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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2009

Cynicism and Hope by
Who Will Care for Grandma? by Kelly, Brent R.
Faith at the Intersection of History and Experience by Hege, Brent A. R.
Christians and Jews Together by Dauermann, Stuart
The Case of the Missing Person by Rabb, R. Earle
From Age to Age: How Christians Have Celebrated the Eucharist, Revised and Expanded Edition by Foley, Edward
Keeping the Faith in Interfaith Relationships by Dauermann, Stuart
One Lord, One Faith, Second Edition by Koivisto, Rex A.
Lord, Help My Unbelief by Rogness, Michael
Good God? by Kohn, Rosemarie, Sonderbo, Susanne
Touching the Reign of God by Moore, Mary Sharon
One Lord, One Faith, Second Edition by Koivisto, Rex A.
Conflicting Agendas by Welch, D. Don
Christians and Jews Together by Dauermann, Stuart
Innovative Planning: Your Church in 4-D by Wrenn, Bud, Wrenn, Thomas
The Beauty of the Unity and the Harmony of the Whole by Kharlamov, Vladimir
Transforming Culture by Gunn-Danforth, Christine
Is 9/11 a Call to Heal America? by Rowe, Ralph W.
Dignity, Dogmatism, and Same-Sex Relationships by Rossing, Gilbert
Is 9/11 a Call to Heal America? by Rowe, Ralph W.
On Rowan Williams by
The Sovereignty of God Debate by
Touching the Reign of God by Moore, Mary Sharon
The Truth about Mary by Dillard, Peter S.
Judaism, Christianity, and Liberation by
Keeping the Faith in Interfaith Relationships by Dauermann, Stuart
Good God? by Kohn, Rosemarie, Sonderbo, Susanne
Romans and Christians AD 64 by Molinari, Andrea Lorenzo
The Ultimate Evidence by Newman, Larry Vern
Hidden Courage by Elenchin, William J.
Pot Likker Stories for Teachers and Learners by
Lifework: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day by Miller, Darrow L.
Transforming Culture by Gunn-Danforth, Christine
Dignity, Dogmatism, and Same-Sex Relationships by Rossing, Gilbert
Moments Divine: Before the Blessed Sacrament by Reuter, Frederick
Agency, Culture, and Human Personhood by Hoeft, Jeanne M.
Theology as Hope by Neal, Ryan A.
An Unexpected Light by Mahan, David C.
Pathways in Christian Music Communication by King, Roberta R.
The Logic of Incarnation by
"Jesus Is Victor!" by Collins Winn, Christian T.
The Ubuntu God by Paul, Samuel A.
Reading from the Underside of Selfhood by Dahill, Lisa E.
Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict by
Philip's Daughters by
The Mestizo/a Community of the Spirit by Garcia-Johnson, Oscar
Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics by Hebbard, Aaron
Praying Lent: Renewing Our Lives on the Lenten Journey by Waldron, Maureen McCann, Alexander, Andy
Inclusive Yet Discerning: Navigating Worship Artfully by Brown, Frank Burch
Grounding Our Faith in a Pluralist World by Keenan, John P., Copp, Sydney, Davis, Lansing
The Living Legacy by Hare, Julie Noelle, Witherington, Ben, III
C. S. Lewis and a Problem of Evil by Root, Jerry
God's Wounds: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering, Volume One by Pool, Jeff B.
System and Story by Heide, Gale
The Logic of Incarnation by
Pathways in Christian Music Communication by King, Roberta R.
Holy Cooperation! by McLeod, Andrew
Redeeming the Broken Body by Santos, Gabriel A.
Remembering the Future by
In Harm's Way by Kern, Kathleen
"Follow Me" by Kauffman, Ivan J.
Dust and Prayers by Bartow, Charles L.
Disputed Issues: Contending for Christian Faith in Today's Academic Setting by Davis, Stephen T.
"Jesus Is Victor!" by Collins Winn, Christian T.
Agency, Culture, and Human Personhood by Hoeft, Jeanne M.
Reading from the Underside of Selfhood by Dahill, Lisa E.
Theology as Hope by Neal, Ryan A.
An Unexpected Light by Mahan, David C.
The Ubuntu God by Paul, Samuel A.
Vulnerability, Churches, and HIV by
Philip's Daughters by
Salt and Light, Volume 1 by
The God of the Bible and Other Gods by Lightner, Robert P.
The Civilization of Christianity by McKenzie, John L.
Celebrating Divine Mystery: A Primer in Liturgical Theology by Vincie, Catherine
Meet Me at the Palaver by Mucherera, Tapiwa N.
Lord, Help My Unbelief by Rogness, Michael
Jesus and Marginal Women by Love, Stuart L.
Holy Cooperation! by McLeod, Andrew
Christ Will Build His Church by Webster, H. Wallace
Dust and Prayers by Bartow, Charles L.
God's Wounds: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering, Volume One by Pool, Jeff B.
Did I Say That? by McKenzie, John L.
Myths and Realities by McKenzie, John L.
Calling for Justice Throughout the World: Catholic Women Theologians on the HIV/AIDS Pandemic by
Beyond the Reformation?: Authority, Primacy and Unity in the Conciliar Tradition by Avis, Paul
The Heart of the Gospel by Van de Walle, Bernie
The Living Legacy by Hare, Julie Noelle, Witherington, Ben, III
Singleness of Heart by Williams, Clifford
Freedom of the Will by Whedon, Daniel
The Roots of CONCERN by
Calling for Justice Throughout the World: Catholic Women Theologians on the HIV/AIDS Pandemic by
Grounding Our Faith in a Pluralist World by Copp, Sydney, Keenan, John P., Davis, Lansing
Parish Priests: For the Sake of the Kingdom by Greenwood, Robin
The Civilising Mission and the English Middle Class, 1792-1850: The 'heathen' at Home and Overseas by Twells, A.
System and Story by Heide, Gale
Vulnerability, Churches, and HIV by
Being in Christ: A Biblical and Systematic Investigation in a Reformed Perspective by Burger, Hans
Transformez Votre Ministere Pastoral by Heward-Mills, Dag
Étapes menant à l'onction by Heward-Mills, Dag
Ancient and Modern Initiation by Heindel, Max
The Beauty of the Unity and the Harmony of the Whole by Kharlamov, Vladimir
Implantation D'Eglises by Heward-Mills, Dag
Romans and Christians AD 64 by Molinari, Andrea Lorenzo
The Ultimate Evidence by Newman, Larry Vern
Hidden Courage by Elenchin, William J.
Salt and Light, Volume 1 by
Historical and Social Dimensions in African Christian Theology by Maina, Wilson Muoha
The Truth about Mary by Dillard, Peter S.
Balanced Living: Don't Let Your Strength Become Your Weakness by Knight, Robert Marsden
Balanced Living: Don't Let Your Strength Become Your Weakness by Knight, Robert Marsden
Religious Perspectives on Bioethics by
Christian Life and Practice: Anglican Essays by Thomas, Owen C.
House of Faith or Enchanted Forest? by Hedrick, Charles W.
The School of Compassion by Jones, Deborah M.
Everything Is Sacred by Hollon, Bryan C.
The Future of Love by Milbank, John
Guardianes del Tesoro Coordinators Guide by Generacion XXI
Soy Joveny Ahora Quien Podra Ayudarme? by de León, Jeffrey
Reading Bonhoeffer by Kelly, Geffrey B.
Creationism and the Conflict over Evolution by Wiley, Tatha
Naked Faith by Heath, Elaine A.
Guardianes del Tesoro - Pautas para el instructor by Generacion XXI
The Future of Love by Milbank, John
Final Wishes by Chamberlain, Paul
Walking in the Way of Peace: Quaker Pacifism in the Seventeenth Century by Weddle, Meredith Baldwin
Naked Faith by Heath, Elaine a.
C. S. Lewis and a Problem of Evil by Root, Jerry
Historical and Social Dimensions in African Christian Theology by Maina, Wilson Muoha
The Roots of CONCERN by
In Harm's Way by Kern, Kathleen
"Follow Me" by Kauffman, Ivan J.
The Sovereignty of God Debate by
House of Faith or Enchanted Forest? by Hedrick, Charles W.
Remembering the Future by
Redeeming the Broken Body by Santos, Gabriel A.
Cynicism and Hope by
Being in Christ by Burger, Hans
The Mestizo/a Community of the Spirit by Garcia-Johnson, Oscar
Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition by Concordia Publishing House
Freedom of the Will by Whedon, Daniel
Everything Is Sacred by Hollon, Bryan C.
Christian Life and Practice: Anglican Essays by Thomas, Owen C.
Meet Me at the Palaver by Mucherera, Tapiwa N.
Not Every Spirit: A Dogmatics of Christian Disbelief, 2nd Edition by Morse, Christopher
Resourcing Mission: Practical Theology for Changing Churches by Cameron, Helen
The Finger of God: How God's Existence Impacts Upon Humanity by Delany, Vincent John
Welcoming Marriage: A Practical and Pastoral Guide to the New Legislation by Lake, Stephen
The Heart of the Gospel by Van de Walle, Bernie
Writings by Cyprian of Antioch
All One in Christ Jesus by Coffey, David
Creationism and the Conflict over Evolution by Wiley, Tatha
Justpeace Ethics by Sawatsky, Jarem
Does Your Church Have a Prayer? Leader's Guide: In Mission Toward the Promised Land by Brown, Marc, Merry, Kathy, Briggs, John
Speaking the Incomprehensible God by Rocca, Gregory P.
Reading Bonhoeffer by Kelly, Geffrey B.
On Rowan Williams by
Taking a Stand for the Bible by Ankerberg, John, Burroughs, Dillon
Faith at the Intersection of History and Experience by Hege, Brent A. R.
Atrapa La Uncion by Heward-Mills, Dag
Feast of Souls: Indians and Spaniards in the Seventeenth-Century Missions of Florida and New Mexico by Galgano, Robert C.
Heartbeats of the Holy by Knauss, Keith E.
Dive In!: Fun Faith Builders by
Tom Landry: Man of Character by Horton, Ken
Undiscovered Country: Imagining the World to Come by Hawkins, Peter S.
Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict by
Chinese Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (Volume 3) by Hawthorne, Steven C., Winter, Ralph D.
Chinese Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (Volume 2) by Winter, Ralph D., Hawthorne, Steven C.
Chinese Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (Volume 1) by Winter, Ralph D., Hawthorne, Steven C.
Christ Will Build His Church by Webster, H. Wallace
Through Us, with Us, in Us: Relational Theologies in the Twenty-First Century by
Chinese Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (Volume 4) by Hawthorne, Steven C., Winter, Ralph D.
The World of Early Egyptian Christianity: Language, Literature, and Social context by
Get Outta My Face!: How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel by Horne, Rick
SCM Studyguide: Psalms by Dawes, Stephen B.
Who Will Care for Grandma? by Kelly, Brent R.
Child Sensitive Teaching: Helping Children Grow a Living Faith in a Loving God by Henley, Karyn
Kindling Desire for God: Preaching as Spiritual Direction by Northcutt, Kay L.
The Liturgy Trap: The Bible Versus Mere Tradition in Worship by Jordan, James B.
Performance in Preaching: Bringing the Sermon to Life [With DVD] by
Crisis Counseling by Stone, Howard W.
Married to a Martyr: The Story of the Murder of a Missionary in Turkey by Carswell, Jonathan
The Case of the Missing Person by Rabb, R. Earle
Jesus and Marginal Women by Love, Stuart L.
The Apologetics of Jesus: A Caring Approach to Dealing with Doubters by Geisler, Norman L., Zukeran, Patrick
Children's Spirituality: What It Is and Why It Matters by Nye, Rebecca
Recevoir l'Onction by Heward-Mills, Dag
Homilies on the Gospel of John (1-40) by Augustine, St
Historia del Cristianismo by González, Justo
Tony Evans' Book of Illustrations: Stories, Quotes, and Anecdotes from More Than 30 Years of Preaching and Public Speaking by Evans, Tony
The Believer's Authority: Legacy Edition: Expanded with New Material by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Strategic Disciple Making: A Practical Tool for Successful Ministry by Malphurs, Aubrey
My Golden Christmas Book by Donaghy, Thomas J.
Confession: Its Fruitful Practice (with an Examination of Conscience) by Adoration
The Penny Catechism: A Catechism of Christian Doctrine by Anonymous
Acts of Martyrs and Saints by Bedjan, Paul, Detienne, Claude
Old Testament Priests and the New Priest by Vanhoye, Albert Cardinal
Child's Bible History by Knecht, Frederick Justus
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend: He Who Loves Us Best by O'Sullivan, Paul
Mary Fabyan Windeatt 20 Book Set by Windeatt
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