• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 1987

Kölner Papyri by Borkowski, Zbigniew, Kramer, Bärbel, Gronewald, Michael
Zu Neufunden Klassisch-Griechischer Skulptur by Fuchs, Werner
Nahost: Geschichte Und Struktur Des Konflikts by Schreiber, Friedrich
Old Master Life Drawings: 44 Plates by
After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism by Huyssen, Andreas
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols by Cooper, J. C.
Theology, Politics and Letters at the Crossroads of European Civilization: Jacques Basnage and the Baylean Huguenot Refugees in the Dutch Republic by Cerny, G.
Art, Beauty, and Pornography by Huer, Jon
Drawing on the Artist Within by Edwards, Betty
Pamphlets, Printing, and Political Culture in the Early Dutch Republic by Harline, C.
The Visual Elements Landscapes by Jakle, John A.
Arts Administration and Management: A Guide for Administrators and Their Staffs by Shore, Harvey
Imaginary Relations: Aesthetics & Ideology in the Theory of Historical Materialism by Sprinker, Michael
Art in Action: Toward a Christian Aesthetic by Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Patronage, Art, and Society in Renaissance Italy by
Spanish-American Blanketry by Mera, H. P.
Expressively Black: The Cultural Basis of Ethnic Identity by
Mirror of the Intellect: Essays on Traditional Science and Sacred Art by Burckhardt, Titus
Soviet Commercial Design of the Twenties by Anikst, Mikhail
The Documented Image: Visions in Art History by
Pugin's Gothic Ornament: The Classic Sourcebook of Decorative Motifs with 100 Plates by Pugin, Augustus C.
The Myth of Marsyas in the Roman Visual Arts: An Iconographic Study by Rawson, Piers B.