cities: Community Land Ownership and Cooperative Housing in Milton Parc and Beyond by Hawley, Joshua
Modern Architecture: A Very Short Introduction by Sharr, Adam
L'adaptation aux changements climatiques dans le transport terrestre: Regards croisés by Bryant, Christopher, Madani, Azzeddine
Go Solar with Confidence: How to Buy a Solar Energy System That Is Right for You by Rushing, Denise
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems in Construction by
The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications by
Architectonics of Game Spaces: The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and Its Meaning for the Real by
Statuaries of Cats: Around The Globe by Pankey, Elena
Technical Studies, tectonic explorations by Adjei, Samson
New Vision 2050: A Platinum Society by Yamada, Koichi, Komiyama, Hiroshi
Milton Keynes in British Culture: Imagining England by Pikó, Lauren
Facilities Engineering Maintenance and Repair of Architectural and Structural Elements: Army TM 5-620 / Navy Navfac Mo-111 / Air Force Afp 91-23 by Department of Defense
Choosing the Right Door by Deahl, Robert
Constructing the Architect: An Introduction to Design, Research, Planning, and Education by Bachman, Leonard R.
Isokon and the Bauhaus in Britain by Englund, Magnus, Daybelge, Leyla
Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: An International Comparison by
The Log Cabin: An American Icon by Hoagland, Alison K.
The Imperial Island: England's Chronicle in Stone by Hunnewell, James Frothingham
Participatory Culture and the Social Value of an Architectural Icon: Sydney Opera House by Freeman, Cristina Garduno
La Plasticidad En Valuación by Soto Barquero, Arquitecto Eladio, Soto Barqueo, Eladio
Famous Times: Historic Woolsheds of Hawkes Bay by Gordon, Angus
Towards a Public Space: Le Corbusier and the Greco-Latin Tradition in the Modern City by Sequeira, Marta
The Fundamentals of Interior Design by Dodsworth, Simon, Anderson, Stephen
Eric Parry Architects Box Set 3+4 by
Histoire de la ville de Bruxelles. Tome Troisième by Henne, Alexandre, Wauters, Alphonse
Surveillance, Architecture and Control: Discourses on Spatial Culture by
Der Tempel Der Diana Zu Ephesus by Hirt, Aloys
Histoire de Paris et de ses monuments. by La Gournerie, Eugène de
Paris sous Louis XIV. Monuments et vues. by Maquet, Auguste
Histoire de la ville de Bruxelles. Tome Premier by Henne, Alexandre, Wauters, Alphonse
Histoire de la ville de Bruxelles. TOME DEUXIEME by Henne, Alexandre, Wauters, Alphonse
The Disappearance of Hong Kong in Comics, Advertising and Graphic Design by Wong, Wendy Siuyi
Energy Performance in the Australian Built Environment by
Étude Archéologique Sur L'abbaye De Notre-dame Des Vaux De Cernay: De L'ordre De Citeaux Et De L'etroite Observance, Au Diocèse De Paris by Morize, Louis
Épilogue A Lárt Chrétien; Volume 1 by Rio, Alexis-François
Das Leben der Griechen und Römer nach antiken Bildwerken by Koner, W., Guhl, Ernst Karl
Das Leben der Griechen und Römer nach antiken Bildwerken dargestellt. Erste Hälfte. by Koner, Wilhelm, Guhl, Ernst
Cornelius, Der Meister Der Deutschen Malerei... by Riegel, Herman
Built to Survive: How We Designed & Built a Sustainable, Secure & Survivable Custom Home by Ordia, Joe
Seriöse Touren oder "Menschensafari"? Zur Frage der Nachhaltigkeit des Slumtourismus am Fallbeispiel Dharavi/Mumbai by Schmock, Nico
Built By Loving Hands: The Barn Photography of Marilyn Brummet by Brummet, Aaron
Values of Italy: The Art of Drawing: The Search for the Sense of the Cities by Lattaioli, Paolo
Break Free From Neck Pain and Tension: For Those With Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety or Panic Attacks by Torgovitsky Ph. D., Roman
Art Deco: The Twentieth Century's Iconic Decorative Style from Paris, London, and Brussels to New York, Sydney, and Santa Monica by Schwartzman, Arnold
Public Space Design and Social Cohesion: An International Comparison by
A Systems Approach to Modeling the Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus, Volume II: System Dynamics Modeling and Dynamic Scenario Planning by Amadei, Bernard
Ancient Art and Its Remains: or A Mannual of the Archaeology of Art. by Muller, C. O.
Cities as Spatial and Social Networks by
Urban Social Sustainability: Theory, Policy and Practice by
Wind Energy Exploitation in Urban Environment: Turbwind 2017 Colloquium by
Historic Hot Springs Coloring Book 1: America's Spa City in Grayscale by Hintzel, Nola R.
Historic Hot Springs Coloring Book 2: America's Spa City in Grayscale by Hintzel, Nola R.
Carpentry Made Easy - The Science and Art of Framing - With Specific Instructions for Building Balloon Frames, Barn Frames, Mill Frames, Warehouses, C by Bell, William E.
Green City Planning and Practices in Asian Cities: Sustainable Development and Smart Growth in Urban Environments by
Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Real Estate Sector by Gabler, Judith, Clack, Amanda
Becoming Jane Jacobs by Laurence, Peter L.
Historic Movie Theaters of Delaware by Nazarewycz, Michael J.
Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Real Estate Sector by Clack, Amanda, Gabler, Judith
Industrial and Urban Growth Policies at the Sub-National, National, and Global Levels by
Sigfried Giedion: Liberated Dwelling: (Befreites Wohnen) by Giedion, Sigfried
On the Rock: The Acropolis Interviews by
The Object of Zionism: The Architecture of Israel by Efrat, Zvi
The Archisutra: The Handbook's Final Chapter by Bolivar, Miguel
Maximum Stresses in Framed Bridges by Cain, William
Maximum Stresses in Framed Bridges by Cain, William
Elementary Practical Building Construction Stage 1 by Booker, Frank William
Electric Lighting by Ferguson, Olin Jerome
The Malden Survey by Athearn, Walter Scott
A Graphical Method for Swing-Bridges by Franklin La Rue, Benjamin
A Description of York: Containing Some Account of Its Antiquities, Public Buildings by Todd, George W.
The Wood-Carver of 'Lympus by Waller, Mary Ella
A Garden in the Suburbs by Williams, Leslie
The Engineer or Architect by Gregory, Charles Currie
A Hand-Book for the Architecture, Tapestries, Paintings, Gardens and Grounds by Cole, Henry
Donaustauf and Walhalla by Müller, Ethelbert
City Building: A Citation of Methods in Use in More Than One Hundred Cities by Clay, S. H.
The Rich Man's Duty to Contribute Liberally to the Building, Rebuilding by Wells, William Dowsing Edward
The Foundation and the Superstructure by Mead De Mill, Richard
Die Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Wohnungsgestaltung by Werner, Alina
Going Out in Style: The Architecture of Eternity by Keister, Douglas
Happy Easter Coloring Book for Kids by Rocket Publishing
Iron as a Material of Construction by Pole, William
Electric Lighting by Ferguson, Olin Jerome
A Garden in the Suburbs by Williams, Leslie
Elgin: And a Guide to Elgin Cathedral by Shanks, John
Elementary Practical Building Construction Stage 1 by Booker, Frank William
A Hand-Book for the Architecture, Tapestries, Paintings, Gardens and Grounds by Cole, Henry
Donaustauf and Walhalla by Müller, Ethelbert
A Practical Treatise on the Construction of Chimneys by Hiort, John William
Improving Construction Health and Safety in Developing Countries (Ghana) by Fosu, Michael
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