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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1996

Youth a Part Resources Pack by
Under Authority: Report on Clergy Discipline by
Youth a Part by
Men Stand on Shoulders. by Mitchell, John D.
The Last Covenant: Choral Readings for Good Friday and Easter Day by Pujado, Lynda
Visions of Lent Volume 3: Lenten Congregational Resources by Schwab, Betty Lynn
The Liturgical Witness of the New Testament: 14 Worship Services Drawn from the New Testament by Mountain, Charles M.
Way To Grow: Dynamic Church Growth Through Small Groups by Lavin, Ronald J.
Lectionary Worship AIDS, Series IV, Cycle B by Wilson, James R.
Religion - eine Macht des Widerstands: Der Kontemplationsbegriff Thomas Mertons in einer Welt der Gewalt by Karwath, Sophia
Towards a Renewed Priesthood by Middleton, Arthur
Through a Glass Darkly: Essays in the Religious Imagination by Hawley, John
Through a Glass Darkly: Essays in the Religious Imagination by Hawley, John
Heavens Champion: William James' Philosophy of Religion by Suckiel, Ellen Kappy
The Passing Winter: A Sequel to Seeds of Hope by Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns
Building New Bridges: Reaching and Teaching Children Through Mid-Week Clubs by Gibb, Claire
Safe and Sound?: A Guide to Church Security by Crago, Geoff, The Council for the Care of Churches
Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Gregory the Great (590-604) Part Four the Church of Alexandria with Nubia and E by Grillmeier, Aloys
Jesus Christ in the Preaching of Calvin and Schleiermacher by DeVries, Dawn
Dictionary of Christianity by
Social Justice in the Hebrew Bible: What Is New and What Is Old by Malchow, Bruce V.
Men's Bodies, Men's Gods: Male Identities in a (Post) Christian Culture by Krondorfer, Bjorn
Why Believe?: Reason and Mystery as Pointers to God (Rev) by Evans, C. Stephen
Behold the Man: Sermons and Object Lessons for Lent and Easter by Pilgrim, Thomas A.
Preachers Edge by Schmalenberger, Jerry
From a Mustard Seed by Hultquist, Mark A.
We Were Baptized Too: Claiming God's Grace for Lesbians and Gays by Alexander, Marilyn Bennett, Preston, James
Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints' Lives in English Translation by
Finanzas Personales by Burkett, Larry
El Sacrificio de la Cruz by Ávila, Yiye
Sígueme, Preparando luteranos para la confirmación y el discipulado by Brondos, David
Las Grandes Doctrinas de la Biblia by Sproul, R. C.
Spiritual Leadership by McRay, William N.
Human Freedom and the Logic of Evil: Prolegomenon to a Christian Theology of Evil by Worsley, Richard
Japan and Christianity: Impacts and Responses by
Heaven's Champion: William James's Philosophy of Religion by Suckiel, Ellen Kappy
The Group Reunion: Walk to Emmaus by Bryant, Stephen D.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,: Made Easier to Read by Fanella, John Jeffery, Edwards, Jonathan
Bishop C. H. Mason and the Roots of the Church of God in Christ by Clemmons, Ithiel C.
The Lawyer's Calling: Christian Faith and Legal Practice by Allegretti, Joseph G.
In the Upper Room: A Drama for Maundy Thursday by Summers, Georgianna
Men's Bodies, Men's Gods: Male Identities in a (Post) Christian Culture by Krondorfer, Bjorn
Cómo Estudiar E Interpretar La Biblia by Sproul, R. C.
The Biblical World View: An Apologetic by Juster, Daniel C.
Yet with a Steady Beat by Lewis, Harold T.
Ideas in God According to Saint Thomas Aquinas: Sources and Synthesis by Boland, Vivian
The Bush Was Blazing But Not Consumed by Law, Eric H. F.
Church for the Unchurched by Hunter, George G.
United Methodist Altars: A Guide for the Congregation (Revised Edition) by Hickman, Hoyt L.
The Trinity in Asian Perspective by Lee, Jung Young
Dove of Gold by Hardinge, Leslie
A General Doctrine of the Sacrament by Auer, Johann
What Really Happened to Jesus by Ludemann, Gerd
Bread and Broth by Cowen, Cynthia
Praise The Lord: Litanies, Prayers And Occasional Services by Brooks, Gennifer Benjamin
Preaching Mark's Gospel by Jensen, Richard a.
Walk with God by Copeland, Gloria
Understanding Christian Spirituality by Downey, Michael
Open My Eyes: More Children's Object Lessons By The Author Of That Seeing, They May Believe by Mortonson, Kenneth a.
Psalms Were Made for Lent: Six Lenten Sermons by McCreight, Robert G.
Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte by
Faith-Sharing: Dynamic Christian Witnessing by Invitation by Fox, H. Eddie, Morris, George E.
Kant and Theology: Was Kant a Cloest Theologian? by Galbraith, Elizabeth C.
Religious Humor by Buescher, Walter M.
Riding with the Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianity by Markides, Kyriacos C.
Come to the Waters: Baptism and Our Ministry of Welcoming Seekers and Making Disciples by Benedict, Daniel T., Jr.
Soaring with the Eagles by Hagin, Kenneth W.
Gathered in the Word: Praying the Scripture in Small Groups by Vest, Norvene
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts Workbook: Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit by Penn, John I.
56. St. Justin Martyr: The First and Second Apologies by
Bishop C. H. Mason and the Roots of the Church of God in Christ by Clemmons, Ithiel C.
Teaching Christianity by Augustine, St
Our Triune God: A Biblical Portrayal of the Trinity by Toon, Peter
Dialectic Or, the Art of Doing Philosophy: A Study Edition of the 1811 Notes by Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E., Tice, Terence N.
Roots of Relational Ethics: Responsibility in Origin and Maturity in H. Richard Niebuhr by Keiser, R. Melvin
Newman and Gadamer: Toward a Hermeneutics of Religious Knowledge by Carr, Thomas K.
Religions of Atlanta: Religious Diversity in the Centennial Olympic City by
The Riddle of Grace: Applying Grace to the Christian Life by Hoezee, Scott
First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism by Ingle, H. Larry
Inward Pilgrimage the by Christensen, Bernhard
Jesus the Crucified People by Song, Choan-Seng, Song, C. S.
Signs and Meanings: World and Text in Ancient Christianity by Markus, R. A.
Christian Feminist Theology: A Constructive Interpretation by Carmody, Denise L.
Words for Worship by
Body, Soul, and Bioethics by Meilaender, Gilbert C.
Body Soul Bioethics by Meilaender, Gilbert C.
The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side Is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate by Ratzsch, Del
From Constantine to Julian: Pagan and Byzantine Views: A Source History by
From Constantine to Julian: Pagan and Byzantine Views: A Source History by
Grant Us Courage: Travels Along the Mainline of American Protestantism by Balmer, Randall Herbert
Sing Glory and Hallelujah!: Historical and Biographical Guide to Degreesugospel Hymns Nos. 1 to 6 Complete Degreesr by Rogal, Samuel J.
The Inside of History: Jean Henri Merle D'Aubign Degreesd'e and Romantic Historiography by Roney, John B.
Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of Non-Western Religion by Bediako, Kwame
Doctrinas Biblicas: Una Perspectiva Pentecostal by Menzies, William W., Horton, Stanley M.
Death of the Church by Regele, Mike, Schulz, Mark
More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks by Rice, Wayne
Creative Bible Lessons in John: Encounters with Jesus by Ashcraft, Janice And Jay
Would You Rather . . . ?: 465 Provocative Questions to Get Teenagers Talking by Fields, Doug
Reclaiming the Urban Family: How to Mobilize the Church as a Family Training Center by Richardson, Willie
The Culture of English Puritanism 1560-1700 by Eales, Jacqueline, Durston, Christopher
Sexuality in the Confessional: A Sacrament Profaned by Haliczer, Stephen
Lent, Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days: A Ceremonial Guide by Mitchell, Leonel L.
The Persistence of Purgatory by Fenn, Richard K.
The Persistence of Purgatory the Persistence of Purgatory by Fenn, Richard K.
Telling God's Story: Bible, Church and Narrative Theology by Loughlin, Gerard
Religion and Political Culture in Britain and Ireland: From the Glorious Revolution to the Decline of Empire by Hempton, David
Homo Legens by Huizing, Klaas
Paulus als Wundertäter by Schreiber, Stefan
Power, Gender and Christian Mysticism by Jantzen, Grace M.
Justice and Christian Ethics by Gardner, E. Clinton
Das Bremer Evangelistar by
Christ for the World by Logan, James C.
Super-Human Men in History and Religion by Besant, Annie Wood
Primer on Postmodernism by Grenz, Stanley J.
Body Building: Creating a Ministry Team Through Spiritual Gifts by Bauknight, Brian K.
Faith of a Physicist by Polkinghorne, J. C., Polkinghorne, John C.
The Word Became Flesh: A Contemporary Incarnational Christology by Erickson, Millard J.
Why God Why?: Sermons on the Problem of Pain by Tull, Justin W.
A Still Small Voice: Women, Ordination, and the Church by Jr, Frederick
Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality: Listening to Scripture by
Homosexuality and Christian Community by
Confirmation by Osmer, Richard Robert
Empowering Ministry by Smith, Donald P.
The Domestication of Transcendence: How Modern Thinking about God Went Wrong by Placher, William C.
The New Complete Server by Heller, Christopher
Final Signs by Hindson, Edward E., Hindson, Ed
Santa Biblia by Gonzalez, Justo L.
The Magnetic Music Ministry: Ten Productive Goals (Effective Church Series) by Owens, Bill
Lord, Teach Us by Willimon, William H., Hauerwas, Stanley
Liturgical Language: Keeping It Metaphoric, Making It Inclusive by Ramshaw, Gail
Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by Currie, David
Religious and Social Ritual: Interdisciplinary Explorations by
Pastoral Care Revisited by Wright, Frank
Donatist Martyr Stories: The Church in Conflict in Roman North Africa by
Worship and Ethics by
Not the Way It's Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin by Plantinga, Cornelius
The Christian Story, Volume 1: A Narrative Interpretation of Basic Christian Doctrine by Fackre, Gabriel
Concilium 1996/1 Feminist Theology in Different Contexts by
Teresa of Avila and the Rhetoric of Femininity by Weber, Alison
Saint Dominic and the Rosary by Beebe, Catherine
Adolf Von Harnack ALS Zeitgenosse: Reden Und Schriften Aus Den Jahren Des Kaiserreichs Und Der Weimarer Republik. Teil 1: Der Theologe Und Historiker. by Harnack, Adolf Von
Seeing Jesus in a Passover Celebration by Shorten, David W.
Mission and Conversion: Proselytizing in the Religious History of the Roman Empire by Goodman, Martin
The Great Revival: Beginnings of the Bible Belt by Boles, John B.
Feminism and Christian Ethics by Parsons, Susan Frank, Frank Parsons, Susan
Dialogue of Life: A Christian Among Allah's Poor by McCahill, Bob
Sin, the Savior, and Salvation by Lightner, Robert P.
The Emergence of Quaker Writing: Dissenting Literature in Seventeenth-Century England by
Virgins of God: The Making of Asceticism in Late Antiquity by Elm, Susanna
The Evangelical Rhetoric of Ramon Llull: Lay Learning and Piety in the Christian West Around 1300 by Johnston, Mark D.
The Speculum of Archbishop Thomas Secker by
Ten Sermons on the Second Advent by Bullinger, E. W.
Thealogy and Embodiment: The Post-Patriarchal Reconstruction of Female Sacrality by Raphael, Melissa
Christian Confessions: A Historical Introduction by Campbell, Ted a.
Blessed Rage for Order: The New Pluralism in Theology by Tracy, David
Ten Strategies for Preaching in a Multimedia Culture by Troeger, Thomas
Spirit Gifts Participant's Workbook by Brown, Patricia D.
An Evangelical Theology of Preaching by English, Donald
The Thousand Faces of the Virgin Mary by Tavard, George H.
Singing in Celebration by Huber, Jane Parker
Counseling Adolescent Girls by Davis, Patricia H.
The Church Between Gospel and Culture: The Emerging Mission in North America by
In Memory of Her: Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins by Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler
The Astonished Heart: Reclaiming the Good News from the Lost-And-Found of Church History by Capon, Robert Farrar
Process Theology by Cobb Jr, John B., Griffin, David Ray
Solesmes and Dom Gueranger by Soltner, Dom Louis, Soltner, Louis, Dom Louis Soltner
Worship Come to Its Senses by Saliers, Don E.
The Power of Africentric Celebrations Inspirations from the Zairean Liturgy by Egbulem, Nwaka Chris
Managing the Congregation: Building Effective Systems to Serve People by Shawchuck, Norman
The Jesus Prescription for a Healthy Life by Sweet, Leonard
Scripture & Discernment: Decision Making in the Church by Johnson, Luke Timothy
Stewards of Life: Bioethics and Pastoral Care by Wheeler, Sondra E.
Persons in Communion by Torrance, Alan J.
Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility by Knitter, Paul F.
The Humanity of God by Barth
Restoring the Christian Soul: Overcoming Barriers to Completion in Christ Through Healing Prayer by Payne, Leanne
Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today by Ratzinger, Joseph
Quick and Easy Banner Designs by Harms, Carol Jean
Looking for God in Brazil: The Progressive Catholic Church in Urban Brazil's Religious Arena by Burdick, John
Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914 by McLeod, Hugh
The Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Guides: K14-Praying in the Spirit by Zondervan
Black Man's Religion: Can Christianity Be Afrocentric? by Keener, Craig S., Usry, Glenn
God of Abraham by Goodman, L. E., Goodman, Lenn Evan
Religion of the People: Methodism and Popular Religion 1750-1900 by Hempton, David
The Heart of Virtue: Lessons from Life and Literature on the Beauty of Moral Character by DeMarco, Donald
A Sense of the Divine - The Natural Environment from a Theocentric Perspective by Gustafson, James M.
Episcopal Women: Gender, Spirituality, and Commitment in an American Mainline Denomination by
The Black Churches of Brooklyn by Taylor, Clarence
We're on a Mission from God: The Generation X Guide to John Paul II and the Real Meaning of Life by Bonacci, Mary Beth
Now, That's a Good Question: Answers to Questions about Life and Faith by Sproul, R. C.
What If . . . ?: 450 Thought Provoking Questions to Get Teenagers Talking, Laughing, and Thinking by Christie, Les
Help! I'm a Sunday School Teacher: 50 Ways to Make Sunday School Come Alive by Johnston, Ray
God: A Biography: Pulitzer Prize Winner by Miles, Jack
No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam by Vroom, Hendrik
Die Theologischen Fakultäten im Dritten Reich by Meier, Kurt
The Future of Theology: Essays in Honor of Jurgen Moltmann by
Thru the Bible Vol. 07: The Law (Leviticus 15-27): 7 by McGee, J. Vernon
A Faith that Loves the Earth: The Ecological Theology of Karl Rahner by Petty, Michael W.
Sin and Censorship: The Catholic Church and the Motion Picture Industry by Walsh, Frank
Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings by Beckwith, Sarah
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