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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1987

One Body in Christ - A Study of the Church, Student Book by Klawiter, James
To Join Together: The Rite of Marriage by Stevenson, Kenneth
Theology and the Church by Segundo, Juan
Mormon Polygamous Families: Life in the Principle by Embry, Jessie L., Carter, Thomas
Bread of Blessing, Cup of Hope: Prayers at the Communion Table by Dixon, Michael E.
Draw Us Nearer to You, Lord: Responsive Prayers for Christian Worship by Werman, Linda J.
Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche: Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart by
Coleridge and Christian Doctrine by Barth, Robert J.
Day of Redemption: A Tenebrae Service and Worship Drama for Good Friday by Orbaker, Douglas W.
Gesammelte Werke, Band 6, Der Widerstreit von Raum und Zeit by Tillich, Paul
Ein Lebensbild in Dokumenten: Briefe, Tagebuch-Auszüge, Berichte by
Die unierten Kirchen by
Resurrection Promises: Sermons, Worship Resources, and Group Discussion Questions for the Easter Season by Budd, Leonard H., Talbott, Roger G.
Holy Communion Is...: Thirteen Communion Messages by Lybrand, R. E.
Interpreting Disciples: Practical Theology in the Disciples of Christ by
Origin of the Soul in St. Augustine's Later Works Origin of the Soul in St. Augustine's Later Works by O'Connell, Robert J.
Sacramental Ethics by
God and Human Suffering by
Behind the masks by Oates, Wayne E.
Black Theology in Dialogue by Roberts, J. Deotis
Co-Creating a Feminist Vision by Rhodes, Lynn N.
Holiness Teaching Today: Volume 6 by Harper, Albert F.
A Short History of Christianity: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Marty, Martin E.
Prosperidad: La Decision Ed Suya: Prosperity - The Choice Is Yours by Copeland, Kenneth
Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume Two: Part One: The Development of the Discussion about Chalcedon by Grillmeier, Aloys
St. Cyril of Alexandria Letters 51-110 by St Cyril
Die Deutschen an der päpstlichen Kurie im späten Mittelalter (1378-1447) by Schuchard, Christiane
Frühe Hauptwerke by Tillich, Paul
Begegnungen: Paul Tillich Über Sich Selbst Und Andere by Tillich, Paul
An meine deutschen Freunde by
Die Frage nach dem Unbedingten by Tillich, Paul
Briefwechsel und Streitschriften by
Letters, 1-50 by St Cyril
Passion Paths: Worship Services For Ash Wednesday And Holy Week by Grimbol, William R.
Church and Ministry (Kirche und Amt) by Walther, C. F. W.
Pseudo Dionysius: The Complete Works by
Faith, Reason and Theology by Aquinas, Thomas
Die römisch-katholische Kirche by
John of the Cross: Selected Writings by
Seis pasos para la excelencia en el ministerio: Six Steps to Excellence in Ministry by Copeland, Kenneth
Science Serving Faith by Wieman, Henry Nelson
Theism, Atheism and the Doctrine of the Trinity: The Trinitarian Theologies of Karl Barth and Jurgen Moltmann in Response to Protest Atheism by Willis, W. Waite, Jr.
Bridging the Gap: Has the Church Failed the Poor? by Harvey, John
Daily We Follow Him: Learning Discipleship from Peter by Pennington, Basil
Foreign Protestant Communities in Sixteenth-Century London by Pettegree, Andrew
Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus by Furst, Jeffrey
The Covenants of Promise by McComiskey, Thomas Edward
The Passion of Jesus and Its Hidden Meaning: A Scriptural Commentary on the Passion by Groenings, James
Incarnation in Hinduism and Christianity: The Myth of the God-Man by Bassuk, Daniel E.
Vatican II and Phenomenology: Reflections on the Life-World of the Church by Kobler, J. F.
A New Hearing: Living Options in Homiletic Method by Eslinger, Richard L.
Concilium 189 Exodus, a Lasting Paradigm by Iersel, Bas
Predigten I by
Revival by Lloyd-Jones, Martyn
Henrici de Gandavo: Quodlibet VI by
A Search for God in Time and Memory by Dunne, John S.
Death: Confronting the Reality by Phipps, William E.
Household of Freedom: Authority in Feminist Theology by Russell, Letty M.
A Singing Faith by College, Hanover
Gott - Glauben Und Wissen by Eckert, Michael
Handschriftlicher Nachlass, Band II, Texte zur Geschichte des Pietismus (1753-1762) by Francke, August Hermann
The Institutes of Christian Religion by Calvin, John
Homiletic Moves and Structures by Buttrick, David G.
The Idea of a Christian College by Holmes, Arthur F.
Continuity and Change Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren by Hamm, Peter M.
Religion in England, 1688-1791 by Rupp, Gordon
Pastor and Laity in the Theology of Jean Gerson by D. Catherine, Brown, Brown, D. Catherine
The Wonder-Working Power of God by Addington, Cornelia
To Spread the Power: Church Growth in the Wesleyan Spirit by Hunter, George G.
Gott als Grenze by Oorschot, Jürgen Van
Concilium 190 the Fate of Confession by Collins, Mary
Faith Development Pastoral Car by Fowler, James W.
Privilege, Persecution and Prophecy: The Catholic Church in Spain 1875-1975 by Lannon, Frances
Sword, Miter, and Cloister: Nobility and the Church in Burgundy, 980-1198 by Bouchard, Constance Brittain
Preaching Through a Storm: Confirming the Power of Preaching in the Tempest of Church Conflict by Hicks, H. Beecher
Erring: A Postmodern A/Theology by Taylor, Mark C.
Narrative and Morality: A Theological Inquiry by Nelson, Paul
The Anointed Community: The Holy Spirit in the Johannine Tradition by Burge, Gary M.
Paradoxes of Faith by de Lubac, Henri
Holy Communion by Hickman, Hoyt L.
Handbook for the Common Lectionary by Bower, Peter C.
The "Sitz Im Leben" of the Apocalypse with Particular Reference to the Role of the Church's Enemies by Beagley, Alan J.
The Church at Prayer: Volume I: Principles of the Liturgy Volume 1 by Gy, P. M., Martimort, A. -G, Dalmais, I. H.
Lord Forgive Me: Prayers of Confession Cycle B by Wade, David L.
Becoming Anabaptist by Weaver, J. Denny
The English Reformation Revised by
From Bossuet to Newman by Chadwick, Owen
Gleanings in the Fields of Boaz by Nee, Watchman
Isaiah's Surprise: A Christmas Pageant For The Congregation by Steltz, Nancy
Preaching the Parables, Cycle B by Brokhoff, John R.
Concilium 191: Changing Values and Virtues by
The Light Shines In The Darkness: A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service And Story by Summer, Georgianna
Introduction to Missiology by Tippett, Alan R.
Bible Difficulties and Seeming Contradictions by Roehrs, Walther R., Arndt, William, Hoerber, Robert G.
People of the Chalice by Cartwright, Colbert S.
Freemasonry and Christianity: Are They Compatible? by
Spurgeon: A Biography by Dallimore, Arnold A.
Metaphor and Religious Language by Soskice, Janet Martin, Siskice, Janet M.
The Incarnation: Collected Essays in Christology by Hebblethwaite, Brian
David Humes Argumente gegen das Christentum by Buchegger, Josef
A History of Christian Thought Volume III: From the Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century by Gonzalez, Justo L.
Lateinische Schriften I by Staupitz, Johann Von
A History of Christian Thought Volume I: From the Beginnings to the Council of Chalcedon by Gonzalez, Justo L.
Power of Deliverance, Songs of Deliverance: Over 60 Demonic Spirits Encountered and Defeated! by Banks, Bill
Introducing Liberation Theology by Boff, Leonardo
Von der Gestaltwerdung des Menschen by Ratschow, Carl H.
A History of Christian Thought Volume II: From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation by Gonzalez, Justo L.
Children of the Living God by Ferguson, Sinclair B.
On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent by Gutierrez, Gustavo
Christianity Confronts Culture: A Strategy for Crosscultural Evangelism by Mayers, Marvin K.
The Hidden Balance by Corrigan, John
Concilium 192 Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy by Metz, Johann Baptist
Indices by
Models of God by McFague, Sallie
The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God by Frame, John M.
The Fall Feasts of Israel by Glaser, Zhava, Glaser, Mitch
Who Moved the Stone?: A Skeptic Looks at the Death and Resurrection of Christ by Morison, Frank
Satan by Russell, Jeffrey Burton
Christian Morality: The Word Becomes Flesh by Fuchs, Josef
Writings in the Philosophy of Religion / Religionsphilosophische Schriften by
An Inclusive Language Lectionary, Revised Edition: Readings for Year B by Westminster John Knox Press
When Children Suffer: A Sourcebook for Ministry with Children in Crisis by Lester, Andrew D.
Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette by Harmon, Nolan
Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers by Various
Daughters of the Church: Women and Ministry from New Testament Times to the Present by Tucker, Ruth a., Liefeld, Walter L.
The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays and Addresses by Niebuhr, Reinhold
Religious Experience by Proudfoot, Wayne
The Extant Works by Eunomius
Authority to Heal by Blue, Ken M.
The Mind of the Maker by Sayers, Dorothy L.
The Quest for the New Jerusalem, Jean de LaBadie and the Labadists, 1610-1744 by Saxby, T. J.
Preaching about Conflict in the Local Church by Willimon, William H.
Together Till Death Us Do Part by Braaten, John M.
Concilium 193 the Church and Christian Democracy by Baum, Gregory
Making Ethical Decisions: A Casebook by Weeks, Louis B.
Religion and Violence, Second Edition by Brown, Robert McAfee
The Works of Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
Formation and Reflection: The Promise of Practical Theology by Mudge, Lewis S., Poling, James Newton
Experiencing God: a Theology of Human Emergence by Gelpi, Donald L.
And You Are Christ's: The Charism of Virginity and the Celibate Life by DuBay, Thomas
Revolution from the Heart by O'Brien, Niall
Clergywomen and Their Worldviews: Calling For A New Age by Ice, Martha
The Works of John Wesley Volume 4: Sermons IV (115-151) by Outler, Albert C.
Daily Prayer by Westminster John Knox Press
Theologische Enzyklopädie: (1831/32). Nachschrift David Friedrich Strauß by Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Harlots of the Desert: A Study of Repentance in Early Monastic Sources Volume 106 by Ward, Benedicta
Justice in an Unjust World: Foundations for a Christian Approach in Justice by Lebacqz, Karen
The Christian Story: Authority: Scripture in the Church for the World by Fackre, Gabriel
Fifty-Two Sundays: From the Pulpit of the Padre by Rowland, David Parsons
St. Thomas Aquinas on Politics and Ethics: A Norton Critical Edition by Aquinas, Saint Thomas
The Autobiography of Saint Therese: The Story of a Soul by
St. Francis of Assisi by Chesterton, G. K.
The Urban Christian by Hart, Jim, Bakke, Raymond J.
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Bistum Münster 5. Das Kanonissenstift Und Benediktinerkloster Liesborn by
Systematische Theologie, I/II, Systematische Theologie I und II by Tillich, Paul
Die Erscheinungen Des Jahres 1983 by
44 Ways to Increase Church Attendance by Schaller, Lyle E.
The Works of John Wesley Volume 11: The Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion and Certain Related Open Letters by Cragg, Gerald
Human Rights and Responsibilities in Britain and Ireland: A Christian Perspective by Bailey, Sydney D.
The Inviting Church: A Study of New Member Assimilation by Oswald, Roy M., Leas, Speed B.
Concilium 194: Women, Work and Poverty by
Ritual and Pastoral Care by Ramshaw, Elaine
Opera homiletica et hagiographica by
Systematische Theologie, III by Tillich, Paul
Religiöse Reden: Nachdruck Von: In Der Tiefe Ist Wahrheit - Das Neue Sein - Das Ewige Im Jetzt by Tillich, Paul
Die Konzeption Einer Metaphysik Im Denken Von Heinrich Scholz by Stock, Eberhard
Thomas von Aquin by
Christian Spirituality 1 Origins to the Twelfth Century by McGinn, Bernard
The Works of John Wesley Volume 25: Letters I (1721-1739) by Baker, Frank
The Works of John Wesley Volume 26: Letters II (1740-1755) by Baker, Frank
Proportionalism: The American Debate and Its European Roots by Hoose, Bernard
Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness: An Anthology by
The Catholicity of the Church by Dulles, Avery
Evangelical Theories of Biblical Inspiration: A Review and Proposal by Trembath, Kern Robert
The Glory of Christ in the New Testament: Studies in Christology in Memory of George Bradford Caird by
Benjamin Jowett and the Christian Religion by Hinchliff, Peter
Medieval Allegories of Jesus' Parables: An Introduction by Wailes, Stephen L.
Certain Sermons or Homilies (1547) and a Homily Against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion (1570): A Critical Edition by Bond, Ronald
The Christ of the Covenants by Robertson, O. Palmer
The Doctrine of Faith A Study of the Augsburg Confession and Contemporary Ecumenical Documents by Beck, Nestor
Instruments in God's Hands: A Study of Christians Ethics Teachers Guide Lutheran High School Religion Series by Frederickson, Bruce
Die Sozialutopische Komponente Im Frühen Christentum Bis Zur Mitte Des 2. Jahrhunderts by Günther, Rigobert
Lehrer Und Lehramt Der Kirche by Visser 't Hooft, Willem A.