• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1984

Preaching and Leading Worship by Willimon, William H.
The Commerce of the Sacred: Mediation of the Divine among Jews in the Graeco-Roman Diaspora by Lightstone, Jack N.
The Divine Drama in History and Liturgy by
In Search of True Religion: Reformation, Pastoral, and Eucharistic Writings by Zwingli, Ulrich
"To Save Their Heathen Souls" by
The Divine Drama in History and Liturgy by
Paul Tillich's Philosophy of Art by Palmer, Michael
Mensura. 2. Halbband by
Lukas-Kommentare aus der griechischen Kirche by
Biblical Patterns in Modern Literature by
In Search of True Religion: Reformation, Pastoral, and Eucharistic Writings by Zwingli, Ulrich
Freedom or Order? by Spinks, Bryan D.
Prophet, Pastor, Protestant by
"To Save Their Heathen Souls" by
Philippians: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Craddock, Fred B.
Images of Belief in Literature by Jasper, D.
The Service for the Lord's Day by Westminster John Knox Press
Doppelbesetzung oder Ehrentitulatur - Zur Stellung des westgotisch-arianischen Episkopates nach der Konversion von 587/89 by Mikat, Paul
Papacy and the Levant (1204-1571), Vol. III: The 16th Century, Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 161) by Setton, Kenneth M.
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah by Craigie, Peter C.
The Strength of the Weak: Toward a Christian Feminist Identity by Soelle, Dorothee
The Hospital Handbook: A Practical Guide to Hospital Visitation by Reimer, Lawrence D., Wagner, James T.
I & II Chronicles by McConville, J. G.
The Defense of the Reformed Faith by Zwingli, Ulrich
Understanding Mourning by Davidson, Glen W.
Isaiah by Sawyer, John F. a.
Speaking the Gospel Today: A Theology for Evangelism by Kolb, Robert
Demonology of the Early Christian World by Ferguson, Everett
Das Collegium Germanicum in ROM Und Die Germaniker: Zur Funktion Eines Römischen Ausländerseminars (1552-1914) by Schmidt, Peter
Kardinal Scipione Borghese (1605-1633): Vermögen, Finanzen Und Sozialer Aufstieg Eines Papstnepoten by Reinhardt, Volker
Die Dreigestaltige Protennoia: (Nag-Hammadi-Codex XIII) by
Announcing the Reign of God by Arias, Mortimer
On The Move With Jesus: Children's Sermons by Runk, Wesley T.
Methodism and Politics in British Society, 1750-1850 by Hempton, David
The Churches the Apostles Left Behind by Brown, Raymond E.
On the Incomprehensible Nature of God by St John Chrysostom
The Nature of Doctrine by Lindbeck
Isaiah Vol 1 (Dsb) by Sawyer, John F. a., Sawyer
On Liturgical Theology by Kavanagh, Aidan
And You Visited Me: Sacramental Ministry to the Sick by Gusmer, Charles W.
The Power of Your Words: 60 Days of Declaring God's Truths by Kenyon, E. W., Gossett, Don
Body of Divinity by Watson, Thomas
Angels by Capps, Annette, Capps, Charles
A Circle of Quiet by L'Engle, Madeleine
The Irrational Season by L'Engle, Madeleine
I Believe in Visions: The Fascinating Personal Story of a Man Whose Life and Ministry Have Been Dramatically Influenced by Visions of Jesus by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Sacred Sound: Music in Religious Thought and Practice by
Doxology: The Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life: A Systematic Theology by Wainwright, Geoffrey
A Christian America: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities by Handy, Robert T.
The Meaning of Creation: Genesis and Modern Science by Hyers, M. Conrad, Hyers, Conrad
Christian Dogmatics: Volume 2 by Jenson, Robert W., Braaten, Carl E.
Concilium 171: Different Theologies, Common Responsibilities: Babel or Pentecost? by
Concilium Lateranense a. 649 celebratum by
Confirmation Workbook Based on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer by Cunningham, Steven L.
Schleiermachers Denken: Die Bewußtseinslehre in Schleiermachers Philosophischer Ethik ALS Schlüssel Zu Seinem Denken by Keller-Wentorf, Christel
Evangelistic Sermons Aberavon by Lloyd-Jones, Martyn
The Great Evangelical Disaster by Schaeffer, Francis A.
The Frankish Church by Wallace-Hadrill, J. M.
On Being a Christian by Kung, Hans
What It Means To Be A Church Leader, A Biblical Point of View by Shawchuck, Norman L.
Women of the Word by Hickey, Marilyn
Olympiodor, Diakon Von Alexandria - Kommentar Zu Hiob by
Theology and Philosophical Inquiry: An Introduction by Brummer, Vincent
Black Religion: The Negro and Christianity in the United States by Washington, Joseph R.
Concilium 172: The Ethics of Liberation, the Liberation of Ethics by
Scientists Confront Creationism by
Super Primum (Dist 19-48) by
Hear the Good News: Services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunrise by Eshbaugh, Howard
The Atonement: Its Meaning and Significance by Morris, Leon L.
The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society 1559-1625 by Collinson, Patrick
Evangelismo Dinamico by Walker, Luisa Jeter De
Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition by Chadwick, Henry
Handbook of Basic Bible Texts: Every Key Passage for the Study of Doctrine and Theology by Davis, John Jefferson
Theism by Dore, Clement
The Church Is You and I: Confirmation Service and Message by Rife, Carl B., Bishop, Carolyn
Kleine Schriften, Band 2, Scholastik und Mystik im Spätmittelalter by Ruh, Kurt
Germania Sacra, Bd 16, Das Bistum Konstanz 2. Die Zisterzienserabtei Bebenhausen by
The Works of John Wesley Volume 1: Sermons I (1-33) by Outler, Albert C.
The Feast of Enemies: Communion Meditations by Gibble, Kenneth L.
The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses by Botting, Heather, Botting, Gary
Spanish Catholicism: An Historical Overview by Payne, Stanley G.
The Cycle of the Year: As Breathing Process of the Earth (Cw 223) by Steiner, Rudolf
Dichtung Des Hoch- Und Spätmittelalters by Ruh, Kurt
Zeitrechnung Der Römischen Kaiserzeit, Des Mittelalters Und Der Neuzeit Für Die Jahre 1-2000 N. Chr. by Lietzmann, Hans
Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have Faces by Schakel, Peter J.
The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion by Eliade, Mircea
Eventos del Porvenir: Estudios de Escatología Bíblica by Pentecost, J. Dwight
A Brief Catechesis on Nature and Grace by de Lubac, Henri
Die Hauptinstruktionen Clemens' VIII. Für Die Nuntien Und Legaten an Den Europäischen Fürstenhöfen (1592-1605) by
For the Inward Journey by Thurman, Howard
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem: Eine Untersuchung Zur Theologie Der Betrachtungen Über Die Vornehmsten Wahrheiten Der Religion by Müller, Wolfgang E.
Two Nativity Dramas by Long, Edward S.
Concilium 173: The Sexual Revolution by
Concilium 174: The Transmission of Faith to the Next Generation by
Lectionary Preaching Workbook, Series B by Brokhoff, John R.
Die Erscheinungen Der Jahre 1979 Und 1980 by
Rhetorica divina by Lutz, Eckart Conrad
Two Christmas Plays by Funk, Nancy
A Eucharistic Manual for Children, Rites 1 & 2 by Albanese, Gayle, Garrison, Eileen
New Testament Social Ethics for Today by Longenecker, Richard N.
The Reformation of the Heretics: The Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580 by Cameron, Euen
Theological and Religious Reference Materials: General Resources and Biblical Studies by Gorman, Gary, Gorman, Lyn, Gorman, G. E.
The War Against Proslavery Religion by McKivigan, John R.
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts: A Personal Inventory Method by Kinghorn, Kenneth C.
Classical Apologetics: A Rational Defense of the Christian Faith and a Critique of Presuppositional Apologetics by Lindsley, Arthur W., Gerstner, John H., Sproul, R. C.
Women in the Ministry of Jesus by Witherington, Ben, III
The Best Things in Life: A Contemporary Socrates Looks at Power, Pleasure, Truth the Good Life by Kreeft, Peter
The Spiritual Teachings of Teresa of Avila and Adrian van Kaam: Formative Spirituality by Whalen, James
Luthers Werke in Auswahl, Zweiter Band, Schriften von 1520-1524 by Luther, Martin
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Erzbistum Köln IV. Die Zisterzienserinnenklöster Saarn, Duissern, Sterkrade by
Pastoral Record by Greene, J. N.
The Life and Thought of Michael Sattler by Snyder, C. Arnold
Preaching Christian Doctrine by Carl, William J.
Holy Land Pilgrimage in the Later Roman Empire: AD 312-460 by Hunt, Edward David
More Bulletin Board-Ers: A Second Helping of Over 2,000 Statements for Sign Boards, Bulletins and Mailings, Speeches, Posters, Wall Hangings by Eisenberg, Helen
Helping Youth Interpret the Bible by Ridenhour Sr, Thomas E., Gobbel, A. Roger, Gobbel, Gertrude G.
Islam: A Christian Perspective by Nazir-Ali, Michael
The Spiritual Life by Underhill, Evelyn
For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church by Cone, James H.
Sadhana, a Way to God: Christian Exercises in Eastern Form by de Mello, Anthony
The Gospel Time Bomb by Streiker, Lowell D.
Concilium 175: Holocaust as Interruption by
Index topographicus by
Jesus and Community: The Social Dimensions of Christian Faith by Lohfink, Gerhard
The Pastor as Evangelist by Armstrong, Richard Stoll
Kaiserherrschaft und Königstaufe by Angenendt, Arnold
Hilarius Von Poitiers Und Die Bischofsopposition Gegen Konstantius II: Untersuchungen Zur Dritten Phase Des Arianischen Streites (337-361) by Brennecke, Hanns Ch
The Suffering of God by Fretheim, Terence E., Brueggemann, Walter
The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics Volume 2 by Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View by Middleton, J. Richard, Walsh, Brian J.
Karl Barth's Christology by Waldrop, Charles T.
The Bible in Middle English Literature by Fowler, David C.
The Spirit of Judgment by Nee, Watchman
Close the Back Door: Ways to Create a Caring Congregational Fellowship by Harre, Alan F.
Guides to the Reformed Tradition: The Church by Alston, Wallace M., Jr.
Concilium 176 the People of God Amidst the Poor by Boff, Leonardo
Schriften aus der Berliner Zeit 1796-1799 by
Christian View of Man: by Machen, J. Gresham
Exploring Christian Theology by Littlejohn, Ronnie
Lucifer: The Devil in the Middle Ages by Russell, Jeffrey Burton
Bonhoeffer and South Africa: Theology in Dialogue by De Gruchy, John
Dutch Calvinism in Modern America: A History of a Conservative Subculture by Bratt, James D.
The Composition of Pascals' Apologia by Pugh, Anthony R.
Karlstadt as the Father of the Baptist Movements: The Emergence of Lay Protestantism by Pater, Calvin Augustine
Sex and the Penitentials: The Development of a Sexual Code, 550-1150 by Payer, Pierre J.
Diritto, Persona E Vita Sociale: Scritti in Memoria Di Orio Giacchi by Giacchi, Orio
Neue Bäume Pflanzen: Versöhnungsbemühungen Zwischen Dem Polnischen Ökumenischen Rat Und Der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland by Wöjtowicz, Andrzej, Heidingsfeld, Uwe-Peter
Papers Presented to the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 1975: Part I: Inaugural Lecture, Editiones, Critica, Bibl by