• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2001

House Guests: The Grange, 1817 to Today by
Diderot: La Religieuse by Diderot, Denis
Hunting the Gatherers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents, and Agency in Melanesia 1870s-1930s by
History of the Portrait Collection, Independence National Historical Park: Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 242) by Fanelli, Doris Devine
Hunting the Gatherers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents, and Agency in Melanesia 1870s-1930s by
Over the Edges by
Southwest Silver Jewelry: The First Century by Baxter, Paula A.
Visionaries and Outcasts: The NEA, Congress, and the Place of the Visual Artist in America by Brenson, Michael
Subtle Bodies: Representing Angels in Byzantium by Peers, Glenn
Europe - What's in a Name by Gommers, Peter H.
Recording Conceptual Art: Early Interviews with Barry, Huebler, Kaltenbach, LeWitt, Morris, Oppenheim, Siegelaub, Smithson, Weiner by
The Luxor Portfolio: Collector's Edition by Roberts R. a., David
Jesus Then and Now by
Gods in Granite: The Art of the White Mountains of New Hampshire by McGrath, Robert L.
Römische Bronzebalsamarien mit Reliefdekor by Braun, Claudia
The Oxford Companion to J. M. W. Turner by
Forever Young by Stürenburg, Holger
Details from a Larger Canvas by McLean, Helen
Art as Religious Studies by
Drawing Us in: How We Experience Visual Art by
Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by Bayles, David, Orland, Ted
Humour in Dutch Culture of the Golden Age by Dekker, R.
Looking at Lovemaking: Constructions of Sexuality in Roman Art, 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 by Clarke, John R.
The Stammheim Missal by Teviotdale, Elizabeth
Glasgow Girls by Burkhauser, Jude
The Gentle Art of Faking: A History of the Methods of Producing Imitations & Spurious Works of Art from the Earlies Times Up to the Present Day by Nobili, Riccardo
Raw Histories: Photographs, Anthropology and Museums by Edwards, Elizabeth
Raw Histories: Photographs, Anthropology and Museums by Edwards, Elizabeth
Crossroads: Art and Religion in American Life by
Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places: Rethinking Culture by
Japanese Erotic Prints: Shunga by Harunobu and Koryūsai by Klompmakers, Inge
Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places: Rethinking Culture by
The Visual Culture of American Religions by
The Neoist Manifestos/The Art Strike Papers by Home, Stewart
Concise Dictionary of Women Artists by
September Commando: Gestures of Futility and Frustration by Yates, John
To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936 by Bookchin, Murray
The Rainbow Bridge: Rainbows in Art, Myth, and Science by Lee Jr, Raymond L., Fraser, Alistair B.
The Sensation Novel and the Victorian Family Magazine by Wynne, D.
A New Framework for Building Participation in the Arts by McCarthy, Kevin F.
The Artless Jew: Medieval and Modern Affirmations and Denials of the Visual by Bland, Kalman P.
Harold Pinter by Batty, Mark
Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts by
Art in Museums by
Painting the Cannon's Roar: Music, the Visual Arts and the Rise of an Attentive Public in the Age of Haydn by Tolley, Thomas
The Art of Dreaming: Tools for Creative Dream Work (Self-Counseling Through Jungian-Style Dream Working) by Mellick, Jill
Art and the Christian Apocrypha by Cartlidge, David R., Elliot, J. Keith
Yesterday's Silver for Today's Table: A Silver Collector's Guide to Elegant Dining by Osterberg, Richard
The Great Exhibition of 1851 by
The New Art History: A Critical Introduction by Harris, Jonathan
Art and the Christian Apocrypha by Cartlidge, David R., Elliot, J. Keith
Tattooed Bodies: Subjectivity, Textuality, Ethics, and Pleasure by Sullivan, Nikki
Managing Innovation in the Arts: Making Art Work by Fitzgibbon, Marian
Transfigurations by Grey, Alex
Arte Povera: Selections from the Sonnabend Collection by Gilman, Claire
Art and Value by Dickie, George
Art Value by Dickie, George
Young at Art: Teaching Toddlers Self-Expression, Problem-Solving Skills, and an Appreciation for Art by Striker, Susan
Merchants and Marvels: Commerce, Science, and Art in Early Modern Europe by
Semiotics, Marketing and Communication: Beneath the Signs, the Strategies by Floch, J.
Giovanni Pietro Campana 1808-1880: The man and his collection by Sarti, Susanna
Leonardo's Incessant Last Supper by Steinberg, Leo
Artists, Writers, and Musicians: An Encyclopedia of People Who Changed the World by
Fashionable Clothing from the Sears Catalogs: Early 1960s by Skinner, Tina
and/or (volume. 1): Black and White Edition by Sophiaomni
A Land So Remote: Volume 1: Religious Art of New Mexico, 1780-1907 by Frank, Larry
Visual Faith: Art, Theology, and Worship in Dialogue by Dyrness, William A.
The Artist's Complete Health and Safety Guide by Rossol, Monona
The New York Schools of Music and the Visual Arts by
The New York Schools of Music and the Visual Arts by
Portrayed on the Heart: Narrative Effect in Pictorial Lives of Saints from the Tenth Through the Thirteenth Century by Hahn, Cynthia
The Creative Call: An Artist's Response to the Way of the Spirit by Elsheimer, Janice
The Highwaymen: Florida's African-American Landscape Painters by Monroe, Gary
Art & Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts by Chaplin, Adrienne, Brand, Hilary
Teen Guide to Getting Started in the Arts by Ritzenthaler, Carol
The Female Body: Perspectives of Latin American Artists by Perez Bustillo, Mireya, G?mez-Quintero, Raysa E., Amador Gomez-Quintero, Raysa Elena
Academic Anthropology and the Museum: Back to the Future by
Raising the Eyebrow: John Onians and World Art Studies: An Album Amicorum in His Honour by
Antimodernism and Artistic Experience: Policing the Boundaries of Modernity by
At Home in the Studio: The Professionalization of Women Artists in America by Prieto, Laura R.