General Christianity in 1912
Baptist Beliefs: What is Baptism? The Scriptures and Christian Tenets of the Baptist Church
Mullins, Edgar Young
The Preacher, His Life and Work: A Guide to Answering God's Call, Giving Sermons, Studying Bible Scriptures, and Being a Minister of Fine Christian Ch
Jowett, John Henry
Missionary Methods, St. Paul's or Ours: A Study of the Church in the Four Provinces
Allen, Roland
Baptist Beliefs: What is Baptism? The Scriptures and Christian Tenets of the Baptist Church
Mullins, Edgar Young
The Preacher, His Life and Work: A Guide to Answering God's Call, Giving Sermons, Studying Bible Scriptures, and Being a Minister of Fine Christian Ch
Jowett, John Henry
Biblical Psychology: A Commentary on the Relationship of God with His Creation - Mankind; the Souls, Spirits and Minds of Human Beings
Chambers, Oswald
Theodoret Kirchengeschichte
Parmentier, Léon