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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2012

Equipping for Service: Christian Leadership in Church and Society by Jørgensen, Knud
Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives, Ecumenical Trends, Regional Surveys by
Proclaiming the Peacemaker: The Malaysian Church as an Agent of Reconciliation in a Multicultural Society by Rowan, Peter
Picking Up the Pieces: The Church and Conflict Resolution in South Africa and Rwanda by Cyuma, Samuel
Foundations for Mission by
A Learning Missional Church: Reflections from Young Missiologists by
Good Girls, Good Sex: Women Talk about Church and Sexuality by Sharma, Sonya
Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity by
Eden's Bridge by Doty, David B.
Finding Our Way Through the Wilderness: A Journey for Lent or Other Days of Spiritual Reflection and Prayer by Cooper, Erica, Helms, John Michael
Free at Last: Understanding the Mechanics of Your Redemption by Riddle, Will
Take a Break: Everyone Needs One! by Nussmann, Ernst
Studying the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi: A Beginner's Workbook by Hugo, William
The Heterodox Yoder by Martens, Paul
Revolutionary Christianity by Yoder, John Howard
The Transforming Power of Forgiveness by Nunn, Philip
Christ and Controversy by Sell, Alan P. F.
Open to New Light: Quaker Spirituality in Historical and Philosophical Context by Stevenson, Leslie
The Crisis and the Kingdom by Davis, E. Philip
Christ and Controversy by Sell, Alan P. F.
Catch: Small-Group Participant Book: A Churchwide Program for Invitational Evangelism by Nixon, Debi
The Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions and Homilies (10-14) in Syriac by De Lagarde, Paul Anton
Revolutionary Christianity by Yoder, John Howard
Go Make Disciples: An Invitation to Baptismal Living: A Handbook to the Catechumenate by
The Pursuit of God by Tozer, A. W.
Eden's Bridge by Doty, David B.
Pastors in the Classics: Timeless Lessons on Life and Ministry from World Literature by
Healing Wounded History: Reconciling Peoples and Healing Places by Parker, Russ
Missionary Discourses of Difference: Negotiating Otherness in the British Empire, 1840-1900 by Cleall, E.
Spiritual Kinship in Europe, 1500-1900 by
L'Art de Suivre by Heward-Mills, Dag
True Christianity by Arndt, Johann
Más Allá de la Maldición by Spencer, Aída Besançon
Car-Car's Journey: A Story for the Child in You by McCall, Bonita Y.
By Their Fruits: The Story of Shakerism in South Union, Kentucky by Neal, Julia
Immersion Bible Studies: Job by Schott, Lee A.
Más Allá de la Maldición = Beyond the Curse by Spencer, Aída Besançon
Controla Tus Pensamientos - Bolsilibro: Derriba Las Fortalezas de Tu Mente by Dr Shorter, Donald
Sexo, Culpa Y Perdón - Serie Favoritos by McDowell, Josh
Marvelous Protestantism: Monstrous Births in Post-Reformation England by Crawford, Julie
On Eagles' Wings: Thematic Prayer, Meditation, And Services Of The Word For Christian Burial by Martin, Gail Gaymer
Elements: the Basics of Faith by Maiden, Michael
La Batalla de Cada Hombre - Serie Favoritos = Every Man's Battle by Arterburn, Stephen
Proclamation and Celebration: Preaching on Christmas, Easter, and Other Festivals by Hedahl, Susan K.
Life-Widening Mission: Global Anglican Perspectives by
The Heterodox Yoder by Martens, Paul
The Crisis and the Kingdom by Davis, E. Philip
La Vida Cruzcéntrica - Serie Favoritos = The Cross Centered Life by Mahaney, Cj
Ora Por Lo Imposible - Serie Favoritos by Harison, Buddy
True Christianity by Arndt, Johann
The Knights Hospitaller in the Levant, C.1070-1309 by Riley-Smith, J.
La Oración de Jabes Para Mujeres - Serie Favoritos by Wilkinson, Darlene
Learning for Ministry: Making the Most of Study and Training by Walton, Roger, Croft, Steven
Ways of Knowing: God's Existence and His Will by Edwards, John C.
Immersion Bible Studies: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon by
Die Erzählung des Hexateuch auf ihre Quellen untersucht by Smend, Rudolf
Singing Mary's Song: An Advent Message of Hope and Deliverance by Stroman, John A.
Jesus and Scripture by
The Mystery of the Rosary by Tremeau, Marc
Why We Preach: Preaching in the African Context by Nhiwatiwa, Eben K.
Hope Beyond Your Tears by Hudson, Trevor
La Batalla de Cada Hombre by Arterburn, Stephen, Stoeker, Fred
Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality by Zacharias, Ravi
The Days of Creation: A History of Christian Interpretation of Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 by Brown, Andrew J.
Faith Forming Faith by Hoffman, Paul E.
Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith by McGrath, Alister E.
Libro Devocionario de Dios Para Chicas = God's Little Devotional Book for Girls by
Más Que Un Carpintero - Serie Favoritos by McDowell, Sean, McDowell, Josh
Israel's Lost 10 Tribes Britain by Hansen, Vaughn E.
Announcing the Feast: The Entrance Song in the Mass of the Roman Rite by McFarland, Jason
Living into Focus by Boers, Arthur
Divine Kingdom, Holy Order: The Political Writings of Martin Luther by Carty, Jarrett, Luther, Martin
How We Preach: Preaching in the African Context by Nhiwatiwa, Eben K.
Introduction to Christian Ethics: History, Movements, People by Huebner, Harry J.
Moments of Wonder: 52 New Engaging Children's Moments by Burrows, Mark
The Everlasting Man (Large Print Edition) by Chesterton, G. K.
Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation by Roach, William C., Geisler, Norman L.
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word by Brueggemann, Walter
Enriquezca Su Personalidad - Serie Favoritos by Littauer, Florence
Faith Forming Faith by Hoffman, Paul E.
The Cycle of Grace: Living in Sacred Balance by Haas, Jerry P., Hudson, Trevor
More of Him: Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit by Bloomer, George
Towards a Pentecostal Eschatology: Discerning the Way Forward by R. McQueen, Larry
Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas: A Family Devotional in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition by Wigglesworth, Amanda Eve
Traveling Companions: Walking with the Saints of the Orthodox Church by Moorey, Chris
Morning Prayers for Children by Catholic Book Publishing Corp
Soliloquies: Augustine's Inner Dialogue by Augustine, St
The Augustine Catechism the Enchiridion on Faith, Hope and Charity by Augustine, St
Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture Participant's Workbook: Walter Brueggemann on Confronting Today's "Pharaohs" by Bruggemann, Walter
Jesuit and Feminist Education: Intersections in Teaching and Learning for the Twenty-First Century by
Write Your Book... In Less Than 7 Days by Emerson, Charles Lee, Village Carpenter, The
I Am Second: Real Stories. Changing Lives. by Bender, Doug, Sterrett, Dave
The Truthful Color of God by Pham, Tho
Profiles in Discipleship by Higgins, Gregory C.
Talking with Evangelicals: A Guide for Catholics by Colle, Ralph del
Jesuit and Feminist Education: Intersections in Teaching and Learning for the Twenty-First Century by
Unpredictable Gospel: American Evangelicals and World Christianity, 1812-1920 by Case, Jay Riley
Abraham de Ur, El Amigo de Dios by Núñez Grullón, José
In Heaven as It Is on Earth: Joseph Smith and the Early Mormon Conquest of Death by Brown, Samuel Morris
Graces Received: Painted and Metal Ex-votos from Italy by
Literal Interpretation of the Bible Defended!: The Figurative Methods Cults Use to Deceive by Faust, Joey
The Anti-Christ by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
I Am a Follower: The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus by Sweet, Leonard
The Rose of Venus by Haves, Barry
Tyndale: The Man Who Gave God an English Voice by Teems, David
Building Church: Practical wisdom for all Church-builders by Matthew, Stephen
Phases and Rooms by Edwards, Ricky
Ministry Vs. Church by Parker Ba, Apostle Rl
Theology in the Fiction of George Eliot by Hodgson, Peter C.
My Role As A Christian Study Series: Insights That A Christian Should Know by Rogers, Joseph R., Sr.
Rudolf Bultmann und sein hermeneutischer Ansatz der Entmythologisierung als existentiale Interpretation by Meier, Holger
Union with Christ: Last Adam and Seed of Abraham by White, A. Blake
Law of Confession: Revolutionize Your Life and Rewrite Your Future with the Power of Words by Winston, Bill
Die Würde der Person. Ihre Bestimmung und Wahrung angesichts der Herausforderungen durch die moderne Biomedizin by Schranz, Martin
A Prodigal Turned Preacher: From the Pigpen to the Pulpit by Jones, Thomas D.
Words Of Experience (Large Print Edition) by Evangelist, Charles Belt, Belt, Sandra
The Big Picture: Insights from the Spiritual World by Gilfoy, Garry
Fruitful in Suffering by Merritt, Ruth, Sheats, Jo Ann
The Big Picture: Insights from the Spiritual World by Gilfoy, Garry
What Do Angels Do? by Glowacki, Helen
Jesus spricht über Mord, Zorn und Versöhnung: Exegese zu Mt 5,21-26 by Meier, Holger
Outside the Gates: The Need for Theology, History, and Practice of Chaplaincy Ministries by Crick, Robert
Simple Answers From God: This book gives easily understood bible verses that confirm one another, to answer the most frequently asked questions by Anderson, James, Jr.
Words Of Experience: In Giant Print (Large Print Edition) by Belt, Sandra, Belt, Charles
Place Yourself by Guillaume, Vicklyn
Faces By the Wayside-Persons Who Encountered Jesus on the Road by Shepherd, J. Barrie
Chosen Nation by Anderson, Braden P.
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation: Biblical Essays by Ellis, E. Earle
The Universe as Communion: Towards a Neo-Patristic Synthesis of Theology and Science by Nesteruk, Alexei
Jesus, an Emerging Jewish Mosaic: Jewish Perspectives, Post-Holocaust by Moore, Daniel F.
Eating and Believing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vegetarianism and Theology by
Women and Ordination in the Christian Churches: International Perspectives by
The Papacy and Crusading in Europe, 1198-1245 by Rist, Rebecca
Ontology and Providence in Creation: Taking Ex Nihilo Seriously by Robson, Mark Ian Thomas
Religion, Literature and the Imagination: Sacred Worlds by
The Quest for God in the Work of Borges by Flynn, Annette U.
Obstacles to Divine Revelation: God and the Reorientation of Human Reason by King, Rolfe
World Christianity in Local Context: Essays in Memory of David A. Kerr Volume 1 by
Hallowed, be His Named.: The Biggest Book for this World to be known by Bishop, Doctor
Reading the Decree: Exegesis, Election and Christology in Calvin and Barth by Gibson, David
The Christ's Faith: A Dogmatic Account by Allen, Michael
Soul, Self, and Society by Rynkiewich, Michael
Faces By the Wayside-Persons Who Encountered Jesus on the Road by Shepherd, J. Barrie
Chosen Nation by Anderson, Braden P.
The Historical Jesus?: Necessity and Limits of an Inquiry by Nodet, Etienne
TODAY IS (Volume 2) by McTaggart, Christine
Bernhard von Clairvaux und die Relecture der regula benedicti: Die Gründung des Zisterzienserordens als Ergebnis der monastischen Reformbewegung und d by Baier, Stephan
Vergleich einer kontextuellen Hermeneutik mit einer traditionellen Hermeneutik: Anhand der Kontroverse Chung/Parthenios auf der siebten Vollversammlun by Meier, Holger
Soul, Self, and Society by Rynkiewich, Michael
The Truth about You: A Collection of Studies Revealing Your Identity, Position and Redemption in Christ by Young, Johnny, Jr.
Come Eat from My Table by Tackett, Connie Shanklin
Maximum Saints - 4: Forgive by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
Family-id --- Intentional Direction: Discover Your Family's Unique Purpose and Passion! by Gunn, Greg
Maximum Saints - 3: Dream by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
The Generous Heart: Explaining the Economics of God's Kingdom by Davies, Mike
Maximum Saints - 2: Make No Little Plans by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
Love is like a Lizard by Gibson, Jerry
The Way of the Cross and Resurrection by Durham, Lynn
The New Testament Received As Scripture: A Series of Volumes Examining the Origins of the Books of the Christian Canon-Volume III: The Thessalonian Ep by Phelan, M. W. J.
Recognizing God in You by Carneiro, Severo
No, I Was Not Born Gay! by Hudson, Jay L.
Preaching Creation by Holbert, John C.
The Purpose of God Concerning Sin by Atwell, Lynn
On Kierkegaard and the Truth by Holmer, Paul L.
Recognizing God in You by Carneiro, Severo
No, I Was Not Born Gay! by Hudson, Jay L.
Bible Translation Magazine: All Things Bible Translation (January 2012) by Andrews, Edward D.
Apostasy!: The Word-Faith Doctrinal Deception by Kluttz, Jeff
Preaching Creation by Holbert, John C.
On Kierkegaard and the Truth by Holmer, Paul L.
Exegese zu Amos 9,1-15 by Meier, Holger
Christ, the Savior of Israel; An Evaluation of the Dual Covenant and "Sonderweg" Interpretations of Paul's Letters by Vanlaningham, Michael
Light from Dark Ages? An Evangelical Critique of Celtic Spirituality by Raikes, Marian
How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens: A Guide to Christ-Focused Reading of Scripture by Williams, Michael
Greening the Orthodox Parish: A Handbook for Christian Ecological Practice by Krueger, Frederick W.
A Cardinal Chorus: songs and strategies for teaching the basics of our Faith by Doyle, Dana R.
The Adoption: Whose You Are=Who You Are by Dempster, Yvette R.
The New Jerusalem: Book Three of A Last Days Trilogy by Bortolazzo, Paul
Honor by Torborg, Winner
Biblioteca de ideas: Eventos Especiales by Youth Specialties
El Dios Pródigo, Guía de Discusión: Encuentra Tu Lugar En La Mesa = The Prodigal God Discussion Guide by Keller, Timothy
Lovely Feet On The Mountain by Odiogor-Odoh, Felix N.
Cassocks in the Wilderness: Remembering the Seminary at Springwood by Geraghty, Christopher
Choices Are for the Living: Choose a Life Worth Repeating by Davenport, Michele
Wrapped In The Name by Reader, William
Emerging Process by Epperly, Bruce G.
Your Money Is Coming!: Get Ready For The Increase $$$ by Allen Sr, Franklin
A Little Good by Begnaud, Sister St John
Love Is by Primm, Joseph A.
Seeking the Straight and Narrow: Weight Loss and Sexual Reorientation in Evangelical America by Gerber, Lynne
No Exemptions: Where Will You Spend Eternity? by Mariano, Patti
2010Boston: The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity by
2010Boston: The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity by
The Divine Trinity by Brown, David
From Story Interpretation to Sermon Crafting by Dickson, Charles R.
Love Is by Primm, Joseph A.
A Little Good by Begnaud, Sister St John
From Story Interpretation to Sermon Crafting by Dickson, Charles R.
A Christian's Guide to Tactics of Spiritual Warfare: How and Why God and Jesus Will Win by Mills, Kevin
England's Long Reformation: 1500 - 1800 by
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