• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art Instruction in 2023

The Expanded Field of Conservation by
China and the West: Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting by
Computer Generated: A 3D Art Anthology by Goodrich, Kyle
Mixed Media for Cloth: Lamination with Paper and Metal Leaf by Dunnewold, Jane
Museum Quality: Exploring Art Quilts with Saqa by Saqa (Studio Art Quilt Associates Inc )
Guide Book for Watercolor Painting: Practical manual for making over 12 watercolor painting designs by Howard, Charles N.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Restored in Conformity With the Recently Discovered Remains by Fergusson, James
Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Volume 2 by Thomas Clark, George
Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Volume 1 by Thomas Clark, George
Imagined Israel(s): Representations of the Jewish State in the Arts by
Creating Stillness: Mindful Art Practices and Stories for Navigating Anxiety, Stress, and Fear by Rose, Rachel
Proportion: In Art & Architecture by Schneider, Michael
Is the Sublime Sustainable? a Comparative Aesthetics Approach to the Sublime by Doebler, Peter L.
Performance Art: Education and Practice by Avgitidou, Angeliki
Performance Art: Education and Practice by Avgitidou, Angeliki
Grundlagen des Tätowierens: Der Kurs für Einsteiger by Infestas Martin, Oscar
How to Paint Without a Brush: The Art of Red Hong Yi by Yi, Red Hong
Collage Meets Design: Cut and Paste in Graphic Design and Art by
Ottavio Pedditzi by Landi, Silvia
The Art of the Creative Commons: Openness, Networked Value and Peer Production in the Sound Industry by Miszczyński, Milosz
Adventure Awaits Outside by
Picturing the Bronze Age by
The Healing Power of Collage: A Creative Companion by Schwimmer, Patricia
Um by Hudson, Darby
Broken: Mending and Repair in a Throwaway World by Treggiden, Katie
Cheerleading Coloring Book: Awesome Cheerleading Coloring Pages for Kids by Jones, Judith
You Will Be Able to Collage by the End of This Book by Hartman, Stephanie
The Illustrator's Guide to Procreate: How to Make Digital Art on Your iPad by Burrows, Ruth
The ArtVenturers Workbook 1; The Shop Is Calling pt 1 by Pointeau, Christine
Painting Popularly Explained, by T.J. Gullick and J. Timbs by Timbs, John, Gullick, Thomas John
Anleitung zur Chemie für Künstler und Fabrikanten by Hoffmann, Gottfried August
Notes On an Informal Talk On Book Illustrations, Inside, and Out: Given Before the Boston Art Students' Association, Feb. 14, 1894 by Whitman, Sarah
Etchers And Etching: Chapters In The History Of The Art Together With Technical Explanations Of Modern Artistic Methods by Pennell, Joseph
A Treatise On The Curvilinear Perspective Of Nature: And Its Applicability To Art by Herdman, William Gawin
Notizie Storiche Sull'origine E Progressi Dei Lavori Di Commesso in Pietre Dure Che Si Eseguiscono Nell' I. E R. Stabilimento Di Firenze by Zobi, Antonio
Original Treatises Dating From the Xiith to Xviiith Centuries On the Arts of Painting in Oil ... and On Glass, of Gilding, Dyeing [&c.] With Tr., Pref by Treatises, Original
Notes On an Informal Talk On Book Illustrations, Inside, and Out: Given Before the Boston Art Students' Association, Feb. 14, 1894 by Whitman, Sarah
Batik and Other Pattern Dyeing by Baker, Ida Strawn, Baker, Walter Davis
Text Books of Art Education, Book 7 by Froehlich, Hugo B.
Elementary Principles Of Ornament by Ward, James
Joseph Pennell's Liberty-Loan Poster: A Text-Book for Artists and Amateurs, Governments and Teachers and Printers, With Notes, an Introduction and Ess by Pennell, Joseph
Arte Magica Distrutta by Fiorio, Antonio
Practical Geometry for Art Students by Carroll, John
Statues of Abraham Lincoln. Hingham, Massachusetts; Sculptors - K Keck 3 by
Statues of Abraham Lincoln. Middlesex, N.J; Sculptors - P Pelzer 4 by
Statues of Abraham Lincoln. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; Sculptors - S Schweizer 1 by
Synopsis of Practical Perspective, Lineal and Aerial by Fielding, Theodore Henry
Chromagraphie, ou, L'art de composer un dessin: À l'aide de lignes et de figures géométriques, et de l'imiter avec des matières colorées ... by Rouget de Lisle, A-Amédée
The Art and Science of Gilding; by
Talks On Art by Hunt, William Morris
Memorial Exhibition: Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney by
Neuer Schauplatz der Kuenste und Handwerke, hundert und neunzehnter Band by Hoppe
A Treatise On The Curvilinear Perspective Of Nature: And Its Applicability To Art by Herdman, William Gawin
Persian Pottery in the First Global Age: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by B. Mason, Robert, Proctor, Patricia, Golombek, Lisa
Philip Gilbert Hamerton;An Autobiography, 1834-1858, and a Memoir by His Wife, 1858-1894 by Hamerton, Eugénie, Hamerton, Philip
The 3D Moiré Effect: for Fly-Eye, Lenticular, and Parallax-Barrier Setups by Weissman, Yitzhak
The 3D Moiré Effect: for Fly-Eye, Lenticular, and Parallax-Barrier Setups by Weissman, Yitzhak
Modern French Masters by Vorst, Marie Van
L'Architecture romane by Corroyer, Édouard
La "National Gallery" by Dayot, Armand
Le musée du Louvre, tome 1 by Dayot, Armand
Rodin à l'hotel de Biron et à Meudon by Coquiot, Gustave
Modern house-plans for everybody; For village and country residences costing from two hundred and fifty dollars to eight thousand dollars by Reed, S. B.
Le musée du Louvre, tome 2 by Dayot, Armand
L'Architecture Gothique by Corroyer, Édouard
Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces and Courts by James, Juliet Helena
Sculpture in Spain by Calvert, Albert Frederick
Monograms & Ciphers by Studio, Carlton, Turbayne, A.
KUNSTSCHULE für Kinder & Jugendliche 6 - 18 Jahre: Arbeitsbuch 1 by Kunstschule, Kids4art, Trichtl, Corinna
The Beginner's Guide to Decorating Pottery: An Introduction to Glazes, Patterns, Inlay, Luster, and Dimensional Designs by Reinhardt, Emily
Street Art for the Planet by Tapies, Xavier
Art Rules: How Great Artists Think, Create and Work by Packard, Cassie
Earth & Fire: Modern Ceramicists, Their Tools, Techniques, and Practices by Johnson, Kylie, Johnson, Tiffany
Sketch - Black by Editors of Chartwell Books
Sketch - Kraft by Editors of Chartwell Books
Histories of Conservation and Art History in Modern Europe by
A Waiter's Companion by Bee, Jon
The Philosophy of Fine Art, volume 2 (of 4); Hegel's Aesthetik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
The Philosophy of Fine Art, volume 3 (of 4); Hegel's Aesthetik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
The Philosophy of Fine Art, volume 1 (of 4); Hegel's Aesthetik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
The Philosophy of Fine Art, volume 4 (of 4); Hegel's Aesthetik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
Tattoo Design Book by Partida, Domingo
The Art of Cognitive Behavioral Art Therapy: A Practical Handbook by Kashyap, Ankita, Sharma, Prof Krishna N.
Knitovation Stitch Dictionary: 150+ Modern Colorwork Knitting Motifs by Rangel, Andrea
Gestalterinnen: Frauen, Design Und Gesellschaft Im Wien Der Zwischenkriegszeit by
How Art Is Made: The Craft Behind the Masterpieces by Mancoff, Debra N.
Configurations of Migration: Knowledges - Imaginaries - Media by
Mandala & Pattern Coloring Book: 100 Beginner coloring pages by Golubski, Timothy R.
Seven Centuries of Lace by Pollen, Maria Margaret
Rodin; The Man and His Art, with Leaves from His Note-book by Cladel, Judith
Mornings in Florence by Ruskin, John
The Artists' Brush: World history, Theory & Practice by Bayliss Brown, Philip
The Artists' Brush: World history, Theory & Practice by Bayliss Brown, Philip
Manuscript Albums and Their Cultural Contexts: Collectors, Objects, and Practices by
Customize Your Cross-Stitch: Friends and Family: Learn to Customize, Prepare, Stitch, and Finish Your Very Own Personalized Cross-Stitch Creations by The Team at Stitch People, Dabczynski-Bean, Lizzy
Stained Glass Animals Coloring Book for Adults: Tranquil Nature Series: Discover Peace & Creativity with Elegant Wildlife Designs by Seidel, Laura
Textile Fabrics A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Church-vestments, Dresses, Silk Stuffs, Needlework and Tapestries, forming that Section o by Rock, Daniel
The Shores of the Adriatic, The Austrian Side, The Küstenlande, Istria, and Dalmatia by Jackson, F. Hamilton
Kunst, Musik Und Peter Brötzmann: Free Music Art Production by
New Cultural and Political Perspectives on Serbian-Romanian Relations by
Nilo M. Santiago: My Life - My Art by Parks, Alexis
The Electoral Wardrobe: Guide to the Dresden Rüstkammer by Von Bloh, Jutta Charlotte, Pisareva, Viktoria, Nagel, Christine
Geometry for Art by Smith, Steve