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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1992

Just Peacemaking: Transforming Initiatives for Justice and Peace by Stassen, Glen H.
The Church, Community of Salvation by Tavard, George H.
Semeia 56: Social Networks in the Early Christian Environment by
Wings of Worship: A Course in Worship by Burcham, Kenneth R.
Grace Words from the Cross: Messages For Lent, Holy Week Or Good Friday by Brokhoff, John R.
The Roads Jesus Traveled: Sermons and Object Lessons for Lent and Easter by Pilgrim, Thomas A.
Your King Comes!: A Palm Sunday Celebration by Wyatt, Janice Bennett
The Final Triumph: A One-Act Easter Chancel Drama by Quisenberry, J. B.
Semeia 57: Discursive Formations, Ascetic Piety and the Interpretation of Early Christian Literature, Part I by
Come and See: Includes Mission Fair, Bible Studies, Playlets and Sermons by Barr, Randolph W., Reeves, Anne-Rose
My Worship Planner and Organizer: Three-Year Record Keeper for Lectionary Users by Meurant, Gloria
Semeia 58: Discursive Formations, Ascetic Piety and the Interpretation of Early Christian Literature, Part II by
Study Guide for the Re-Forming Tradition: Presbyterians and Mainstream Protestantism by Mulder, John M., Weeks, Louis B., Coalter, Milton J.
On the Election of Grace and Theosophic Questions by Boehme, Jacob
History of the First Council of Nice by Dudley, Dean
Syntagma of the Evidences of the Christian Religion by Taylor, Robert
Way to Christ by Boehme, Jacob
Epistles of Jacob Boehme by Behmen, Jacob, Boehme, Jacob
Diegesis by Taylor, Robert
On Simony by Wyclif, John
Die Frühgeschichte der ostkirchlichen Bilderlehre by Thümmel, Hans Georg
Christianity and the Social Crisis by Rauschenbusch, Walter
A Practical Handbook for Ministry: From the Writings of Wayne E. Oates by Oates, Wayne E.
Wort und Antwort by Meyer-Blanck, Michael
Geschichtsbild und Apostelstreit by Wechsler, Andreas
Postmoderne Religion: Am Beispiel Der Jungen Generation in Den Alten Bundesländern by Barz, Heiner
Letters for Every Occasion by Tozer, Thomas
How to Attract and Keep Active Church Members by Smith, Donald P.
Faith, Formation and Decision by
Readings in Her Story: Women in Christian Tradition by
Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning by Carpenter, Edward
Christian Fantasy: From 1200 to the Present by Manlove, Colin N.
In Search of the Truth and Justice by Schoffeleers, J. M., Schoffeleers, Matthew
Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls by Charlesworth, James H.
Christian Parenting by Sinclair, Donna, Stewart, Yvonne
Envisioning the New City: A Reader on Urban Ministry by
Documents of Christian Worship by White, James F.
Alive to God: Studies in Spirituality by
Handle with Prayer: A Church Cleaner's Notebook by Jeffery, Graham
Church Floors and Floor Coverings by The Council for the Care of Churches
Basic Christian Doctrine: A Summary of Christian Faith: Catholic, Protestant, and Reformed by Leith, John H.
Preaching As Weeping, Confession, and Res by Smith, Christine M.
From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God: The Origins and Development of New Testament Christology by Casey, Maurice
Praise God with Paper Plates by Reith Stohs, Anita
Faces at the Manger by Shepherd, J. Barrie
Theologia Germanica by Luther, Martin
Mormonism and Masonry by Goodwin, S. H.
Hymn of Jesus by Mead, G. R. S.
Forgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion by Wheless, Joseph
Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme by Hartmann, Franz
Works of Meister Eckhart by Pfeiffer, Franz
The Story of Christmas by Winkler, Jude
Dialogues on the Supersensual Life by Boehme, Jacob
Service of Shadows: A Tenebrae Service: May Be Used With Communion by Quisenberry, J. B.
Teaching for Faith: A Guide for Teachers of Adult Classes by Osmer, Richard Robert
Ezechielstudien by Pohlmann, Karl-Friedrich
Mensch Und Natur Im Mittelalter. 2. Halbbd. by
Die Esra-Apokalypse (IV. Esra): Nach Dem Lateinischen Text Unter Benutzung Der Anderen Versionen Übersetzt by
Die Theophanie: Die Griechischen Bruchstücke Und Übersetzung Der Syrischen Überlieferung by
Homilien by
Q.B.L. or the Bride's Reception by Achad, Frater
Tis a Gift to Be Simple by Sorensen, Barbara, Degrote-Sorensen, Barbara
The Land of the Living by O'Connor, James J.
Instruction in Faith (1537) by Calvin, John, Calvin, Jean
Belonging to God by Placher, William C., Willis-Watkins, David
Paganism and Christianity 100-425 C.E. by
How to Reach Secular People by Hunter, George G.
Deacons and Deaconesses Through the Centuries by Olson, Jeannine E.
Angela of Foligno: Selected Writings by
Symbols of Sacrifice, Year 2: Lenten Congregational Resources by Hull, Richard J., II
Up And Down The Mountain: Offering The Healing Ministry Of Christ In The Church Today by Dotterer, Donald W.
Peace Be To Your House: House Blessing In Hymns, Scripture And Prayer by Hobratschk, Donald
The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches, Volume II by Troeltsch, Ernst
The Seven Last Words of Christ: The Message of the Cross for Today by Mattison, Judith
Engaging the Powers by Wink, Walter
Jesus (New and Revised Edition): A Gospel Portrait by Senior, Donald
The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Arnoudt, Peter J.
The Art of Prayer: A Handbook on How to Pray by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of Saint Ephrem the Syrian by Brock, Sebastian P.
The Johannine Epistles A Commentary by Schnackenburg, Rudolf
A History of the Literature of Adam and Eve by Stone, Michael E.
Healing Through the Mass by de Grandis, Robert
From Ashes on to Life: Lenten Sermons and Hymns by Curley, Charles J.
The Grace of Difference: A Canadian Feminist Theological Ethic by Legge, Marilyn J.
The Man in the Yellow Hat: Theology and Psychoanalysis in Child Therapy by Martyn, Dorothy
A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations: Jewish, Heathen, Mahometan, Christian, Ancient and Modern by Adams, Hannah
Women as Ritual Experts: The Religious Lives of Elderly Jewish Women in Jerusalem by Sered, Susan S.
Chinese Women and Christianity 1860-1927 by Kwok Pui-Lan
Offering the Gospel to Children by Pritchard, Gretchen Wolff
Our Baby's Being Baptized by Perry, Marilyn
Blue Denim and Lace Workbook by Cuozzo, April L.
Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life by Stanley, Paul D., Clinton, J. Robert
The Vision Glorious: Themes and Personalities of the Catholic Revival in Anglicanism by Rowell, Geoffrey
Sermons 1824-1843 by Newman, John Henry
Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction by Guenther, Margaret
Thomas Cranmers Doctrine of the Eucharist by Newman Brooks, Peter
Living at the End of the Ages: Apocalyptic Expectation in the Radical Reformation by Klaasen, Walter
Formen Inzitativer Rede Bei Meister Eckhard by Hasebrink, Burkhard
After Modernity . . . What?: Agenda for Theology by Oden, Thomas C.
No Other Name: An Investigation Into the Destiny of the Unevangelized by Sanderson, John
Religion Ohne Institution?: Eine Bilanz Der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Jugendforschung by Barz, Heiner
Great Women of the Bible by Macartney, Clarence Edward Noble
Nicholas of Cusa: The Catholic Concordance by Nicolaus of Cusa, Nicholas, Sigmond, Paul E.
Many Mansions: A Christian's Encounter with Other Faiths by
Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People by Butler, Jon
The Vine and the Branches: Eight Sermons for the Easter Season by Schmalenberger, Jerry L.
Living the Christian Life by Ramey Jr, Robert H., Johnson, Ben Campbell
The Gospel of Peace: A Scriptural Message for Today's World by Mauser, Ulrich
Theology Without Boundaries by Calian, Carnegie Samuel
What Happens Sunday Morning by Noren, Carol M.
Trumpet at Full Moon: An Introduction to Christian Spirituality as Diverse Practice by Jones, W. Paul
Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith by
Humanum Genus: Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII on Freemasonry by XIII, Leo
Prophetie und Deuteronomium by Zobel, Konstantin
Vertex Traditionis by Steimer, Bruno
John Wesley's Social Ethics: Praxis and Principles by Marquardt, Manfred
Consider Jesus Waves of Renewal in Christology by Johnson, Elizabeth
Queen of Prophets: The Gospel Message of Medjugorje by Plunkett, Dudley
Learning Conversational Prayer by Rinker, Rosalind
Reawakenings by Keating, Thomas
The Protestant Reformation in Europe by Johnston, Andrew
In the Shadow of Moloch: The Sacrifice of Children and Its Impact on Western Religions by Bergmann, Martin S.
Powers of Darkness: Principalities & Powers in Paul's Letters by Arnold, Clinton E.
Vita Walfredi und Kloster Monteverdi by
Concilium 1992/1: Towards the African Synod by
Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion by Bynum, Caroline Walker
Understanding Doctrine: Its Relevance and Purpose for Today by McGrath, Alister E.
God Is Green: Ecology for Christians by Bradley, Ian
Spirit of the Oxford Movement: Tractarian Essays by Chadwick, Owen
Our Hands Are Stained with Blood by Brown, Michael L.
Time Being by Cupitt, Don
Communion with God by Owen, John
No Longer Be Silent: First Century Jewish Portraits of Biblical Women by Brown, Cheryl Anne
The Elder and the Sacraments by Anderson, David F.
Six Billion and More: Human Population Regulation & Christian Ethics by Bratton, Susan Power
AIDS and the Church, Revised and Enlarged: The Second Decade by Shelp, Earl E., Sunderland, Ronald H.
Methodisms Racial Dilemma by Thomas, James S.
Theological Writings / Theologische Schriften by
New Directions in Mission and Evangelization by
Reconciliation: Mission and Ministry in a Changing Social Order by
Works of John Bunyan: 3 Volume Set by Bunyan, John
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth by Allegro, John
The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven by Cochem, Martin Von
The Eastern Catholic Churches: An Introduction to Their Worship and Spirituality by Roccasalvo, Joan L.
Freedom for Ministry by Neuhaus, Richard John
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave by Breese, Dave
Religious Studies in Ontario: A State-Of-The-Art Review by Remus, Harold, Fraikin, Daniel, James, William Closson
Quakers and the American Family: British Settlement in the Delaware Valley by Levy, Barry
The Religion of Man by Tagore, Rabindranath
Reformational Theology: A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics by Spykman, Gordon J.
Evangelical Protestantism in Ulster Society 1740-1890 by Hampton, David, Hull, Myrtle
The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism: The Interface Between Dispensational & Non-Dispensational Theology by Saucy, Robert L.
America's Theologian: A Recommendation of Jonathan Edwards by Jenson, Robert W.
Medieval Councils, Decretals and Collections of Canon Law by Kuttner, Stephan
Jan Cek: Glagolitic Mass by Paul, Wingfield, Wingfield, Paul
Janacek: Glagolitic Mass by Wingfield, Paul
Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship by Wilkins, Michael J.
"Church and Age Unite!": The Modernist Impulse in American Catholicism by Appleby, R. Scott
Preparation and Manifestation: Sermons for Lent and Easter: Gospel a Texts by Ellingsen, Mark
United Methodism in America: A Compact History by Maser, Frederick E., Yrigoyen, Charles, Rowe, Kenneth E.
Pastor, Our Marriage Is in Trouble: A Guide to Short-Term Counseling by Rassieur, Charles I.
Helping Teenagers Grow Morally: A Guide for Adults by Nelson, C. Ellis
Liturgical Year by Westminster John Knox Press
The ABCs of Worship: A Concise Dictionary by Stake, Donald Wilson
Augustine: From Rhetor to Theologian by
Under the Wings of the Almighty: Sermons for Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third): Cycle a First Lesson Texts by Sims, Robert F.
Conscience, Consensus, and the Development of Doctrine by Newman, John Henry
Sociology Through the Eyes of Faith by Campolo, Anthony, Fraser, David A.
Handcarts to Zion: The Story of a Unique Western Migration, 1856-1860 by Hafen, Le Roy Reuben, Hafen, LeRoy Reuben
The Works of John Wesley Volume 21: Journal and Diaries IV (1755-1765) by Heitzenrater, Richard P.
Ethik und Technik by Walther, Christian
Interpreting the Symbols and Types by Conner, Kevin J.
Concilium 1992/2: The New Europe by
A Room Called Remember: Uncollected Pieces by Buechner, Frederick
The Shaping of the Reformed Baptismal Rite in the Sixteenth Century by Old, Hughes Oliphant
Jesus, Paul and the End of the World: A Comparative Study in New Testament Eschatology by Witherington, Ben, III
The Limits of Love: Some Theological Explorations by Meilaender, Gilbert
The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History by Russell, Jeffrey Burton
Thelogia Biblica y Sistematica by Pearlman, Myer
Peculiar Speech: Preaching to the Baptized by Willimon, Will
The Re-forming Tradition by Weeks, Louis B., Coalter, Milton J., Mulder, John M.
The Parable of Ten Preachers by Troeger, Thomas H.
AIDS to the Psalms: Exploring the Message: Cycle a by Drennan, Hugh H.
The Evangelist of Desire: John Wesley and the Methodists by Abelove, Henry
St. Dominic Savio Coloring Book: A Catholic Story Coloring Book by Windeatt
From the Father's Heart: A Glimpse of God's Nature and Ways by Slagle, Charles
Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South by Angell, Stephen Ward
A Passion for His Presence by Boschman, Lamar
The Kingdom of God is a Party: God's Radical Plan for His Family by Campolo, Tony
The Cult of the Virgin Mary: Psychological Origins by Carroll, Michael P.
Care of Mind/Care of Spirit by May, Gerald G.
The Heart of Salvation: The Life and Teachings of Saint Theophan the Recluse by Amis, Robin
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: A Theological and Canonical Treatise by Cuschieri, Andrew
A Tale of Three Kings by Edwards, Gene
Prophets, Pastors and Public Choices: Canadian Churches and the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Debate by Hutchinson, Roger
Religion and Society in Russia: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Bushkovitch, Paul
Christian Missionizing and Social Transformation: A History of Conflict and Change in Eastern Zaire by Nelson, Jack E.
Who Made Me CB by Butterworth, Nick, Inkpen, Mick, Doney, Malcolm
A Conspiracy of Goodness by Messer, Donald E.
And Ye Shall Know the Truth by Giles, James L.
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