• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2012

Jeremias Falck, Sein Leben Und Seine Werke: Mit Vollstandigem Alphabetischen Und Chronologischen Register Sammtlicher Blatter, Sowie Reproductionen Na by Block, J. C.
Opere Di Antonio Raffaello Mengs Primo Pittore Della Maestra Di Carlo III, Re Di Spagna, EC. EC. EC... by Mengs, Anton Raphael
Kunstkritische Studien Uber Italienische Malerei: Die Galerien Zu Munchen Und Dresden... by Morelli, Giovanni
Opere Di Filippo Baldinucci: Notizie de'Professori del Disegno Da Cimabue in Qua... by Baldinucci, Filippo
Meisterwerke Der Malerei: Wiener Galerien, Part 1... by Kronfeld, A.
Laokoon, Oder Uber Die Grengen Der Mahlerey Und Poesie: Mit Beylaufigen Erlauterungen Verschiedener Punkte Der Alten Kunstgeschichte... by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Kleine Schriften Biographischen, Literatur- Und Kunstgeschichtlichen Inhalts... by Strauss, David Friedrich
Laokoon: Oder Uber Die Grenzen Der Malerei Und Poesie: Mit Beilaufigen Erlauterungen Verschiedener Puncte Der Alten Kunstgeschi by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Kleine Mythologie Der Griechen Und Romer... by Seemann, Otto
Kunstgeschichte Der Stadt Wirzburg... by Niedermayer, Andreas
Opere Di Filippo Baldinucci: Notizie de'Professori del Disegno Da Cimabue in Qua... by Baldinucci, Filippo
Performance, Politics, and the War on Terror: 'Whatever It Takes' by Brady, Sara
Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance by
The Wanton Green: Contemporary Pagan Writings on Place by
Outrage: Art, Controversy, and Society by
Mapping Cultures: Place, Practice, Performance by
Arte y oficio del director teatral en América Latina by Geirola, Gustavo
God & Co: Francois Dallegret Beyond the Bubble by
Sterling Clark in China by Loughman, Thomas J.
Durer: Geschichte Seines Lebens Und Seiner Kunst, Volume 1... by Thausing, Moritz
Laocoon... by L?vy, B., Levy, B., Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Linguistisch-Historische Forschungen Zur Handelsgeschichte Und Warenkunde... by Schrader, Otto
Jacopo Della Quercia: Eine Kunsthistorische Studie... by Cornelius, Carl
A Capella de S. Joao Baptista: Erecta Na Egreja de S. Roque, Fundacao Da Companhia de Jesus E Hoje Pertencente a Santa Casa Da Misericordia... by Viterbo, Sousa
Draw It with Your Eyes Closed: The Art of the Art Assignment by
Deutsche Literaturgeschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts by Kummer, Friedrich
Chris Vicini Ett I Fucking Arcadia Ego by Vicini, Chris
David Hockney: A Yorkshire Sketchbook by
Sunrise: Flashes from Ludas-To by Ubornyak, Katalin
Creativity a Handbook for Visual Artists by Sansom, Jonathan
ACTA Historiae Neerlandicae IX: Studies on the History of the Netherlands by Balthazar, H., Dijk, H. Van, Baetens, R.
Don't Ask for the Mona Lisa by Yeates, Amelia, Birchall, Heather
Teaching Creativity: Multi-Mode Transitional Practices by Pigrum, Derek
Symbolism in Nineteenth-Century Ballet: "Giselle", "Coppélia", "The Sleeping Beauty" and "Swan Lake" by Fleming-Markarian, Margaret
Hallowed, be His Named.: The Biggest Book for this World to be known by Bishop, Doctor
Cecil Touchon - Catalog of Works - 2011 by Touchon, Cecil
Art, Myth and Society in Hegel's Aesthetics by James, David
Kyma and the SumOfSines Disco Club by Stolet, Jeffrey
The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts by
Die Kunst Der Jahrhunderte by Kisa, Anton
Über fremde Einflüsse in der chinesischen Kunst by Hirth, Friedrich
Leonardo da Vinci by Knapp, Fritz
ACTA Historiae Neerlandicae/Studies on the History of the Netherlands VIII by Soly, H., Stuijvenberg, J. H. Van, Dekker, C.
ACTA Historiae Neerlandicae: Studies on the History of the Netherlands VII by Poelhekke, J. J., Prevenier, W., Uytven, R. Van
ACTA Historiae Neerlandicae/Studies on the History of the Netherlands VI by Kossman, E. H., Brulez, W., Koch, A. C. F.
Makamlar by Bilgin, Yasir
Imagination, Philosophy and the Arts by
The Cambridge Companion to Australian Art by
Art of the Dragon: The Definitive Collection of Contemporary Dragon Paintings by Wilshire, Patrick, Spurlock, J. David
Koretsky: The Soviet Photo Poster: 1930-1984 by
Art of the Dragon: The Definitive Collection of Contemporary Dragon Paintings by Spurlock, J. David, Wilshire, Patrick
Rumanian Folk Music: Texts by Bartok, Bela
Die Kunst des Mittelalters by Lübke, Wilhelm
Palabras Pensadas by Gallardo C., Mauricio
Marktchancen für ein Krabat-Musical in der Lausitz: Marktanalyse und Bewertung von Erfolgschancen für ein Open Air Musical in der Lausitz by Brezan, Beno
His Most Exquisite Elaborations by Mundinger, Johannes, Addison, Karl
The Bunga Telur....a Personal Journey by B. Bot
Art and Intention / L'oeuvre d'art et ses intentions by Pignocchi, Alessandro
Lee Hammond's Big Book of Acrylic Painting: Fast, Easy Techniques for Painting Your Favorite Subjects by Hammond, Lee
Südseekunst by Stephan, Emil
Transforming Education through the Arts by Vaughan, Tanya, Caldwell, Brian
Building Museums: A Handbook for Small and Midsize Organizations by Herskovitz, Robert, Glines, Timothy, Grabitske, David
Into the wind, chasing my shadow by Ypeij, Judith
Legacy by DuBois, Bea
Sketch: Karim: Artworks of Karim Rashid by Rashid, Karim
Fragments: Architecture of the Holocaust: An Artist's Journey Through the Camps by
Lady Chatterley's Lover - The Musical - The Complete Vocal Score and Script by Andrews, Ross
Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths by Junker, Klaus
Ladies A Plate by Jennings, Sherril
How to Draw NeoPopRealism Advanced Abstract Images: : Ink Backgrounds by Russ, Nadia
La Battaglia Di Benevento: Storia Del Secolo Xiii, Volumes 1-2... by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
Images Beyond Imagination: {the soul of poetry} by Lafferty, Gregory Patrick
Musée Des Monumens Français Ou Description Historique Et Chronologique Des Statues En Marbre Et En Bronze, Bas-reliefs Et Tombeaux Des Hommes Et Des F by Lenoir, Alexandre
A Collection of Fretwork Patterns by Anon
The Art History of the World: Part 1 by Haynes, Sibyl
"Don't Play With Your Food" by Pattisall, Adam
Everything is Okay So Far by Pan, Emily
A Description of the Collection of Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum: With Engravings... by Combe, Taylor
C.K. is DEAD by Kent, Chris
Geschichte des Kupferstichs by Frantz, A.
Michelangelo by Knackfuß, Hubert
Ergonomic Guitar Technique - Second Edition by Zelmerloow, Joakim
Mémoires De L'académie Royale Des Sciences: Des Lettres Et Des Beaux-arts De Belgique. Tome Ier-liv, [1789-1904].... by
Notizie Di Medici, Maestri Di Musica E Cantori, Pittori, Architetti, Scultori Ed Altri Artisti Italiani in Polonia E Polacchi in Italia: Con Appendice by Ciampi, Sebastiano
A God Desperate to Be Loved: a poetic - artistic spiritual journey by Graves, Ed
A God Desperate to Be Loved: a poetic - artistic spiritual journey by Graves, Ed
Grundzüge der Kunstgeschichte by Springer, Anton
Moments in Time by Worsley, Alva
Nouveau Manuel Complet de La Bonne Compagnie Ou Guide de La Politesse de La Bienseance... by Celnart, Elisabeth
Nouveau Manuel Complet de Typographie Contenant Les Principes Theoriques Et Pratiques de CET Art... by Frey, A.
Memoires de L'Academie Royale Des Sciences: Des Lettres Et Des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Tome Ier-LIV, [1789-1904].... by
Sometimes I Paint: Paintings by Cecil Moody by Moody, Cecil
Ecce Homo: The Male-Body-in-Pain as Redemptive Figure by Brintnall, Kent L.
Die Kunst in Der Gesellschaft by Müller-Jentsch, Walther
one befour: a debating book by Keddie, Graham
Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths by Junker, Klaus
Memorie Politiche Di Felice Orsini... by Orsini, Felice
The Inspiration Book by The Inspiration Book
Annales Du Musee Et de L'Ecole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, Contenant La Collection Complete Des Peintures Et Sculptures Du M by Landon, Charles Paul
Annales Du Musee Et de l'Ecole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, Contenant La Collection Complete Des Peintures Et Sculptures Du M by Landon, Charles Paul
Samuel F. B. Morse by Staiti, Paul J.
A Bibliography of Salon Criticism in Second Empire Paris by Parsons, Christopher, Ward, Martha
Beauty Beyond the Surface by Delis, Pilar
Yarn Bombing 18th Street by Arda Kosar, Arzu
Confraternities and the Visual Arts in Renaissance Italy: Ritual, Spectacle, Image by Wisch, Barbara, Ahl, Diane Cole
Annales Du Musee Et de L'Ecole Moderne Des Beaux-Arts: Recueil de Gravures Au Trait, D'Apres Les Principaux Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Ou Projet by Landon, Charles Paul
Le Peintre-graveur, Volumes 3-4... by Duchesne, Jean, Passavant, Johann David
Du möchtest also finanziell frei sein? by O'Malley, Owen
Abstractions by Cattin, Jean-Paul
New York Abstract by Cattin, Jean-Paul
Music and Theology in Nineteenth-Century Britain by
Wives, Widows, Mistresses, and Nuns in Early Modern Italy: Making the Invisible Visible through Art and Patronage by
The Look of Love: Eye Miniatures from the Skier Collection by Boettcher, Graham C.
The Altar Shields by Parke, Solitaire
Fantasy Art by Assemes, Mathew
Monet in Giverny: Landscapes of Reflection by
Voices of October: Portraits of Modern Halloween by Counelis, Paul
Annales Du Musée Et De L'école Moderne Des Beaux-arts ...... by Landon, Charles Paul
Annales Du Musée Et De L'êcole Moderne Des Beaux-arts: Recueil De Gravures Au Trait, D'après Les Principaux Ouvrages De Peinture, Sculpture, Ou Projet by Landon, Charles Paul
Dead Lines: Death in Art, Media, Everyday by
Geschichte Der Kunst Aller Zeiten Und Volker: Bd. Die Kunst Der VOR- Und Ausserchristlichen Volker... by Woermann, Karl
Ars Viva 11, 12: Language by
Structura2: The Art of Sparth by Sparth
Intuition/(Im)Precision by
L'Art de Peindre: Poème Avec Des Réflexions Sur Les Différentes Parties de la Peinture... by Watelet, Claude-Henri
Concept Action Language: Pop Art, Fluxus and Concept Art from the Collections Hahn and Ludwig by
Structura2: The Art of Sparth by Sparth
All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist by Vankin Et Al
Sal Mo by Strong, Craig
Muntadas: Entre/Between by
The Embodied Eye: Religious Visual Culture and the Social Life of Feeling by Morgan, David
History of the Press of Western New York. by Follett, Frederick
iona rozeal brown: afro-asiatic allegory by Weaver, A. M., Isaacs, J. Susan
Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit by
The Embodied Eye: Religious Visual Culture and the Social Life of Feeling by Morgan, David
Tips for Selecting Your Ideal Spouse by Abdulkadir, Evarah
The Hand-Book of Artillery. by Roberts, Joseph
Monumenti Antichi Inediti Posseduti Da Raffaele Barone... by Minervini, Giulio
Rassegna Bibliografica Dell'arte Italiana... by Calzini, Egidio
Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin, Volumes 7-8... by Garden, Missouri Botanical
Exhibition of the Royal Academy, Volumes 138-139... by
The Typographical Gazetteer. by Cotton, Henry
Rassegna Bibliografica Dell'arte Italiana... by Calzini, Egidio
Beauties of the Bible: Being a Selection from the Old and New Testaments, with Various Remarks and Brief Dissertations: Designed for the Use by Sampson, Ezra
Histoire De La Peinture Flamande Depuis Ses Débuts Jusqu'en 1864 ...... by Michiels, Alfred
Praxiteles... by Klein, Wilhelm
Eric Gill: Nuptial of God by Hoyland, Anthony
Eric Gill: Nuptials of God by Hoyland, Anthony
The Last Goodbye by Hofmann, Edith
Art Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Adventures in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Paper, and Mixed Media-For Budding Artists of All Ages by Schwake, Susan
Kaeru-An Zenga by Stevens, John, Hess, Felix
Catalogue Et Description Des Objets D'art...exposés Au Musée Des Thermes Et De L'hôtel De Cluny... by Sommerard, Edmond Du
Musée Des Monumens Français Ou Description Historique Et Chronologique Des Statues En Marbre Et En Bronze, Bas-reliefs Et Tombeaux Des Hommes Et Des F by Lenoir, Alexandre
ESG The Praying Machine by Novelo, Txema
Das Leben Michelangelos by Grimm, Herman
Wolf Rainbow Medicine Healing Cards by Baker, Rcih Crystalwolfe
Transkulturelle Kunsttherapie: Heimat, Migration und Fremde - Relevanzen für kunsttherapeutisches Handeln by Klöss-Fleischmann, Axel
Life Images Blue Volume by Clarke, Robert P.
Origines De L'imprimerie A Albi En Languedoc, 1480-1484: Les Pérégrinations De J. Neumeister Compagnon De Gutenberg En Allemagne, En Italie Et En Fran by Claudin, Anatole
Opere Di Filippo Baldinucci: Notizie De'professori Del Disegno Da Cimabue In Qua... by Baldinucci, Filippo
Greengate Farm 2011/12 by Hamilton, Hugh
Mantova by Height, Hannibal
Pop Art - R.B. Kitaj, Peter Phillips und Derek Boshier unter den Kriterien der Pop Art - Ikonographie by Piontek, Carolin
Companion to Spanish Colonial Art at the Denver Art Museum by Pierce, Donna
Études Sur l'Histoire de l'Art, Volume 4... by Vitet, Louis
Klassic Koalas: The Koala Museum of Modern Art Catalogue by Margulies, Nancy, Ehrich, Joanne
Alexandre Lenoir, Son Journal Et Le Musee Des Monuments Francais... by Courajod, Louis Charles Jean, Lenoir, Alexandre
50 Schlüsselideen Der Menschheit by Dupré, Ben
Fritz Cremer - Eine feministisch-kritische Untersuchung: Die weiblichen Aktplastiken als Idealtypus der Frau in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik? by Minor, Lisa
Explication Des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Architecture, Gravure, Et Lithographie Des Artistes Vivants Exposés Au Grand Palais Des Champs-Élysée by
Mémoires De L'académie Royale Des Sciences: Des Lettres Et Des Beaux-arts De Belgique. Tome Ier-liv, [1789-1904].... by
The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 65 and 77 SLT Cameras B&W Edition Volume I by Friedman, Gary
Lettere Senesi Di Un Socio Dell' Accademia Di Fossano Sopra Le Belle Arti, Volume 2... by Valle, Guglielmo Della
The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 65 and 77 SLT Cameras B&W Edition Volume II by Friedman, Gary
Giacomo Dina E l'Opera Sua Nelle Vicende del Risorgimento Italiano: Dalla Guerra del 1848 Alla Morte Di Cavour. 1896... by Chiala, Luigi
Guide De La Galerie Royale Du Palais Pitti... by Chiavacci, Egisto
Kunstgeschichte Des Xix Jahrhunderts, Volume 2... by Schmid, Max
Griechische Kunstmythologie: Bd., 2. Buch: Hera. 3. Buch: Poseidon. 4. Buch: Demeter Und Kora... by Overbeck, Johannes Adolf
Kleine Schriften Und Studien Zur Kunstgeschichte: Mit Illustrationen Und Andern Artistischen Beilagen... by Kugler, Franz
Dennis Woutersen Roux by Roux, Clive
Werner Braun - ...und die Sektmafia by Schindler, Daniel
Just My Thoughts by Conover, D'Ante D.
The Peripatetic School: Itinerant Drawing from Latin America by
Athens by Height, Hannibal
Lectures On The History And Principles Of Painting, Volume 2... by Phillips, Thomas
Mémoires Pour L'histoire Des Sciences & Des Beaux Arts. Jan. /févr. 1701-avril 1718... by Anonymous
Dance for A Harvest by Poirier, Minister Lucie
Die künstlerische Kultur des Abendlandes by Knapp, Fritz
Harry Barry Brown by Ross, Barbaralee
Dance for A Harvest by Poirier, Minister Lucie
Music Note-Book: not for the faint of heart. by Name Works Press
Steampunk Tarot Pocket Companion by Drengsen, Charissa Lynn
A General System of Horsemanship by Cavendish, William
Tesoros de Mexico: Sucesos Ineditos y Aventuras Ilustradas by Agraz Sandoval, Jos Antonio, P. Rez Nieto, Victor Hugo, Agraz Sandoval, Jose Antonio
Tesoros de Mexico: Sucesos Ineditos y Aventuras Ilustradas by Agraz Sandoval, Jos Antonio, P. Rez Nieto, Victor Hugo, Agraz Sandoval, Jose Antonio
Painters And Their Works: Sabbatini-zyl. Appendixes... by James, Ralph N.
Palmyra by Norrby, Sören
My Love for Black and White by Walker, Tawana
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