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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2013

The Desire of Ages by White, Ellen G.
God's Beauty-In-ACT: Participating in God's Suffering Glory by Garrett, Stephen M.
God's Beauty-In-ACT: Participating in God's Suffering Glory by Garrett, Stephen M.
Krisenbewältigung: Junge Erwachsene und die Krise der Kirche by Bolz, Rebekka
Offenbarungskonstitution by Drewa, Larissa
Nuntiatur Des Ciriaco Rocci. Ausserordentliche Nuntiatur Des Girolamo Grimaldi (1631-1633) by
Church and People in the Medieval West, 900-1200 by Hamilton, Sarah
Wie Glaube von Sören Kierkegaard definiert wird: Auf der Grundlage seines Werkes "Die Krankheit zum Tode" by Schricke, Tobias
Aufgeklärte Religion und ihre Probleme by
Aufklärung und Esoterik: Wege in die Moderne by
The Great Apostasy: Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History by Talmage, James E.
The Life of Christ by Farrar, Frederic W.
Help! There's a Teen in My House: Six Secrets to Understanding Your Teen by Comer, Dina
The Geography of God's Incarnation: Landscapes and Narratives of Faith by Pederson, Ann
Becoming Two in Love: Kierkegaard, Irigaray, and the Ethics of Sexual Difference by de Vries, Roland J.
Becoming Two in Love: Kierkegaard, Irigaray, and the Ethics of Sexual Difference by de Vries, Roland J.
The Geography of God's Incarnation: Landscapes and Narratives of Faith by Pederson, Ann
The Roar by Hazlett, Bob
The Interruptive Word: Eberhard Jüngel on the Sacramental Structure of God's Relation to the World by Nelson, R. David
Interpreting Mark: Christianity without an historical Christ by Garden, Dominick
Evil and the Devil by
American Theological Inquiry, Volume Six, Issue Two by
The Angels will listen by Damir, Catalin
God Speaks to Us: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Biblical Hermeneutics by
Zweckrationales Denken in der islamischen Literatur: Al-maqāṣid als systemhermeneutisches Denkparadigma by El Mallouki, Habib
American Theological Inquiry, Volume Six, Issue Two by
Good Questions Have Small Groups Talking -- Pray Like It Matters: Pray Like It Matters by Hunt, Josh
Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Essays. Biblical and Early Christianity Studies from Malawi by Nkhoma, Jonathan S.
Toward an African Church in Mozambique. Kamba Simango and the Protestant Communtity in Manica and Sofala by Spencer, Leon P.
Malawi and Scotland Together in the Talking Place Since 1859 by Ross, Kenneth R.
Creative Ideas for Frontline Evangelism: With Young People by Rundell, Simon
These Things We Believe - A Layman's Look at the Baptist Faith and Message by Dedmon, S. V. (Steve)
Christian By Trade by Morgan, Anna
Defending the Revolution: The Church of Scotland 1689�1716 by Stephen, Jeffrey
Using the Bible in Practical Theology: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives by Bennett, Zoë
Holy Spirit, Holy Living: Toward a Practical Theology of Holiness for Twenty-First Century Churches by Harris, Antipas L.
Iron Sharpens Iron: A Discussion Guide for Twenty-First-Century Seekers by Vande Kappelle, Robert P.
Holy Spirit, Holy Living: Toward a Practical Theology of Holiness for Twenty-First Century Churches by Harris, Antipas L.
Iron Sharpens Iron: A Discussion Guide for Twenty-First-Century Seekers by Vande Kappelle, Robert P.
Sorry for Your Troubles by Tuama, Padraig O., O. Tuama, Padraig
Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Wyoming, 1925-1956 by Reusser, Walter C.
The ISCHUS Revolution: Understanding the Impetus and Driving Force behind a Revolution by Isaac, Allan S.
Spain, a Land Blighted by Religion by Lewis, Joseph
The Atom Speaks: And Echoes The Word Of God by Chesnut, D. Lee
The Valley of God's Pleasure: A Saga of the North Union Shaker Community by Piercy, Caroline Behlen
The Conflict of the Ages: The Mystery of Lawlessness by Gaebelein, Arno Clemens
Preach for a year: 52 anointed sermon outlines by Van Wyk, Jeff
Reach: A compilation of anointing teachings by Van Wyk, Jeff
Articles on Being Christian by Cuny, Charles H.
I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore!: A true story of a "Spiritual Journey" by Freeman, John Ellison
Will the True Church Please Stand Up! by Burns, Tawny
How To Have Your Best Christmas Ever: 10 Keys to Make It All Happen by Cook, Alan J.
Catholic Christmas Prayers by Noel, Marie
Quakering Theology: Essays on Worship, Tradition and Christian Faith by Johns, David L.
When God Intervenes: The Beginning of the End by Berner, Douglas C.
Moses - Bible Stories In Poetry - Volume 3 by Allen, Naomi
The Call: Discussion and Study Guide for the Book by Os Guinness by Mellichamp, Joseph McRae
children of heaven: the night is far gone by Asemota, Otaniyenuwa
God's Plan for Your Life by Hartman, Judy, Hartman, Jack
A History of Anglican / Methodist Collaboration in Nigeria within the Yoruba Socio-Cultural Context by Olumuyiwa, Taiwo
A Stranger Within by Riddlesprigger, Paulette
A Stranger Within by Riddlesprigger, Paulette
Yeshua?: Discovering The Jewish Messiah by Garza, Al, Glass, Arthur E., (Shlomo) Phd, Ben Solomon
Boot Camp: Basic Training for the Christian Believer by Meza, Chad
The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies: Models for the Twenty-First Century by
Dancing in the Bible: Biblical Foundations for the Dancer by Lewis, Julinda D.
Dirt Matters: The Foundation for a Healthy, Vibrant, and Effective Congregation by Powell, Jim
Spiritual Complaint: The Theology and Practice of Lament by
The Beauty of the Triune God: The Theological Aesthetics of Jonathan Edwards by Louie, Kin Yip
Face to Face, Volume One: Missing Love by Folsom, Marty
The Beauty of the Triune God: The Theological Aesthetics of Jonathan Edwards by Louie, Kin Yip
Spiritual Complaint: The Theology and Practice of Lament by
Face to Face, Volume One: Missing Love by Folsom, Marty
Diagnosis: CANCER: RX: How my FAITH journey made me whole by Griffin, Alicia
The Woman and the Beast by Wilson, Fred A.
Babel is Everywhere! Migrant Readings from Africa, Europe and Asia by
The Woman and the Beast by Wilson, Fred A.
Red Sky in the Morning: Signs of the Coming Apocalyptic Storm by Sance Th D., Stephen
Catholic Apologetics: A Collection of Questions and Answers by Nur, Nicola Salameh
The Commercial Church: Black Churches and the New Religious Marketplace in America by Hinton, Mary
The Changing Catholic College by Greeley, Andrew M.
Becoming a Healthy Disciple: 10 Traits of a Vital Christian by Macchia, Stephen A.
Preaching Sermons: Powerful Sermons for Evangelism by Doucette, Patrick
The Silence is Broken!: God Hooks Ezekiel's Gog & Magog by Berner, Douglas C.
The Politics of Iconoclasm: Religion, Violence and the Culture of Image-Breaking in Christianity and Islam by Noyes, James
Spiritual Warfare against Witchcraft: Fighting in The Heavens from Louisiana Bayous, Rivers, Lakes, and Swamps by McCelndon, Rolanda
God's Divine Plan for His Glorious Church: A Brief Insight by Brown, Lonnie
The Work of the Holy Spirit Today: The End Times by Radebe, Isabel
Is Christ Divided by Oliver, Mark G.
Is Christ Divided by Oliver, Mark G.
Conquering Christian: Christian Conquers Superpower by Lenon-Reed, Valerie
False Tongues of Fire: A Personal Testimony by Jewell, Betty
Missional Ecclesiology by White, A. Blake
Suiting up for God's Team: Facing the Adversary and Coming off Conquerors by Buffington, Eric
God's Love Prevails by Ngozichukwu, Evangeline
Liliana's Angel by Broussard, Laura L.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Public Theology in a Post-Secular Age by Graham, Elaine
Generous Ecclesiology: Church, World and the Kingdom of God by Heard, James, Gittoes, Julie, Green, Brutus
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Public Theology in a Post-Secular Age by Graham, Elaine
Lost Chords and Christian Soldiers: The Sacred Music of Arthur Sullivan by Bradley, Ian
Walther's Hymnal: Church Hymnbook for Evangelical Lutheran Congregations of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession by Walther, C.
For Such a Time as This: Evanston Killings, Election, Ethics Consult by Vaux, Kenneth L.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: Music and Worship by Darsey, Steven F.
Get Your Hands Dirty: Essays on Christian Social Thought (and Action) by Ballor, Jordan J.
For Such a Time as This: Evanston Killings, Election, Ethics Consult by Vaux, Kenneth L.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: Music and Worship by Darsey, Steven F.
Get Your Hands Dirty: Essays on Christian Social Thought (and Action) by Ballor, Jordan J.
Great Revelations Inspired by God by Rodgers, Tarus D.
Walking In Power by Taylor, M. Jason
Spiritual Poems: Thank You Father by Marshall, Roebert John
Secret Messages in the Church by Voerman, Jan
The Riddle Sin, Forgiveness, & Repentance by Abbott, Stan
Speaking from a Firm Foundation: Selected Writings: 2005-2012 by Rainey, Joel
Secrets of God: A Journey to the Roots of Mystical Christianity by Wojtowicz, Slawek
Religious Education in the Small Membership Church by
Chapelites: Leadership Edition by
Multiply Your Impact: Making the Leap from Church Maintenance to Gospel Movement by Latona, Christie, Nixon, Paul
Discipleship in the Present Tense: Reflections on Faith and Culture by Smith, James K. A.
Converge Bible Studies: Practical Prayer by Yoo, Joseph
Praying and Believing in Early Christianity: The Interplay Between Christian Worship and Doctrine by Johnson, Maxwell E.
Peter Speaks by Roberts, Mattie
Josephus by Bentwich, Norman
Conviertete En Un Escritor Cristiano: Hoy Es Tu Dia by Guzman, Julio
The Galilean Economy in the Time of Jesus by
Finding God among Our Neighbors: An Interfaith Systematic Theology by Largen, Kristin Johnston
Christian Economic Ethics: History and Implications by Finn, Daniel K.
We Are Who We Think We Were: Christian History and Christian Ethics by Conley, Aaron D.
Lectionary Preaching Workbook, Series IX, Cycle a by Ellingsen, Mark
The Galilean Economy in the Time of Jesus by
Story of Jesus in History and Faith by Estes, Daniel J.
Philippi: How Christianity Began in Europe: The Epistle to the Philippians and the Excavations at Philippi by Verhoef, Eduard
Early Arabic Christian Contributions to Trinitarian Theology: The Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity in an Islamic Milieu by
The Wesleyan Way Leader Guide: A Faith That Matters by Jones, Scott J.
The Word: Guiding Principles for Everyday Living by Allen, Lola Belle
The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism After Karl Barth by McMaken, W. Travis
Life of St. Augustine of Canterbury by Goscelin of Saint-Bertin
The Sacrament of the Word Made Flesh by Stamps, Robert J.
The 40 Most Influential Christians: Who Shaped What We Believe Today by Aaron, Daryl
Classroom Management for Catechists by Fitz, Jennifer
The Leadership Style of Jesus by Youssef, Michael
Découvre et Expérimente sa Présence, Nouvelle Version by Tunasi, Marcello J.
Noviazgo que Conduce a un Matrimonio Feliz: Como encontrar la media naranja para establecer un matrimonio permanente. by Aguilar, Denis
L'Abbaye Du Beton En Maurienne by Melville-Glover
Homélie Contre Les Usuriers by Grégoire de Nysse
Dix Nouvelles Années de Trouvailles (1915-1925) Carthage Terre Mariale by Delattre, Alfred-Louis
La Croisade Blanche: En Réponse À La Croisade Noire de M. M.-L. Gagneur by Sans Auteur
Allocution Prononcée Dans l'Église de Saint-Pierre d'Aire, Le 24 Octobre 1867, À l'Occasion: Du Service Funèbre de M. Arthur Guillemin, Lieutenant Des by Sans Auteur
La France Et Le Congrès (2 Mai 1878.) by Sans Auteur
Rapport Sur Les Travaux Du Comité Catholique Du Troisième Arrondissement de Paris: Pendant l'Année 1873 by Sans Auteur
Assemblée Générale de l'Union Catholique de Rennes: Le 20 Avril 1886 by Sans Auteur
The Wesleyan Way: A Faith That Matters by Jones, Scott J.
Journey to the Veil by Pontius, John
The First Thanksgiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God and Learning from History by McKenzie, Robert Tracy
Règlement de la Société Fraternelle Des Ouvriers Tailleurs by Sans Auteur
Vie de Saint-François Xavier, Patron de l'Oeuvre Des Ouvriers by Sans Auteur
Relation de la Mission Du Lieutenant Général Comte Becker Auprès de l'Empereur Napoléon: , Depuis La Seconde Abdication Jusqu'au Passage À Bord Du 'Be by Sans Auteur
Grand Orgue de l'Église Métropolitaine Notre-Dame de Paris: Extrait Du Rapport Adressé: À S. E. M. Baroche, Par La Commission Chargée de la Vérificati by Lamazou, Pierre-Henri
Vie de Messire Antoine-Éléonore Léon Leclerc de Juigné, Archevêque de Paris by Lambert, Louis-Amable-Victor
Rétablissement Du Crédit Public by Sans Auteur
La Vie de Saint Vincent de Paul: Instituteur de la Congrégation de la Mission: Et Des Filles de la Charité by Collet, Pierre
Saint Antoine de Padoue. Pain Des Pauvres. Litanies Et Prières by Sans Auteur
Christ by Boissé, Jules
Histoire de S. Vincent de Paule, Fondateur Des Filles de la Charité by Sans Auteur
La Légitimité En Face Du Congrès Des Puissances Chrétiennes by Sans Auteur
Vie de la Vénérée Soeur Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat, Décédée Le 15 Février 1730: , Au Premier Monastère de la Visitation Sainte-Marie de Marseille by Sans Auteur
Vie de Saint Vincent de Paul, Instituteur de la Congrégation de la Mission: Et Des Filles de la Charité by Sans Auteur
Vie de Sainte Thérèse, Fondatrice Des Carmélites Déchaussées. Suivie de la Paraphrase: Sur l'Oraison Dominicale: Extraite Des Oeuvres de Sainte Thérès by Sans Auteur
Son Exc. Le Général Aide de Camp Hassan Ali Khan, Kéboudvendi by Sans Auteur
L'Oeuvre Des Prières Et Des Tombes Militaires Et de l'Achèvement de la Basilique de Jeanne d'Arc: À Domrémy (Vosges). Discours Prononcé Dans l'Église by Turinaz, Charles-François
Le Cléricalisme, Voilà l'Ennemi ! by Sans Auteur
Iiie Centenaire de Ste Thérèse de Jésus Célébré Dans La Chapelle Des Carmélites Du Mans: : Neuvaine Et Triduum Du 6 Au 18 Octobre 1882 by Sans Auteur
Compte Rendu de la Séance Solennelle Tenue Le 28 Mars 1833, Pour La Distribution Des Médailles: Destinées À Récompenser Les Services Rendus Aux Cholér by Sans Auteur
de l'Action Électorale Du Clergé Lettre d'Un Vieux Curé À Son Ancien Vicaire by Sans Auteur
Procès-Verbaux Des Séances Tenues Par La Commission Chargée de la Vérification Et de l'Annulation: Des Titres Non Émis de l'Emprunt d'Haïti de 1875 by Sans Auteur
Le Véritable Ami de l'Enfance, Ou Abrégé de la Vie Et Des Vertus de M. J.-B. de la Salle by Sans Auteur
Simple Écrit d'Abel Transon Aux Saint-Simoniens by Transon, Abel
Université de France. Académie de Strasbourg. Faculté de Théologie Protestante: . Sébastien Castellion, Sa Vie, Ses Oeuvres Et Sa Théologie. Thèse... by Broussoux, Emile
Plans, Coupes, Élévations Et Détails de l'Église Rue de Montyon, À Paris Sous l'Invocation: de Saint Eugène, Patron de S. M. l'Impératrice, Tels Qu'il by Lusson, Adrien Louis
Les Secrets de la Salette: Détails Sur Ces Mystérieuses Révélations by Sans Auteur
The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible: Discoveries That Confirm the Reliability of Scripture by Holden, Joseph M., Geisler, Norman
City of God (Books 11-22): De Civitate Dei by Saint Augustine
Worship Leaders: We Are Not Rock Stars by Miller, Stephen
On Christian Doctrine and Practice by St Basil the Great
The Book of Common Prayer: The Texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662 by
Philippi: How Christianity Began in Europe: The Epistle to the Philippians and the Excavations at Philippi by Verhoef, Eduard
Re-Visions: A Look at the World Through New Eyes by Decuir, Ron
Histories of American Christianity: An Introduction by Evans, Christopher H.
True Devotion to Mary: With Preparation for Total Consecration by Saint Louis de Montfort
In SPIRIT and in TRUTH!: A Guide for lost Christians by Greene, Jacquelyn L.
John Bale and Religious Conversion in Reformation England by Wort, Oliver
Freedom is Your Destiny! by Eismann, Daniel T.
Encouraging Words Of Biblical Wisdom by Grizzell, Gary L.
Preaching God's Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary, Year C by
The Way To Pentecost by Chadwick, Samuel
The Call to Christian Perfection by Chadwick, Samuel
A Minnesota Mom, Volume 3: The Making of a Missionary by Stendal, Patricia C.
Servant Leadership: Leading with Unselfish Authority by Tarter, James
PILGRIMS Part Two by Newell, Cecil Andrew
Teach Children Basic Bible Doctrine, Using Pictures by Ellison, Renee
Debating Christian Theism by
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