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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2010

Studya I Szkice Z Dziejów Literatury Polskiej, Volume 1 by Chmielowski, Piotr
Nature: International Journal of Science, Volume 15 by Lockyer, Norman
A Book for the Times: Lucy Boston; Or, Woman's Rights and Spiritualism: Illustrating the Follies and Delusions of the Nineteenth Century by Folio, Fred
Les Fleurs Animées, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Specimen Book and Price List of Printing Material by Palmer &. Rey, San Francisco
Bibliografa Espaola de Las Islas Filipinas (1523-1810) by Medina, Josbe Toribio
Catalogo Da Importante E Copiosa Bibliotheca DOS Marquezes de Castello Melhor, Cujos Livros Serão Vendidos Em Hasta Publica, Tendo a Venda Começo O Ma by Mellecas, Joao
Musée de Peinture Et de Sculpture Ou Recueil Des Principaux Tableaux Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Collections Publiques Et Particulières de l'Europe, Vo by Anonymous
The Story of the Greatest Nations: From the Dawn of History to the Twentieth Century; A Comprehensive History, Founded Upon the Leading Authorities, I by Ellis, Edward Sylvester, Horne, Charles Francis
L'École Française de Peinture Depuis Ses Origines Jusqu'à La Fin Du Règne de Louis XIV. by Berger, Georges
Museum of Painting and Sculpture: Or, Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, Vol by Duchesne, Jean, Reveil, Etienne Achille
Benjamin Robert Haydon: Correspondence and Table-Talk, Volume 2 by Haydon, Benjamin Robert, Haydon, Frederick Wordsworth
Pompeji, Volume 1 by Presuhn, Emil
Memorie Istoriche Di Antonio Allegri Detto Il Corregio, Volume 1 by Pungileoni, Luigi
Crescat Graffiti, Vita Excolatur: Confessions of the University of Chicago by Dombrowski, Quinn
Essai Historique Et Critique Sur l'Invention de l'Imprimerie by Paeile, Charles Louis Eusebe
The University Prints: Student Series D. Art of the Netherlands and Germany; Five Hundred Reproductions Illustrating the Flemish, Dutch, and by
The Umbrian Towns: Grant Allen's Historical Guide Books to the Principal Cities of Europe, Treating Concisely and Thoroughly of the Princ by Cruickshank, A. M., Cruickshank, J. W.
Supplément À La Collection Des Oeuvres by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
A Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, of the Most Noble the Marquess of Stafford, at Cleveland House, London: Containing an Etching of Every Pict by Sutherland, George Granville Leveson-Gow
Elementary Geography: Taught by Means of Pictures, Maps, Chars, Diagrams, Map Drawing and Blackboard Exercises by Monteith, James
Lettres d'Italie by Anonymous
Genesis Und Exodus Nach Der Milstäter Handschrift, Volumes 1-2 by Diemer, Joseph
The Renaissance in Italy, Volume 3 by Symonds, John Addington
Miniatures by Anonymous
The Relation of Art to Nature by Beatty, John Wesley
Opere Di Filippo Baldinucci, Volume 11 by Baldinucci, Filippo, Manni, Domenico Maria
Memorie Istoriche Di Più Uomini Illustri Pisani, Volume 2 by Fabroni, Angelo
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 49 by Anonymous
A Woman Preaching In A Man's World by Mason, Pastor Juanita
Eclectic Whispers: Volume I: the Menagerie by Smith, Karl Kevin
The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants Cultivated in British Gardens with Their History and Mode of Treatment by Edwards, Sydenham Teast, Lindley, John
de l'Origine Et Des Débuts de l'Imprimerie En Europe, Volume 2 by Bernard, Auguste
Textbuch Zu Den Kunsthistorischen Bilderbogen by Springer, Anton
Notes on the Principal Pictures in the Louvre Gallery at Paris: And in the Brera Gallery at Milan by Anonymous
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 49 by Anonymous
Musée de Peinture Et de Sculpture Ou Recueil Des Principaux Tableaux Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Collections Publiques Et Particulières de l'Europe, Vo by Anonymous
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal: Exhibiting a View of the Progressive Discoveries and Improvements in the Sciences and the Arts, Volume 17 by Anonymous
Postcolonial Identities in Patrick Neate's City of Tiny Lights by Brox, Rebekka
Mosaik Der Kunstgeschichte by Kinkel, Gottfried
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 4 by Anonymous
The Century of Queens: With Sketches of Some Princes of Literature and Art: Illustrated by Anonymous
Considerazioni Filosofiche Sull'odierna Riforma Dell'insegnamento Publico Della Pittura E Della Scultura by Soster, Bartolommeo
Early Drawing and Illuminations: An Introduction to the Study of Illustrated Manuscripts, with a Dictionary of Subjects in the British Museum by De Birch, Walter Gray
The Argosy, Volume 5 by Anonymous
Dizionario Degli Architetti, Scultori, Pittori, Intagliatori in Rame Ed in Pietra Coniatori AI Medaglie, Musaicisti, Niellatori, Intarsiatori: D'Ogni by Ticozzi, Stefano
Nouveau Voyage Topographique, Historique, Critique, Politique Et Moral En Italie, Fait En 1830... by Anonymous
L'Archéologie Égyptienne by Maspero, Gaston C.
Discorsi Parlamentari Di Agostino Depretis, Volume 4 by Depretis, Agostino
A Bibliography of Works Relating to Dunfermline and the West of Fife by Beveridge, Erskine
Ueber Das Alexandrinische Museum: Drei Bücher by Klippel, Georg Heinrich
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 23 by Anonymous
Dizionario Di Erudizione Storico-Ecclesiastica Da S. Pietro Sino AI Nostri Giorni ... by Anonymous
History of the United States of America: Under the Constitution [1783-1865]. by Anonymous
Géricault: Étude Biographique Et Critique, Avec Le Catalogue Raisonné de l'Oeuvre Du Maître by Anonymous
History of the United States of America, Volume 9 by Anonymous
Industrial Arts Index, Volume 4 by
Biblioteca Modenese, O, Notizie Della Vita E Delle Opere Degli Scrittori Natii Degli Stati del Serenissimo Signor Duca Di Modena: Salandi-Zuffi by Anonymous
Das Wesen Der Kunst: Grundzuge Einer Realistischen Kunstlehre, Volume 2 by Von Lange, Konrad
Documenti Illustrati by Ricci, Corrado
Théatre de Clara Gazul: Comédienne Espagnole, Suivi de la Jacquerie, Scènes Féodales, Et de la Famille Carvajal by Merimee, Prosper
Figuren; Geschichte, Leben Und Scenerie Aus Italien by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Iconographie Gottes Und Der Heiligen by Wessely, Joseph Edward
Viaggio Pittorico Della Toscana, Volume 5 by Fontani, Francesco
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini: A Florentine Artist by Cellini, Benvenuto
Memoirs, Including Original Journals, Letters, Papers, and Antiquarian Tracts, of the Late Charles Stothard... by Bray
Studi Storici, Volume 11 by Crivellucci, Amedeo
Le Rime Di Michelangelo Buonarroti, Pittore, Scultore E Architetto, Cavate Dagli Autografi E Pubblicate Da Cesare Guasti ... by Buonarroti, Michelangelo
The Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings: Or, Biographical Review, Volume 4 by Anonymous
Italienische Forschungen, Volume 2 by Von Rumohr, Carl Friedrich
Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Manual De Madrid by De Romanos, Ramon Mesonero
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 40 by Anonymous
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 48 by Anonymous
L Rtiste Et Le Philosophe: Entretiens Critiques Sur Le Salon de 1824 by Jal, Augustin
Histoire De L'art Grec Avant Périclès by Beulé, Charles Ernest
Musée de Peinture Et de Sculpture Ou Recueil Des Principaux Tableaux Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Collections Publiques Et Particulières de l'Europe, Vo by Anonymous
Musée de Peinture Et de Sculpture: Ou, Recueil Des Principaux Tableaux, Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Collections Publiques Et Particuliéres de l'Europe, by Anonymous
Histoire de la Vie Et Des Ouvrages Des Plus Célèbres Architectes Du XIE Siècle Jusqu'à La Fin Du Xviiie: Accompagnée de la Vue Du Plus Remarquable Édi by De Quincy, Quatremere
Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society, Volume 45 by
Essays and Sketches by Lamb, Mary, Lamb, Charles
Bibliografia Polska, Volume 13 by Estreicher, Karol Józef Teofil
Litauische Und Lettische Drucke Des 16. Jahrhunderts, Volumes 3-4 by Grunau, Simon, Vilentas, Baltramiejus
Dizionario Di Erudizione Storico-Ecclesiastica Da S. Pietro Sino AI Nostri Giorni ... by Anonymous
Handbuch Der Kunstgeschichte: Zum Gebrauche Für Künstler Und Studirende Und ALS Führer Auf Der Reise by Springer, Anton
Viaggio Pittorico Della Toscana, Volume 3 by Fontani, Francesco
Diarium Italicum: Sive, Monumentorum Veterum, Bibliothecarum, Musaeorum, &C. Notitiae Singulares in Itinerario Italico Collectae: Additi by de Montfaucon, Bernard
Catalogue of Books in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society: In Worcester, Massachusetts by
Tableau de l'État Physique Et Moral Des Ouvriers Employés Dans Les Manufactures de Coton, de Laine Et de Soie ... by Villerme, Louis Rene
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 34 by Anonymous
Cours d'Esthétique by Jouffroy, Theodore
Mercure de France, Part 2 by Anonymous
Le Roman Du Renart: Publié d'Après Les Manuscrits de la Bibliothéque Du Roi Des Xiije, Xive Et Xve Siècles by Gielee, Jacquemars
Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Der Kaiserlichen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Volume 157 by
Mémoires Du Cardinal de Retz: Contenant Ce Qui c'Est Passé de Remarquable En France Pendant Les Premières Années Du Regne de Louis XIV. by
Le Siècle Des Artevelde: Études Sur La Civilisation Morale Et Politique de la Flandre Et Du Brabant by Anonymous
Lenaus Frauengestalten by Ernst, Adolf Wilhelm
L'Iliade D'Hom Re, Volume 1 by Homer
Relazioni del Cardinal Bentivoglio by Bentivoglio, Guido
Storia Documentata Della Diplomazia Europea in Italia Dall'anno 1814 All'anno 1861, Volume 6 by Anonymous
La Gerusalemme Liberata Di Torquato Tasso, Volume 2 by Serassi, Pietro Antonio, Tasso, Torquato
Storia d'Italia: Continuata Da Quella del Guicciardini, Sino Al 1789, Volume 10 by Anonymous
Th Atre de Picard... by Picard, Louis Benoit
Italy, Volume 3 by Baedeker, Karl
The Library by
L'Italia Liberata Da' Goti, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Grundriss Der Kunstgeschichte, Volume 4 by Lubke, Wilhelm
Chrestomathia Pliniana by Von Urlichs, Ludwig, Pliny, Ludwig
Sitzungsberichte Der Kaiserlichen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse by
Dizionario Di Erudizione Storico-Ecclesiastica Da S. Pietro Sino AI Nostri Giorni ... by Anonymous
L'Art Et La Beauté: Kalliklès by Prat, Louis
Der Rhythmus Des Lebens Und Der Kunst: Zum Stile Einer Freien Menschheit by Fuchs, Richard
L'Iliade D'Hom Re: Traduite En Fran OIS Avec Des Remarques by Homer
P. P. Rubens: Aanteekeningen Over Den Grooten Meester En Zijne Bloedverwanten by Génard, Pierre
Umbrian Towns by Anonymous
Velasquez by Wilberforce, Wilfrid
Histoire De La Peinture Flamande Dupuis Ses Débuts Jusqu'en 1864, Volume 6 by Michiels, Alfred
Observations Sur l'Italie Et Sur Les Italiens: Données En 1764, Sous Le Nom de Deux Gentilshommes Suédois, Volume 3 by Tasso, Torquato, Grosley, Pierre Jean
Nature: International Journal of Science, Volume 5 by Lockyer, Norman
Bibliographie Lyonnaise by Baudrier, Henri Louis
Collections, Volume 9 by
Der Cicerone: Eine Anleitung Zum Genuss Der Kunstwerke Italiens, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Della Istoria d'Italia, Volume 3 by Guicciardini, Francesco
Le Mystagogue, Guide Général Du Musée Royal Bourbon by Quaranta, Bernardo
Die Medizin in Der Klassischen Malerei by Hollander, Eugen, Hollnder, Eugen
Bulletin by Anonymous
Le Roman Du Renart: Publié d'Après Les Manuscrits de la Bibliothéque Du Roi Des Xiije, Xive Et Xve Siècles by Gielee, Jacquemars
The Works in Verse and Prose, of William Shenstone ..., Volume 3 by Anonymous
Das Wesen Der Malerei by Unger, Manasse
Opere Di Filippo Baldinucci, Volume 5 by Baldinucci, Filippo
National Repository, Volume 4 by Anonymous
Dizionario Di Erudizione Storico-Ecclesiastica Da S. Pietro Sino AI Nostri Giorni ... by Anonymous
Annales Archéologiques, Volume 12 by Didron, Adolphe Napoléon, Didron, Edouard
La Vie Artistique, Volume 7 by Geffroy, Gustave
Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh ... by
Italien Und Die Italiener: Betrachtungen Und Studien Uber Die Politischen, Wirthschaftlichen Und Sozialen Zustande Italiens by Fischer, Paul David
Storia Della Pittura Italiana Esposta Coi Monumenti by Rosini, Giovanni
Précis d'Histoire de l'Art by Bayet, Charles
Opere Di Filippo Baldinucci, Volume 10 by Manni, Domenico Maria, Baldinucci, Filippo
Essai Sur Les Fresques de Raphaël Au Vatican: Loges by Gruyer, Francois-Anatole
La Pittura in Palermo Nel Rinascimento Storia E Documenti by Marzo, Gioacchino Di
Revised Catalogue, Department of Fine Arts, with Index of Exhibitors ... Department of Publicity and Promotion ... by Anonymous
L'italie: Études Historiques ... by Dantier, Alphonse
La Peinture: Des Origines Au Xvie Siècle by Hourticq, Louis
The Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings: Or, Biographical Review, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Mercure de France, Part 2 by Anonymous
Guerrero(Warrior) Book III by Bateman, William, Jr.
Les Dessinateurs d'Illustrations Au Dix-Huitième Siècle, Volume 2 by Portalis, Roger
Storia Dell'arte: Ad USA Delle Scuole E Delle Persone C Lte, Volume 1 by Natali, Giulio
Strangers: Tidal Erratics of Turnagain Arm by Gage, Hal
A Celebration of Light: Treasured Hanukkah Menorahs of Early Israel by Ha'tell, Aaron, Schwarz, Jessica
Flowers in the Louvre by Vingtrinier, Beatrice
Food in the Louvre by Pinard, Yves
Visions of Beauty II: Images of 12 Figure Models by Melton, Gary D.
Monito Hermoso: Collection Of Paintings by Cressy, Mike
The Decorative in Twentieth Century Art - A Story of Decline and Resurgence by Gaunt, Pamela
Die Faszination der Volksmythologie im frühen Werk Kandinskys by Petrova, Raliza
Composition and the Elements of Form by Melkus, Leonard, Jr.
An Analysis of the protagonist's journeys in Mohamed Choukri's "For Bread Alone" by Duhnkrack, Sophie
Blake Jorgenson Photography: Whistler British Columbia 1999-2009 by Jorgenson, Blake
All the World Is Anime by Ebihara, Isao
J.M. Coetzee - Novelist and Moralist: A Literary Mythologist in Quest of the Ethics of Otherness by Jahn, Claudia
Der "Lebensbrunnen" in Lissabon und das Spätwerk von Hans Holbein d.Ä. by Hense, Katharina
Mit spielerischen Mitteln Zugang zu "Harry Potter" in einer 5. Jahrgangsstufe finden: Planung, Durchführung und Analyse einer Unterrichtssequenz by Heyne, Kerstin
"Wir sprechen keine gemeinsame Sprache": Jürgen Fuchs und die Staatssicherheit by Heinemann, Anna-Maria
Aby Warburg (1866-1929) als Begründer der Ikonologie by Meyer, Rebecca Elisabeth
The Book of Art - The Story of Man's Artistic Achievement Through the Ages by Walters, E. W.
The Book of Art - The Story of Man's Artistic Achievement Through the Ages by Walters, E. W.
Brothers: Best Friends Growing Up by Smith, Benjamin Eric, Ramrattan Smith, Sherry
On the Theory and Practice of Art-Enamelling Upon Metals by Cunynghame, H. H.
Learning Mind: Experience Into Art by
On the Theory and Practice of Art-Enamelling Upon Metals by Cunynghame, H. H.
The Journey of Love: When Your Heart is Open the Possiblities Are Endless by McFadden, Justinah
Rarámuri: Freedom at Twilight: Memories from the Tarahumara by Maldonado Ortiz, Carlos
The Pineapple Daisy Recipe Book: Sensational Fruit Design to Delight Your Senses by Orist, Lindy, Abeyta, Zantia Archuleta
Artist Eugene J. Martin's 2003 Acrylic Paintings on Canvas, Part 1 by Fredericq, Suzanne
Travels with a Thin Skin: From New York to Paris, Greece, India, Last Stop the French Alps by Willard, Nedd
Liturgical Illuminations: Discovering Received Tradition in the Eastern Orthros of Feasts of the Theotokos by Kimball, Virginia M.
Nine Women Revealed: Intimate Revelations of Nine Real Women in Images and Words by Melton, Gary D.
Scarab Arts Annual by Ritz, Bridgett, Vato, Flannery Ericson, Treena
I Won't Sing If You Won't Dance by Lake, Dan, Gee, Lulu
Der Museumsshop als Schnittstelle von Konsum und Kultur: Kommerzialisierung der Kultur oder Kulturalisierung des Konsums? by Hampel, Annika
Thomas Gilcrease by
What Does Death Look Like? by Gross Lcsw Cmp, Donalyn
Willard Stone by Ramer, Randy, Klein, Carole, Roblin, Kimberly
Fünf Essays zu verschiedenen Bereichen der Literatur: Von Horaz bis Peter Handke by Sell, Udo
Ausgewählte Übungen zur Förderung kommunikativer Kompetenzen im Rahmen der Unterrichtsreihe "Ich-Du-Wir" in einer sechsten Klasse: Gesprächs- und Sozi by Saar-Tebati, Wibke
Zur "Wortgeographie der hochdeutschen Umgangssprache" von Paul Kretschmer (1866-1956) by Meyer, Rebecca Elisabeth
Wet Dreams by Morris, Tyree
"On the Twenty-Fourth Hour of My Day": An Anthology of Swan Songs from Michelangelo to Mapplethorpe by Ciofalo, John J.
The Forum Exhibition of Modern American Painters - March Thirteenth to March Twenty-Fifth, 1916 by Various
Japan, Its History, Arts, and Literature by Brinkley, Frank
Language Teaching Methodology in Bangladesh by Akter, MD Zahid
Red Letter Nights by Sammy Younan, Sammy Younan, Younan
Digitalfotografie by Grioni, Christian
The Higher Life In Art: A Series Of Lectures (1908) by La Farge, John
Southernnorthern Nights: A Cal-Texas Poets Prospectus of Perspicacious by Russell, Jeff Wayne-Patrick
Annals of the Carnegie Museum v14, 1922: The Birds Of The Santa Marta Region Of Colombia, A Study In Altitudinal Distribution (1922) by Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde, Carriker, Melbourne Armstrong, Jr.
The Meadville Portfolio V1 (1894) by
Pet's Picture Posies (1880) by Barker, Lucy D. Sale
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