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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2013

Contemporary Pentecostal Christianity: Interpretations from an African Context by Asamoah-Gyadu, J. Kwabena
Contextual Missiology of the Spirit: Pentecostalism in Rajasthan, India by Lukose, Wessly
Contextualisation and Mission Training: Engaging Asia's Religious Worlds by
Culture Change in Ethiopia: An Evangelical Perspective by Mekonnen, Alemayehu
Following Jesus: Journeys in Radical Discipleship: Essays in Honor of Ronald J. Sider by
Good News from Africa: Community Transformation Through the Church by
Transforming Microfinance: A Christian Approach by
Reluctant or Radical Revolutionaries?: Evangelical Missionaries and Afro-Jamaican Character, 1834-1870 by Bolt, Cawley
Inequality, Corruption and the Church: Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Church by Allaby, Martin
The Bible and Christian Ethics by
The Cosmic Christ: Towards Effective Mission Among the Maasai by Lekundayo, Godwin
Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation by
Bible in Mission by
Orthodox Perspectives on Mission by
A Century of Catholic Mission by
Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship by
Highly Exalted by Chant, Ken
Following Jesus: Defining Discipleship for the 21st Century by Brady, Kelly
Soul Leader's Guide: A 7-Week Introduction to Jesus for Teens and Young People by Christianity Explored
Conversas Cristãs com as Testemunhas de Jeová: Respostas Bíblicas a perguntas que as Testemunhas de Jeová fazem (Christian Conversations with JWs Port by Darlington, Christina R.
Cy Leader's Guide: A Seven-Week Course for Young People by Christianity Explored
Living in Financial Victory by Evans, Tony
Lectionary Worship AIDS: Pentecost Edition: Cycle C by Reed, George
Navigating the Sermon: Pentecost Edition: Cycle C by Company, Inc Css Publishing
The Martyrdom of St Phokas of Sinope by Sebastian, P. Brock, Brock, Sebastian P.
Be Still and Know You Are God: Use The Power Within To Consciously Create Happiness And The Life You Seek by Keating, Dan
A Protestant Guide To The Blessed Virgin Mary by Venditti Ma, Thomas Samuel
Paul the Teacher by Etwaroo, Vincent
Lectionary Stories for Preaching and Teaching: Pentecost Edition: Cycle C by Company, Inc Css Publishing
African Religion: The Quarry of the Rock of Monotheism by Kurewa, John Wesley Zwomunondiita
Throne Rights by Chant, Ken
Conflict Resolution in the Church by Morrison, Philip E., Mwalw'a, Chris
Soul Handbook: A 7-Week Introduction to Jesus for Teens and Young People by Morgan Locke, Nate
Church Planting at the End of the Twentieth Century by Chaney, Charles L.
100 Years at Portstewart by Fell, Joseph
Christian Ideals in British Culture: Stories of Belief in the Twentieth Century by Nash, D.
How to be Born Again and avoid Hell by Heward-Mills, Dag
Faith Dynamics by Chant, Ken
You Lost Me Discussion Guide by Hawkins, Aly, Kinnaman, David
Brass Heavens: Reasons for Unanswered Prayer by Tautges, Paul
How to Get Along With Your Church by Thompson, George B., Jr.
Following God Through the Ages: Where do you fit in to God's plan as an end-time saint? by Weesner, Alvin O.
Insular Christianity: Alternative Models of the Church in Britain and Ireland, C.1570-C.1700 by
Death, Life, and Religious Change in Scottish Towns C. 1350-1560 by Cowan, Mairi
Laikos by Heward-Mills, Dag
Con Razón Lo Llaman El Salvador - Serie Favoritos: Todo Se Reduce a Una Cosa....La Cruz by Lucado, Max
Criando Niños Vol. 3 - Serie Favoritos by Dobson, James
Controle Sus Emociones - Serie Favoritos by Wright, Norman
Casados Pero Felices - Serie Favoritos by LaHaye, Tim
Cómo Mantener Relaciones Con Personas Difíciles - Serie Favoritos by Parrott, Les
El Caminar Con Dios de Una Joven - Serie Favoritos by George, Elizabeth
Ulster Presbyterians and the Scots Irish Diaspora, 1750-1764 by Bankhurst, B.
Lectionary Preaching Workbook: Pentecost Edition: Cycle C by Ellingsen, Mark
The Hidden Passion: A Novel of the Gnostic Christ Based on the Nag Hammadi Texts by Caruana, L.
El Poder del Joven Que Ora - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
Guía de Una Joven Para Las Buenas Decisiones - Serie Favoritos: Tu Vida a la Manera de Dios by George, Elizabeth
Guerra Espiritual: Una Guía Para La Mujer by Sherrer, Quinn, Garlock, Ruthanne
El Llamado Supremo de la Mujer - Serie Favoritos by George, Elizabeth
El Llamado de la Mujer a la Oración - Serie Favoritos by George, Elizabeth
Asian Handbook for Theological Education and Ecumenism by
Evangelical Mission in Co-Operation with Catholics: A Study of Evangelical Missiological Tensions by Miller, Paul M.
Faces of Holistic Mission: Stories of the Ocms Family by
From This World to the Next: Christian Identity and Funerary Rites in Nepal by Sharma, Bal Krishna
Handbook of Theological Education in Africa by
What Does Love Have to Do with Leadership? by Miller, Mary
El Llamado de Una Joven a la Oración - Serie Favoritos by George, Elizabeth
Las Mujeres Y Sus Emociones - Serie Favoritos by Neff, Mirian
Matrimonio Y Sexualidad Vol. 1 - Serie Favoritos by Dobson, James
Sanidad del Alma Herida: Tomo 1 - Serie Favoritos by Westmeier, Arline
Pasos Diarios Para Chicas de Dios - Serie Favoritos by Wagner, Holly
Summa Theologica, Volume 5 (Part III, Second Section & Supplement) by St Thomas Aquinas, Aquinas, Thomas
Embodied Light: Advent Reflections on the Incarnation by Tidwell, Melissa
Creator God, Evolving World by Crysdale, Cynthia
Summa Theologica, Volume 5 (Part III, Second Section & Supplement) by St Thomas Aquinas, St Thomas Aquinas
Dama En Espera - Serie Favoritos by Kendall, Jackie, Debby
Familias Confiadas Vol. 2 - Serie Favoritos by Dobson, James
Cómo Orar Por Los Hijos Pródigos - Serie Favoritos: Recobra Lo Que El Enemigo Te Robó by Garlock, Ruthanne, Sherrer, Quin
Upon This Rock: Studies in Church History and Their Application by Watson, J. D.
Leading Worship: A Lay Servant Ministries Advanced Course by Burton-Edwards, Taylor
Still Side by Side (Nepali) by Janet, George
The Great Doctrines of The Bible by Evans, William
Personal Jesus by
Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Liturgical Participation by Pivarnik, R. Gabriel
The Cost of the Anointing Workbook by Merritt, Mia Y.
The Cost of the Anointing by Merritt, Mia Y.
The Christian Camp Leader by Badke, Jim
Manantiales En El Desierto Vol. 2 - Serie Favoritos = Streams in Tha Desert, Volumen Two by Cowman, Sra
Rompiendo Las Cadenas - Serie Favoritos by Anderson, Neil
Oraciones Con Poder / Tomo 1 - Serie Favoritos by Copeland, Germaine
Temperamentos Transformados - Serie Favoritos: Descubre El Poder Que Cambia Vidas by LaHaye, Tim
Lent and Easter Wisdom from Saint Vincent de Paul: Daily Scripture and Prayers Together with Saint Vincent de Paul's Own Words by Rybolt, John
Conference and District Lay Leaders Manual by Jackson, Sandy
Ethics: A Liberative Approach by
Immersion Bible Studies: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther by Purdum, Stan
Growing as a Prophetic Singer by Blanc, Anna
Reaching Out, Touching Hearts: The Joy of Encouraging Others by Gossett, Don
Releasing Heavens Song: Prophetic Worship - Singing Over Your Nation For Breakthrough and Revival by Waterman, Roma
God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World by Murphy, Cullen
The City of God (11-22) by Augustine, St
Un Hombre Sin Igual - Serie Favoritos by Bright, Bill
Catch the Anointing by Heward-Mills, Dag
Fire Devils Coming: Flee The Wrath To Come by Carpenter, The Village
Mission At and From the Margins: Patterns, Protagonists and Perspectives by
Sweet Influences of the Anointing by Heward-Mills, Dag
Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for Our Everyday Lives by Gudorf, Christine E.
The Oldest Christian People by Lamsa, George M., Murray, John Gardiner, Emhardt, William Chauncey
As I Have Loved You: A Programme for Christian Education in Human Sexuality: Years of Innocence and Puberty by O'Shea, Gerard
¿Quién Me Desconectó El Cerebro?: Controla Las Emociones Y Los Pensamientos Tóxicos by Leaf, Caroline
Immersion Bible Studies: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations by Catron, Janice E.
de Principiis by
Summa Theologica, Volume 2 (Part II, First Section) by St Thomas Aquinas, St Thomas Aquinas
Lutheranism 101 - Holy Baptism by Lehmann, Charles R.
The City of God (1-10) by Augustine, St
5 Steps to Living Christian Unity: Insights and Examples by Slipper, Callan
Hopeful Meditations for Every Day of Eas: Years A, B, and C by Savage, Warren, McSweeny, Mary
90 Minutos En El Cielo - Serie Favoritos by Piper, Don, Murphey, Cecil
Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Leader's Guide by Jackson, Sandy
The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected by Ripken, Nik, Lewis, Gregg
Any-3: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time by Shipman, Mike
Unwrapping Lazarus: Free to live as God intended by Carter, Pete
Planning Worship by Burton-Edwards, Taylor
Crossing the Line: Nonviolent Resisters Speak Out for Peace by Riegle, Rosalie G.
Crossing the Line: Nonviolent Resisters Speak Out for Peace by Riegle, Rosalie G.
A World Worth Saving: Lenten Spiritual Practices for Action by Donigian, George Hovaness
El Poder de Los Padres Que Oran: Libro de Oraciones - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
El Poder de la Esposa Que Ora: Libro de Oraciones - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
Temperamentos Controlados Por El Espíritu - Serie Favoritos: Fortaleza Para Cada Dificultad by LaHaye, Tim
El Poder de la Mujer Que Ora: Libro de Oraciones - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
El Escudero de Dios (Libros 1 & 2) - Serie Favoritos by Nance, Terry
Assemblée Générale Du 29 Décembre 1892 by Sans Auteur
The Cross and the Lynching Tree by Cone, James H.
Indestructible Foundations by Wilson, Peter
33 Dias Hacia Un Glorioso Amanecer by Gaitley, Michael E.
How Can I Know?: Answers to Life's 7 Most Important Questions by Jeffress, Robert
Ministerios de servicion laico Curso Basico: Guia del lider by Jackson, Sandy
Ministerios de servicio laico Curso Basico: Libro del participante by Jackson, Sandy
Outrageous Courage: What God Can Do with Raw Obedience and Radical Faith by Vallotton, Jason, Vallotton, Kris
The Life of St. Pelagius by James the Deacon
Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail: Why Evangelicals Are Attracted to the Liturgical Church by Webber, Robert E., Ruth, Lester
Summa Theologica, Volume 2 (Part II, First Section) by St Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas, St Thomas Aquinas
Sanctification in Reverse by Clark, Patricia Baird
How Can I Help? by Elliott, Lynda D.
St. Joseph Weekday Missal, Volume II (Large Type Edition): Pentecost to Advent by Catholic Book Publishing & Icel
The City of God (1-10) by Augustine, St
The Idolatry of God by Rollins, Peter
Sermons of George Whitefield by Whitefield, George
Wesley and the People Called Methodists by Heitzenrater, Richard P.
Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by Wallace, J. Warner
Keeping the Heart by Flavel, John
El Poder del Esposo Que Ora: Libro de Oraciones - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
Pies de Ciervas En Los Lugares Altos - Serie Favoritos by Hunnard, Hannah
Victoria Sobre La Oscuridad - Serie Favoritos: Reconoce El Poder de Tu Identidad En Cristo by Anderson, Neil
Professional Coach Training: A Coaching4Clergy Textbook by Hastings, J. Val
Burning Yet Not Consumed by Mumbui, Karimi
Through Tear-Filled Eyes by Owston, Paula
Through Tear-Filled Eyes by Owston, Paula
L'Évangile, Notre Fondement: Les Brochures de la Gospel Coalition - Volume 1 (Gospel-Centered Ministry; The Plan) by Smith, Colin S., Carson, Donald Arthur, Keller, Timothy J.
L'Évangile Et l'Écriture: Les Brochures de la Gospel Coalition - Volume 2 (Can We Know the Truth?; What Is the Gospel?; The Gospel and Scripture by Chapell, Bryan, Bullmore, Mike
L' by Wilson, Sanders L., Andrews III, Reddit, Ryken, Philip Graham
L'Évangile Et Le Peuple de Dieu: Les Brochures de la Gospel Coalition - Volume 4 (the Holy Spirit; The Church: God's New People; Baptism and the Lord' by Anyabwile, Thabiti M., Duncan III, J. Ligon, Savage, Timothy
God Tells How to Eliminate Famine by Franklin, Frederick E.
Jehova de Los Ejercitos: Cinco Mensajes Sacados del Libro del Profeta Hageo. by Barajas, Eleazar
Adam and Eve After the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution by Eberstadt, Mary
Ireland's Saint: The Essential Biography of St. Patrick by Bury, J. B.
Christian Unity 101: A Guide to Finding the One Holy Universal Christian Church Within Its Many Branches by Harness, William, Noel, Baptist Wriothesley
Brauchen wir heute noch biblische Wundergeschichten? Über die Notwendigkeit und den Wert biblischer (Wunder-)Geschichten in einem modernen Zeitalter by Hesbacher, Anna
Beyond Duty: A Passion for Christ, a Heart for Mission by Dearborn, Tim a.
Missional Transformation: God's Spirit at Work: Essays Celebrating the Outreach Ministry of Dr. Eugene Bunkowske by Press, Mark, Bunkowske, Eugene
Under Fives Alive and Kicking! by Goddard, Eileen, Farley, Jane
Missional Transformation: God's Spirit at Work: Essays Celebrating the Outreach Ministry of Dr. Eugene Bunkowske by Bunkowske, Eugene, Press, Mark
Common Worship: Baptism of Children Card by
The Sufficiency and Defects of the English Communion Office. by A.G. Walpole Sayer by Sayer, A. G. Walpole, Walpole Sayer, A. G.
Church Life and Thought in North Africa Ad 200 by Donaldson, Stuart Alexander
Ethics and Power in Medieval English Reformist Writing. Edwin D. Craun by Craun, Edwin D.
Under Fives - Alive! by Jarvis, Judy, Farley, Jane, Goddard, Eileen
Parenting in the Pew: Guiding Your Children into the Joy of Worship by Castleman, Robbie F.
Endued And Mantled by Bally, Sherlock
Living in God's Rest: At Peace in a Chaotic World by Lapointe, Nancy
The Narrative Unity of the Cursor Mundi by Mardon, Ernest
Good Questions Have Small Groups Talking -- Generosity: Generosity by Hunt, Josh
The Right Prescription by Scott, Janine
Rethinking Christian Identity by Volpe, Medi Ann
How Do We Know the Bible Is True Volume 2 by
The Mystery of Iniquity (16pt Large Print Edition) by Rood, Michael
Conflict Resolution: Solving Your People Problems by Hunt, June
Anger: Facing the Fire Within by Hunt, June
Forgiveness: The Freedom to Let Go by Hunt, June
6th To 9th Hour by Emerson, Charles Lee, Carpenter, The Village
Dandelion Season by Knochel, Tamar
Joseph's Journey: Lessons for Teaching About the Life of Joseph by Kientz, Michael S.
Good Questions Have Small Groups Talking -- Questions Jesus Asked: Questions Jesus Asked by Hunt, Josh
His Broken Body: Understanding and Healing the Schism between the Roman Catholic: An Orthodox Perspective - Expanded Edition by Cleenewerck, Laurent A.
True Intimacy Challenge by Knochel, Tamar, Knochel, S. Christian
Christ, and Him Crucified by Harsha, David
5 More Powerful Tips for Training Unstoppable Children: Attitude for kids, sowing for kids, worship for kids, adult supervision for kids, Holy Spirit by Gibble, Patti
Parables & Parallels: Modern Day Insights into Many Ancient Words by Litwin, David W.
Judas: Son of Perdition by Taylor, Daniel Cravens
Church as Moral Community by O'Neil, Michael D.
Bishop Wake's Summary of Visitation Returns from the Diocese of Lincoln 1705-15, Part 1: Lincolnshire by
Bishop Wake's Summary of Visitation Returns from the Diocese of Lincoln 1706-15, Part 2: Huntingdonshire, Hertfordshire (Part), Bedfordshire, Leiceste by
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