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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2013

The Provincial Council of Manila of 1771 by Bantigue, Pedro N.
Jurisdiction of Pastors in the External Forum by Deutsch, Bernard F.
Prejudicial Attempts in Pending Litigation by Dunnivan, John P.
Free Admission to the Church for Sacred Rites by Ernst, Albert
Canonical Relations Between Bishops and Abbots at the Beginning of the Tenth Century; 1957 by Henry, Charles W.
Clergy Conference by Hoffman, Lawrence Joseph
The Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities of Studies by Markham, James J.
A Comparative Study of Crime and Its Imputability in Ecclesiastical Criminal Law and in American Criminal Law by McGrath, John J.
The Postulancy by McGuire, James D.
Ecclesiastical Property in Australia and New Zealand by Munday, James E.
Judicial Experts by Pickard, William M.
The Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus by Ruddy, James
Requisites of Intention in the Reception of the Sacraments by Vanyo, Leo
The Truth Required in the Preces for Rescripts by Adams, Donald E.
Natural Law and Positive Law by Begin, Raymond F.
A Study of the Juridic Status of Laymen in the Writing of the Medieval Canonists by Cox, Ronald J.
Temporal Administration of the Religious House in a Non Exempt Clerical Pontifical Institute by DeMers, Francis L.
The Provisions of the Decree Spiritus Sancti Munera by Dziadosz, Henry J.
Interpretation of Rescripts by Gerhardt, Bernard C.
The Concept of Public Order by Hackett, John Henry
The Canonico Juridical Status of a Communist by Murphy, Richard J.
Parochial Relations and Co Operation of the Religious and Secular Clergy by O'Connor, David (rev ).
Decennial Faculties for Ordinaries in Quasi Dioceses by Chyang, Peter B.
The Penal Remedies of the Code of Canon Law; 1960 by Love, Paul L.
The Laws of the State of Texas Affecting Church Property by McLeaish, Donald C.
The New Church Law on Matrimony by Petrovits, Joseph
The Administration of Seminaries by Cox, Joseph Godfrey
The Clerical Obligations of Canons 139 and 142 by Brunini, Joseph Bernard
Oaths in Ecclesiastical Courts by Moriarty, Eugene James
The Visitation of Religious by Reilly, Thomas Francis
Principles of Episcopal Jurisdiction by Ryan, Gerald Aloysius
Dowry for Women Religious by Kealy, Thomas M.
Legitimacy and Legitimation by McDevitt, Gilbert Joseph
Ignorance in Relation to the Imputability of Delicts by Swoboda, Innocent Robert
The Defendant in Contentious Trials; 1942 by Krol, John J.
Dispensation from Vindictive Penalties by Christ, Joseph James
The Provincial Superior in Religious Orders of Men by O'Brien, Romaeus
The Ipso Facto Effected Dismissal of Religious by Pfaller, Benedict Anthony
The Rights and Obligations of Metropolitans by Popek, Alphonse
Quasi Religious by Ristuccia, Bernard
The Laws of the State of New Mexico Affecting Church Property by Rodriguez, Manuel
Censorship of Special Classes of Books by Sonntage, Nathaniel
Canonical Precedence by Schreiber, Paul
Frequent Holy Communion by Stadler, Joseph
The Laws of the State of Nevada Affecting Church Property by Welsh, Maurice
The Communication of Catholics with Schismatics by Szal, Ignatius
The Manifestation of Conscience by Dee, Dacian D.
Parochial Substitute Vicars and Supplying Priests by Wagner, Urban
First Amendment Freedoms, Papal Pronouncements and Concordat Practice by Nessel, William (rev ).
The Judicial Interrogation of the Parties by Clune, Robert
The Ordination of Exempt Religious by Dlouhy, Maur J.
The Clerical Obligations of Canons 138 and 140 by Donovan, John T.
The Seal of Confession by Roos, John R.
The Canonical Installation of Pastors by Freking, Frederick W.
Authorized Ecclesiastical Acts by Tierney, William J.
Time and Place for the Celebration of Mass by Godley, James
Mental Illness Affecting Marital Consent by Van Ommeren, William
The Laws of the State of Mississippi Affecting Church Property by McGough, James
The Jurisdiction of the Patriarchs of the Major Sees in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages by Kane, Thomas a.
The Right to Accuse a Marriage of Invalidity by Nace, Arthur J.
Transfer of Religious to Another Community by Konrad, Joseph a.
The Recipient of Extreme Unction by Renati, Charles George
Faculties of Regular Confessors by McCartney, Marcellus A.
Archconfraternities, Archsodalities and Primary Unions, with a Supplement on the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers by Quinn O. F. M. Cap, Edmund
The Division of Parishes by McCaslin, Edward O.
The Nature of Support of Diocesan Priests in the United States of America by O'Brien, Kenneth R.
The Recording Judge in the Ecclesiastical Collegiate Tribunal by Metz, John E.
The Rogatory Commission by Reinhardt, Marion J.
A Study of Canon 2222, 1 by Casey, James V.
The Canonical Obligation of Preaching in Parish Churches by Allgeier, Joseph L.
The Custody of the Holy Eucharist by Cahill, Daniel Raymond
Reverential Fear in Matrimonial Cases in Asiatic Countries: Rota Cases by Knopke, Roch F.
The Obligation of Holding Sacred Missions in Parishes by Lavelle, Howard David
The Constitutive Elements of Parishes by Mickells, Anthony Bernard
Nullity in Judicial Acts by Noone, John J.
The Minister of Holy Communion by Sheehan, Daniel E.
The Minister of the Last Sacraments by Statkus, Francis J.
Ecclesiastical Communities and Their Ability to Induce Legal Customs by Cook, John Patrick
The Place for the Hearing of Confessions by Fazzalaro, Francis J.
The Canonical Concept of Congrua Sustentatio for the Secular Clergy by Hannan, Philip M.
The Particular Penal Precept by Quinn, Hugh Gabriel
The Use of the Portable Altar by Welsh, Thomas J.
The Probation in Societies of Quasi Religious by Waters, Joseph L.
Canon 16 by Regan, Michael J.
Investment of Church Funds by Bryne, Harry J.
Extraordinary Form of Marriage According to Canon 1098 by Fus, Edward Anthony
What's So Blessed about Being Poor?: Seeking the Gospel in the Slums of Kenya by Slavin, Susan, Salvador, Coralis
Just Thinking by Brown, Cathy
Diligent and Unwearied in the Discharge of His Pastoral Duties: The 1805 Diary of the REV. Dr. James Muir, Minister of the Old Presbyterian Meeting Ho by Muir, James, Dahmann, Donald C.
The Book of Saints: The Early Era by Truesdale, Al
The False Denunciation of an Innocent Confessor by Linenberger, Herbert
The Gospel Of Sight by Gulley, Bobbie J.
The Annihilation of Hell by Ansell, Nik
Oral Gospel Tradition by Dunn, James D. G.
The Alienation of Church Property in the United States by Heston, Edward Louis
From Football to Freetown by Schierling, Jake and Ruth
Suspension of Clerics by Rainer, Eligius G.
Limitless: God's Creative Mandate for His Church by Bowman Webb, Charity
Lust auf die frohe Botschaft. Lesejahr B: Öffnung zu Gotteserfahrung und Glaubensfreude, Betrachtungen zu jedem Sonntag der drei Lesejahrgänge by Baecker, P. Raimund
Sallie McFague: Collected Readings by McFague, Sallie, Lott, David B.
Waiting and Being: Creation, Freedom, and Grace in Western Theology by Davis, Joshua B.
Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity by Marty, Martin E., Burkee, James Christian
Interpreting Bonhoeffer: Historical Perspectives, Emerging Issues by Carter, Guy C., Green, Clifford J.
Broken by Beauty by Farrington, Joy
Sing Low, Sing High by Gulley, Bobbie J.
A Volunteer Youth Worker's Guide to Resourcing Parents by Oestreicher, Mark
Soy Miembro de la Iglesia: La Actitud Que Marca La Diferencia by Rainer, Thom S.
The Ecclesiastical Prohibition of Books by Pernicone, Joseph M.
The Precensorship of Books: Canons 13841386, 13921394, 2318, 2 by Wiest, Donald H.
The Diocesan Chancellor by Prince, John Edward
Ultimate Praise Hits Songbook by Beattie, Jason
Christians & Jews--Faith to Faith: Tragic History, Promising Present, Fragile Future by Rudin, James
Walter Wink: Collected Readings by French, Henry F., Wink, Walter
Converge Bible Studies - Three Gifts, One Christ by Dawson, Katie
The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future by Berryman, Jerome W.
The Principles of Authentic Interpretation in Canon 17 of the Code of Canon Law by Schmidt, John Rogg
Secrets from Heaven: A Hidden Treasure by Mason, Oliver
Fast Answers: Fasting Plans for Specific Prayer Needs by Reyes, Beyr
Jonathan Edwards on Evangelism by Edwards, Jonathan
Bonhoeffer the Assassin?: Challenging the Myth, Recovering His Call to Peacemaking by Umbel, Daniel P., Nation, Mark Thiessen, Siegrist, Anthony G.
The Blood Covenant: The Story of God's Extraordinary Love for You by Price, Rob, Garlow, James L.
On Being a Pastor: Understanding Our Calling and Work by Begg, Alistair, Prime, Derek J.
S.W.A.A.T.: Soul Winning as a Team by Barker, Bob
Gospel-Centered Teaching: Showing Christ in All the Scripture by Wax, Trevin
The Annihilation of Hell by Ansell, Nik
Letters on the Fall of Constantinople by Isidore of Kiev
The Invalidating Effects of Force, Fear, and Fraud Upon the Canonical Novitiate by Brown, James Victor
The Laws of the State of New York Affecting Church Property by Murphy, Joseph P.
The Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith by Song, Raphael H.
Pope Urban II and Canon Law; 1960 by Gossman, Francis J.
The Search for a Theology of Childhood: Essays by Jerome W. Berryman from 1978-2009 by Berryman, Jerome
The Pillars of Zion Series - The First Pillar of Zion-The New and Everlasting Covenant (Book 2) by Barkdull, Larry
Julian of Norwich: Selections from Revelations of Divine Love--Annotated & Explained by
The Doctrine of Spiritual Perfection by Fields, Stephen Sj, Stolz, Anselm Osb
Explaining the Cross by Gordon, Bob
Reserved Cases According to the Code of Canon Law by Dargin, Edward
Excommunication, Its Nature, Historical Development and Effects by Hyland, Francis Edward
Force and Fear as Invalidating Marriage: The Element of Injustice by Chatham, Josiah G.
Dios nos habla a través de los sueños by Zandrino, Ricardo
The Other Journal: Marxism by
The Other Journal: Marxism by
Jesus Christ After Two Thousand Years: The Definitive Interpretation of His Personality by O'Hara, Frank
The Land of Christ by Katanacho, Yohanna
Bach Through the Year: The Church Music of Johann Sebastian Bach and Revised Common Lectionary by Setterlund, John S.
The Gods of the Nations by Block, Daniel I.
Kyrios Christos: A History of the Belief in Christ from the Beginnings of Christianity to Irenaeus by Bousset, Wilhelm
St. Joseph Weekday Missal, Volume I (Large Type Edition): Advent to Pentecost by Catholic Book Publishing & Icel
The Impediment of Abduction by Fair, Bartholomew Francis
The Examination of the Qualities of the Ordinand by Gallagher O. P., Thomas Raphael
The Interstices Required for the Promotion to Orders by Gannon, John Mark
Sustenance of Religious Houses of Regulars by Kowalski O. F. M., Romuald Eugene
Force and Fear in Relation to Delictual Imputability and Penal Responsibility by McCoy O. F. M., Alan Edward
The Matrimonial Impediment of Nonage by O'Dea, John C.
Reservation of Censures by Stadalnikas M. I. C., Casimir J.
Proof of the Reception of the Sacraments by Sullivan, Eugene H.
Constitutions for Diocesan Courts by Vaughan, William E.
The Right of Papal Legation by Paro, Gino
The Computation of Time in a Canonical Novitiate by Balzer C. P., Ralph F.
de Inquisitione Speciali (1945) by Dougherty, John W.
The Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church by Dziob, Michael W.
The Election of Bishops in the Letters of Pope Gregory the Great by Eidenschink O. S. B., John Albert
The Spiritual Prefect in Clerical Religious Houses of Study by Gill, Nicholas
The Renunciation of an Ecclesiastical Office by McDevitt, Gerald
The Free Conferral of Offices by Manning, Joseph
Comparative Law, Ecclesiastical and Civil, in Lithuanian Concordat by Prunskis, Joseph
Religious Who Are Known as Conversi by Brockhaus, Thomas a.
The AB Acatholicis Nati of Canon 1099, 2 by Boudreaux, Warren L.
Religious Superioresses by Bowe, Thomas J.
The Jurisdiction of the Latin Ordinaries Over Their Oriental Subjects by Diederichs, Michael F.
The Pastor of Burial by Hale, Joseph F.
The Mass and Holy Communion: Inter Ritual Law by Henry, Joseph a.
Dispensation from Private Vows by Lowry, James
Contracts Between Bishops and Religious Congregations by Lynch, Timothy
The Promulgation of Law by Lohmuller, Martin
The Privilege of the Canon by McGrath, James
Marriage Legislation for the Catholics of the Oriental Rites in the United States and Canada by Marbach, Joseph
The Recipient of First Holy Communion by Crotty, Matthew M.
The Quinquennial Faculties, Formula IV by Eagleton, George
The Collegiate Moral Person as Party Litigant by Kicullen, Thomas
Relations Canoniques Entre Le Missionaire Et Ses Superieurs (1947) by LaFontaine, Germain
The Master of Novices by Lover, James
The Septimae Manus Witness by McNicholas, Timothy
Obligations and Privileges of Religious Promoted to the Episcopal or Cardinalatial Dignities by Marositz, Joseph
Legislative Powers of the Provincial Council by Murphy, Francis
The Canon Law of Wills by Hannan, Jerome Daniel
Witnesses in Criminal Trials of Clerics by Hughes, James Austin
Canonical Provisions for Catechetical Instruction by Jansen, Raymond J.
The Administration of Temporal Goods in Religious Institutes by McManus, James Edward
The Extraordinary Absolution from Censures by Moriarity, Francis E.
The Canonical Erection of Parishes by Connolly, Nicholas P.
Canonical Elections by Parsons, Anscar (rev ).
The General Norms of Dispensation by Reilly, Edward M.
A Commentary on Canon 1125 by Burton, Francis James
Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209 by Miaskiewicz, Francis Sigismund
The Eucharistic Fast by Anglin, Thomas Francis
The Minister of Confirmation by Coleman, John Jerome
The Concept of Clerical Immunity by Downs, John Emmanuel
Extrajudicial Coercive Powers of Ecclesiastical Superiors by Esswein, Anthony Albert
Restitutio in Integrum (1941) by Feeney, Thomas John
Canonical Norms Governing the Deposition and Degradation of Clerics by Findlay, Stephen William (Rev ).
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