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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2020

The Augustan Building Programme: Was Augustus trying to prove anything? by Vale, Barry
Aprenda a decorar según Feng Shui: Guía para favorecer la energía positiva by Sasha, Sasha
Contextualizing Light: Lighting Design Solutions in a Changing World by Wadhwa, Abhay M.
Research & Education in Design: People & Processes & Products & Philosophy: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research and Education by
Das Austauschspiel: Gruppenarbeit zur Architekturvermittlung by Spiluttini, Ambros
Effects of Informal Economic Activities on Formal Open Spaces in Kumasi Metropolis by Amonoo-Parker, Lord
Global City / Creative City: Cities in the third Century by Guevara Ramos, Emeterio
Street Commerce: Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks by Sevtsuk, Andres
Mythos Frontier. Die europäische Besiedlung Amerikas und das "Westward Movement" by Anonymous
Becoming Philadelphia: How an Old American City Made Itself New Again by Saffron, Inga
Architecture Coloring Book: 50 Unique Coloring Pages by Beehive 95 Designs
Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979-Today. 2020 Edition by Jodidio, Philip
The Routledge Handbook of Designing Public Spaces for Young People: Processes, Practices and Policies for Youth Inclusion by
The Routledge Handbook of Planning Megacities in the Global South by
Pemaquid Point Lighthouse by Scee, Trudy Irene
Tower of Babel Planner 2021: Pieter Bruegel the Elder Artistic Daily Scheduler with January - December Year Calendar (12 Months Calendar) Beautiful by Notebooks, Shy Panda
Ocean City Oddities by Seidl, Brandon, Helf, Kristin
islamic geometic patterns by Noha, Salam
New Home Inspection Checklist by Akinsanya, Godson
David Adjaye - Works 1995-2007: Houses, Pavilions, Installations, Buildings by Adjaye, David
Faith in Cities: How Better Places Make Better Neighbors by Lazaro, Chris
Walking Broadway: Thirteen Miles of Architecture and History by Hennessey, William
Fundamentals of Project Delivery System: Focusing on Integrated Approaches to Project Delivery by Kim, Yong-Woo
Dreamscapes and Artificial Architecture: Imagined Interior Design in Digital Art by
A-Frame by Randl, Chad
The City Reader by
The City Reader by
De la nomenclature des rues de Paris by Cousin, Jules
Erfolgreiche Stadtentwicklung und die Zukunft der Stadt. Redevelopment-Projekte in strukturschwachen Städten by Jablonski, Melanie
Land Usage Management in Informal Settlements in Kumasi, Ghana. A Case Study of Asawase Township by Amonoo-Parker, Lord
Frühe Kirchenbauten in Italien: Alternative Rekonstruktionen der Baugeschichten by Meisegeier, Michael
Denkmalpflegerische Nacherfassung postmoderner Architektur. Die Heinrich-Hübsch-Schule in Karlsruhe by Michel, Robinson
Collection Des Chefs-d'Oeuvre de l'Architecture Des Différens Peuples, Exécutés En Modèles by Legrand-J G
Bath Envy: The World's Most Extraordinary Hotel Baths: The World by
Beginners Guide Vertical Garden: Beginners guides on how to grow vegetables, herbs, different colourful flowers and eddible fruits with little availab by Sean, Matilda
Kartierung von Zeitentfernung am Beispiel des Salzburger Busverkehrs by Straßer, Philipp
Gate 2021 Architecture & Planning Previous Years' Solved Papers by Ar Jain, Jinisha
Homes for Our Time. Contemporary Houses Around the World. 45th Ed. by Jodidio, Philip
Homes for Our Time. Contemporary Houses Around the World. 45th Ed. by Jodidio, Philip
30 mandalas coloriage pour adultes: Sandara Mandalas by Mandalas, Sandara
Reconstructing Urban Ambiance in Smart Public Places by
Beginners Hydroponics Garden: Complete guide on how to plant and start hydroponics garden by Sean, Matilda
Embodying Data: Chinese Aesthetics, Interactive Visualization and Gaming Technologies by Li, Qi
Placemaking Sandbox: Emergent Approaches, Techniques and Practices to Create More Thriving Places by
Advances in the Leading Paradigms of Urbanism and Their Amalgamation: Compact Cities, Eco-Cities, and Data-Driven Smart Cities by Bibri, Simon Elias
AutoCAD for Land Surveyors: Recommended to surveying students, engineers and employees, and cartographers by Clarke, Harriet Mac, Noormohammadi, Javad
Autodesk Revit 2021 For Architecture: Explore The World of BIM. by Kshirsagar, Madhumita
Liveability concepts. Differences in the interpretation of liveability in developed and industrialized countries by Straßer, Philipp
Learning by Design: Live Play Engage Create by Elmore, Richard F., Zimmer Doctori, Roni
Athénoeum Ou Idées d'Un Citoyen, Sur Le Nouvel Édifice Construit Dans l'Enceinte Du Palais Royal by Monier
Les Merveilles de l'Architecture by Lefevre-A
La inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe: el control comunitario de la tierra como prevención del desplazamiento by
The Architecture of Scotland, 1660-1750 by
Medieval Monuments of Central Asia: Qarakhanid Architecture of the 11th and 12th Centuries by McClary, Richard P.
The Kaʿba Orientations: Readings in Islam's Ancient House by O'Meara, Simon
Tom Kundig: [Working Title] by Kundig, Tom
The English Folly: The Edifice Complex by Meulenkamp, Wim, Headley, Gwyn
The geometric being by Grisetti, Hugo
Laughing at Architecture: Architectural Histories of Humour, Satire and Wit by
Field Notes from the Hudson Valley: 1 Vacant Land (A Pilot) by
Beautiful Beach Houses: Living in Stunning Coastal Escapes by
Life Among Urban Planners: Practice, Professionalism, and Expertise in the Making of the City by
Reconstructing Urban Ambiance in Smart Public Places by
Exploring Autodesk Revit 2020 for Architecture, 16th Edition by Tickoo, Prof Sham
From Divine Nature to Design 2: A Look Into Creativity Beyond Human Imagination by Tom, Cheuk
Islamic Geometric Patterns: Adult Coloring Book Featuring Amazing Anti-Stress Calming Designs for Relaxing and Mindfullness by Creativity, Sola
Architectural Wonder The Kesava Temple Somanathapur: The Legacy of Hoysala architecture by Reddappa, Sainath
Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Reinforced Concrete by
Sir John Soane and the Country Estate by Dean, Ptolemy
Urban Water Sustainability: Constructing Infrastructure for Cities and Nature by Bell, Sarah
Participatory Action Research in Natural Resource Management: A Critque of the Method Based on Five Years' Experience in the Transamozonica Region of by Castellanet, Christian, Jordan, Carl F.
Metropolitan Organising Capacity: Experiences with Organising Major Projects in European Cities by Berg, Leo Van Den, Meer, Jan Van Der, Braun, Erik
Profitable Partnering in Construction Procurement by
Industrial and Business Space Development: Implementation and urban renewal by Marsh, C., Martinos, H., McIntosh, A.
Passive Solar Energy in Buildings: Watt Committee: report number 17 by
Aluminium Structural Analysis: Recent European advances by
Drilling Wastes by
Concrete Shear in Earthquake by
Home and Community: Lessons from a Modernist Housing Scheme by Costa Santos, Sandra, Bertolino, Nadia, Hicks, Stephen
The Channel Tunnel Story by
Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design: Selected Proceedings from the International Conference of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Soc by
Advances in Human Factors in Architecture, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2020 Virtual Conference on Human Fac by
The Shaping of London: A Political and Economic Perspective 1066-1870 by Balchin, Paul
International Directory of Building Research Information and Development Organizations by International Council for Building Research
Living in Paradise: 97 Tips for Architects by Slunecko, Ondrej
Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and Design by
The Routledge Handbook of Urbanization and Global Environmental Change by
Architecture and Anthropology by
Predictive and Optimised Life Cycle Management: Buildings and Infrastructure by
The Construction Sector in the Asian Economies by Raftery, John, Anson, Michael, Chiang, Y. H.
Low Energy Low Carbon Architecture: Recent Advances & Future Directions by
Internationales Transportation-Design: Beitrag Der Hfg Ulm Zu Praxis, Lehre Und Forschung by Seeger, Hartmut
Structural Integrity Assessment by
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Building Services by Kut, David
Rethinking IT in Construction and Engineering: Organisational Readiness by Alshawi, Mustafa
Cost Modelling by
Berthold Lubetkin's Highpoint II and the Jewish Contribution to Modern English Architecture by Lewittes, Deborah
Advances in Building Energy Research: Volume 1 by
Concrete Folded Plate Roofs by Wilby, C.
Transgender Architectonics: The Shape of Change in Modernist Space by Crawford, Lucas
Legal Competence in Environmental Health by Moran, Terence
Development and the Law: A Guide for Construction and Property Professionals by Bruce-Radcliffe, Godfrey
Facilities Management and the Business of Managing Assets by Shiem-Shin, Danny Then, Teng Hee, Tan
Quantitative Risk Assessment in Fire Safety by Ramachandran, Ganapathy, Charters, David
Roofing Failures by Cash, Carl G.
Combustion Engineering and Gas Utilisation by British Gas
Guide to Highway Law for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Contractors by O'Hara, R. a.
Vegetable Plants and their Fibres as Building Materials: Proceedings of the Second International RILEM Symposium by
Conservation and Restoration of Glass by Davison, Sandra, Newton, R. G.
The Management of Quality in Construction by Ashford, J. L.
Drafting Engineering Contracts by Henkin, H.
E.coli: Environmental Health Issues of VTEC 0157 by Palmer, Stephen, Parry, Sharon
The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement by
Economics of Property Management: The Building as a Means of Production by Tempelmans Plat, Herman, Heynick, Frank
Advances in Building Energy Research: Volume 3 by
Energy and Climate in the Urban Built Environment by
Archaeology and Architecture of the Military Orders: New Studies by Piana, Mathias, Carlsson, Christer
Louis Kahn: Architecture as Philosophy by Lobell, John
Gio Ponti in the American West by Makela, Taisto
150 Best New Cottage and Cabin Ideas by Zamora, Francesc
Quality Assurance of Welded Construction by
Art Du Nivellement, Et Applications de CET Art À La Construction de Routes, Chemins de Fer: Et de Grande Communication. Partie 1-2 by Du Breuil, E.
L'Ornementation Du Moyen Âge. Volume 1: Ou Collection d'Ornements Et de Profils Tirés de l'Architecture Byzantine Et Du Style Germanique by Von Heideloff, Carl-Alexander
Une Châsse de la Cathédrale d'Astorga, Province de Léon, Espagne, Communication: Ixe Congrès Russe d'Archéologie, Vilna, 1893 by de Baye, Joseph
China Integrated City Index by
Jardins Et Parcs Publics, Histoire Générale Des Jardins, Les Maîtres de l'École Moderne: Et Leurs Principales Créations, Le Style Paysager, Exposé de by Deny, Eugène
Philosophie de la Fortification, Relativement Aux Places Fortes Du Royaume: Et Au Système de l'École Française by Delaage, Jérôme
Advances in Usability, User Experience, Wearable and Assistive Technology: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2020 Virtual Conferences on Usability and User Expe by
The House of Shadows and Light: A Story with Pictures by Tate, Ken
Inca Apocalypse: The Spanish Conquest and the Transformation of the Andean World by Covey, R. Alan
Aluminium in Building by Lane, John
Dewey and Design: A Pragmatist Perspective for Design Research by Dixon, Brian S.
Cyber Security: ESORMA Quickstart Guide Workbook: Enterprise Security Operations Risk Management Architecture for Cyber Security Practitioners by Ahmed, Mustafa, White, David
Rethinking Urbanism: Lessons from Postcolonialism and the Global South by Myers, Garth
Architectural Wonder LEPAKSHI: Enthralling Murals and Architecture of Vijayanagara by Reddappa, Sainath
L'Arte Mamelucca: Splendore e magia dei sultani by El-Bahnasi, Salah, El-Din, MD Hossam, El-Attar, Abdullah Abdel Hamid
Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure: Select Proceedings of Icrdsi 2019 by
Advances in Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Communication of Design: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2020 Virtual Conferences on Creativity, Inno by
Arquitectura e Movimento: a estrutura e a superfície by Menezes de Sequeira, João Manuel Barbos
Six Months Now, ARCHITECT for Life: A Guide on Passing the Architectural Registration Exams in Six Months or Less by Toepfer, Bryan
Mogadishu through the eyes of an architect by Degan, Omar
Die Bau und Kunstdenkmäler der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein: Teil III by Haupt, Richard
Modern Architecture and Climate: Design Before Air Conditioning by Barber, Daniel A.
Vegetarian Architecture: Case Studies on Building and Nature by
Lateness by Eisenman, Peter, Iturbe, Elisa
Ness.Docs 2: Landscape as Urbanism in the Americas by
New Social Housing: Positions on the Iba_vienna 2022 by Hofstetter, Kurt
El DoraDO: A revolving elevator cafe by Kim, Min Tae
Artificial Intelligence and The Environment: AI Blueprints for 16 Environmental Projects Pioneering Sustainability by Mason, Cindy
Glasgow: High-Rise Homes, Estates and Communities in the Post-War Period by Kearns, Ade, Hazley, Barry, Abrams, Lynn
Advances in Industrial Design: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2020 Virtual Conferences on Design for Inclusion, Affective and Pleasurable Design, Interdisci by
Facade Access: Engineering Excellence Meets Architectural Challenges by Ahamed Hussain
City Planning in India, 1947-2017 by Vidyarthi, Sanjeev, Prakash, Poonam, Kumar, Ashok
Architectural Wonder THE CHENNAKESAVA TEMPLE BELUR: The Legacy of Hoysala Architecture by Reddappa, Sainath
Empowering Developing Nations and Sustainable Development: Case Studies and Synthesis by
Community Capacity and Resilience in Latin America by
Community Capacity and Resilience in Latin America by
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication: Research, Innovations and Best Practices by
Global Tokyo: Heritage, Urban Redevelopment and the Transformation of Authenticity by Song, Jiewon
Walkability and built environment: An understanding of central Geelong's urban environment in terms of walkability by Shrestha, Sujan
The history of the parish of Preston in Amounderness in the county of Lancaster by Fishwick, Henry
L'Arte Siculo-Normanna: La cultura islamica nella Sicilia medievale by Quartarone, Carla, Mauro, Eliana, Sessa, Ettore
21 Habits to Project Excellence: Your Foundation to Construction Project Management Success by Tihey, Michael
5b: Buildings: Learn about realism. by Smith, Graeme
Building Services Design for Energy Efficient Buildings by Tymkow, Paul, Tassou, Savvas, Kolokotroni, Maria
Goethes Roemisches Haus: Ein Freimaurertempel. 2., ueberarbeitete und ergaenzte Auflage by Nickel, Almut Constanze
Building Services Design for Energy Efficient Buildings by Tassou, Savvas, Kolokotroni, Maria, Tymkow, Paul
New York in Cinematic Imagination: The Agitated City by Filipcevic Cordes, Vojislava
Deep Energy Retrofit: A Guide to Achieving Significant Energy Use Reduction with Major Renovation Projects by Lohse, Rüdiger, Zhivov, Alexander
Energy Recovery Technology for Building Applications: Green Innovation Towards a Sustainable Future by Ahmad, Mardiana Idayu, Riffat, Saffa
Hygrothermal Behaviour and Building Pathologies by
Townscapes in Transition: Transformation and Reorganization of Italian Cities and Their Architecture in the Interwar Period by
Adult Coloring Book: 100 + Stress Relieving Designs Animals, Mandalas, Horse, Dinosaur, Dragon, Flowers, Paisley Patterns And So Much More: by Publications, Creative Design
Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to Today's Housing Crisis by Parolek, Daniel G.
Graphical Heritage by
Wohnen in Der Individualisierten Gesellschaft: Psychologisch Kommentiert by Flade, Antje
Smart Cities for Dummies by Reichental, Jonathan
Bungalow Modernity: A Study of Twentieth Century Fictions of Home by Emery, Mary Lou
A Tale of Two Cities: Joint International Design Studio 2015-2020 by
Doctor Watson Architects Incomplete Works Volume Two by Watson, Victoria
Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities by
Live Learn Eat: Architecture by Anthony Poon by Poon, Anthony
Preventive Conservation - From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach: Proceedings of the International Wta - Precom3os S by
La nascita dell'arte ottomana: L'eredità degli emirati by Ünal, Rahmi H., Turkoglu, Inci, Öney, Gönül
Gli Omayyadi: La nascita dell'arte islamica by Bisheh, Ghazi, Zayadine, Fawzi, Al-Assad, Mohammad
Il Marocco Andaluso: Alla scoperta di un arte del vivere by Touri, Abdelaziz, El-Khatib Boujibar, Naima, Lakhdar, Kamal
Pellegrinaggi, Scienza e Sufismo.: L'arte islamica in Cisgiordania e a Gaza by Hawari, Mahmoud, Natsheh, Yusuf, Al-Ju'beh, Nazmi
Nelle Terre della Mora Incantata: L'arte islamica in Portogallo by Gómez, Susana, Torres, Claudio, Macías, Santiago
L'arte mudejar: L'estetica islamica nell'arte cristiana by Pleguezuelo Hernández, Alfonso, Borrás Gualís, Gonzalo M., Lavado Pradinas, Pedro
I Found My Passion: The Willie Leland Story: One of the first black crane operators in Miami-Dade County in the early 1960s by Leland, Willie
Modelling the Socio-Economic Implications of Sustainability Issues in the Housing Market: A Stated Choice Experimental Approach by Gumbo, Trynos, Aigbavboa, Clinton, Akinbogun, Solomon Pelumi
Guru Nanak: Teachings and Architectural Legacy in Pakistan by Rehman, Abdul
Polis, Platz Und Porträt: Die Bildnisstatuen Auf Der Agora Von Athen Im Späthellenismus Und in Der Kaiserzeit (86 V. Chr. - 267 N. Chr.) by Leone, Silvio
Travel, Space, Cognition: A Study, Charrette, Lab, Design, and CAD Workshop, Gamestorming in Virtual, Hci, Brick Mortar, and Study Abroad Learni by
Cyber Security: Learn The Basics of Cyber Security, Threat Management, Cyber Warfare Concepts and Executive-Level Policies. by Onyshko, Dana, Zhang, Noah
Parks and Recreation System Planning: A New Approach for Creating Sustainable, Resilient Communities by Barth, David
Bizarre England: Discover the Country's Secrets and Surprises (16pt Large Print Edition) by Long, David
The House of Light by Dyar, Erik
George Edmund Street: Unpublished Notes And Reprinted Papers: With An Essay by Street, George Edmund
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church Of Gloucester - A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See by Massé, Henri Jean Louis Joseph
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