• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2011

Garrick's Looking Glass: Or, the Art of Rising on the Stage; A Poem, in Three Cantos, Decorated with Dramatic Characters. by the Author of **** by Garrick, David
A Pathognomy of Performance by Bayly, S.
Curating Difficult Knowledge: Violent Pasts in Public Places by
Children and Their Art: Art Education for Elementary and Middle Schools by Day, Michael, Hurwitz, Al
Letters on Landscape, Paintings (1855): Asher B. Durand by Gallati, Barbara Dayer
Russian Silver in America: Surviving the Melting Pot by Odom, Anne
Light Designs by Simpson, Cecil
Colour and Light: Materials for a Theory of Colour and Light by Bachmann, Ulrich
Ballet of Violence by Gerlach, Monte
Moments of Reflection Washington, DC and Durham, NC by Brown, Norvell, Jr.
You Can Draw in 30 Days: The Fun, Easy Way to Learn to Draw in One Month or Less by Kistler, Mark
From My Heart to Yours - God the Father: God's Heart as Our Father to Our Hearts as His Children by McCoy, Penny
The Lord's Unfailing Love by Wagner, Joyce
Digital photography for science (hardcover) by Savazzi, Enrico
Unlocking the Fretboard & The Art of Fingering by Pellegrin, Harry George
Poems From Below Vol. 1&2 by F, Charley
Photorealism: You Can Do It by Michetti, Joseph
Design and Crime (and Other Diatribes) by Foster, Hal
Watercolor Made Easy by Olsen, Herd
Paper Sculpture by Anon
Colour and Colour Theories by Ladd-Franklin, Christine
Making Color Sing: Practical Lessons in Color and Design by Dobie, Jeanne
Crossroads - 3 paths to Nature by Bloom, Minerva, Glass, Gary, Berndt, Markos
National Identity in Global Cinema: How Movies Explain the World by Celli, C.
The Prairie - A Photographic Introduction to the Midwest Prairie by Breitberg, Pamela
Fleeing Ohio by Nichols, William
Afrikanisches Kino - Filmanalyse "Les Saignantes" von Jean - Pierre Bekolo Obama by Sowa, Miriam
Phoenix and Dragon: Escape from Vie T Nam Gaining Freedom Maintaining Asian Core Values by Le, Thu
Phoenix and Dragon: Escape from Vie T Nam Gaining Freedom Maintaining Asian Core Values by Le, Thu
Left Field Strikes Back!: The Third Onslaught of Cartoons by Halford, Randy
Die Münzen Von Pergamon by Fritze, Hans Von
The Museum Experience by Falk, John H., Dierking, Lynn D.
Sacred Modern: Faith, Activism, and Aesthetics in the Menil Collection by Smart, Pamela G.
Artistic Judgement: A Framework for Philosophical Aesthetics by McFee, Graham
Singapore Sketchbook by Liu, Gretchen
Vintage Ornaments & Cultural Patterns, Volume One by Laidig, Tony
Anselm Feuerbach (1829 - 1880) - Eine Werkbiographie by Kupper, Daniel
Constantin Brâncusi: Materie und Konzept by Papailiou, Lena
Wannababies: Birth Pangs by San Miguel, Mark
Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain by Cere, Rinella, Brunt, Rosalind
Entwicklung und Bruch - Wladimir Tatlin (1885 - 1953): Wladimir Tatlin - ein Künstler des Konstruktivismus am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in Russland by Boszko, Anna
Tom Thomson: Artist of the North by Larsen, Wayne
How to Read Greek Vases by Mertens, Joan R.
Santería Garments and Altars: Speaking Without a Voice by Evanchuk, Roberta J., Flores-Peña, Ysamur
Stiffmag 5 by Trotter, D. Shane
Acid Sugar Cane by Bell, Tisean M.
Sir Joshua Reynolds: Selbstporträt mit der Büste Michelangelos by Nickel, Claudia
The Cambridge Companion to Titian by
Acid Sugar Cane by Bell, Tisean M.
R.E.S.E.T by F, Charley
Dada's Manifestos and Peter Bürger's Theory of the Avant-garde by Hompes, Marco
The Extraordinary Guide to Basic Digital Imaging -2nd Edition by Perlman, Alan
Visions of Eros: A Midwest Perspective by Ritz, Bridgett
River Art: Susquehanna International Fine Art Competition - 2010 by Wertheimer, Baron
ARMENIA'S FRESCOES FROM URARTU AND CILICIA TO THE 21st CENTURY. 7000 Years of Art Treasures by De Lafayette, Maximillien
Josiah Freeman,: Nantucket Photographer by Rabetz, Walter And Marilyn
So You want to be Financially Free? by O'Malley, Owen
Leggo of the String... by Azizi, Kamran
Healing From Schizophrenia by Govers, Lia
Jared Weiss: The Slow Death of the Instant by Weiss, Jared
Vintage Ornaments and Cultural Patterns, Volume Two: Vintage Chinese and Japanese Ornaments by Laidig, Tony
Revelation and Trinity: The Formative Influence of the Revelation of the Triune God in Calvin's 1559 Institutes and Barth's Church Dogmatics by Lee, Sang-Hwan
Revelation and Trinity: The Formative Influence of the Revelation of the Triune God in Calvin's 1559 Institutes and Barth's Church Dogmatics by Lee, Sang-Hwan
Polinearism by Herrera, Pol S.
Figure Drawing From Life: Tools, Techniques, and Tricks by Dimaria, Donelli J. and Diane M.
Vitality Tattoo Volume III: Tattoo art by Shannon Schober by Schober, Shannon P.
Wish You Were Here by Bradford, Paul
Kimbop by Shin, Jongmin
Charley Independents: No Soul for Sale by
Monumentalism: History and National Identity in Contemporary Art by
Tinlhèlò, Interweaving Art and Mathematics: Colourful Basket Trays from the south of Mozambique by Gerdes, Paulus
Marcel Duchamp and the Forestay Waterfall by
The Art of Hand-Built Pottery: One Child's Creativity by Rosa Ma, Osanna Kazezian -.
String Concerto No.3 Full Score and Parts by Dubiell de Zarraga Lago
Some Notes on the Bibliography of the Philippines by Middleton, Thomas Cooke
Japanese Prints by Fletcher, John Gould
Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. [With Plates.] by Catlin, George
Catalogue of a Collection of Oriental Porcelain and Pottery by Franks, Augustus Wollaston
Great Lakes - Great Quilts by MacDowell, Marsha
Garden-Inspired Quilts by Wells, Jean
Flowering Favorites from Piece O' Cake D by Goldsmith, Becky
Key Chess Puzzles: Sacrificial Chess by Richey, Robert J.
Good Enough: Discovering the Secret of Your True Identity by Coffman, Harry E.
Human Anatomy: A Visual History from the Renaissance to the Digital Age by Ackerman, Michael J., Rifkin, Benjamin A.
Twentieth-Century Egyptian Art: The Private Collection of Sherwet Shafei by Abaza, Mona
Search for the Native American Purebloods by Wilson, Charles Banks
Mirrors of Memory: Culture, Politics, and Time in Paris and Tokyo by White, James W.
Good Enough: Discovering the Secret of Your True Identity by Coffman, Harry E.
Drawing the Dragon by Adams, April
Hide & seek: Self-xplanatory 1993-1998 by Rose, Robert
PORTRAITS and other Paintings by Johnstone, Ray
It Must Be... (a Grand Canyon trip): Drawings and Thoughts from a winter trip from Lee's Ferry to Diamond Creek (December 19, 2010 - January 2, 2011) by Barnes, Scott P.
Ragged Individualism: America in the Political Drama of the 1930s by Sami, Gholamreza
String Concierto No.1 by De Zarraga Lago, Dubiell, de Zarraga Lago Mr Dubiell
Weatherspoon Art Museum: 70 Years of Collecting by Doll, Nancy M.
A Flash of Recognition by Gerlach, Monte
Chain and Bead Jewelry: Soldering Connections by Plumlee, Scott David
Legend of the Blue Wings by Williscroft, Dawn
Legend of the Blue Wings by Williscroft, Dawn
Das "Mahnmal gegen Faschismus, Krieg, Gewalt - für Frieden und Menschenrechte" von Esther Shalev-Gerz und Jochen Gerz by Seipelt, Jana
Arts Education and the Innovation Economy: Ensuring America's Success in the 21st Century by Eger, John M.
Movement and Dance in Young Children's Lives; Crossing the Divide by Sansom, Adrienne N.
"The "Rachel Joy Scott" Laughter Years"--Poetry Book: "Columbine's "Valentine" by Little, Terrence George
Adventures of a Rock Photographer by Gowdy, Vernon, III
Historical Dictionary of Neoclassical Art and Architecture by Palmer, Allison Lee
Wie eine Perle im Ozean by Lerch, Wolfgang Günter
El Viaje de Jerusalen by Guerrero, Francisco
Kunsttherapie und Dialogisches Malen by Koller, Jacqueline
The Horizon: A History of Our Infinite Longing by Maleuvre, Didier
Art of Coppersmithing: A Practical Treatise on Working Sheet Copper into All Forms by Fuller, John
Industry in Art: Pittsburgh, 1812 to 1920 by Youngner, Rina
Die kindliche Wahrnehmung und die Möglichkeit der Kunstrezeption in der Grundschule by Krakor, Anna
Out of Time: Desire in Atemporal Cinema by McGowan, Todd
Arte russa in Italia: Nuove scoperte dalle collezioni Abamelek-Lazarev e Demidoff by Stoyanova, Magdelena
Grandville's Animals Postcards by Dover
Structure and Cognition in Art by Washburn, Dorothy K.
The Wild Bull and the Sacred Forest: Form, Meaning, and Change in Senegambian Initiation Masks by Mark, Peter
The Lewis Collection of Gems and Rings in the Possession of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: With an Introductory Essay on Ancient Gems by Middleton, J. Henry
Italian Culture in Northern Europe in the Eighteenth Century by
mosaicos by Jardón, Marcela
Animal Carvings in British Churches by Anderson, M. D., Anderson, Mary Dsire
Nicola Pisano and the Revival of Sculpture in Italy by Crichton, G. H., Crichton, E. R., Crichton, George Henderson
The Medieval Carver by Constable, W. G., Anderson, Mary Dsire, Anderson, M. D.
Woodcuts and Engravings by Albert D Rer: Collected and Described by T.D. Barlow by Drer, Albrecht
The Canterbury School of Illumination 1066 1200 by Dodwell, C. R., Dodwell
Michael Buthe - Das Kaleidoskop des Zauberhaften by Sosseh, Marina
Summer Raindrops by White, Jeanne
Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. [With plates.] by Catlin, George
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh by Henry, Merits
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh by Henry, Merits
Secret Life by Garofalo, James
Volume 2: Armenian Painters and Art from the Medieval Age and Diaspora to the Present by De Lafayette, Maximillien
iT felt Like A kiss: glimpses of art in the Mission District of San Francisco by Prasad Prasad, Leena, Prasad, Leena
Barnes Rune 2012: (Decoding The Mysteries of Pennsylvania's Barnes Foundation, A Special American Place) by Feudale, R. Ralph
Nexus Network Journal 12,3: Architecture and Mathematics by
Salvador Dali - Die Beständigkeit der Erinnerung by Näder, Laura
Analyse, Entstehungsgeschichte und Interpretationsansätze zu Claude Monets "Le Déjeuner sur l´herbe" by Näder, Laura
Fred Martin, From Paintings and Notes 2010 by Martin, Fred
Technique, Scale, and Rhythm Supplement by Dickenson, J. Andrew
Minimum Wage / Maximum Score by Novelo, Txema
Social Works: Performing Art, Supporting Publics by Jackson, Shannon
Social Works: Performing Art, Supporting Publics by Jackson, Shannon
A Noble Pursuit: English Silver from the Rita Gans Collection at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Volume 2 by Hartop, Christopher
Look at This Family by Tang, Lilly Ed
The World Would Be A Better Place If... by Mrs McAuley's 1st Grade Class 2010-11
Anatomy of a Dada Mind - Drawings, Writings, Sculptures by Ernst, Rudy
Albrecht Dürer: "Selbstbildnis um 1500" by Koller, Jacqueline
Must Have Been Those Butterflies: a Collaboration of Lust, Infatuation, and Love Inspired Poems with Photo Art by Cavaluzzi, Nicole
Must Have Been Those Butterflies: a Collaboration of Lust, Infatuation, and Love Inspired Poems with Photo Art by Cavaluzzi, Nicole
Aviation Photography: A Pictorial Guide by O'Rear, James
Art as Politics: The Future of Art and Community by Krause, Adam Michael
The Dream Singer by Rogan, D. F. J.
La posición social del artista en el Renacimiento italiano by Baura, Eduardo
Jane Austen's Anglicanism by White, Laura Mooneyham
Are 41 Creators from the New Madrid Scene Mistaken? [With DVD] by Abreu, Daniel, Acevedo, Teresa, Alonso, Elena
Monographien Zur Deutschen Kulturgeschichte, Herausgegeben Von G. Steinhausen. by Steinhausen, Georg
Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters During an Excursion in Italy in ... 1802 and 1803. by Forsyth, Joseph
Italian and Other Studies. by Hueffer, Francis
Early Art Of The Northern Far East: The Stone Age by U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Sex in Art: Pornography and Pleasure in the History of Art by Hughes, Cassidy
Let Us Face the Future: Art Britanic 1945-1968 by
The Foreign Service Traveler by Rivera, James
Basque Aspen Art of the Sierra Nevada by Earl, Jean Moore, Earl, Phillip
Extra/Ordinary: Craft and Contemporary Art by
Die Falte bei Bernini by Koller, Jacqueline
Rapsodia En C Major by De Zarraga Lago, Dubiell a., de Zarraga Lago Dubiell a
Ten Consolations by De Zarraga Lago, Dubiell
Morals and Regulation [Paperback] by Williams, Tim S.
The Windows of Your Mind by Dunlap, Freddie Watson
The Windows of your Mind by Dunlap, Freddie Watson
Art In Odd Places: Sign by Subramaniam, Radhika, Woodham, Ed, Donnelly, Erin
Rudimentary Treatise On The Art Of Painting On Glass, Or Glass-Staining by Gessert, M. A.
Aleksander Rodtschenko - Fotografie: "Das Neue sehen" by Mühlenbeck, Verena
Klara Tamas' Art by Tamas, Klara
Mfab Catalog 2011-2012 by Ludden, Ken
Echte Bauern - Der soziologische Dokumentarfilm by Kaiser-Mühlecker, Markus
Sharing the Maskmaking Journey: A Faces of Your Soul Teacher's Manual by Ching, Kaleo, Ching, Elise Dirlam
China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth to Early Nineteenth Century by
Blizzards of Thought: Book Of Reflection by Garcia, Eric R.
Blizzards of Thought: Book Of Reflection by Garcia, Eric R.
The Adventures of Fishkins and Pepperjacket by Nightingale, Clare Theresa
Mixed Realities by Blaus, Markus
Morante de la Puebla - Torero: Mito - Tradición - Pasión by Gorges, Torodora
Verbale und nonverbale Aspekte der Kommunikation by Kalderon, Eliza
Big Book of Boobs: Special Anniversary Edition by Sigrist, Martin
Erotic Sessions by Dahmane
"Stalker" von A. Tarkowskij - eine biografische, politische, ästhetische, poetologische und geschichtliche Hinführung zur Gedankenwelt Andrej Tarkowsk by Ehsan, Sara
Die Ausstellung romanischer Bauskulptur: Zu den Raumkonzeptionen in Bad Wimpfen und Basel und zur Auswahl verschiedener Ausstellungskataloge by Hilbig, Nicole
Outlines of Analogical Philosophy by Field, George
Egypt's Culture Wars: Politics and Practice by Mehrez, Samia
La historia cubana en Africa by Perez Cabrera, Ramón
The visual brand identity of Yves Saint Laurent by Meijer, Maylita
A Guide to Drawing, Concise Edition by Faber, David, Mendelowitz, Daniel
Das künstlerische Projekt als mögliche Antwort auf die Kompetenzforderungen des Bildungsplans? by Armbrust, Jasmin
Freelancing in Naples by Hurley, J. Hayes
Wilhelm von Humboldt - Wie ist der Zusammenhang von Sprache, Denken und Wirklichkeit? by Elstner, Anja
The Whimsical Alphabet Garden by Weikert, Vonda
Art Therapy Research in Practice by
Adventures of a Rock Photographer - 2 by Gowdy, Vernon, III
Art and the City: Civic Imagination and Cultural Authority in Los Angeles by Schrank, Sarah
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