• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2014

Mailer's America by Wenke, Joe
Parmigianino's Madonna of the Long Neck: A Grace Beyond the Reach of Art, Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 269) by Olszewski, Edward J.
100 Illustrators, 2 Vol. by
Heritage Crime: Progress, Prospects and Prevention by Thomas, Suzie, Grove, Louise
Performing Objects and Theatrical Things by Schweitzer, Marlis, Zerdy, Joanne
Indian Modern Dance, Feminism and Transnationalism by Purkayastha, Prarthana
Performing Cities by
Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance by Woycicki, P.
Performance, Madness and Psychiatry: Isolated Acts by
Cyber Ireland: Text, Image, Culture by Lynch, C.
Choreographic Dwellings: Practising Place by
Hollywood Remakes, Deleuze and the Grandfather Paradox by Varndell, D.
Captured: The Animal Within Culture by
Adorno and Performance by
Suffering Art Gladly: The Paradox of Negative Emotion in Art by Levinson, Jerrold
Encounters in Performance Philosophy by
Performing Ground: Space, Camouflage, and the Art of Blending in by Levin, L.
Frank Zappa & Barry Manilow by Drolet, Morgan, Sullivan, Shawn Michael
Kunst-historische Aufsätze by Dehio, Georg
Herbert Stattler: Ornament City by
Christ the Miracle Worker in Early Christian Art by Jefferson, Lee M.
The End of the 20th Century: The Best Is Yet to Come: A Dialogue with the Marx Collection by
Renegade Issue 21 by Scharf
Gumbo: The Poetry & Artworks by Strong, Jerome
How to Draw People in Simple Steps by Hodge, Susie
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint by Jolly, Penny Howell
Italian Futurism, 1909-1944: Reconstructing the Universe by
Observations, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain 2 Volume Set: Particularly the High-Lan by Gilpin, William
Observations, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain: Particularly the High-Lands of Scotlan by Gilpin, William
Observations, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain: Particularly the High-Lands of Scotlan by Gilpin, William
Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent: Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Summer of the Year 1774 by Gilpin, William
Observations on Several Parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex: Also on Several Parts of North Wales, Relative Chiefly to Pic by Gilpin, William
Observations on the Western Parts of England, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty: To Which Are Added, a Few Remarks on the Picturesque Beauties of by Gilpin, William
Oxford Handbook of Religion and the Arts by
Sketchbook, Vol 2: December 1995 ∞ January 1996 by Cec
The Artwork Stylings Of Mark A. Simpson: This is a book filled with some of the art my older brother Mark A. Simpson has created over the years, all a by Simpson, Mark a., Simpson, Tabatha M.
Murray Moss: Tertium Quid: Pictorial Narratives Created from Vintage Press Photographs by
Walk with Me Charles Dickens by Costella, John
INVADE Zine No. 001 Winter by Shiels, Justin
Grenzwall der Erotik by Maxwell, Soana T.
Walk with Me Charles Dickens by Costella, John
Living Psyche: A Jungian Analysis in Pictures Psychotherapy by Edinger, Edward
Re-imagining Heritage Interpretation: Enchanting the Past-Future by Staiff, Russell
The Coast & the Sea: Marine and Maritime Art in America by Ferber, Linda S.
The Muses Go to School: Inspiring Stories about the Importance of Arts in Education by
In Grand Style: Celebrations in Korean Art During the Joseon Dynasty by
Education, Values and Ethics in International Heritage: Learning to Respect. Jeanette Atkinson by Atkinson, Jeanette
The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and Public Humanities by Sommer, Doris
The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and Public Humanities by Sommer, Doris
Stencils & Sketches: Volume 1 by Passapera, Alex
GuitarGuide: Guitaren og dens tonesystem. Grundlæggende musik- og spilleteori by Prom, Søren
Algae+Rhythm, Algae-Rhyme: Apt Surgical Rotation App by Grove, Sari, Grove, Joseph
Flowers & Flair by Henderson, Kathy Carman
Agora Mundo by Com, Yehkri, Kirchner, Florian
Beshlie's Romany Road Sketch Book by Beshlie
Art Perception by Cycleback, David
The Chronicles of Whatever by Иicọ
Fail Better by Fraser, Matilda, Ford, James R., Amery, Mark
100x100=900 catalogue by Festival, Magmart
The Final Cut by Van Veen, Frederick
Masterclass: Graphic Design: Guide to the World's Leading Graduate Schools by
Jack Kerouac by Von Cossart, Axel
Cook with Love & Paint with Passion! Volume Two by Ciaramitaro, Sandi
Masterclass: Fashion Design: Guide to the World's Leading Schools by
Semiotics, Marketing and Communication: Beneath the Signs, the Strategies by Floch, J.
Forbidden Replicas: Honouring the Unknown by Manocha, Ravinder S.
Plug + Play: Gowanus by Coughlin, Paul
TENOR OR ALTO HORN one instrument, two names by Maertens, Peter
Luminous Landscapes by Mee, Lisa
Un Ano de las Historias Waldorf con Pinturas al Agua by Burns, Kristie
Alquimia & Mística by Roob, Alexander
Gestalt und Gestaltung in interdisziplinaerer Perspektive by
Ileana Sonnabend: Ambassador for the New by
Blackened White - Art Collection # 1 by Harrison, Eric C.
Alchimie & Mystique by Roob, Alexander
A Short Guide to Writing about Art by Barnet, Sylvan
Tropiline Bajan Design by Blackman, Don J. B.
Lyotard and the 'Figural' in Performance, Art and Writing by Bamford, Kiff
Journey of a Sacred Heart by Varney, Joanne
Happiness for the Eyes by Lindley, Cheryl
Manifestos by Mxj Press
Revealing Meanings through Multi-Sensory Experience: A Paradigm Shift in Exhibition Display Culture by Lam, Margaret Choi Kwan
The Wellspring / Izvoriste: Od izvora do Bistrika by Krstic, Biljana, Janic, Lazar, Nikolic, Tanja
Ellemarkskolen: - som jeg husker det by Lond, Søren
Music Theatre: Concepts, Theories and Practices by Green, Ryan
IR30 Indigenous Visions In Dub (Shapeshifter Mix) by Dub
Die Traenen von Aldo Moro by Kennedy, Diana
Red: Eiteljorg Contemporary Art Fellowship 2013 by
Popcorn Illusions by Guenther, Andrew
No Budget Film: An Academic Introduction by Roy, Anamitra
The Art of American Car Design: The Profession and Personalities by Armi, C. Edson
The Art of American Car Design: The Profession and Personalities by Armi, C. Edson
Mazz: Florida Dreamscapes by Society, Art Historical
Bandung Bondowoso 3K by Gumelar, M. S.
Dark Souls: Design Works by From Software
TransForm: International New Media Art Exhibition in Cyber MoCA by Yang, Xiying
Plays: Volume II by Bell, K. G.
Goddess, Heroine, Beast: Anna Hyatt Huntington's New York Sculpture, 1902-1936 by Higonnet, Anne
Last Communion by Throop, Ron
Mimicking Nature: A Solution for Sustainable Development by Kannarath, Ashokan
Letters to Max by Baudelaire, Eric
SFCM Presents 50 Fierce Faces by Children's Magazine, Shining Faces
Art, Gender and Religious Devotion in Grand Ducal Tuscany. Alice Sanger by Sanger, Alice E.
Fashion Designer's Guide: 50 More Themes, Templates & Illustration Ideas: Sports & activities, dance costumes, world cultures, sci-fi & fantasy by Sousa, Isis, Osterhoudt, Douglas
Classics at the Dawn of the Museum Era: The Life and Times of Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy (1755-1849) by Ruprecht, L.
Nothing to Declare: Manila 2011 by Datuin, Flaudette, Leano, Precious, Turalba, Josephine
The Galilee Story by Tarling, Lowell
A Letter to H. Repton, Esq., on the Application of the Practice as Well as the Principles of Landscape-Painting to Landscape-Gardening: Intended as by Price, Uvedale
Magnitudes: Paintings from the 1980s & 1990s by Clough, Charles
Geometric Border Patterns by Friedenberg, Jay
Mistress, Model, Muse and Mentor: Women in the Lives of Famous Artists by Hafner, Robert Julian
Liebeslugen by Ham, Murat
Fashion Designer's Guide: 50 Themes, Templates & Illustration Ideas: 20th century fashion, historical costumes, sub-cultural clothing, categorie by Tinli, Basak
Videoland: Movie Culture and the American Video Store by Herbert, Daniel
Perth and Surrounds by Eli Zagoria by Sandler, David Solly
Flowers by Eli Zagoria by Sandler, David Solly
Eli Zagoria's Art by Sandler, David Solly
Videoland: Movie Culture and the American Video Store by Herbert, Daniel
House of Lisabeth Design Magazine by LLC, Design &. Concepts
MediaCities: Proceedings by Shepard, Mark, Khan, Omar, Geiger, Jordan
Cathy's Orchid - That Night, Next Morning and Next Afternoon by Stone, David E.
50 shades of gray by Mxj Press
Alan Wadzinski by Studio Gallery, Ny
Conversations With Artists in San Miguel de Allende by Paul, M. B.
Mensch-Computer-Kommunikation. David Link "LoveLetters_1.0" by Gärtner, Sebastian
Die goldene Madonna des Hildesheimer Doms: Ein Sinnbild ottonischen Glaubens by Schendel, Luise
Ein Licht in der Dunkelheit. Der Erfurter "Wolfram-Leuchter" als Sinnbild mittelalterlichen Glaubens by Schendel, Luise
Im Bann der Antike. Mythologie und Idealismus in Bertoldo di Giovannis Reiterschlacht-Relief im Bargello by Schendel, Luise
Mixed Emotions by Francis, Beryl Victoria
Liebeslugen by Ham, Murat
Songwriter's Notebook by Hubbard, T. Cat
Neue Tendenzen in der Bildnismalerei. Die Portraits Robert Campins by Schendel, Luise
Die politische Bedeutung der Skulpturen auf der Piazza della Signoria und in der Loggia dei Lanzi zu Zeiten der Renaissance by Mertsch, Marlene
Museum as a Site of Negotiation. Mediating High and Low Culture: The Curatorial Landscape in the Face of Challenges by Lam, Margaret Choi Kwan
New Interpretive Paradigm in Curating the Contemporary: Objects in Conversations, Fictional Language and Exhibition Design Interventions by Lam, Margaret Choi Kwan
Challenging History in the Museum: International Perspectives by Kidd, Jenny, Cairns, Sam, Drago, Alex
GRÜN - 33 Gedichte über die Natur, die Berge und wie wir unser Leben bereichern können: Natur bedeutet Abenteuer, Entspannung, Freude und Zufriedenhei by Richter, Carsten
Death and the Moving Image: Ideology, Iconography and I by Aaron, Michele
Vom Entstehen und Vergehen der Kunst. Zeit und Historie bei Johann Joachim Winckelmann by Schendel, Luise
Bourdieu and Data Analysis: Methodological Principles and Practice by
El Pais de Las Calles Sin Nombre by Montealegre, Maria Augusta
Girls' Guide to Getting Off: A Masturbation Book by Taylor, Hope
Jam Along Series: Fiddle Book 3 by Crowley, Neal
Doodle Invasion: Libro da colorare Zifflin by Zifflin
Affective Performance and Cognitive Science: Body, Brain and Being by
Affective Performance and Cognitive Science: Body, Brain and Being by
Side Trips by Shure, Robert
A Digital Exhibition to Pave Way for V&A's Future. Decode-Digital Design Sensations by Lam, Margaret Choi Kwan
The Swiss Institute Experience by
Ars Electronica 2013: Total Recall: The Evolution of Memory by
Drew Fagan Art Work: "Fifty Years and Counting" 1960-2014 by Fagan, Drew
CyberArts 2013: International Compendum Prix Ars Electronica [With DVD] by
Debauchery in the Midwest by Davian
Selbstbiographie by Corinth, Lovis
Selbstbiographie by Corinth, Lovis
Slim Pickins by Policano, Tom
BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors, 2nd Edition: No. 2 by
Twelve ways of Looking at a Painting: An Homage to Jean Helion and Le Grand Luxembourg? by Cebulash, Glen, King, Timothy
Alison Wilding: Vanish & Detail by
The Moons of Jupiter: Ressurection by Adams, April
Borders of Belonging: Experiencing History, War and Nation at a Danish Heritage Site by Daugbjerg, Mads
KUMA - mon petit by 葉怡暄, Yihsuan Yeh
Photo Art and Your Imagination volume 1 by Lepore, Phyllis
Wormholes by Elvin, Jarrod
The Fantastic Art of Don Castillo Vol. 7 by Castillo, Don
Yarn Bombing 18th Street by Kosar, Arzu Arda
Your Handy Companion to Devising and Physical Theatre. 2nd Edition. by Orti, Pilar
Drawing and Painting Insects by Tyzack, Andrew
Transcoding the Digital: How Metaphors Matter in New Media by Boomen, Marianne Van Den
Controls and Art: Inquiries at the Intersection of the Subjective and the Objective by
An Artist's Guide to Proportions & Measurements of the Skeletal System by Rodriguez, Marilyn Ines
Amsterdam 101 Black And White Street Photographs by Baranov, Sergei
Identity Protection: Copyright, Right of Publicity, and the Artist's Negative Voice by Klein, Jeff
Art Therapy by Edwards, David
The Art of Tinkering: Meet 150+ Makers Working at the Intersection of Art, Science & Technology by Petrich, Mike, Wilkinson, Karen
America's Choral Ambassador: John Finley Williamson by Beck, Joseph G.
America's Choral Ambassador: John Finley Williamson by Beck, Joseph G.
Divine Daughters, Monster Heads and Celestial Beings by Ennis, Elizabeth
Byron beauties gallery Illustrated by Adrian, Iacob
Southeast Asian Cartoon Art: History, Trends and Problems by
Inwieweit wurde Schiller zum literarischen Anwalt des "Verbrechers aus verlorener Ehre"? by Henseleit, Jana
Wir schreiben ein Katzen-Haiku. Wir beschreiben das Bild `Zwei Katzen`von Franz Marc: Lehramt Grundschule Deutsch Kunst 4. DUV by Reis, Eleonora
Das Externstein-Relief - Ein templerisches Einweihungsbild gedeutet nach der verborgenen Geometrie by Ritters, Volker
Había una vez... by Cabarcos, Ana Salazar
Die Manipulation der Sprache durch die NSDAP. Eine Darstellung anhand des Artikels "Kleiner Verrat eines Gernegroß" ("VB" vom 29. April 1945) by Balogh, Julia
Dust Shaped Heart by Camp, Donald
Patterns by Mxj Press
Fahrenheit by Mxj Press
Ars Poetica: Sights and Words of a Life by Slaughter, Harriet
Andreea Benchea by Garofalo, James
La Guía Completa para la Cámara Sony Cybershot RX-100 MK II by Friedman, Gary
The Severed Head: Capital Visions by Kristeva, Julia
Photo Art and Your Imagination volume 2 by Lepore, Phyllis
Das Tierbild als Schlüssel zur Kunst. Strategien der Kunstvermittlung im Primarbereich by Uhl, Anna
Anyone Who Wants to Draw...Can! by Curtis, Wayne L.
More Black Athletes in the Media by Banks, Michael A.
Aesthetics and Appreciation of Tree Trunks and Branches Into Sketches and Sculptures by Bentum, Samuel Adentwi
Aesthetics and Appreciation of Tree Trunks and Branches Into Sketches and Sculptures by Bentum, Samuel Adentwi
Long Form Improvisation and American Comedy: The Harold by Fotis, M.
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