• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2008

Decentring Dancing Texts: The Challenge of Interpreting Dances by
The Art Museum from Boullee to Bilbao by McClellan, Andrew
Lofts in Berlin seit 1951. Vom Fabrikraum zur Luxuswohnung by Von Der Heide, Sabrina
Why the Hunts' marriage is not perfect - or why Gilman created this kind of partnership in the mystery novel 'Unpunished' by Schug, Linda
The Beautiful Monster by Ivo and Eva Houston, And Eva Houston, Ivo and Eva Houston
San Diego Paintings by R.D. Riccoboni - Collector's Portfolio by Riccoboni, Rd
His Image: Photo Devotionals for Those Grieving Divorce and Separation by Ganton, Tina
A Vocabulary Test And A Monosyllabic Essay On Art (1918) by Monnette, Orra Eugene
Merry's Museum, Parley's Magazine, Woodworth's Cabinet And The Schoolfellow V45-46 (1863) by
Merry's Museum, Parley's Magazine, Woodworth's Cabinet And The Schoolfellow V41-V42 (1861) by
Mestrovic And Serbian Sculpture (1916) by Ali, Abdullah Yusuf
National Gallery V2: Descriptive And Historical Catalogue Of The British And Foreign Pictures With Biographical Notices Of The Painters, In by National Gallery Great Britain
Ikonographische Aspekte in Rembrandts Selbstbildnissen by Warneke, Christina
Who's Who in Kentucky Arts and Crafts 2007 Edition by Wright-Correll, Arlene
Old Pewter by Bell, Malcolm
My Poetic Expressions by Johnson, Sandra
Art Therapy as an Agent for Change by Brown Treadon, Carolyne
My Poetic Expressions by Johnson, Sandra
Metall by
The Hymn of Drawing by Lancaster, John
No Rules Street Photography by Nitsa
China Welcomes You: Desires, Struggles, New Identities by
Signs of Grace: Religion and American Art in the Gilded Age by Schwain, Kristin
The Best of Costume Jewelry by Schiffer, Nancy
Lingerie: Two Centuries of Luscious Design by Shephard, Norma
Portfolio One by Becket-Griffith, Jasmine
Lessons from the Beach by Bonanno, Robert
The Sopranos Season Seven by Yacowar, Maurice
Haiti: A Photo Essay by Sandaire, Johnny
Planets on Tables by Costello, Bonnie
What Would Churchill Do?: Business Advice From The Man Who Saved The World by Finlay, Stuart
Transnational Feminism in Film and Media by
Transnational Feminism in Film and Media by
The Amazing Illustrated Word Game Memory Books Vol I, Set 2: The Auxiliary Six-Letter Stems: Ereast, Lneast, Oneast, Uneast, Ineost, Rneost and Ineosr by Gaertner, Frank H.
Rule Britannia!: Art, Royalty & Power in the Age of Jamestown by Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Die Bilder von Andreas Gursky. Realismus oder Abstraktion?: Fünf Beispiele aus dem aktuellen Werk des Fotografen by Kutzner, Ann-Katrin
Alice Creischer: Apparatus for the Osmotic Compensation of the Pressure of Wealth During the Contemplation of Poverty by Creischer, Alice
Red Aside by
Global Multitude by
Quealqunos Tipografos Nunca Te Diran by
Land Art: A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art by Malpas, William
Sk-Interfaces by Hauser, Jens
Memorial Museums: The Global Rush to Commemorate Atrocities by Williams, Paul
Biographies & Space: Placing the Subject in Art and Architecture by
Concept Design 2: Works from Seven Los Angeles Entertainment Designers and Seventeen Guest Artists by Belker, Harald, Burg, Steve
Slightly Unbalanced by
Memorial Museums: The Global Rush to Commemorate Atrocities by Williams, Paul
Fractured Figure, Volume I by
Rembrandts "Judenbraut" - Bewegung der Gefühle im Helldunkel by Urwyler, Christoph
Engraving the Savage: The New World and Techniques of Civilization by Gaudio, Michael
Prodigy Houses of Virginia: Architecture and the Native Elite by Mooney, Barbara Burlison
Border Fictions: Globalization, Empire, and Writing at the Boundaries of the United States by Sadowski-Smith, Claudia
Here Is the Memory of What You Are. by Spicer, James
He Is Invisible in Such a World. by Spicer, James
Selvbiografi by Daniels, Louise Frances
Photographic Rendezvous: Four Days in Oslo, Norway by Eisner, Mike
Six Stories from the End of Representation: Images in Painting, Photography, Astronomy, Microscopy, Particle Physics, and Quantum Mechanics, 1980-2000 by Elkins, James
Nonage by Casas, Jj
Six Stories from the End of Representation: Images in Painting, Photography, Astronomy, Microscopy, Particle Physics, and Quantum Mechanics, 1980-2000 by Elkins, James
Batman Unauthorized: Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City by
The Lining of Forgetting: Internal and External Memory in Art by Roberts, John, Cook, Sarah, Eden, Xandra
Lightforms: Energy Flow Photography by Ravarour, Adrian
The Jazz in Abstract Art by Berry, Robert L., Jr.
Tales of Unusual Circumstance by Weiser, Joey
Dreamscapes: Creating Magical Angel, Faery & Mermaid Worlds in Watercolor by Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun
Learning Disabilities: A Challenge to Teaching and Instruction by
Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes by
The Cartoonist's Big Book of Drawing Animals by Hart, Christopher
Lost Citizen: Selected Poems 1995-2003 by Gillespie, William K.
Art within the Keys of the Renaissance by Ventolini, Gary
Exhibition Of Japanese Screens Decorated By The Old Masters, Held At The Galleries Of The Royal Society Of British Artists (1914) by
Darwin Memorial Celebration Program: Presentation To The American Museum Of Natural History Of A Bronze Bust Of Darwin (1909) by
Art Applied To Industry: A Series Of Lectures (1865) by Burges, William
Charcoals Of New And Old New York (1912) by Smith, Francis Hopkinson
A Course Of Study In Art: For The First Five Years In School (1904) by Froehlich, Hugo B., Snow, Bonnie E.
Dante Rossetti And The Pre-Raphaelite Movement (1894) by Wood, Esther
Merry's Museum, Parley's Magazine, Woodworth's Cabinet, And The Schoolfellow V37 (1859) by
Robert Merry's Museum (1866) by
Robert Merry's Museum V9-10 (1845) by
Merry's Museum, Parley's Magazine, Woodworth's Cabinet, And The Schoolfellow V47-48 (1864) by
Annual Report Of The New Jersey State Museum Including A Report Of The Birds Of New Jersey, Their Nests And Eggs (1909) by Stone, Witmer
Reflections of Life by Shvartsman, Vladimir a.
Dutch Landscape Etchers Of The Seventeenth Century by Bradley, William Aspenwall
Alpha Omega: A Compilation of Poems by Knowles, Alonza, Alonza Knowles, Knowles
Twilight Cityscapes: Fine Art Night Photography of Australia by Gleason, Kristin
Kunst als politische Waffe oder als Mittel der Aufklärung? by
The Magic Rabbit of Green Hill by Letourneau, Marcia
Cartoons for Religious Stained Glass 2006-2008 by Grant, Mary Khazak
Architectural Form Part 1 An introduction into understanding buildings by Maas, Huub
Das Leipziger Marktwesen - Die Situation um 1880 bis zum Bau der Großmarkthalle auf dem Rossplatz by Barthold, Ronny
Circus World: Photographers Under the Big Top by From Distro@lulu Com, Julie, Jones, Tom, Eisner-Kleyle, Jessie
The Art of Everyday Joe: A Collector's Journal by Corbin, Michael K.
Klara Tamas by Tamas, Klara
The Insanity by Lucero, Eddie
Don't Mention The War by Rugg, Kim
The Ideal Museum: Practical Art in Metals and Hard Materials by Mulgrave, Harry F., Pokornynagel, Kathrin, Semper, Gottfried
Sesame and Lilies (Lectures) by Ruskin, John
A Joy for Ever (and Its Price in the Market) - Two Lectures on the Political Economy of Art by Ruskin, John
Popular Bohemia: Modernism and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century Paris by Gluck, Mary
The Forbidden Empire: Visions of the World by Chinese and Flemish Masters by
Dora García: Rooms, Conversations: Dora García by
The Sixteenth-Century Italian Paintings: Volume II: Venice 1540-1600 by Penny, Nicholas
Arts, Inc.: How Greed and Neglect Have Destroyed Our Cultural Rights by Ivey, Bill
Museums, the Media and Refugees: Stories of Crisis, Control and Compassion by Marfleet, Philip, Goodnow, Katherine, Lohman, Jack
The Museum of Modern Art: Book of Cartoons by
North Drive Press: Ndp No. 4 by
Alfredo Jaar: La Politique Des Images by
Watercolor Made Easy: 30-Minute Landscapes by Talbot-Greaves, Paul
Historic Photos of Pensacola by
Rascals: The Erotic Fantasies of Todd Yeager by
San Diego Poetry Annual - 2007 by Harding, William Harry
Mode, Masken und Kleidung in 'A Clockwork Orange' von Stanley Kubrick by Bauer, Miriam, Groß, Jens-Florian
Die Tischlerei des Bauhauses - bestanden Einwirkungen auf die Arbeit der Tischlerei und Auswirkungen nach außen? by Warneke, Christina
The Many Faces of Me by Lee, Verdel
Spirit Explosion: A Time for GOD, Love, and Transformation by Jennings, Skip
A Metaphysical and Anecdotal Consideration of the Fart by Klein, Gloria
Where The Great City Stands by Ashbee, Charles Robert
Landscape Theory by
Leadership in the Arts: An Inside View by Thomas, Marilyn Taft
Sojourn Journey: The Art and Poetry of Magdalene Mills by Mills, Mary Magdalene
Streams of Consciousness 69 Times by Chan, Jimmy
Die Liebe zwischen Sali und Vrenchen in Gottfried Kellers 'Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe' by Blum, Judith
Caruso and Tetrazzini on the Art of Singing by Caruso, Enrico, Jr.
Classic Anatomical Illustrations: Vesalius, Albinus, Leonardo and Others by Vesalius, Albinus, Leonardo
To Life!: A Book of Poetry and Songs by Truman, Ruth
Inscriptions/Transgressions: Kunstgeschichte und Gender Studies - Histoire de l'art et études genre - Art History and Gender Studies by
A TASTE of the WORLD by Bruning, Peter
The World's Oldest Cat Blows the Whistle: A Sizzling Expose! by Budman, Richard R.
Aerial by John Glenn High School, Glenn High Schoo
The Ki of Skiing by Mollenhauer, Dale
Art Education in a Climate of Reform: The Need for Measurable Goals in Art Instruction by Dorn, Charles, Orr, Penelope
Art Education in a Climate of Reform: The Need for Measurable Goals in Art Instruction by Dorn, Charles, Orr, Penelope
Verbale Kommunikation im Unterricht by Mayrbäurl, Mathias
Keltische Daseinsdeutung und die Latènekunst: Untersuchungen über die bildliche Umsetzung der inselkeltischen Mythologie und der keltischen Daseinsdeu by Berndt, Susanna
The Booklover by Sullivan, Derek
re-CONSTRUCTION Art by Martin, Stanley
My Mighty Silent Me by McMachan, Susan
Indianapolis Murals, Outside Public Art: Murals With A Message by Andrews, Sylvia
Hito Steyerls "Lovely Andrea" und Ästhetische Forschung: Wie ein komplexes Kunstwerk durch experimentelle Annäherung erfahrbar gemacht werden kann by Eichler, Berit
Der Drang des Franz Xaver Kroetz: Analyse des Volksstücks in der Reibung des Autors zwischen thematischer Kontinuität und formaler Dialektik by Goldbrunner, Evi
Treasures Rediscovered: Chinese Stone Sculpture from the Sackler Collections at Columbia University by Juliano, Annette L., Liu, Cary Y., Rowan, Diana P.
Die Weiterentwicklung der Dependenzgrammatik Tesnières am Beispiel eines Regelsystems für Verbalsätze des Deutschen by Wallbruch, Annette
The Beauty of the Cross: The Passion of Christ in Theology and the Arts from the Catacombs to the Eve of the Renaissance by Viladesau, Richard
Zu: Tahar Ben Jelloun: "Les yeux baissés" by Rieck, Ines
The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 200 DSLR (Color Edition) by Friedman, Gary
Das städtische Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach by Brzozowski, Jacek
Try Again by Alvarez Reyes, Juan Antonio
It Will All End in Tears by Zaya, Octavio
Performance, Style and Gesture in Western Theatre by Dromgoole, Nicholas
The Art of God and the Religions of Art by Thistlethwaite, David
France in Russia: Empress Josephine's Malmaison Collection by
Unser Astoria: Erinnerungen an Bremens großes Varieté in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren by
Drawings on Writing by
Emily Jacir by
The Art of Drawing People: Discover Simple Techniques for Drawing a Variety of Figures and Portraits by Kauffman Yaun, Debra, Powell, William F., Goldman, Ken
The Cinema Effect: Illusion, Reality, and the Moving Image by
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolo
Art and Eskimo Power: The Life and Times of Alaskan Howard Rock by Morgan, Lael
Tango als Ausdruck der Melancholie in der modernen Gesellschaft: Einblicke und Ausblicke aus melancholischen Welten by Kämpfe, Vicky
5 simple pieces of music for four part concert band Volume 2 by De Groot, Joost
Weegee and Naked City: Volume 3 by Meyer, Richard W., Lee, Anthony W.
Postmodern Picturebooks: Play, Parody, and Self-Referentiality by Sipe, Lawrence R., Pantaleo, Sylvia
The Art of Juliana Jewelry by Musetti, Katerina
A Peace of Me and Me by Dr Silent Owl & Nima Shiningstar
VirtualDayz: Remediated Visions & Digital Memories by Zalis, Elayne
Writing for a Purpose by Jackson, Andre
Adolf von Hildebrand und seine Welt by Hildebrand, Adolf Von
Anyone? a Sculptor!: How to Be a Sculptor in 30 Days or Less by Neswick, Russel
Travel Is a State of Mind: poems from another month abroad by Fairchild, Brad
Spatial Data Infrastructure for Urban Regeneration by
Der Form- und Farbgedanke Marcs und Kandinskys by Thöne, Raphael
Art Worlds, 25th Anniversary Edition by Becker, Howard S.
Essays in the Study of Sienese Painting by Berenson, Bernard
85 Art Songs by Cunningham, Michael G.
What to Draw and How to Draw It by Lutz, George Edwin
Mute Magazine - Vol 2 #8 by
A Coloring Book for Big Kids - 2nd Edition by Lewis, Phil
Die Jungfrau im Werk von Joseph Beuys by Otte, Andrea
The Language of Art by Main, Marisa Jones
Carrizo Topologies by McPhee, Christina
Todesdarstellungen des englischen Nationalhelden Admiral Lord Nelson in der Malerei des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts by Reymann, Kristina
Die Farbenlehre Wilhelm Ostwalds auf der Grundlage mathematischer Ordnungssysteme: Ein kurzer Überblick by Hey, Nadine
Selbstinszenierung. Untersuchung und Vergleich der Künstler Cindy Sherman und Horst Janssen by Staats, Katja
Riverin: Modern Impressions by Riverin, Richard
Kunst in Unternehmen - Mit dem Rücken zur Kunst by Groß, Jens-Florian
Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe: Gender, Agency, Identity by
So You Want to Be a Cartoonist?!! by Haselmann, Ralph, Jr.
From Crayons to Oils by Semedo, Joan
The Art & History of Violin Cases by Wood, Glenn P.
The Sharecroppers Daughter by Howard, Annie Louise
Der Kristall als expressionistisches Symbol: Studien zur Symbolik des Kristallinen in Lyrik, Kunst und Architektur des Expressionismus (1910-1925) by Leschonski, Henrik
Die Anwendung des Modells der Selektiven Optimierung mit Kompensation auf die Kunsttherapie by Schubert, Denise
The Sharecroppers Daughter by Howard, Annie Louise
New York remains by Bovin, Bob
The Painter & The Poet by Tomlinson, Ben N., Barbata, Rolfe D.
Marvelous Images: On Values and the Arts by Walton, Kendall
Architecture Parallax: The Blind Architect by Pilis, Alexander
Das neue Gesicht der Universität: Bio-City-Leipzig by Barthold, Ronny
Young Sisters by Leung, Anna
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