• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 1998

Releasing the Spirit by
Making Artist Books Today: Workshop at Poestenkill/NY August 18th-23th '97 by
Tolstoy: Childhood by Tolstoy, L. N.
Ars Electronica 98 by Stocker, Gerfried, Ars Electronica
Die Künstlerfamilie Winterhalter: Ein Briefwechsel Zusammengestellt Und Kommentiert by Mayer, Hubert
Changing Perceptions: Milestones in Twentieth-Century British Portraiture by Cayzer, Elizabeth
Chicano Art Inside/Outside the Master's House: Cultural Politics and the Cara Exhibition by De Alba, Alicia Gaspar
American Paintings of the Nineteenth Century, Part II by Torchia, Robert W.
Decorative Arts: Part II: Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; Persian and Indian Rugs and Carpets by Little, Stephen, Bower, Virginia, Knapp, Josephine Hadley
Bd. I: Capitinata (Capitanata); Bd. II: Apulien Und Basilicata: (Nachdruck Der 1912/1926 Im Verlag Karl W. Hiersemann Erschienenen Ausgaben) by Sthamer, Eduard
Landscape: The Trace of the Sublime by Schmidt, Hans-Werner
Picturing the Passion in Late Medieval Italy: Narrative Painting, Franciscan Ideologies, and the Levant by Derbes, Anne
Composition: A Series of Exercises in Art Structure for the Use of Students and Teachers by Dow, Arthur Wesley
Trust the Process: An Artist's Guide to Letting Go by McNiff, Shaun
Art of the Gold Rush: (published in Association with the Oakland Museum of California and the Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento) by Holland, Katherine Church, Driesbach, Janice T., Jones, Harvey L.
Paris 1937 by Herbert, James D.
Global Art: Activities, Projects, and Inventions from Around the World by Potter, Jean, Kohl, Maryann
A Century of Arts and Letters: The History of the National Institute of Arts & Letters and the American Academy of Arts & Letters as Told, Decade by by
Pictures Book Mixed Display by Parkstone Press
Fashion Fabrics: 1960s by Piña, Leslie
Islamic Inscriptions by Blair, Sheila S.
The Event Horizon by
Silences for Love by Cope, David
Silences for Love by Cope, David
Digital Mosaics: The Aesthetics of Cyberspace by Holtzman, Steven
Challenging Racism in the Arts: Case Studies of Controversy and Conflict by Tator, Carol, Mattis, Winston, Henry, Frances
Women in the Nineteenth-Century Art World: Schools of Art and Design for Women in London and Philadelphia by Chalmers, F. Graeme
Evaluating Art Education Programs in Community Centers: International Perspectives on Problems of Conception and Practice by
Kunst Im Aufbruch: Malerei, Graphik Und Plastik Zur Zeit Goethes by Lammel, Gisold
Drawing on Difference: Art Therapy with People who have Learning Difficulties by
Coordinating Art Across the Primary School by Clement, Robert, Piotrowski, Judith, Roberts, Ivy
Art Therapy in Palliative Care: The Creative Response by
Clouds Without Heaven by Cameron, Mary
If You Lived Here: The City in Art, Theory, and Social Activism: A Project by Martha Rosier by Rossler, Martha
From Text to Hypertext: Decentering the Subject in Fiction, Film, the Visual Arts, and Electronic Media by Gaggi, Silvio
Henry Clay Frick: An Intimate Portrait by Sanger, Martha Frick Symington
Foundations of Expressive Art Therapy: Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives by
Patterns of Artistic Development in Children: Comparative Studies of Talent by Milbrath, Constance
Critical Art Pedagogy: Foundations for Postmodern Art Education by Cary, Richard
Art Information and the Internet by Jones, Lois Swan, Swan Jones, Lois
Good Faeries/Bad Faeries by Froud, Brian
Changing Perceptions: Milestones in Twentieth-Century British Portraiture by Cayzer, Elizabeth
Ghosts In the Machine: Women and Cultural Policy in Canada and Australia by
Making of the Image / La Fabrique du regard by Sicard, Monique
Birds of Wisconsin by Gromme, Owen J.
Earlier British Paintings in the Lady Lever Art Gallery by Kidson, Alex
Bogen Und Mauerwerk / Arcs Et Maconnerie / Arches and Masonry: Systematisches Fachw Rterbuch / Dictionnaire Sp Cialis Et Syst Matique / Specialized an by