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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 1998

An Armorial of the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Australia by McCarthy, Michael
Living Simply in an Anxious World by Wicks, Robert J.
Preparation for Discipleship by Schmalenberger, Jerry L.
Christian Social Witness and Teaching Volume 1 by Charles, Rodger
Christian Social Witness and Teaching Vol II by Charles, Rodger
Get Ready! Get Set! Worship! by Lou, Sue, Love, Jean Floyd, Meyers, Mickey
Genesis and Exodus by Fox, Everett
The Vision Casting Congregation by Davis, Phillip M.
A Book of Saints by Nicol, Stewart H.
Accompanying Young People on Their Spiritual Quest by Christian, Chandhu, Green, Maxine
The Wounded Stag by Johnston, William
Wounded Stag by Johnston, William
A Medieval Pilgrim's Companion: Reassessing El Libro de Los Huespedes (Escorial Ms.H.I.13) by Spaccarelli, Thomas D.
Baptism and Confirmation: The Vocation and Mission of the Laity in the Writing of Virgil Michel by Calabretta, Rb
Holy Week and Easter Sermons by Luther, Martin
Conversations Over Bread And Wine: Meditations For The Lord's Supper by Stanley, Robert a.
The Divine Liturgy for Choir and Laity by Campbell, Laurence
El Escudero de Dios #1 = God's Armorbearer by Nance, Terry
Rules For Happy Living: Children's Sermons With Activity Pages by Bland, Julia E.
A Time to Plant: 52 Children's Sermons by Major, Teresa L.
Hoof 'N Mouth Disease: Biblical Monologues And How To Do Them by Thorn, Edward W.
Living Parables: Illustrating The Message With Drama by Ayers, Timothy
No Deed Greater Than a Word: A New Approach to Biblical Preaching by Shepherd, William H.
A Case For Excellence: Case Studies In Congregational Ministry by Borreson, Glenn L.
Beyond Shame and Pain by Berecz, John
Men Mentoring Men by Donovan, Daryl G.
Stay Out of Court and Stay in Ministry by Wiemer, Britton D., Hagglund, Clarance E.
Lectionary Scenes: 57 Vignettes for Cycle A by Crowley, Robert F.
Der Gemeine Mann VOR Dem Geistlichen Richter: Kirchliche Rechtsprechung in Diözesen Basel, Chur Und Konstanz VOR Der Reformation by Albert, Thomas D.
El Plan Maestro de la Evangelización by Coleman, R. E.
Par caritas par meritum by Boerner, Bruno
Reclaiming Spirituality by O'Murchu, Diarmuid
The All-Night Vigil for Choir and Laity by Holy Trinity Monastery
Historicizing Christian Encounters with the Other by Hawley, John C.
Issues in African Christian Theology by
New Directions in American Religious History by
A Christian Voice in Education: Distinctiveness in Church Schools by Lankshear, David W.
Huguenots of London by Gwynn, Robin D.
The Story of the Bible: How the World's Bestselling Book Came to Be by Perry, Cheryl
The Modern Martyr: The Story of Oscar Romero by Gearon, Liam
The Blood and the Glory by Brimm, Billye, Brim, Billye
Seasons and Saints for the Christian Year: Resources for Celebrating the Three Year Lectionary with Children by Currie, Nicola, Currie, Stuart
Calvin's First Catechism: A Commentary by Hesselink, I. John
Lord Of The Absurd by Nogar, Raymond J.
Amanda Berry Smith: From Washerwoman to Evangelist by Israel, Adrienne
Changing Pastors: A Resource for Pastoral Transitions by Sweetser, Thomas P., McKinney, Mary Benet
Christianity For The Third Millennium: Faith in an Age of Fundamentalism and Skepticism by McGaughey, Douglas R.
El Arte de la Oracion = The Art of Prayer by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Life Injections by Zajac, Richard E.
The Church Takes Shape, A Study of Church History - Student Guide by Sauer, Robert
Simple Science Sermons by Stewart, Guy
Truth and History - A Dialogue with Paul Tillich / Wahrheit Und Geschichte - Ein Dialog Mit Paul Tillich: Proceedings of the VI. International Symposi by
Kirchengeschichte by Theodoret
Understanding the Mass by Kolodziej, Maynard
Reason Informed by Faith: Foundations of Catholic Morality by Gula, Richard M.
Reviving The Spark!: Study Skits Of Biblical Truths For Youth by Ward, Robert Alan
Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Poverty of Spirit (Revised Edition) by Metz, Johannes Baptist
Fallen Bodies: Pollution, Sexuality, and Demonology in the Middle Ages by Elliott, Dyan
Apologética: Herramientas Valiosas Para La Defensa de la Fe by Geisler, Norman
The Church Takes Shape A Study of Church History Teacher's Guide Lutheran High School Religion Series by Sauer, Robert C.
We Will Not Be Stopped: Evangelical Persecution, Catholicism, and Zapatismo in Chiapas, Mexico by Bonner, Arthur
Rome Has Spoken . . . A Guide to Forgotten Papal Statements, and How They Have Changed Through the Centuries by Fiedler, Maureen
Holy Communion Also Called the Eucharist and the Lord's Supper: From a Prayer Book for Australia (Apba) by
Jesuit Saints & Martyrs by Tylenda, S. J., Tylenda, Joseph N.
The United Methodist Way by Thurston, Branson L.
The Pastor as Spiritual Guide by Rice, Howard
Heart to Heart by Kuhlman, Kathryn
Lectionary - Sunday Mass - 3year Cycle: Volume I: Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord, and the Saints by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Living with Contradiction: An Introduction to Benedictine Spirituality by de Waal, Esther
Creative Dwelling: Empathy and Clarity in God and Self by Huffaker, Lucinda A. Stark
Teaching Lévi-Strauss by
One Like Us by Dominian, Jack
These Three are One by Cunningham, David S.
These Three Are One: The Practice of Trinitarian Theology the Practice of Trinitarian Theology by Cunningham, David S.
The Apostolic Conciliarism of Jean Gerson by Ryan, John J.
The Complete Guide To Writing & Selling The Christian Novel by Stokes, Penelope
The Second Half of Marriage: Facing the Eight Challenges of the Empty-Nest Years [With Discussion Guide] by Arp, David And Claudia
Invention of Christ: The Genesis of a Religion / L'Invention du Christ: Genèse d'une religion by Sachot, Maurice
By Design by Hunt, Susan
Postmodern God by
The Postmodern God P by
The Empty Church: Does Organized Religion Matter Anymore by Reeves, Thomas
Vatican Archives: An Inventory and Guide to Historical Documents of the Holy See by
The Ecclesiology of Karl Rahner by Lennan, Richard
Paths of Kateri's Kin by Vecsey, Christopher
Human Freedom, Christian Righteousness: Philip Melanchthon's Exegetical Dispute with Erasmus of Rotterdam by Wengert, Timothy J.
Paths of Kateri's Kin by Vecsey, Christopher
The First Commentary on Mark: An Annotated Translation by
Bringing the Imitation of Christ Into the 21st Century by Meninger, William
The Gospel of the Lord: Gospels for the Principal Services - Years A, B, and C, and for Principal Feasts and Festivals (Large Print Edition) by
Creation of the Sacred: Tracks of Biology in Early Religions by Burkert, Walter
Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation by Wallace, Ronald
The English Reformation and the Laity: Gloucestershire, 1540 1580 by Litzenberger, Caroline
Concepts of Person and Christian Ethics by Rudman, Stanley
The Catholic Crusade Against the Movies, 1940 1975 by Black, Gregory D.
The Brazilian Popular Church and the Crisis of Modernity by Vasquez, Manuel A.
Conciliarism and Papalism by
On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals by Webb, Stephen H.
Grounds for Understanding: Ecumenical Resources for Responses to Religious Pluralism by
Glaube und autonome Welt by Wyller, Trygve
The Kakure Kirishitan of Japan: A Study of Their Development, Beliefs and Rituals to the Present Day by Turnbull, Stephen
Revivalism and Cultural Change: Christianity, Nation Building, and the Market in the Nineteenth-Century United States by Thomas, George M.
Sister of Wisdom: St. Hildegard's Theology of the Feminine by Newman, Barbara
Why Does It Have to Hurt?: The Meaning of Christian Suffering by McCartney, Dan G.
Ethics for a Small Planet: New Horizons on Population, Consumption, and Ecology by Maguire, Daniel C., Rasmussen, Larry L.
Against the Wind: Eberhard Arnold and the Bruderhof by Baum, Markus
What Makes This Day Different? by Schlafer, David J.
Engaging the Word by Johnston, Michael
Brightest and Best: A Companion to the Lesser Feasts and Fasts by Portaro, Sam
Pastoral and Occasional Liturgies: A Ceremonial Guide by Mitchell, Leonel L.
The Practice of Prayer by Guenther, Margaret
When God Is Silent by Taylor, Barbara Brown
Mixed Blessings by Taylor, Barbara Brown
Fifteen Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford Between A.D. 1826 and 1843 by Newman, John Henry Cardinal
Preaching from the Minor Prophets by Achtemeier, Elizabeth
The Western Church in the Middle Ages by Thomson, John A. F.
From Prussia to Russia to North America: 300 Years by Harder, Stanley M.
Art, Modernity and Faith: Restoring the Image by Pattison, George
User Friendly Prophecy by Randolph, Larry
Christian Encounters with the Other by
Christian Encounters with the Other by
Evangelism Is. . . by Marsh, Clinton M.
Mystic Christianity or the Inner Teachings of the Master by Ramacharaka
Greatest Thing in the World by Drummond, Henry
Spiritual Reformers in the 16th and 17th Centuries by Jones, Rufus M.
Sorrows of Satan by Corelli, Marie
Master Christian by Corelli, Marie
Key to the Science of Theology by Pratt, Parley P.
Talks on Pythianism by Harris, S. L.
Heavenly Doctrine of the Lord by Swedenborg, Emanuel
Gnostics and their Remains Ancient and Mediaeval by King, C. W.
Method: The Riddell Lectures on Applied Psychology and Vital Christianity by Riddell, Newton N.
Reshaping Religious Education by Moran, Gabriel, Harris, Maria
44 Questions for Congregational Self-Appraisal by Schaller, Lyle E.
Counseling People with Cancer by Aldredge-Clanton, Jann
The Sunday Lectionary: Ritual Word, Paschal Shape by Bonneau, Normand
The Christ Myth by Drews, Arthur
Priestless People?: New Vision for the Catholic Priesthood by McLaughlin, Vincent
The Theology of the First Christians by Schmithals, Walter
Mystic Way a Psychological Study in Christian Origins by Underhill, Evelyn
After Nine Hundred Years: The Background of the Schism Between the Eastern and Western Churches by Congar, Yves
The Canon in Early Christianty by Barton, John
Jewish Antecedents of the Christian Sacraments by Gavin, F.
God's Good Man by Corelli, Marie
The Christian Educator's Handbook on Teaching by
Wolves within the Fold: Religious Leadership and Abuses of Power by
The Christian Educator's Handbook on Adult Education by
Celtic Christianity: A Sacred Tradition, a Vision of Hope by Joyce, Timothy J.
Meditations on the Cross by
Imagine Meeting Him: Soul-Stirring Encounters with the Son of God by Rasmussen, Robert
Jesus Collection - Parables of Jesus by Kalas, J. Ellsworth
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by Sproul, R. C.
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church by Moseley, Ron
Best Advice for Preaching by McClure, John S.
Rendering Unto Caesar: The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America by Gill, Anthony
Die Kirche S. Stefano Rotondo in ROM: Bautypologie Und Architektursymbolik in Der Spätantiken Und Frühchristlichen Architektur by Brandenburg, Hugo
Following Christ: Experiencing Life the Way It Was Meant to Be by Stowell, Joseph M.
1001 More Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking: Fresh, Timely, and Compelling Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Speakers by Hodgin, Michael
Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America by
Historical Theology: An Introduction by Bromiley, Geoffrey W., Bromiley, Geoggrey W.
Sisters in Arms: Catholic Nuns Through Two Millennia by McNamara, Jo Ann Kay
The Biblical Period by Old, Hughes Oliphant
Cassian the Monk by Stewart, Columba
Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader by Kuyper, Abraham
Christ Among Medieval Dominicans: Representations of Christ in the Texts and Images of the Order of Preachers by
Concilium 1998/1: The Fascination of Evil by
A Walk in Jerusalem: Stations of the Cross by Peterson, John
Building on the Rock: Practical Advice from Jesus! by Robert, C. Buehler, Buehler, Robert C.
Creating a Christian Worldview: Abraham Kuyper's Lectures on Calvinism by Heslam, Peter
Theology, History, and Culture: Major Unpublished Writings by Niebuhr, H. Richard
The Confession of Saint Patrick: The Classic Text in New Translation by Skinner, John
Von Jesus Zum Christus: Christologische Studien. Festgabe Für Paul Hoffmann Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Final Mysteries Unsealed: Opening the Door to Your Destiny by Van Impe, Jack
Quaestiones theologicae by Niederwimmer, Kurt
Christology: Collected Essays by Dunn, James D. G.
Pastors Care of Souls: Medieval England by
Pastors Care of Souls by
Briefwechsel by Overbeck, Franz, Köselitz, Heinrich
Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church by Reese, Thomas J.
Have You Ever . . . ?: 450 Intriguing Questions Guaranteed to Get Teenagers Talking by Christie, Les
Baptism Register by Spck
Taking Heaven by Storm: Methodism and the Rise of Popular Christianity in America by Wigger, John H.
Cosmos and the Creator - An Introduction to the Theology of Creation by Fergusson, David
Diccionario Expositivo de Palabras del Antiguo Y Nuevo Testamento Exhaustivo de Vine by Vine, W. E.
Why Christian? for Those on the Edge of Faith by
Of Passion and Folly: A Scriptural Foundation for Peace by McCarthy, Patricia
de Processibus Matrimonialibus: Fachzeitschrift Zu Fragen Des Kanonischen Ehe- Und Prozeßrechtes, Band 4 (1997) by
Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians by Levy, Kenneth
Preaching That Matters by Farris, Stephen
The Unread Vision: The Liturgical Movement in the United States of America 1926-1955 by Pecklers, Keith F.
How I Have Changed by
500 Illustrations by Jones, Paul H., Jones, Curtis
Clergy Women_an Uphill Calling by Zikmund, Barbara Brown, Lummis, Adair T., Yin Chang, Patricia Mei
New Beginnings: Breaking Through to Unity - Early Years in Livingston's Ecumenical Parish by Maitland, James
Beyond Fear: Vision, Hope and Generosity by Morton, A. R.
First Comes Faith: Proclaiming the Gospel in the Church by Harrington, W. Frank
Can A Bishop Be Wrong? by Moore, Peter C.
Mystical Theology: The Science of Love by Johnston, William
Forgiven and Forgiving by Countryman, L. William
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