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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1993

Reformed Reader: A Sourcebook in Christian Theology: Volume 1: Classical Beginnings, 1519-1799 by
A Breach of Impunity: The Trial for the Murders of Jesuits in El Salvador by International Commission of Jurists
Called To Witness: A Manual For Congregational Growth by Schmalenberger, Jerry L.
In Other Words: 12 Short Stories Based on New Testament Parables by Franke, Merle G.
Perspectives on American Methodism: Interpretive Essays by Richey, Russell E., Rowe, Kenneth E., Schmidt, Jean Miller
Speak to Your Mountain by Hagin, Kenneth W.
A Church Historian's Odyssey by Davies, Horton
A Church Historian's Odyssey by Davies, Horton
Saint Paul at the Movies: The Apostle's Dialogue with American Culture by Jewett, Robert
Scheming Papists and Lutheran Fools: Five Reformation Satires by Rummel, Erika
Church in the Round: Feminist Interpretation of the Church by Russell, Letty M.
The Church and Social Reform by Boojamra, John L.
The Catholic Reformation: Savonarola to St. Ignatius Loyola. by Olin, John C.
Thinking in Story by Jensen, Richard a.
The Church Confident: Christianity Can Repent But It Must Not Whimper by Keck, Leander E.
Basic Christian Ethics by Ramsey, Paul
Days of the Lord: Volume 2: Lent Volume 2 by Various
Days of the Lord: Volume 3: Easter Triduum, Easter Season Volume 3 by Various
Religious Liberty by Murray, John Courtney
Ambushed by Grace by Currie, Thomas W.
Rahner Karl Making of Modern Theology by Kelly, Geffrey B.
Pastoral Care & the Means of Grace by Underwood, Ralph L.
Soundings in St. Augustine's Imagination by O'Connell, Robert J.
A View from Rome: On the Eve of the Modernist Crisis by Schultenover, David G.
Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion by Hick, John
God in One Person: The Case for Non-Incarnational Christianity by
African Traditional Religion and the Christian Faith by Olowola, Cornelius
The Protestant Wedding Sourcebook by Batts, Sidney F.
Turning Points: Stories of People Who Made a Difference by Christensen, Max L.
God the Redeemer: A Theology of the Gospel by McGlasson, Paul
Toward a Theology of Nature: Essays on Science and Faith by Pannenberg, Wolfhart
God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in Divine Life by Peters, Ted
Becoming Married by Anderson, Herbert, Fite, Robert Cotton
Leaving Home by Anderson, Herbert, Mitchell, Kenneth R.
As One with Authority: Reflective Leadership in Ministry by Carroll, Jackson W.
Responsible Care for Churchyards: A Brief Practical Guide for Parishes by Council for the Care of Churches
Soundings in St. Augustine's Imagination by O'Connell, Robert J.
Symbols of Sacrifice, Year 3: Lenten Congregational Resources by Hull, Richard J., II
Presbyterian Hymnal Companion by McKim, Lindajo H.
Understanding Your Congregation as a System: Congregational Systems Inventory by Parsons, George D., Leas, Speed B.
Exploring the Transfiguration Story by Michael Perry, John
Christology and Eucharist in the Early Thought of Cyril of Alexandria by Welch, Lawrence J.
Teología Básica by C. Ryrie, Charles
Texts for Preaching, Year B: A Lectionary Commentary Based on the NRSV by
Liberation Theology: An Introductory Guide by Brown, Robert McAfee
Beiträge Zur Geschichte Von Text Und Sprache Des Alten Testaments: Gesammelte Aufsätze by Meyer, Rudolf
Lancashire Quakers and the Establishment, 1660-1730 by Morgan, Nicholas
The Church and Social Reform by Boojamra, John L.
The Amnesty of Grace: Justification by Faith from a Latin American Perspective by Tamez, Elsa
A Brief History of Christian Worship by White, James F.
Victory in the Unseen Warfare by Scupoli, Lorenzo
The Prodigal Daughter: A Maundy Thursday Reconciliation Service by Dudley, Maxine
Holy Week Confessions: 12 Worship Resources For Holy Week by Cowen, Stephen P., Cowen, Cynthia E.
What Grace They Received: Worship Commemorations for 12 Ancient and Modern Saints by Renquist, Thomas A.
This Is The King!: A Service For Palm/Passion Sunday by Cowen, Cynthia E.
Bumper Sticker Religion: 7 Messages Unstuck From Bumper Stickers by Rife, Carl B.
This Gift of Water by Felton, Gayle Carlton
Sermons Alive! by Lessard, Paul Neale
The Depleted Self by Capps, Donald
Church Papists: Catholicism, Conformity and Confessional Polemic in Early Modern England by Walsham, Alexandra M.
Mother Is Blessed: A Sermon and Order of Service for Mother's Day by Campbell, Robert J.
Good Goats: Healing Our Image of God by Linn, Matthew, Linn, Dennis, Linn, Sheila Fabricant
Following God's Plan for Your Life by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Law of God: For Study at Home and School by Slobodskoi, Seraphim
Lift Every Voice and Sing II Pew Edition: An African American Hymnal by Church Publishing Incorporated
A Divine Revelation of Hell by Baxter, Mary K.
On the Soul and Resurrection by St Gregory of Nyssa
Zoe: The God-Kind of Life by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Healing Scriptures by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Lectionary for Masses with Children by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature, Volume 3 Philo in Early Christian Literature: A Survey by Runia
Cuando Lo Que Dios Hace No Tiene Sentido - Serie Favoritos by Dobson, James
Narrating History, Developing Doctrine: Friedrich Schleiermacher and Johann Sebastian Drey by Hinze, Bradford E.
The Intersubjectivity of the Mystic: A Study of Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle by Frohlich, Mary, Frolich, Mary
Marriage Counseling: A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples by Worthington, Everett L., Jr.
Submitting to Freedom: The Religious Vision of William James by Ramsey, Bennett
Il Regno Futuro Della Libertà: Lo Sviluppo Delle Speranze Millenaristiche Nel Medioevo Centrale (Large Print Edition) by Töpfer, Bernhard
The Complete Sermons of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume 4 by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Greater-Good Defence: An Essay on the Rationality of Faith by Stewart, Melville Y.
The Preaching Life by Taylor, Barbara Brown
The Presbyterians by Fitzmier, John
Help! I'm a Volunteer Youth Worker: 50 Easy Tips to Help You Succeed with Kids by Fields, Doug
Systematic Theology by Chafer, Lewis Sperry
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
Mircea Eliade's Vision for a New Humanism by Cave, John David, Cave, David
Predestination, Policy and Polemic by White, Peter
Postsozialistische Religion: Am Beispiel Der Jungen Generation in Den Neuen Bundesländern by Barz, Heiner
Jesus, the Servant King: Six Children's Object Lessons for Lent by Runk, Wesley T.
Paul! May I Speak with You?: Six Dialogues for Bible Study by Fairman, Marion
An Evangelical Christology: Ecumenic and Historic by Ramm, Bernard L.
Germania Sacra, Bd 31, Das Erzbistum Trier 7. Die Benediktinerabtei Laach by
Good News of Jesus by Countryman, L. William
The Myth of the Resurrection and Other Essays by McCabe, Joseph
Dry Bones Live: Helping Congregations Discover New Life by Craig, Robert H., Worley, Robert C.
Beyond Establishment: Protestant Identity in a Post-Protestant Age by
Heresy and Criticism: The Search for Authenticity in Early Christian Literature by Grant, Robert M.
Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation: An Exegetical Investigation by Mitchell, Margaret M.
Über die Auferstehung des Fleisches by Lona, Horacio E.
Christianity and Modern Politics by
The Wounded Heart of God: The Asian Concept of Han and the Christian Doctrine of Sin by Park, Andrew S.
Effective Keys to Successful Leadership: Wisdom and Insight for God's Set Man and the Ministry Leadership Team by Damazio, Frank
Eucharist, Our Sanctification by Cantalamessa, Raniero
Delightful Conviction: Jonathan Edwards and the Rhetoric of Conversion by Adams, John C., Yarbrough, Stephen R.
The Word in the Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism by Burton-Christie, Douglas
Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on a Great Transformation by
Concilium 1993/1: Messianism Through History by
Taking the Word to Heart: Self and Other in an Age of Therapies by Roberts, Robert C.
Releasing Your Potential Workbook by Munroe, Myles
Consoling Heliodorus: A Commentary on Jerome, Letter 60 by Scourfield, J. H. D.
What God Does When Men Pray: A Small-Group Discussion Guide by Peel, Bill
African Theology: A Critical Analysis and Annotated Bibliography by Young, Josiah U.
Albert Camus: Philosopher and Littrateur by McBride, J.
Mozart: Traces of Transcendence by Kung, Hans
El Espíritu Santo Revelado En La Biblia by Horton, Stanley M.
Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary on the Texts and an Introduction to Their Influence by Rorem, Paul
Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism by
Philipp Melanchthons "Rhetorik" by Knape, Joachim
The Transformation of Anglicanism: From State Church to Global Communion by Sachs, William L.
Evangelical Eucharistic Thought in the Church of England by Cocksworth, Christopher J.
The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasa by Crossan, John Dominic
Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions by Burrell, C. S. C. David
Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions by Burrell, David B.
The Layman's Guide to Counseling by Wallace, Susan
Word Become Flesh: Dimensions of Christology by McDermott, Brian
The Transforming Power of Grace by Oden, Thomas C.
Using New Testament Greek in Ministry: A Practical Guide for Students and Pastors by Black, David Alan
Energizing the Congregation: Images That Shape Your Church's Ministry by Dudley, Carl S., Johnson, Sally A.
Teaching the Bible to Adults and Youth by Murray, Dick
Gott: Geist und Natur by Deuser, Hermann
Homilies in Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Volume 18 by Bernard of Clairvaux
The Equipping Pastor: A Systems Approach to Congregational Leadership by Collins, Phil, Stevens, R. Paul
Religion of Jesus the Jew by Vermes, Geza
Toward the Twenty-First Century in Christian Mission by
Revisioning Evangelical Theology by Grenz, Stanley J.
This Hebrew Lord by Spong, John Shelby
Truth Unchanged, Unchanging by Lloyd-Jones, Martyn
Contemporary Christian Religious Responses to the Shoah by Jacobs, Steven L.
The Experience of No-Self: A Contemplative Journey, Revised Edition by Roberts, Bernadette
The Catholic Church and the Foundation of the Northern Irish State by Harris, Mary
Ripe Life: Sermons on the Fruit of the Spirit by Hilton, C. Thomas
Von Babel zum Zion by Oorschot, Jürgen Van
The Poet's Gift by Capps, Donald
Let the Oppressed Go Free: Feminist Perspectives on the New Testament by Schottroff, Luise
God with a Human Face by Purdy, John C.
Christian Beginnings: Word and Community from Jesus to Post-Apostolic Times by
Body of Divinity by Watson, Thomas
Wörterbuch Zu Thomas Müntzers Deutschen Schriften Und Briefen by Warnke, Ingo
Islam and War: A Study in Comparative Ethics by Kelsay, John
Sexism and God Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology by Ruether, Rosemary R.
When All Else Fails...Read the Instructions with Leaders Guide by Moore, James W.
Tabernacle of David: The Presence of God as Experienced in the Tabernacle by Conner, Kevin J.
The Works of John Wesley Volume 22: Journal and Diaries V (1765-1775) by Heitzenrater, Richard P.
Serpent Handling Believers by Burton, Thomas G.
Dead Sea Scrolls Deception by Baigent, Michael
The New Genesis by Cole-Turner, Ronald
Eucharist by Stookey, Laurence Hull
The Complete Training Course for Altar Guilds by Taylor, B. Don
St. Rose of Lima: Patroness of the Americas by O, Mary Alphonsus
The Colloquy of Montbeliard by Raitt, Jill
The Thought of Thomas Aquinas by Davies, Brian
Concilium 1993/2 Any Room for Christ in Asia? by
Steps to Christ by White, Ellen Gould Harmon
The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood by Ratzinger, Joseph
A Woman's Place?: Leadership in the Church by Cowles, C. S.
After Eden: Facing the Challenge of Gender Reconciliation by
Black Theology: A Documentary History: 1966-1979 by Cone, James H.
Love and Responsibility by Wojtyla, Karol
Popular Religion in America: The Evangelical Voice by Jorstad, Erling
Mother S First-Born Daughters: Early Shaker Writings on Women and Religion by
Esoteric Basis of Christianity: or Theosophy and Christian Doctrine by Kingsland, William
P.T. Forsyth Bibliography and Index by Benedetto, Robert
How to Read Karl Barth: The Shape of His Theology by Hunsinger, George
Don't Waste Your Sorrows by Billheimer, Paul E.
The Church in Western Europe from the Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century by Gerd, Tellenbach, Tellenbach, Gerd
The Emergence of Christian Theology by Osborn, Eric, Osborn, Eric Francis
Hard Living People & Mainstream Christians by Sample, Tex
John Knox: An Account of the Development of His Spirituality by Sefton, Henry R.
Wrestle and Fight and Pray: Thoughts on Christianity and Conflict by Bell, John L.
The Two Divine Promises by Rev Fr Hoppe, Hoppe
Legal Issues and Religious Counseling by
The Church by Auer, Johann
Ambition in Ministry by Schnase, Robert
Discipleship of Equals A Critical Feminist Ekklesia-logy of Liberation by Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth
More Children's Sermons by Dann, Bucky
The Field Is the World: Proclaiming, Translating, and Serving by the American Board of Commisioners for Foreign Missions 1810-40 by Corr, Donald Philip
dominium terrae by Rüterswörden, Udo
Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments, Band 1, Untersuchungen und Ergänzungsliste by
Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments, Band 2, Hauptliste by
Karl David Ilgen Und Die Pentateuchforschung Im Umkreis Der Sogenannten Älteren Urkundenhypothese: Studien Zur Geschichte Der Exegetischen Hermeneutik by Seidel, Bodo
PastorPower by Stortz, Martha Ellen
The Body of God by McFague, Sallie
The Everlasting Man by Chesterton, G. K.
Una Revelación Divina del Infierno by Baxter, Mary K.
Images of Lust: Sexual Carvings on Medieval Churches by Jerman, James, Weir, Anthony
A Shorter Summa: The Essential Philosophical Passages of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica Edited and Explained for Beginners by Kreeft, Peter
The Reformation in Germany and Switzerland by Johnston, Pamela, Scribner, Bob
Music Through the Eyes of Faith by Best, Harold
Doctrines of the Bible by
Doctrines of the Bible by
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