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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1991

Let Justice Roll down by Birch, Bruce C.
Social Ministry, Revised Edition by Hessel, Dieter T.
Sealed in Christ: The Symbolism of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by Mulder, John M.
Death of a Christian: The Order of Christian Funerals (Revised) by Rutherford, H. Richard
The Evangelist of Desire: John Wesley and the Methodists by Abelove, Henry
Visions of a Future: A Study of Christian Eschatology by Hayes, Zachary
Preaching the Miracles, Cycle C by Brokhoff, John R.
Symbols of Sacrifice: Lenten Congregational Resources, Year 1 by Hull, Richard J., Hull, Richard J., II
Fragrance of a New Dawn: Easter Sunrise Drama by Merryman, Louis
Speaking The Word: Scriptures For The Speaking Choir by Allen, Robert A.
Is the Cross Still There?: Ten Baptismal Sermons by Bass, George M.
44 Questions for Church Planters by Schaller, Lyle E.
Jeshua: Nazareth to Jerusalem by Merchant, Moelwyn
God With Us by Haroutunian, Joseph
Die Lehre Der Zwölf Apostel Nebst Untersuchungen Zur Ältesten Geschichte Der Kirchenverfassung Und Des Kirchenrechts: Appendix: Ein Übersehenes Fragme by Harnack, Adolf Von
Confessing the Faith: Reformers Define the Church, 1530-1580 by Kolb, Robert a.
Shaped by the Bible by Willimon, William H.
Die Überlieferung Der Griechischen Apologeten Des Zweiten Jahrhunderts in Der Alten Kirche Und Im Mittelalter by Harnack, Adolf Von, Gebhardt, Oscar Von
Risen Christ in Eastertime: Essays on the Gospel Narratives of the Resurrection by Brown, Raymond E.
Journey of Decision: A Way of the Cross by Eimer, Robert D., O'Malley, Sarah a.
The Holy Spirit in the Theology of Karl Barth by Thompson, John
In His Steps: Good Friday Ecumenical Worship Service by Bomely, Steven
Guide for Godparents by Garrison, Peter
Lectionary Stories: Forty Tellable Tales for Cycle C by Sumwalt, John E.
The Price Is Not Greater Than God's Grace by Hagin, Oretha
Religion in History by Bense, Walter F., Troeltsch, Ernst
The Embodied Word: Preaching as Art by
Walking Between the Times by
The Descent of God: Divine Suffering in History and Theology by Hallman, Joseph M.
John Hick's Theodicy: A Process Humanist Critique by Mesle, C. Robert
Searching for Shalom: Resources for Creative Worship by Weems, Ann
Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs, Pulpit Edition by Westminster John Knox Press
Sex in the Parish by Lebacqz, Karen, Barton, Ronald G.
The Teaching Minister by Williamson, Clark M., Allen, Ronald J.
Days of the Lord: Volume 6: Ordinary Time, Year C by Various, Liturgical Press
Unity And Variety: A History of the Church in Devon and Cornwall by
Do the Right Thing: A Guide to Christian Morality by Digiacomo, James
Homiletics by Barth, Karl
Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Evidence from the First Eight Centuries by Montague, George, McDonnell, Kilian
Über Das Leben Des Kaisers Konstantin by
Gegen Marcell: Über Die Kirchliche Theologie. Die Fragmente Marcells by Eusebius Caesariensis
Handschriftlicher Nachlass, Band III, Texte zur Geschichte des Pietismus (1763-1768) by Francke, August Hermann
Managing Church Conflict by Halverstadt, Hugh F.
Bible Faith Study Course by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Jonathan Edwards Knowing Christ by Edwards, Jonathan, Murray, Iain H.
Clergy Self-Care: Finding a Balance for Effective Ministry by Oswald, Roy M.
St. Irenaeus of Lyons Against the Heresies by
Faith Under Fire: How the Bible Speaks to Us in Times of Suffering by Simundson, Daniel J.
Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works by
That They Be One: The Social Teaching of the Papal Encyclicals 1740-1989 by Schuck, Michael J.
The Puzzle of the Cross: Sermons for Lent and Maundy Thursday by Burrall, Elmer E.
Thinking the Faith by
Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts by Carter, Howard
Reformed spirituality by Rice, Howard L.
Black Christians: The Untold Lutheran Story by Johnson, G. Jeff
The Interceding Christian by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Holy Spirit and His Gifts by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross by
Making of a Leader Study Guide: Biblical Leadership Principles for Today's Leaders by Damazio, Frank
Living For Jesus Beyond the Spiritual High: From the Mountain Top Through the Valleys by Speck, Greg
The Trinity by Augustine, St
The Trinity by Augustine, St
A Post-Patriarchal Christology by Odell-Scott, David W.
Prof Last Puritan Aara73 by Brand, David C.
Victor Turner Revisited: Ritual as Social Change by Alexander, Bobby C.
Juana Inés de la Cruz and the Theology of Beauty: The First Mexican Theology by Tavard, George H.
Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925-1937 by Barnes, Kenneth C.
Bultmann: Towards a Critical Theology by Jones, Gareth
The French Reformation by Greengrass, Mark
Theology, Death and Dying by Anderson, Ray S.
Jesus and the Judaism of His Time by Zeitlin, Irving M.
Theology and Feminism by Hampson, Daphne
Luther's Theology of the Cross: Martin Luther's Theological Breakthrough by McGrath, Alister E.
What Demons Can Do to Saints by Unger, Merrill F.
Satan: His Motives & Methods by Chafer, Lewis Sperry
Christian Theology by Jones, Gareth
The Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion by McGrath, Alister E.
The Nazarene: Intimate Insights into the Savior's Life by Buckingham, Jamie
The Democratization of American Christianity by Hatch, Nathan O.
Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Study of the Faith by Berkhof, Hendrikus
Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible by Blackwell, Richard J.
A Hound of God: Pierre de la Palud and the Fourteenth-Century Church by Dunbabin, Jean
Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible by Blackwell, Richard J.
A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic by Hauerwas, Stanley
Victorian Faith in Crisis: Essays on Continuity and Change in Nineteenth-Century Religious Belief by
How to Train Volunteer Teachers by Halverson, Delia
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan by Meynell, Hugo A.
Paul and Perserverance: Staying in and Falling Away by Volf, Judith M. Gundry
This Is the Place by Taves, Ernest H.
The Origins of the Liturgical Year: Second, Emended Edition by Talley, Thomas J.
Billy Sunday and the Redemption of Urban America by Dorsett, Lyle
Concilium 1991/1: The Bible and Its Readers by
In Search of the Sacred: Contributions to an Answer by Pieper, Josef
The Study of Theology: From Biblical Interpretation to Contemporary Formulation by Muller, Richard A.
The Jewish Bible After the Holocaust: A Re-Reading by Fackenheim, Emil L.
The End of Ancient Christianity by Markus, R. A.
Christian Basics: A Primer for Pilgrims by Fackre, Dorothy, Fackre, Gabriel
The Early Episcopal Career of Athanasius of Alexandria by Arnold, Duane W. H.
The Spirit of the Counter-Reformation by Evennett, H. Outram
Faithful Persuasion: In Aid of a Rhetoric of Christian Theology by Cunningham, David S.
Spirit of the Counter-Reformation by Evennett, H. Outram
Good Friday People by Cassidy, Sheila
Making Moral Decisions by Jersild, Paul
The Elder: Character and Duties by MacDonald, William Caldwell
The Simple Gospel: Reflections on Christian Faith by Kerr, Hugh T.
Calvin's Ecclesiastical Advice by Calvin, John
The Continuing Voice of Jesus: Christian Prophecy and the Gospel Tradition by Boring, M. Eugene
The Day Christ Died by Bishop, Jim
Exodus: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Fretheim, Terence E.
Essential Papers on Judaism and Christianity in Conflict by Cohen, Jeremy
The Divided Heart: Essays on Protestantism and the Enlightenment in America by May, Henry F.
Yes or No?: Straight Answers to Tough Questions about Christianity by Kreeft, Peter
The Making of Jewish and Christian Worship by
An Introduction to Systematic Theology by Pannenberg, Wolfhart
Atonement and Incarnation: An Essay in Universalism and Particularity by White, Vernon
Reason, Grace, and Sentiment: Volume 1, Whichcote to Wesley: A Study of the Language of Religion and Ethics in England 1660 1780 by Isabel, Rivers, Rivers, Isabel
The Political Mobilization of Religious Beliefs by Jelen, Ted G.
Women's and Men's Liberation: Testimonies of Spirit by
The Many-Sided Cross: Sermons and Orders of Service for Lent by Cowen, Cynthia E.
The Greatest Wonder of All: Sermons for Lent and Easter: Gospel Texts: Cycle C by Braaten, John M.
Complete Writings of Alexander Mack by
The Puritan Ordeal by Delbanco, Andrew
Language for a 'catholic' Church by Groome, Thomas
Matters of Life and Death by Cobb Jr, John B.
Reformed and Feminist by Van Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H.
Prophecies of Jesus by Sours, Michael W.
Eschatologie ALS Theorie Der Freiheit: Einführung in Neuzeitliche Gestalten Eschatologischen Denkens by Walther, Christian
Römer- Und 1. Korintherbrief by
Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. de Coelesti Hierarchia, de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia, de Mystica Theologia, Epistulae by
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts: Building Up the Body of Christ through the Gifts of the Spirit by Bryant, Charles V.
The Investiture Controversy: Church and Monarchy from the Ninth to the Twelfth Century by Blumenthal, Uta-Renate
The Shape of Catholic Theology: An Introduction to Its Sources, Principles, and History by Nichols, Aidan
African Origins of Major "Western Religions" by Ben-Jochannan, Yosef A. a.
City of God, City of Satan: A Biblical Theology of the Urban City by Linthicum, Robert C.
The Advent of Sun Myung Moon: The Origins, Beliefs and Practices of the Unification Church by Chryssides, G.
The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787: The Enlightenment Debate on Toleration by Adams, Geoffrey
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Boettner, Loraine
Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Pieper, Josef
The Christian Faith by Troeltsch, Ernst
Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination by Peterson, Eugene H.
The Theology of John Fisher by Rex, Richard
Concilium 1991/2: Pastoral Care of the Sick by
Genesis and Apocalypse: Atheology Voyage Toward Authentic Christianity by Altizer, Thomas J. J.
Schleiermacher und die wissenschaftliche Kultur des Christentums by
Diversity of Discipleship by
Witness for Peace: A Story of Resistance by Griffin-Nolan, Ed
Disinheriting the Jews: Abraham in Early Christian Controversy by Siker, Jeffrey S.
The Book of Job as Sceptical Literature by Dell, Katharine J.
Days of the Lord: Volume 1: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany Volume 1 by Various
Rhetoric and Homiletics in Fourth-Century Christian Literature: Prose Rhythm, Oratorical Style, and Preaching in the Works of Ambrose, Jerome, and Aug by Oberhelman, Steven M.
Like a Mighty Wind by Tari, Mel
Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
On Christianity by Gibbon, Edward
The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics Volume 5 by Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
I Sing a Song of the Saints of God by Scott, Lesbia
Called to Care by
Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, Second Edition: An Introduction to Missionary Communication by Hesselgrave, David J.
Medieval Irish Saints' Lives: An Introduction to Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae by Sharpe, Richard
Women in the Earliest Churches by Witherington, Ben, III, Witherington, III
Translation as Mission by Smalley, William A.
A New and Improved Jesus?: Sermons for Lent and Easter: First Lesson Texts: Cycle C by Brokhoff, Barbara
Living on the Edge: Cycle C First Lesson Sermons for Sundays After Pentecost (Middle Third) by Hammer, R. Keith
Lectionary Preaching Workbook, Series III, Cycle C by Bass, George M.
Dying to Live by Penn-Lewis, Jessie
The Gift Of Christmas: A Christmas One-act by Dawson, Joann S.
John Wesley's Message Today by Weems, Lovett H.
Lights Of Love: An Advent And Christmas Eve Candlelight Service With Advent Banner Instructions by Brown, Charles T.
The Once and Future Church: Reinventing the Congregation for a New Mission Frontier by Mead, Loren B.
Blow the Silver Trumpets: Gospel Lesson Sermons for Pentecost First Third, Cycle C by Powell, Larry D.
Frustrated Fellowship: The Black Quest for Social Power by Washington, James Melvin
Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts by Van Rheenen, Gailyn
Johann Georg Hamann als Publizist by Baur, Wolfgang-Dieter
And Marries Another by Keener, Craig S.
Pastoral Theology by Bledsoe, Wanda Scott, Harris, James Henry
Stony the Road We Trod by Felder, Cain Hope
Prophets, Pioneers And Possibilities: Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third) First Lesson Text by Hasler, Richard A.
Saint Nicholas Speaks by Crotts, Stephen M.
AIDS to the Psalms: Exploring the Message, Cycle C by Drennan, Hugh H.
Das Recht in Der Korrelation Von Dogmatik Und Ethik by Gäfgen, Kerstin
A Manual for Acolytes: The Duties of the Server at Liturgical Celebrations by Michno, Dennis G.
God's Gift: Sermons For Advent, Christmas And Epiphany: Gospel Texts, Cycle C by Garrett, James T.
Barclay's Apology in Modern English by Barclay, Robert
A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament by
Concilium 1991/3 Ageing by Sowle Cahill, Lisa
Heresies of the High Middle Ages by
12 Steps to Destruction: Codependecy/Recovery Heresies by Bobgan, Deidre, Bobgan, Martin
The Way of Perfection by Avila, Teresa Of
Dem Kirchenvolk Die Leviten Gelesen: Alltag Im Spiegel Süddeutscher Barockpredigten by Moser-Rath, Elfriede
The Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Collinson, Patrick
Bach: Mass in B Minor by Butt, John
Sacrifice and Redemption: Durham Essays in Theology by
Faith and Faithfulness: Basic Themes in Christian Ethics by Meilaender, Gilbert C.
Sämtliche Werke, Band 2, Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts 139 by Geiler Von Kaysersberg, Johannes
Didn't You Read My Book by Eby, Richard
Orthodoxy by Chesterton, G. K.
Butler's Lives of the Saints: Concise Edition, Revised and Updated by Walsh, Michael
David Wilkerson Exhorta a la Iglesia by Wilkerson, David
God, Creation, and Revelation: A Neo-Evangelical Theology by Shuster, Marguerite
The Rude Hand of Innovation: Religion and Social Order in Albany, New York, 1652-1836 by Hackett, David G.
Angeles: Agentes Secretos by Graham, Billy
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