• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1985

Theology for a Nuclear Age by Kaufman, Gordon D.
Called, Appointed, Annointed by Grein, Janny
The Rite of Confirmation: Anointing with the Spirit by Austin, Gerard
Who Was St Patrick? by Thompson, E. a.
Come, Holy Spirit: A Service and Drama for the Day of Pentecost by Collins, Myrtle T., Feather, Nevin
Job by Gibson, John C. L.
Job: Chapters 8-21 by Gibson, John C. L.
Das Basler Konzil ALS Forschungsproblem Der Europäischen Geschichte: 280. Sitzung Am 14. Dezember 1983 in Düsseldorf by Meuthen, Erich
Exploring Christian Holiness, Volume 2: The Historical Development by Bassett, Paul M.
Timaios of Locri: On the Nature of the World and the Soul by
Pastor as Person: Maintaining Personal Integrity in the Choices & Challenges of Ministry by Harbaugh, Gary L.
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther (DSB-OT) by McConville
Coleridge as Poet and Religious Thinker: Inspiration and Revelation by Jasper, David
Women Freedom and Calvin by Douglass, Jane Dempsey
Joshua, Judges, and Ruth by Auld, A. Graeme
Ancrene Wisse: Parts Six and Seven by
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi by Craigie, Peter C.
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther by McConville, J. G.
Deuteronomy by Payne, David F.
Pastoral Care with Children in Crisis by Lester, Andrew D.
Children in the Worshiping Community by Thomas, Virginia, Ng, David
Deuteronomy by Payne, David F.
Bible Speaks to You by Brown, Robert McAfee
Presbyterian Creeds: A Guide to the Book of Confessions by Rogers, Jack
The Baptist Congregation by Grenz, Stanley J.
Stromata Buch I-VI by
Ein Diplomat des Quattrocento by Petersohn, Jürgen
Panarion haer. 65-80. De fide by
Ökumenischer Katechismus: Kurze Einführung in Wesen, Werden Und Wirken Der Ökumene by Krüger, Hanfried
Der Kirchenkampf - Historie Oder Bleibendes Erbe by Herbert, Karl
Professional Ethics: Power and Paradox by Lebacqz, Karen
The Power Of Darkness: Sermons For Lent And Easter: Sundays In Ordinary Time: Series C Gospel Texts by Buchheim, Durwood L.
El Nino Jesus de Praga by Nemec, Ludvik
Bible Puzzler 1: Based On Stories From Matthew's Gospel by Css Publishing
Bible Puzzler 2: Based On Stories From Mark's Gospel by Css Publishing
An Elementary Christian Metaphysics by Owens, Joseph
Prosperity: The Choice Is Yours by Copeland, Kenneth
J. S. Bach & Scripture: Glosses From The Calov by
Using the Bible in Groups by Hestenes, Roberta
The Human Spirit by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Holy Spirit in the Wesleyan Heritage (Student) by Stokes, Mack B.
Joshua, Judges, and Ruth by Auld, A. Graeme
Knowing Your Faith: All Basic Catholic Beliefs by Fullam, Raymond B.
Maximus the Confessor: Selected Writings by
The Gift of Prophecy by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments by Davidman, Joy
As a Woman Thinketh by Hulst, Dorothy
The Heavens Declare - Jesus Christ Prophesied in the Stars by Banks, Willilam D.
Baltimore Catechism One: Volume 1 by Of
The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales: On Our Lady (Volume II) by Sales, Francis de
Kingdom Living for the Family - Restoring God's Peace, Joy and Righteousness in the Home by Hammond, Ida Mae, Hammond, Frank
The Journey to Spiritual Maturity workbook: Following the Footsteps of Moses in the Sinai Peninsula by Buckingham, Jamie
Unplugged: Unplugging From the World and Plugging into God by Eze, Joshua
Reconciliation by Smith, Martin L.
The Priestly Kingdom: Social Ethics as Gospel by Yoder, John Howard
Priestly Kingdom by Yoder, John Howard
Concilium 177 Monotheism by Geffre, Claude
The Origins of Anti-Semitism: Attitudes Toward Judaism in Pagan and Christian Antiquity by Gager, John G.
Harry Emerson Fosdick: Preacher, Pastor, Prophet by Miller, Robert Moats
The Puritans in America: A Narrative Anthology by
Speak Up!: Christian Assertiveness by Malony, H. Newton, Sanders, Randolph K.
Parables at Work by Purdy, John C.
The Preaching of the Friars: Sermons Diffused from Paris Before 1300 by D'Avray, D. L.
Unitarians and Universalists by Robinson, David
Romanesque Sculpture: The Revival of Monumental Stone Sculpture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries by Hearn, Millard F.
William Whiston: Honest Newtonian by Force, James E.
Concilium 178: Blessing and Power by
Story Theology by Tilley, Terrance W.
The Unitarians and Universalists by Robinson, David
Jesus and Judaism by Sanders, E. P.
Between the Sexes by Cahill, Lisa Sowle
History of the Christian Church by Walker, Williston
Readings in Christian Theology by King, Robert H.
The Imperative of Response: The Holocaust in Human Context, with a Foreword by Harry James Cargas by Thompson-Frey, Nancy, Frey, Robert Seitz
Innocent Ecstasy: How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure by Gardella, Peter
The Freedom to be Wrong: Sermons For Last Third Of The Pentecost Season (Sundays In Ordinary Time): Series C Gospel Texts by Rueter, Alvin
Concilium 179 Suicide and the Right to Die by Pohier, Jacques
Preparing Missionaries for Intercultural Communication: A Bi-Cultural Approach by Reed, Lyman E., Glasser, Arthur F.
The Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal 1982 Combination: Red Leather by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Gentle Whisper: Sermons For The First Third Of Pentecost Season (Sundays In Ordinary Time) Series C First Lesson Texts From The Common by Kelderman, Duane
Episcopal Hymnal 1982 Accompaniment: Two-Volume Edition by Church Publishing Incorporated
The Pattern of God's Truth: The Integration of Faith and Learning by Gaebelein, Frank E.
The Holy Spirit: His Person and Ministry by Palmer, Edwin H.
Lectionary Worship Aids: Revised For Use With Common (Consensus) Lectionary: Series C by Corl, Heth H.
The Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal 1982 Combination: Black Leather by Church Publishing Incorporated
Shadows And Symbols: Sermons For Lent And Easter Series C First Lesson Texts From The Common (Consensus) Lectionary by Jech, Carl L.
Kingship and Sacrifice: Ritual and Society in Ancient Hawaii by Valeri, Valerio
American Indians and Christian Missions: Studies in Cultural Conflict by Bowden, Henry Warner
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts by O'Day, J. E.
de Universalibus by Wyclif, John
de Universalibus: Volume 2: On Universals (English Translation) by Kenny, Antony, Wyclif, John
Christianity in the West 1400-1700 by Bossy, John
The Bible and Reason: Anglicans and Scripture in Late Seventheenth-Century England by S. J.
History as Apocalypse by Altizer, Thomas J. J.
The Way of Spiritual Direction by Coombs, Marie Theresa, Nemeck, Francis Kelly
Grammar of Assent by Newman, John Henry
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue by Friedman, Edwin H.
El Mundo del Antiguo Testamento by Packer, J. I., Tenney, Merrill C., White Jr, William
Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe by Atkinson, Clarissa W.
Religion in the South by
Concilium 180: The Teaching Authority of Believers by
Holy Baptism and Services for the Renewal of Baptism by Westminster John Knox Press
Western Church in the Later Middle Ages by Oakley, Francis
Pilgrims in Their Own Land: 500 Years of Religion in America by Marty, Martin E.
El Mundo del Nuevo Testamento by White Jr, William, Packer, J. I., Tenney, Merrill C.
Seduction Spirit by Cox, Harvey
Christianity: A Way of Salvation, Religious Traditions of the World Series by Frankiel, Sandra S., Frankiel, Tamar
The Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
The Mystery of the Kingdom of God by Schweitzer, Albert
What Does the Lord Require?: The Old Testament Call to Social Witness by Birch, Bruce C.
Religion and the Unconscious by Ulanov, Barry, Ulanov, Ann Belford
The Ratzinger Report: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church by Messori, Vittorio, Ratzinger, Joseph
Pocket Catholic Dictionary: Abridged Edition of Modern Catholic Dictionary by Hardon, John
Studies in Creation A General Introduction to the Creation/Evolution Debate by Klotz, John W.
The World of Prayer by Von Speyr, Adrienne
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by Torrey, R. A.
The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century by Bainton, Roland
Internationaler Schleiermacher-Kongreß Berlin 1984 by
Physician, Heal Thyself by Allegro, John
The Blessings of Obedience by Murray, Andrew
Iona, Tara, and Soissons: The Origin of the Royal Anointing Ritual by Enright, Michael
Concilium 181 Youth Without a Future? by
Spiritual Care by Rochelle, Jay C., Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Orientalische Kultur Und Europäisches Mittelalter by
The Theology of the Book of Joel by Prinsloo, Willem S.
Exploring Christian Holiness, Volume 3: Theological Formulation by Taylor, Richard S.
Be My Witnesses: The Church's Mission, Message, and Messengers by Guder, Darrell L.
Early Christianity and Greek Paidea (Revised) by Jaeger, Werner
Introduction to the Study of Dogmatics by Berkhof, Hendrikus
The Ephrata Commune: An Early American Counterculture by Alderfer, E. G.
The Works of John Wesley Volume 2: Sermons II (34-70) by Outler, Albert C.
Description of the Clergy in Rural Russia by Belliustin, I. S.
Description of the Clergy in Rural Russia by Belliustin, I. S.
The Adventure: Putting Energy into Your Walk with God by Sittser, Gerald L.
Triumph Over Silence: Women in Protestant History by
Reformed Theology in America: A History of Its Modern Development by
Mucho más que números by Cho, David Yonggi
I Got the Word in Me and I Can Sing It, You Know by Davis, Gerald L.
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier III. Das Stift St. Kastor in Karden an Der Mosel by
Christianity and Paganism, 350-750: The Conversion of Western Europe by
Children's Literature for All God's Children by Miller, Betty Davis, Thomas, Virginia
Concilium 182 Women Invisible in Theology and Church by Schuessler Fiorenza, Elisabeth
Christianity: The True Humanism by Howard, Thomas
Italian Cardinals, Reform, and the Church as Property, 1492-1563 by Hallman, Barbara McClung
Faith in the City: A Call for Action by Church and Nation by Commission for Urban Priority Areas
The Sinners Guide by Grenada, Louis Of
The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700) by Pelikan, Jaroslav
Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England: Volume 2 by Cowling, Maurice
Die Schlüsselgewalt Der Kirche - Krankensalbung - Das Sakrament Der Weihe: Supplement 17- 40 by
Von Der Macht Der Bilder - Kunst Und Reformation by Ullmann, Ernst